569 research outputs found

    Faktor – Faktor Determinan Keputusan Nasabah Menjadi Debitur Kartu Kredit PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk

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    The purpose of research to be achieved is to determine what factors affect the decision of the customer to credit card debtors PT. Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. This research type is type of associative research by using data analysis factor analysis technique (Confirmatory Factor Analysis). Based on result of research indicate that there are 4 factors that determine customer to credit card debtors in PT. Bank BNI Tbk Manado. The first factor that determines the customer becomes credit card debtors in PT. Bank BNI Tbk Manado is a product benefit, the second factor that determines the customer to be a credit card in         PT. Bank BNI Tbk Manado is the perception of service, the third factor that determines the customer to credit card debtors in PT. Bank BNI Tbk Manado is a trust in a brand and the fourth factor that determines customers to credit card debtors in PT. Bank BNI Tbk Manado is the consumer's taste.Keywords: Bank marketing, service quality, customer satisfaction, image, customer loyalty, use decision

    El fordismo en la industria europea del automóvil y la SEAT (1950-1970)

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    A través del caso de la Seat, el artículo aborda la transferencia de los criterios de racionalización del trabajo en España entre 1950 y 1970. La continua puesta al día de la tecnología productiva, dictada por la Fiat, consintió a la Seat conseguir economías de escala y una buena posición entre las marcas europeas. Sin embargo, a finales de los sesenta la Seat sufrió los mismos problemas organizativos que la Fiat, empresa de la que dependía. Al cumplirse el dilema de la productividad, el sistema productivo se demostró excesivamente rígido frente a una demanda cada vez más diversificada. Además, el aumento de los ritmos y las díficiles condiciones de trabajo representaron no sólo las consecuencias de la organización fordista de la producción, sino también el caldo de cultivo de una conflictividad obrera que, junto con otros factores, contribuyó al retiro de la Seat por parte de la Fiat en 1980.This article deals with the transfer of the work rationalization criteria in Spain between 1950 and 1970, using the case of the company Seat. The continuous revision of the productive technology, imposed by Fiat, allowed Seat to achieve a large-scale economical activity and a good position in Europe. However, at the end of the sixties, Seat suffered the same organizational problems than Fiat, company from which it depended. In front of the productivity dilemma, the productive system became excessively rigid to face an increasingly diversified demand. In addition, the rise in the work pace and the difficult labour conditions lead not only to the consequences of the Ford system but also to the breeding ground for labour troubles that, together with other factors, contributed to the withdrawal of Seat by Fiat in 1980

    Electrochemistry of Dihalogenated Nicotonic Acids in Aqueous and Aprotic Media

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    The electrochemical reduction of several 2,5- and 5,6- dihalonicotinic acids have been studied in dimethyl sulfoxide as well as in aqueous buffers of different pH. The polarographic half-wave potentials for the reduction of these compounds in both media are reported here. The compounds appear to reduce at the carboxyl group. The presence of halogen atoms on the pyridine ring facilitates reduction

    Safety, quality, and processing of fruits and vegetables

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    Nowadays, one of the main objectives of the fruit and vegetable industry is to develop innovative novel products with high quality, safety, and optimal nutritional characteristics in order to respond with efficiency to the increasing consumer expectations. Various emerging, unconventional technologies (e.g., pulsed electric field, pulsed light, ultrasound, high pressure, and microwave drying) enable the processing of fruits and vegetables, increasing their stability while preserving their thermolabile nutrients, flavour, texture, and overall quality. Some of these technologies can also be used for waste and by-product valorisation. The application of fast noninvasive methods for process control is of great importance for the fruit and vegetable industry. The following Special Issue \u201cSafety, Quality, and Processing of Fruits and Vegetables\u201d consists of 11 papers, which provide a high-value contribution to the existing knowledge on safety aspects, quality evaluation, and emerging processing technologies for fruits and vegetables

    Safety, Quality and Processing of Fruits and Vegetables

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    Nowadays, one of the main objectives of the fruit and vegetable industry is to develop innovative novel products with high quality, safety, and optimal nutritional characteristics in order to respond, with efficiency, to increasing consumer expectations. Various unconventional technologies (e.g., pulsed electric field, pulsed light, ultrasound, high pressure, and microwave drying) have emerged and enable the processing of fruits and vegetables in a way that increases their stability while preserving their thermolabile nutrients, flavour, texture, and overall quality. Some of these technologies can also be used for waste and byproduct valorisation. The application of fast noninvasive methods for process control is of great importance for the fruit and vegetable industry. The following Special Issue “Safety, Quality, and Processing of Fruits and Vegetables” consists of 11 papers which represent a high-value contribution to the existing knowledge on safety aspects, quality evaluation, and emerging processing technologies for fruits and vegetables

    Storia della società anglo-romana per l'illuminazione di Roma col gas ed altri sistemi (1847-1929)

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    HISTORY OF THE SOCIETA' ANGLO-ROMANA PER L'ILLUMINAZIONE DI ROMA COL GAS ED ALTRI SISTEMI (1847-1929) This work reconstructs the evolution of the lighting of Rome from the middle of the XIX century to the twenties of the XX century, through the history of the Anglo-Roman Society for the lighting of Rome with gas and other systems. After the origination of the public and private gas lighting under the pope Pio IX, it continues with the analysis of the fifteen years preceding the proclamation of Rome as the capital of the Italian State, which is a key point in the history of the gas lighting and of the firm itself. During this period the company sets the ground of its natural and institutional monopoly, but struggles to put into practice the principle of subsidiarity between public and private consumption, in the context of a peripheral and underdeveloped country such as that of the pontifical State. In the seventies, and even more in the following decade, the success of the Anglo-Roman company depends, in addition to being a monopoly, on its capabilities to keep up with the technological developments and to identify the business strategies better suited for its own scope. Furthermore the company is able to position itself in a complex network of relationships involving both the northern and papal financial systems. These factors are effective in avoiding that other competitors in the sector enter the lighting market in the capital of this young state, at least until the end of the first decade of the XX century. An exceptional case in Italy, the company dedicated to the gas distribution diversifies its activity starting, from the eighties of the XIX century, the production of electricity, taking advantage from the beginning of the opportunities linked to the hydroelectric exploitation of the Aniene and the Nera-Velino rivers. This is followed by a further diversification of the supply, that reserves the gas for the public lighting of Rome and uses the electricity for the private sector as well as for the traction of the first urban and out-of-town transport systems, and to power the nascent urban industry. The first decade of the XX century is also the period in which the Nathan administration tries, unsuccessfully, to break the monopoly of the company through the creation of the Azienda Elettrica Municipale. After analyzing the environmental problems in the Ostiense area related to the thermoelectric power plants of the municipality of Rome and of the Anglo-Roman Society, the work continues in chronological order to the twenties. In this period the firm enters the financial group La Centrale, supported by the bank Credito Italiano, in the context of the oligarchy of the electric sector of those years, and creates the Consorzio Idroelettrico dell'Aniene, through which it effects its asymmetrical duopoly with the town hall administration. Also at the end of the decade the production of gas by the company, with which the company had started seventy five years earlier, finishes

    Qualitative, Metabolic and Nutritional Aspects of Traditional and Innovative Minimally Processed Fruit

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    Minimally processed fruit (MPF) are products that have to maintain their quality similar to those of fresh ones. Being metabolic active tissues, they show physical and physiological response to minimal processing (wounding), that negatively influence their shelf-life. In the last decades, novel non-thermal processing methods have attracted the interest of food scientists, industries and consumers as technologies useful for shelf-life extension or increasing product functionality, with a minimal impact on the nutritional and sensory properties of foods. The main aim of this PhD thesis was to investigate qualitative, metabolic and nutritional aspects of different MPF, submitted to traditional and innovative non-thermal processes. This issue was addressed considering the product as a dynamic system, both in terms of endogenous physiological activity and porous matrix interacting with the surrounding ambient (during processing and storage), through the application of multi-analytical approach. The most consistent results related to the applied non-thermal techniques confirmed their different potentiality in the optic of processing and product innovation, but the need of their modulation in relation to the different raw material susceptibility to degradation and final product target. Cold plasma treatment effects on fresh-cut fruit, characterized by different kind of stability criticisms, resulted mainly bound to the inactivation of degradative enzymes and microbial cells, without evidencing functional modifications in the final products. The study of osmotic dehydration and vacuum impregnation highlighted as these techniques can be successfully applied for cold formulation/enrichment of MPF, but also the necessity to carefully account for the metabolic and structural modifications induced by the processing on the vegetable tissues. An induction of metabolic stress response was also evidenced as a consequence of pulsed electric fields treatment related to electric field strength. Below the threshold limit of irreversible damages to cell membranes, the treatment promoted only slight and reversible modifications of the metabolic profiles


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    Penyakit jantung koroner (PJK) merupakan salah satu penyebab kematian di dunia, yang paling banyak ditemukan pada negara berkembang dengan pendapatan menengah kebawah, salah satunya adalah Indonesia. PJK adalah gangguan fungsi jantung akibat otot jantung kekurangan darah karena adanya penyempitan pembuluh darah koroner. Terjadinya penyempitan pembuluh darah penyebab PJK dapat dipicu karena adanya beberapa faktor resiko, seperti aktivitas fisik dan riwayat keluarga seseorang. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan antara antivitas fisik dan riwayat keluarga dengan kejadian PJK di BLU RSUP Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Manado. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian case control study dengan metode pengambilan sampel purposive sampling. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan sejak bulan Agustus s/d September 2018 di BLU RSUP Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Manado, dengan wawancara terhadap 96 total responden menggunakan kuesioner. Berdasarkan hasil uji statistik chi-square dan dengan perhitungan Odds Ratio (OR) maka, terdapat hubungan antara aktivitas fisik dengan kejadian PJK di BLU RSUP Prof. dr. R. D. Kandou Manado dimana responden yang memiliki aktivitas fisik yang tidak baik lebih berisiko 4,4 kali dibandingkan yang memiliki aktivitas fisik yang baik dengan nilai p= 0,001 0,005 (OR 1,889 dengan 95% CI: 0,812-4,394).Kata kunci : Penyakit Jantung Koroner, Aktivitas Fisik, Riwayat KeluargaABSTRACTOne of the causes of death in the world is Coronary Heart Disease (CHD), which is most commonly found in developing countries with lower middle income, which one is Indonesia. CHD is a dysfunction of the heart due to a lack of blood in the heart muscle due to narrowing of the coronary arteries. The occurrence of narrowing of the arteries causing CHD can be triggered due to several risk factors, such as physical activity and a person's family history. The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between physical activity and family history with the incidence of CHD in BLU RSUP Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Manado. This study uses a case control study research design with purposive sampling method. This research was conducted from August to September 2018 at Prof. RSU BLU Dr. R. D. Kandou Manado, with an interview of 96 total respondents using a questionnaire. Based on the results of chi-square statistical test and with the calculation of Odds Ratio (OR), there is a correlation between physical activity with the incidence of CHD in Prof. RSU BLU dr. R. D. Kandou Manado where respondents who have not good physical activity are 4.4 times more at risk than those who have good physical activity with p value = 0.001 0.005 (OR 1.889 with 95% CI: 0.812-4.393).Keywords: Coronary Heart Disease, Physical Activity, Family History

    On the environmental impacts of voluntary animal-based policies in the EU: Technical and political considerations

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    The livestock sector has a large influence on direct and indirect (via land use change) greenhouse gas emissions, with potential negative impacts on climate change. We quantify the environmental impacts related to the introduction of a voluntary animal-based policy supported by the European Union (EU), the Measure 14 of Rural Development Programmes 2014–2020 on animal welfare. In particular, we focus on methane and nitrous oxide emissions (direct impacts), and on carbon-based and nitrous oxide emissions from land use change (indirect impacts). Our case study is the dairy sector of the EU Member States. We found that the animal-based measures have (on average) limited environmental impacts, although marked differences exist across Member States