4 research outputs found

    Diseño de circuitos de iluminación domiciliar y circuitos de tomacorriente para viviendas unifamiliares de dos niveles con ejemplos prácticos

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    Desarrollar una guía básica sobre diseño de circuitos de iluminación domiciliar y circuitos de tomacorriente para viviendas unifamiliares, así determinar los tipos y características de conductores y materiales eléctricos que existen en el mercado para su utilización

    Relationship between PASE score with anthropometrics and cardiovascular variables associated to obesity in an older Mexican population

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    INTRODUCTION: Obesity in Older Adults (OA) increases the risk to acquire non-communicable diseases such as metabolic and cardiovascular diseases. Some reports indicate that sedentary habits or low physical activity is one of the main factor that induce obesity in elderly state. PURPOSE: Determine the relationship between the level of physical activity via Physical Activity Scale for the Elderly (PASE) test, anthropometric and cardiovascular variables associated to obesity in an older Mexican population. METHODS: Fourteen OA (63.4 ± 1.78 years) from Ensenada city, Baja California were recruited. The PASE was applied individually, in each participants was determined the waist circumference (WC) and body mass index (BMI). In the same sense, the Systolic Blood Pressure (SBP) and resting Heart Rate (HR) were evaluated. Spearman correlation test was employed to determine the relationship between variables. RESULTS: The PASE score was 10.58 ± 1.52. The WC was 87.72 ± 2.15 cm. The BMI showed by the participants was 27.3 ± 0.84 kg/m2. On the other hand, the SBP was 131.07 ± 4.38 mmHg. The HR was 72.07 ± 2.50 ppm. The PASE score does not showed statistical correlation with the BMI (r=0.34; p=0.22). In the same sense, there was not significate association between PASE and WC (r=-0.06; p=0.8). The HR showed negative correlation with the PASE (r=-0.45) however, this association was not significant (p=0.1). Finally, the PASE does not correlation with the SBP (r=0.13; p=0.65). CONCLUSION: The preliminary data showed that the PASE questionnaire cannot be used to predict the variables associated to obesity in older Mexican population

    Nuevos datos sobre la Edad del Hierro en Alto Duero: el castro de El Pico (Cabrejas del Pinar, Soria)

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    This work presents data collected in an archaeological survey from the hill-fort of El Pico (Cabrejas del Pinar, Soria). The aim of the investigation was to assess the preserved archeological record and to provide a well-defined chrono-cultural determination to the site, which traditionally has been related to the “Sorian Hillforts Culture” of the Early Iron Age. The documented evidence shows a discrepancy between archaeological data and absolute dates. That circumstance allows to us discuss and propose a new chrono-cultural definition to El Pico, that actually it is linked with that archaeological group of “Ancient Celtiberic” (7<sup>th</sup>-5<sup>th</sup> centuries b. C.). The data suggest new lines of analysis in a zone where there were two archaeological groups (the Sorian Hillforts and Ancient Celtiberian archaeological sites) tied to a poorly defined historical process of the emergence of state societies.<br><br>El trabajo presenta los datos derivados de una investigación arqueológica realizada en el castro de El Pico (Cabrejas del Pinar, Soria). El objetivo de la misma era valorar el registro arqueológico conservado y proporcionar una adscripción cronológica definida al yacimiento, que tradicionalmente se había vinculado a la “Cultura Castreña Soriana” de la Primera Edad del Hierro. Las nuevas evidencias han mostrado una discrepancia entre datos arqueológicos y fechas absolutas. La discusión al respecto ha permitido determinar una adscripción cronocultural diferente para El Pico, relacionándola con el grupo de manifestaciones arqueológicas que configuran el Celtibérico Antiguo (siglos VII-V a.C.). Los datos plantean nuevas vías de análisis en una zona donde confluyen dos conjuntos arqueológicos (los Castros Sorianos y las entidades arqueológicas del Celtibérico Antiguo) que se relacionan con un proceso histórico de transición hacia las sociedades estatales poco definido y escasamente tratado