264 research outputs found

    Synthesis and characterisation of nanocrystalline ZrN PVD coatings on AISI 430 stainless steel

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    The nanocrystalline films of zirconium nitride have been synthesized using ion-plasma vacuum-arc deposition technique in combination with high-frequency discharge (RF) on AISI 430 stainless steel at 150oC. Structure examinations X-ray fluorescent analysis (XRF), X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) with microanalysis (EDS), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM), nanoidentation method – were performed to study phase and chemical composition, surface morphology, microstructure and nanohardness of coatings. The developed technology provided low-temperature coatings synthesis, minimized discharge breakdown decreasing formation of macroparticles (MPs) and allowed to deposit ZrN coatings with hardness variation 26.6…31.5 GPa. It was revealed that ZrN single-phase coatings of cubic modification with finecrystalline grains of 20 nm in size were formed

    Anti-corrosion ceramic coatings on the surface of Nd-Fe-B repelling magnets

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    The results of vacuum-arc deposition of thin ZrO₂coatings to protect the surface of Nd-Fe-B permanent magnets used as repelling devices in orthodontics are presented. The structure, phase composition and mechanical properties of zirconium dioxide films have been investigated by means of SEM, XRD, EDX, XRF and nanoindentation method. It was revealed the formation of polycrystalline ZrO₂ films of monoclinic modification with average grain size 25 nm. The influence of the ZrO₂ coating in terms of its barrier properties for corrosion in quasi-physiological 0.9 NaCl solution has been studied. Electrochemical measurements indicated good barrier properties of the coating on specimens in the physiological solution environment

    Художня правда у творі К. Гордієнка «Зимова повість» (Artistic truth in the work of K. Gordienko «Winter story»)

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    У статті розглядається спадщина К. Гордієнка, творчість якого досліджена недостатньо. Досліджується художня правда у творі «Зимова повість». У роботі акцентована увага на тому, що письменник прагнув написати твір, стислий, компактний, спрямований на відображення виробничих проблем. У публікації подано аналіз твору, а також розкрито простір слобожанського села, яке було добре знайоме Гордієнкові. У творі «Зимова повість» письменник вдало оперував художніми прийомами розкриваючи при цьому характери головних героїв. (The article deals with the legacy of K. Gordienko, whose work explored enough. Investigate artistic truth in the book «Winter story». The paper also focused on the fact that the writer wanted to write an essay, short, compact, aimed at mapping production problems. The publication presents an analysis of the work, and uncovered space Slobozhansky village which was familiar Gordienko. The author wanted to write a work that would have concentrated attention on the problems of agricultural production. Winter time reflected on the events of the story in a way that in the first place after the fieldwork pushed livestock. And it turned out that the economy is not prepared to spend the winter cattle. Not that there were any adverse weather conditions, and that organized collective farm management so that managers are not interested in the performance of the economy. The article emphasized that formed the basis of his own observations of the work of the writer. By focusing on the development of farm village Slobozhansky, K. Gordienko line displays contrasts that are embodied through positive and negative images of the work. In the essay «Winter story» writer successfully operated art techniques while revealing the characters of the protagonists. The article reports the idea that it was optimistic story that showed doomed to die of such an economic system where destroyed people’s initiative, which is not the case the owner decides its economy, and its ready to use force, formulaic for all standards and plans. K. Gordienko, showed that only free entrepreneurial initiative of citizens – a guarantee of successful development.

    Structural, optical and electrical conductivity properties of stannite Cu₂ZnSnS₄

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    A precursor powder was obtained from drying the solutions of a mixture of different ratios of Cu, Zn and Sn chloride and thiourea. The Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS) samples were prepared from thermal decomposition of the corresponding precursors in vacuum, and were then characterized using scanning emission microscopy, energy dispersive x-ray analysis, x-ray powder diffraction and Raman scatterin

    Anomalous cyclotron mass dependence on the magnetic field and Berry’s phase in (Cd₁-x-γZnxMnγ)₃As₂ solid solutions

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    Shubnikov-de Haas (SdH) effect and magnetoresistance measurements of single crystals of diluted II-V magnetic semiconductors (Cd₁-x-γZnxMnγ)₃As₂ (x+γ= 0.4, y=0.04 and 0.08) are investigated in the temperature range T=4.2 ÷ 300 K and in transverse magnetic field B=0 ÷ 25

    Liver transplant – assessment of recipients, in time

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    Catedra Chirurgie nr.2, Catedra Anesteziologie şi reanimare nr.2, Disciplina de gastroenterologie, Departamentul Medicină Internă, Laboratorul de gastroenterologie, USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Chişinău, Republica Moldova, Al XII-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” din Republica Moldova cu participare internațională 23-25 septembrie 2015Introducere: Transplantul hepatic (TH) reprezintă tratamentul cirozei hepatice în stadiul terminal. Complicaţiile postoperatorii se atestă oricărui proces chirurgical, fiind precoce în prima lună şi tardive după acest interval. Scopul: Evaluarea recipienţilor post-transplant (2013-2015). Material si metode: Studiul include 35 recipienţi, vîrsta medie 46,74±1,89 ani, 23 (65,71 %) – bărbaţi, 12 (34,29%) – femei. La 9 (25,71%) – realizat TH de la donator viu, la 24 (68,57%) – TH de la donator în moarte cerebrală, la 2 (5,71%) – TH cu ficat împărţit. La 13 (37,14%) – efectuat TH în RM. Etiologia maladiei: virală (VHB – 4; VHC – 7; VHD – 18); VHD/CHC – 2, fibroză hepatică idiopatică – 1, insuficienţă hepatică acută – 2, ciroză biliară primitivă – 1. Tratamentul de imunosupresie: standart, conform protocolului. Rezultate: Complicaţii precoce: a). tromboză de arteră hepatică – 1 (2,86%); b). rejet acut – 3 (8,57%), 1 – tratat prin pulsterapie; c). hemoragie intracerebrală – 1 (2,86%); d). complicaţii medicale: pulmonare – 4 (11,43%), renale – 3 (8,57%), neurologice – 3 (8,57%); e). complicaţii biliare – fistulă tranşă secţiune hepatică – 2 (5,71%), peritonită biliară – 1 (1,86%). Complicaţii tardive: a). biliare prin stenoză anastomotică – 4 (11,43%), 2 rezolvate prin stentare; b). rejet cronic – 2 (5,71%); c). complicaţii medicale – insuficienţă renală – 3 (8,57%), hipertensiune arterială – 2 (5,71%), dislipidemii – 2 (5,71%), obezitate – 1 (1,86%); d). recidivă a afecţiunilor primare post-transplant: VHB – 1, VHC – 5, din care 1 cu răspuns susţinut. Mortalitatea postoperatorie – 3 (8, 57%): hemoragie intracerebrală – 1, rejet acut – 2. Concluzii: Complicaţiile postoperatorii precoce s-au estimat în 61,54%: chirurgicale 23,07%, terapeutice 38,46%; printre complicaţiile tardive predomină cele terapeutice 45,71%, supravieţuirea grefei – 91,43%.Introduction: Liver transplantation (LT) is the treatment of end-stage liver cirrhosis. Postoperative complications are as per any surgical process, observed too early if in first month and too late after this period. Aim: Assessment of post-transplant recipients, across time (2013-2015). Material and methods: The study included 35 recipients, average age 46.74±1.89, 23 (65.71%) – men, 12 (34.29%) – women. 9 (25.71%) transplanted from living donor, 24 (68.57%) – whole liver, brain-dead donor, 2 (5.71%) – split liver. 13 (37.14%) recipients were transplanted in Republic of Moldova. Disease etiology: viral (HBV – 4, HCV – 7, HDV – 18); HDV/CHC – 2, idiopathic hepatic fibrosis – 1, acute liver failure – 2, primary biliary cirrhosis – 1. Immunosuppression treatment: standard, according to protocol. Results: Early complications: a). hepatic artery thrombosis – 1 (2.86%); b). acute rejection – 3 (8.57%), of which 1 (2.86%) treated through pulse-therapy; c). intracerebral hemorrhage – 1 (2.86%); d). medical complications: pulmonary – 4 (11.43%), renal – 3 (8.57%), neurological – 3 (8.57%); e). biliary complications – liver fistula installment section – 2 (5.71%), biliary peritonitis – 1 (1.86%). Late complications: a). biliary anastomotic stenosis – 4 (11.43%), of which 2 (5.71%) resolved through stenting; b). chronic rejection – 2 (5.71%); c). medical complications – kidney failure – 3 (8.57%), hypertension – 2 (5.71%), dyslipidemia – 2 (5.71%), obesity – 1 (1.86%); d). primary disease relapse post-transplant: HBV – 1, HCV – 5, of which 1 sustained response. Postoperative mortality – 3 (8.57%): intracerebral hemorrhage – 1, acute rejection – 2. Conclusions: Early postoperative complications were estimated at 61.54%: 23.07% – surgical, therapeutic – 38.46%; therapeutic complications – 45.71%, prevail among tardive complications, graft survival – 91.43%

    Incidence and time course of everolimus-related adverse events in postmenopausal women with hormone receptor-positive advanced breast cancer: insights from BOLERO-2.

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    BackgroundIn the BOLERO-2 trial, everolimus (EVE), an inhibitor of mammalian target of rapamycin, demonstrated significant clinical benefit with an acceptable safety profile when administered with exemestane (EXE) in postmenopausal women with hormone receptor-positive (HR(+)) advanced breast cancer. We report on the incidence, time course, severity, and resolution of treatment-emergent adverse events (AEs) as well as incidence of dose modifications during the extended follow-up of this study.Patients and methodsPatients were randomized (2:1) to receive EVE 10 mg/day or placebo (PBO), with open-label EXE 25 mg/day (n = 724). The primary end point was progression-free survival. Secondary end points included overall survival, objective response rate, and safety. Safety evaluations included recording of AEs, laboratory values, dose interruptions/adjustments, and study drug discontinuations.ResultsThe safety population comprised 720 patients (EVE + EXE, 482; PBO + EXE, 238). The median follow-up was 18 months. Class-effect toxicities, including stomatitis, pneumonitis, and hyperglycemia, were generally of mild or moderate severity and occurred relatively early after treatment initiation (except pneumonitis); incidence tapered off thereafter. EVE dose reduction and interruption (360 and 705 events, respectively) required for AE management were independent of patient age. The median duration of dose interruption was 7 days. Discontinuation of both study drugs because of AEs was higher with EVE + EXE (9%) versus PBO + EXE (3%).ConclusionsMost EVE-associated AEs occur soon after initiation of therapy, are typically of mild or moderate severity, and are generally manageable with dose reduction and interruption. Discontinuation due to toxicity was uncommon. Understanding the time course of class-effect AEs will help inform preventive and monitoring strategies as well as patient education.Trial registration numberNCT00863655


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    Purpose: to study the attitude of students in the training topics on the Health Economics «and to justify the measures to optimize the teaching and methodological work.Materials and Methods. The study used: bibliosemantic, sociological, mathematical-statistical, systemic approach, modeling, analytical-synthetic methods.Results. On the basis of studying the opinions of students, the training topics on «Health Economics» are distributed depending on their importance, which served as the basis for improving the teaching and methodological process and using active forms of involvement in the examination and discussion of current problematic situations related to organizational economic and medical-economic aspects activities in the medical field.Мета: дослідити ставлення студентів щодо навчальних тем з «Економіки охорони здоров’я» та обґрунтувати заходи з оптимізації навчально-методичної роботи.Матеріали і методи. Дослідження включало: бібліосемантичний, соціологічний, математико-статистичний, системний підхід, моделювання, аналітико-синтетичний методи.Результати. На основі вивчення думки студентів проведено розподіл навчальних тем з «Економіки охорони здоров’я» залежно від їх значущості, що стало підґрунтям для вдосконалення навчально-методичного процесу та використання активних форм залучення студентів до розгляду та обговорення актуальних проблемних ситуацій, пов’язаних із організаційно-економічними і медико-економічними аспектами діяльності в медичній галузі.Висновки. Вивчення думки студентів щодо їх ставлення до навчальних тем з «Економіки охорони здоров’я» є важливою передумовою для вдосконалення процесу викладання, формування економічної грамотності, економічного світогляду та професійно-компетентнісних якостей для успішної адаптації молодих до умов сучасного медичного середовища

    Comparative Assessment of Prospective Protein Bases for Microbiological Media

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    Objective of the work is to carry out comparative assessment of the pancreatic hydrolysates of protein-containing products, both phytogenous and zoogenous, as nutrient base for microbiological media. Gelatine, soy, soy concentrate, maize gluten, fish meal, common kilka, and bovine blood have been used as a feedstock. Protein stuff hydrolysis, hydrolysate purification, and validation of physical-chemical properties were performed in accordance with conventional techniques. Testing of peptone biological parameters has been carried out on the model of nutrient agar using Shigella flexneri 1a 8516, Shigella sonnei “S form”, Pseudomonas aeruginosa 27/99, Serratia plymuthica 1 test strains. Identified have been physical-chemical parameters of the hydrolysates under study. Detected are the variations in quantity, diameter and frequency of dissociation among the colonies of Shigella flexneri 1a 8516, Shigella sonnei “S form”, chromogenesis in Pseudomonas aeruginosa 27/99, Serratia plymuthica 1, cultivated on agar media with hydrolysates under study. Obtained are the comparative data on physical-chemical and biological parameters of all experimental hydrolysates, which offers an opportunity to differentiate their choice when adding them into bacteriological nutrient media