6,164 research outputs found

    Picking out polymorphs: H-bond prediction and crystal structure stability

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    A methodology has been developed to predict the propensity for hydrogen bonds to form in crystal structures, treating each potential H-bond as a binary response variable, and modelling its likelihood using a set of relevant chemical descriptors [1]. Modelling is tailored to a target using chemically similar known structures, from e.g. the Cambridge Structural Database [2], making it accessible to the complete spectrum of organic structures, including solvates, hydrates and cocrystals. Recent work has developed the approach to predicting interand intramolecular H-bonds when either type can occur. By way of a comparison between possible and observed H-bonds, the method has been applied to assess structural stability, which shows much promise in the domain of polymorph screening in the pharmaceutical industry. We will introduce the methodology and illustrate its application using a selection of pharmaceutical compounds, one of which will be Abbott’s wellpublicised anti-HIV medication ritonavir (Norvir™). Owing to a hidden, more stable form II with much lower bioavailability, ritonavir was temporarily withdrawn from the market with significant financial impact [3]. Our method quickly suggests a real threat of polymorphism in this compound, and strongly supports the relative stability of form II over form I. For all examples, the high predictivity of the method is emphasised

    Compositionality for Quantitative Specifications

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    We provide a framework for compositional and iterative design and verification of systems with quantitative information, such as rewards, time or energy. It is based on disjunctive modal transition systems where we allow actions to bear various types of quantitative information. Throughout the design process the actions can be further refined and the information made more precise. We show how to compute the results of standard operations on the systems, including the quotient (residual), which has not been previously considered for quantitative non-deterministic systems. Our quantitative framework has close connections to the modal nu-calculus and is compositional with respect to general notions of distances between systems and the standard operations

    Methyl (2′S,3′S)-3,4-O-(2′,3′-dimethoxy­butane-2′,3′-di­yl)-α-l-rhamnopyran­oside: a glycosyl acceptor

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    The title compound, C13H24O7, is the product of the ketalization of methyl l-(+)-rhamnopyran­oside with 2,3-butane­dione. It crystallizes with two mol­ecules in the asymmetric unit, which are connected by O—H⋯O hydrogen bonds. The C-3,4 diequatorial hydroxy groups of the methyl l-(+)-rhamnopyran­oside were protected, leaving the C-2 hydroxy group free. The l-(+)-rhamnopyran­oside and 2′,3′-dimethoxy­butane-2′,3′-diyl rings adopt chair conformations and all meth­oxy groups are in axial positions. The absolute configuration was assumed from the synthesis

    ψ(3770)\psi(3770) and BB meson exclusive decay Bψ(3770)KB \to \psi(3770) K in QCD factorization

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    Belle has observed surprisingly copious production of ψ(3770)\psi(3770) in BB meson decay Bψ(3770)KB\to \psi(3770)K, of which the rate is comparable to that of Bψ(3686)KB\to \psi(3686)K. We study this puzzling process in the QCD factorization approach with the effect of S-D mixing considered. We find that the soft scattering effects in the spectator interactions play an essential role. With a proper parametrization for the higher twist soft end-point singularities associated with kaon, and with the S-D mixing angle θ=12\theta=-12^{\circ}, the calculated decay rates can be close to the data. Implications of these soft spectator effects to other charmonium production in BB exclusive decays are also emphasized.Comment: journal versio

    Yang-Mills instantons and dyons on homogeneous G_2-manifolds

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    We consider Lie G-valued Yang-Mills fields on the space R x G/H, where G/H is a compact nearly K"ahler six-dimensional homogeneous space, and the manifold R x G/H carries a G_2-structure. After imposing a general G-invariance condition, Yang-Mills theory with torsion on R x G/H is reduced to Newtonian mechanics of a particle moving in R^6, R^4 or R^2 under the influence of an inverted double-well-type potential for the cases G/H = SU(3)/U(1)xU(1), Sp(2)/Sp(1)xU(1) or G_2/SU(3), respectively. We analyze all critical points and present analytical and numerical kink- and bounce-type solutions, which yield G-invariant instanton configurations on those cosets. Periodic solutions on S^1 x G/H and dyons on iR x G/H are also given.Comment: 1+26 pages, 14 figures, 6 miniplot

    Parallelization of Kinetic Theory Simulations

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    Numerical studies of shock waves in large scale systems via kinetic simulations with millions of particles are too computationally demanding to be processed in serial. In this work we focus on optimizing the parallel performance of a kinetic Monte Carlo code for astrophysical simulations such as core-collapse supernovae. Our goal is to attain a flexible program that scales well with the architecture of modern supercomputers. This approach requires a hybrid model of programming that combines a message passing interface (MPI) with a multithreading model (OpenMP) in C++. We report on our approach to implement the hybrid design into the kinetic code and show first results which demonstrate a significant gain in performance when many processors are applied.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, conference proceeding

    Contact Manifolds, Contact Instantons, and Twistor Geometry

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    Recently, Kallen and Zabzine computed the partition function of a twisted supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory on the five-dimensional sphere using localisation techniques. Key to their construction is a five-dimensional generalisation of the instanton equation to which they refer as the contact instanton equation. Subject of this article is the twistor construction of this equation when formulated on K-contact manifolds and the discussion of its integrability properties. We also present certain extensions to higher dimensions and supersymmetric generalisations.Comment: v3: 28 pages, clarifications and references added, version to appear in JHE

    Preliminary Limits on the WIMP-Nucleon Cross Section from the Cryogenic Dark Matter Search (CDMS)

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    We are conducting an experiment to search for WIMPs, or weakly-interacting massive particles, in the galactic halo using terrestrial detectors. This generic class of hypothetical particles, whose properties are similar to those predicted by extensions of the standard model of particle physics, could comprise the cold component of non-baryonic dark matter. We describe our experiment, which is based on cooled germanium and silicon detectors in a shielded low-background cryostat. The detectors achieve a high degree of background rejection through the simultaneous measurement of the energy in phonons and ionization. Using exposures on the order of one kilogram-day from initial runs of our experiment, we have achieved (preliminary) upper limits on the WIMP-nucleon cross section that are comparable to much longer runs of other experiments.Comment: 5 LaTex pages, 5 eps figs, epsf.sty, espcrc2dsa2.sty. Proceedings of TAUP97, Gran Sasso, Italy, 7-11 Sep 1997, Nucl. Phys. Suppl., A. Bottino, A. di Credico and P. Monacelli (eds.). See also http://cfpa.berkeley.ed


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    We introduce the monitoring of trace properties under assumptions. An assumption limits the space of possible traces that the monitor may encounter. An assumption may result from knowledge about the system that is being monitored, about the environment, or about another, connected monitor. We define monitorability under assumptions and study its theoretical properties. In particular, we show that for every assumption A, the boolean combinations of properties that are safe or co-safe relative to A are monitorable under A. We give several examples and constructions on how an assumption can make a non-monitorable property monitorable, and how an assumption can make a monitorable property monitorable with fewer resources, such as integer registers

    Cross modal perception of body size in domestic dogs (Canis familiaris)

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    While the perception of size-related acoustic variation in animal vocalisations is well documented, little attention has been given to how this information might be integrated with corresponding visual information. Using a cross-modal design, we tested the ability of domestic dogs to match growls resynthesised to be typical of either a large or a small dog to size- matched models. Subjects looked at the size-matched model significantly more often and for a significantly longer duration than at the incorrect model, showing that they have the ability to relate information about body size from the acoustic domain to the appropriate visual category. Our study suggests that the perceptual and cognitive mechanisms at the basis of size assessment in mammals have a multisensory nature, and calls for further investigations of the multimodal processing of size information across animal species