5,019 research outputs found

    Determina??o multirres?duos de agrot?xicos em ?guas de po?os de capta??o utilizados para o consumo humano na zona rural de Cerro Largo (RS)

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    Nowadays, several researchers have been warning about the problems caused by the use of agrochemicals in Brazil and worldwide. However, the usage of these compounds are increasing in order to control the integrity of plantations. In this context, the objective of this work is to evaluate the presence of pesticides by liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry in rural water supply wells in Cerro Largo state of Rio Grande do Sul. Samples from twelve artesian wells were analyzed and the water quality was evaluated by considering the following physical-chemical parameters: absorbance (? - 254 nm), electrical conductivity (mg L-1), apparent color (uH), dissolved oxygen (mg L-1), pH, sedimentable solids (mg L-1), temperature (?C) and turbidity (uT). The results obtained were compared to a regulatory system, Portaria da Consolida??o (PRC) No 5/2017 in Ministry of Health (MS). Four collections were carried out, one in each season of the year, the physical-chemical parameters were analyzed followed by analysis in two detection wells and quantification of the presence of pesticides. The agrochemicals monitored in water samples using CLAF-EM were: Atrazine, Azoxystrobin, Cyproconazole, Clomazone, Diphenoconazole, Epoxiconazole, Fipronil, Imazapyr, Malathion, Metsulfuron-methyl, Penoxsulam, Pyraclostrobin, Pirimicarb, Profenofos, Propanil, Propiconazole, Simazine and Tiabendazole. Concentrations varied between 0.013 to 8.864 ?g L-1. The agrochemicals detected in well 1 in summer season were: Azoxystrobin (0.030 ?g L-1), Fipronil (0.211 ?g L-1), Metsulfuron-methyl (0.374 ?g L- 1), Penoxsulam (1.729 ?g L-1), Profenofos ( 1.958 ?g L-1) and Propanil (8.864 ?g L-1); in fall season: Atrazine (0.040 ?g L-1), Azoxystrobin (0.396 ?g L-1), Penoxsulam (0.648 ?g L-1) and Propanil (0.881 ?g L-1); in winter season: Metsulfuron-methyl (0.557 ?g L-1) and Propanil (1.602 ?g L-1); and in spring season: Atrazine (0.050 ?g L-1), Azoxystrobin (0.170 ?g L- 1), Fipronil (0.085 ?g L- 1), Penoxsulam (0.866 ?g L-1) and Propanil (0.679 ?g L-1). The substances found in well 2 during summer were: Cyproconazole (0.110 ?g L-1), Epoxiconazole (0.006 ?g L-1), Malathion (0.649 ?g L- 1), Penoxsulam (0.374 ?g L-1) and Pyraclostrobin (0.157 ?g L-1); in fall season: Atrazine (0.031 ?g L-1), Azoxystrobin (0.143 ?g L-1), Fipronil (0.085 ?g L-1), Metsulfuron-methyl (0.150 ?g L-1) and Penoxsulam (0.063 ?g L-1); in winter: Atrazine (0.015 ?g L-1), Azoxystrobin (0.068 ?g L- 1), Fipronil (0.085 ?g L-1), Imazapyr (0.027 ?g L-1) and Penoxsulam (0.063 ?g L-1); and in spring: Azoxystrobin (0.170 ?g L-1), Diphenoconazole (0.029 ?g L-1), Fipronil (0.085 ?g L- 1) and Penoxsulam (1.231 ?g L-1). Even though detected, the quantities of agrochemicals did not surpassed the regulatory system stablished in PRC N? 5/2017.Hoje em dia, diversos pesquisadores v?m alertando sobre os problemas causados pelo uso de agrot?xicos no Brasil e no mundo. No entanto, cada vez mais estes compostos s?o utilizados para o controle da integridade das planta??es, sendo assim o objetivo do trabalho ? avaliar a presen?a de agrot?xico por cromatografia l?quida acoplada ? espectrometria de massas em po?os de abastecimento de ?gua rural, no munic?pio de Cerro Largo no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Foram analisados amostras de ?gua de doze po?os artesianos que s?o utilizados para o abastecimento p?blico, e avaliado a qualidade da ?gua em rela??o aos par?metros f?sico-qu?micos: absorv?ncia (? - 254 nm), condutividade el?trica (?S cm-1), cor aparente (uH), oxig?nio dissolvido (mg L-1), pH, s?lidos sediment?veis (mg L-1), temperatura (?C) e turbidez (uT), realizado a compara??o entre os resultados obtidos e os valores estabelecidos na Portaria de Consolida??o (PRC) N? 5/2017 do Minist?rio da Sa?de (MS). Foram realizadas quatro coletas, um em cada esta??o do ano, analisou-se os par?metros f?sico-qu?micos seguido de an?lise em dois po?os de detec??o e quantifica??o da presen?a dos agrot?xicos. Para tanto foram monitorados 18 agrot?xicos: Atrazina, Azoxistrobina, Ciproconazol, Clomazona, Difenoconazol, Epoxiconazol, Fipronil, Imazepir, Malationa, Metsulfuron- metilico, Penoxsulam, Pirasclostrobina, Pirimicarbe, Profenofos, Propanil, Propiconazol, Simazina e Tiabendazol em amostra de ?guas, por meio de (CLAF-EM). Com concentra??es que variaram de 0,013 a 8,864 ?g L-1. Em rela??o aos agrot?xicos identificou-se a presen?a no po?o 1 de Azoxistrobina (0,030 ?g L-1), Fipronil (0,211 ?g L-1), Metsulfurin-metilico (0,374 ?g L-1), Penoxsulam (1,729 ?g L-1), Profenofos ( 1,958 ?g L-1), Propanil (8,864 ?g L-1) referente a esta??o do ver?o, Atrazina (0,040 ?g L-1), Azoxistrobina (0,396 ?g L-1), Penoxsulam (0,648 ?g L-1), Propanil (0,881 ?g L-1) referente a esta??o do outono, Metsulfuron-metilico (0,557 ?g L-1), Propanil (1,602 ?g L-1) referente a esta??o do inverno, Atrazina (0,050 ?g L-1), Azoxistrona (0,170 ?g L-1), Fipronil (0,085 ?g L-1), Penoxsulam (0,866 ?g L-1), Propanil (0,679 ?g L-1) referente a esta??o da primavera. No po?o 2 Ciproconazol (0,110 ?g L-1), Epoxiconazol (0,006 ?g L-1), Malationa (0,649 ?g L-1), Penoxsulam (0,374 ?g L-1), Piraclostrobina (0,157 ?g L-1) referente a esta??o do ver?o, Atrazina (0,031 ?g L-1), Azoxistrobina (0,143 ?g L-1), Fipronil (0,085 ?g L-1), Metsulfuron-metilico (0,150 ?g L-1), Penoxsulam (0,063 ?g L-1), referente a esta??o do outono, Atrazina (0,015 ?g L-1), Azoxistrobina (0,068 ?g L-1), Fipronil (0,085 ?g L-1), Imazepir (0,027 ?g L-1), Penoxsulam (0,063 ?g L-1) referente a esta??o do inverno, Azoxistrona (0,170 ?g L-1), Difenoconazol (0,029 ?g L-1), Fipronil (0,085 ?g L-1), Penoxsulam (1,231 ?g L-1). A avalia??o da contamina??o por agrot?xicos nos po?os de abastecimentos escolhidos ? um trabalho pioneiro, visto que n?o h? na regi?o dados de monitoramentos dispon?veis at? o presente momento. Embora presentes nenhum dos agrot?xicos apresentou concentra??o acima do limite m?ximo estabelecido na PRC N? 5/2017 do MS

    Understanding drought dynamics during dry season in Eastern Northeast Brazil

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    Eastern Northeast Brazil (ENEB) generally experiences a high variability in precipitation in the dry season, with amplitudes that can overcome 500mm. The understanding of this variability can help in mitigating the socio-economic issues related to the planning and management of water resources this region, which is highly vulnerable to drought. This work aims to assess spatio-temporal variability of precipitation during the dry season and investigate the relationships between climate phenomena and drought events in the ENEB, using univariate (Spearman correlation) and multivariate statistical techniques, such as Principal Component Analysis, Cluster Analysis, and Maximum Covariance Analysis. The results indicate that the variability of precipitation in the dry season can be explained mainly (62%) by local physical conditions and climate conditions have a secondary contribution. Further analysis of the larger anomalous events suggests that the state of Atlantic and Pacific oceans can govern the occurrence of those events, and the conditions of Atlantic Ocean can be considered a potential modulator of anomalous phenomena of precipitation in ENEB

    Perfil de estudantes de Enfermagem e suas percep??es sobre o uso de metodologias ativas em seu processo formativo

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    Diante das transforma??es na sociedade contempor?nea, especialmente, no que tange a evolu??o tecnol?gica e ao volume crescente de informa??es, as discuss?es acerca dos processos de ensino e aprendizagem na forma??o dos profissionais de sa?de, t?m sido ampliadas. Em um cen?rio, em que o perfil do estudante e a realidade educacional mudaram, h? novas expectativas de desempenho para estes profissionais. A Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educa??o Nacional e as Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais para os cursos da sa?de apontam para a necessidade de um ensino cr?tico-reflexivo e implementa??o de estrat?gias metodol?gicas que estimulem o estudante a refletir sobre a realidade social e aprenda a aprender. Neste contexto, v?rios estudos t?m discutido sobre o uso das metodologias ativas no ?mbito da forma??o profissional em sa?de. Diante do exposto, o objetivo do presente estudo ? descrever o perfil dos estudantes de Enfermagem da Faculdade Vale do Gorutuba e suas percep??es sobre o uso de metodologias ativas em seu processo formativo. Esta institui??o de ensino superior localiza-se no munic?pio de Nova Porteirinha, no Norte de Minas Gerais. Trata-se de uma pesquisa explorat?ria, descritiva e de abordagem quantitativa, na qual os dados foram coletados a partir da aplica??o de um question?rio estruturado, com aux?lio de uma ferramenta online. Responderam ao question?rio 111 estudantes que atenderam aos crit?rios de inclus?o e consentiram sua participa??o por meio do Termo de Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido. A an?lise e interpreta??o dos dados foram realizadas com o aux?lio do aplicativo de inform?tica Excel 2010 e posterior articula??o com a literatura consultada. Os resultados demonstram uma popula??o predominantemente constitu?da por jovens do sexo feminino, solteiros, trabalhadores, com renda familiar de at? tr?s sal?rios m?nimos, oriundos de escola p?blica e residentes no mun?cipio de Jana?ba. Observou-se uma percep??o positiva em rela??o ao uso das metodologias ativas, o que desmistifica a ideia de que os estudantes tenham resist?ncia ao uso de novas metodologias. As metodologias ativas t?m demonstrado contribuir para a inova??o no ensino em sa?de e para a forma??o de profissionais com o perfil delineado pelas Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais. No entanto, sua ado??o consiste ainda em um desafio que envolve o enfrentamento de obst?culos que v?o desde aspectos estruturais at? concep??es pedag?gicas. ? poss?vel sugerir que o conjunto de informa??es aqui apresentado possa subsidiar algumas reflex?es e decis?es institucionais. Por fim, salienta-se que o uso das metodologias ativas n?o excluem as contribui??es da metodologia tradicional.Disserta??o (Mestrado) ? Programa de P?s-gradua??o em Ensino em Sa?de, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, 2019.Faced with transformations in contemporary society, in particular, technological learning and the increasing volume of information, such as actions on teaching and learning processes in the training of health professionals, have been expanded. On a basis in which the student profile and educational reality have changed, there are new expectations of performance for these professionals. The National Education Guidelines and Bases Law and the National Curricular Guidelines for Health Courses indicate the need for critical-reflexive education and the implementation of practices that stimulate the student about the social reality and learn to learn. In this context, several studies have been discussed on the use of active methodologies in the field of professional training in health. In view of the above, the objective of the present study is to describe the profile of Nursing students of the Gorutuba Valley College and their perceptions about the use of active methodologies in their training process. This institution of higher education is located in the municipality of Nova Porteirinha, in the North of Minas Gerais. It is an exploratory, descriptive and quantitative approach, in which the data were collected through the application of a structured questionnaire, with the aid of an online tool. A total of 111 students who met the inclusion criteria and consented to participate were informed of the questionnaire by means of the Informed Consent Term. The analysis and interpretation of the data were carried out with the aid of Excel 2010 computer application and later articulation with the consulted literature. The results show a predominantly female population, single, employed, with a family income of up to three minimum wages, from a public school and residents of the municipality of Jana?ba. A positive perception was observed regarding the use of active methodologies, which demystifies the idea that students are resistant to the use of new methodologies. The active methodologies have been shown to contribute to innovation in health education and to the training of professionals with the profile outlined in the National Curricular Guidelines. However, its adoption is still a challenge that involves tackling obstacles ranging from structural aspects to pedagogical concepts. It is possible to suggest that the set of information presented here may support some reflections and institutional decisions. Finally, it is pointed out that the use of active methodologies does not exclude the contributions of the traditional methodology.Ante las transformaciones en la sociedad contempor?nea, especialmente, en lo que se refiere a la evoluci?n tecnol?gica y al volumen creciente de informaciones, las discusiones sobre los procesos de ense?anza y aprendizaje en la formaci?n de los profesionales de salud, han sido ampliadas. En un escenario, en el que el perfil del estudiante y la realidad educativa han cambiado, hay nuevas expectativas de desempe?o para estos profesionales. La Ley de Directrices y Bases de la Educaci?n Nacional y las Directrices Curriculares Nacionales para los cursos de salud apuntan a la necesidad de una ense?anza cr?tico-reflexiva e implementaci?n de estrategias metodol?gicas que estimulen al estudiante a reflexionar sobre la realidad social y aprenda a aprender. En este contexto, varios estudios han discutido sobre el uso de las metodolog?as activas en el ?mbito de la formaci?n profesional en salud. Ante el expuesto, el objetivo del presente estudio es describir el perfil de los estudiantes de Enfermer?a de la Facultad Vale do Gorutuba y sus percepciones sobre el uso de metodolog?as activas en su proceso formativo. Esta instituci?n de ense?anza superior se ubica en el municipio de Nova Porteirinha, en el Norte de Minas Gerais. Se trata de una investigaci?n exploratoria, descriptiva y de abordaje cuantitativo, en la cual los datos fueron recolectados a partir de la aplicaci?n de un cuestionario estructurado, con ayuda de una herramienta online. Respondieron al cuestionario 111 estudiantes que atendieron a los criterios de inclusi?n y accedieron a su participaci?n por medio del T?rmino de Consentimiento Libre y Esclarecido. El an?lisis e interpretaci?n de los datos fue realizado con la ayuda de la aplicaci?n de inform?tica Excel 2010 y posterior articulaci?n con la literatura consultada. Los resultados demuestran una poblaci?n predominantemente constituida por j?venes del sexo femenino, solteros, trabajadores, con renta familiar de hasta tres salarios m?nimos, oriundos de escuela p?blica y residentes en el municipio de Jana?ba. Se observ? una percepci?n positiva en relaci?n al uso de las metodolog?as activas, lo que desmitifica la idea de que los estudiantes tengan resistencia al uso de nuevas metodolog?as. Las metodolog?as activas han demostrado contribuir a la innovaci?n en la ense?anza en salud y la formaci?n de profesionales con el perfil delineado por las Directrices Curriculares Nacionales. Sin embargo, su adopci?n consiste en un desaf?o que involucra el enfrentamiento de obst?culos que van desde aspectos estructurales hasta concepciones pedag?gicas. Es posible sugerir que el conjunto de informaciones aqu? presentado pueda subsidiar algunas reflexiones y decisiones institucionales. Por ?ltimo, se subraya que el uso de las metodolog?as activas no excluye las contribuciones de la metodolog?a tradicional

    UV-Vis spectrophotometry and chemometrics as tools for recognition of the biochemical profiles of organic banana peels (Musa sp.) according to the seasonality in southern Brazil

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    Banana (Musa sp.) has received wide interest in popular and scientific medicine because of its rich composition in bioactive metabolites, e.g., phenolic compounds, found in interesting concentrations in its peel. Banana peel is a residue that is under-exploited by the industry. Thus, with the intention to give a destination to this by-product towards health care or cosmetics industries, we evaluated its aqueous extract (AE) as a source of bioactive phenolic compounds, aiming at to apply them in future studies of biological activities. For that, in this study samples of banana peels were chemically profiled throughout the year to identify the best harvest time of those biomasses regarding their phenolic composition. In this sense, we used additional information on the chemical heterogeneity of the samples determined by the seasoning, through a set of analytical and climatic data to elaborate chemometric models, supported by bioinformatics tools. Through PCA and HCA analyzes, it was detected that low temperatures; normally observed in winter; strongly modulate the banana metabolism, leading to increased amounts of phenolic compounds, and improving the antioxidant activity of the banana peel AE. The samples collected during the months of winter showed a similar profile and a relatively high concentration of phenolic compounds with potential for future studies of biological activities.CAPES -Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior(407323/2013-9)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Integrated graphene patch antenna for communications at THz frequencies

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    Graphene is an attractive material for communications in the THz range due to its ability to support surface plasmon polaritons. This enables a graphene antenna to be smaller in size than its metallic counterpart. In addition, the possibility to control the graphene conductivity during operation by an applied bias leads to the tunability of the resonant frequency of graphene antennas. Graphene-based antennas integrated into transceivers working at THz frequencies may lead to faster and more efficient devices. In this work, we design and simulate a graphene patch antenna that can be integrated into transceivers by through-substrate vias. The tuning of the resonant frequency is also studied by simulations.This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement N° 863337.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Graphene-based wireless agile interconnects for massive heterogeneous multi-chip processors

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    The main design principles in computer architecture have recently shifted from a monolithic scaling-driven approach to the development of heterogeneous architectures that tightly co-integrate multiple specialized processor and memory chiplets. In such data-hungry multi-chip architectures, current Networks-in-Package (NiPs) may not be enough to cater to their heterogeneous and fast-changing communication demands. This position article makes the case for wireless in-package networking as the enabler of efficient and versatile wired-wireless interconnect fabrics for massive heterogeneous processors. To that end, the use of graphene-based antennas and transceivers with unique frequency-beam reconfigurability in the terahertz band is proposed. The feasibility of such a wireless vision and the main research challenges toward its realization are analyzed from the technological, communications, and computer architecture perspectives.This publication is part of the Spanish I+D+i project TRAINER-A (ref. PID2020-118011GB-C21), funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033. This work has been also supported by the European Commission under H2020 grants WiPLASH (GA 863337), 2D-EPL (GA 952792), and Graphene Flagship (GA 881603); the FLAGERA framework under grant TUGRACO (HA 3022/9-1, LE 2440/3-1), the European Research Council under grants WINC (GA 101042080), COMPUSAPIEN (GA 725657), and PROJESTOR (GA 682675), the German Ministry of Education and Research under grant GIMMIK (03XP0210) and the and the German Research Foundation under grant HIPEDI (WA 4139/1-1).Peer ReviewedArticle signat per 21 autors/es: Sergi Abadal, Robert Guirado, Hamidreza Taghvaee, and Akshay Jain are with the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain; Elana Pereira de Santana and Peter Haring Bolívar are with the University of Siegen, Germany; Mohamed Saeed, Renato Negra, Kun-Ta Wang, and Max C. Lemme are with RWTH Aachen University, Germany. Zhenxing Wang, Kun-Ta Wang, and Max C. Lemme are also with AMO GmbH, Germany; Joshua Klein, Marina Zapater, Alexandre Levisse, and David Atienza are with the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Switzerland. Marina Zapater is also with the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland; Davide Rossi and Francesco Conti are with the University of Bologna,Italy; Martino Dazzi, Geethan Karunaratne, Irem Boybat, and Abu Sebastian are with IBM Research Europe, SwitzerlandPostprint (author's final draft

    Challenges in monitoring and managing engineered slopes in a changing climate

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    Geotechnical asset owners need to know which parts of their asset network are vulnerable to climate change induced failure in order to optimise future investment. Protecting these vulnerable slopes requires monitoring systems capable of identifying and alerting to asset operators changes in the internal conditions that precede failure. Current monitoring systems are heavily reliant on point sensors which can be difficult to interpret across slope scale. This paper presents challenges to producing such a system and research being carried out to address some of these using electrical resistance tomography (ERT). Experimental results show that whilst it is possible to measure soil water content indirectly via resistivity the relationship between resistivity and water content will change over time for a given slope. If geotechnical parameters such as pore water pressure are to be estimated using this method then ERT systems will require integrating with more conventional geotechnical instrumentation to ensure correct representative information is provided. The paper also presents examples of how such data can be processed and communicated to asset owners for the purposes of asset management

    Prior Mating Experience Modulates the Dispersal of Drosophila in Males More Than in Females

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    Cues from both an animal’s internal physiological state and its local environment may influence its decision to disperse. However, identifying and quantifying the causative factors underlying the initiation of dispersal is difficult in uncontrolled natural settings. In this study, we automatically monitored the movement of fruit flies and examined the influence of food availability, sex, and reproductive status on their dispersal between laboratory environments. In general, flies with mating experience behave as if they are hungrier than virgin flies, leaving at a greater rate when food is unavailable and staying longer when it is available. Males dispersed at a higher rate and were more active than females when food was unavailable, but tended to stay longer in environments containing food than did females. We found no significant relationship between weight and activity, suggesting the behavioral differences between males and females are caused by an intrinsic factor relating to the sex of a fly and not simply its body size. Finally, we observed a significant difference between the dispersal of the natural isolate used throughout this study and the widely-used laboratory strain, Canton-S, and show that the difference cannot be explained by allelic differences in the foraging gene

    Network Archaeology: Uncovering Ancient Networks from Present-day Interactions

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    Often questions arise about old or extinct networks. What proteins interacted in a long-extinct ancestor species of yeast? Who were the central players in the Last.fm social network 3 years ago? Our ability to answer such questions has been limited by the unavailability of past versions of networks. To overcome these limitations, we propose several algorithms for reconstructing a network's history of growth given only the network as it exists today and a generative model by which the network is believed to have evolved. Our likelihood-based method finds a probable previous state of the network by reversing the forward growth model. This approach retains node identities so that the history of individual nodes can be tracked. We apply these algorithms to uncover older, non-extant biological and social networks believed to have grown via several models, including duplication-mutation with complementarity, forest fire, and preferential attachment. Through experiments on both synthetic and real-world data, we find that our algorithms can estimate node arrival times, identify anchor nodes from which new nodes copy links, and can reveal significant features of networks that have long since disappeared.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figure