75 research outputs found

    The Assembly of Nonadhesive Fibrinogen Matrices Depends on the αC Regions of the Fibrinogen Molecule

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    Adsorption of fibrinogen on fibrin clots and other surfaces strongly reduces integrin-mediated adhesion of platelets and leukocytes with implications for the surface-mediated control of thrombus growth and blood compatibility of biomaterials. The underlying mechanism of this process is surface-induced aggregation of fibrinogen, resulting in the assembly of a nanoscale multilayered matrix. The matrix is extensible, which makes it incapable of transducing strong mechanical forces via cellular integrins, resulting in insufficient intracellular signaling and weak cell adhesion. To determine the mechanism of the multilayer formation, the physical and adhesive properties of fibrinogen matrices prepared from human plasma fibrinogen (hFg), recombinant normal (rFg), and fibrinogen with the truncated αC regions (FgAα251) were compared. Using atomic force microscopy and force spectroscopy, we show that whereas hFg and rFg generated the matrices with a thickness of ∼8 nm consisting of 7–8 molecular layers, the deposition of FgAα251 was terminated at two layers, indicating that the αC regions are essential for the multilayer formation. The extensibility of the matrix prepared from FgAα251 was 2-fold lower than that formed from hFg and rFg. In agreement with previous findings that cell adhesion inversely correlates with the extensibility of the fibrinogen matrix, the less extensible FgAα251 matrix and matrices generated from human fibrinogen variants lacking the αC regions supported sustained adhesion of leukocytes and platelets. The persistent adhesiveness of matrices formed from fibrinogen derivatives without the αC regions may have implications for conditions in which elevated levels of these molecules are found, including vascular pathologies, diabetes, thrombolytic therapy, and dysfibrinogenemia

    Living biointerfaces based on non-pathogenic bacteria to direct cell differentiation

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    Genetically modified Lactococcus lactis, non-pathogenic bacteria expressing the FNIII7-10 fibronectin fragment as a protein membrane have been used to create a living biointerface between synthetic materials and mammalian cells. This FNIII7-10 fragment comprises the RGD and PHSRN sequences of fibronectin to bind α5β1 integrins and triggers signalling for cell adhesion, spreading and differentiation. We used L. lactis strain to colonize material surfaces and produce stable biofilms presenting the FNIII7-10 fragment readily available to cells. Biofilm density is easily tunable and remains stable for several days. Murine C2C12 myoblasts seeded over mature biofilms undergo bipolar alignment and form differentiated myotubes, a process triggered by the FNIII7-10 fragment. This biointerface based on living bacteria can be further modified to express any desired biochemical signal, establishing a new paradigm in biomaterial surface functionalisation for biomedical applications

    Bioheterojunction Effect on Fluorescence Origin and Efficiency Improvement of Firefly Chromophores

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    We propose the heterojunction effect in the analysis of the fluorescence mechanism of the firefly chromophore. Following this analysis, and with respect to the HOMO-LUMO gap alignment between the chromophore's functional fragments, three main heterojunction types (I, II, and I*) are identified. Time-dependent density-functional theory optical absorption calculations for the firefly chromophore show that the strongest excitation appears in the deprotonated anion state of the keto form. This can be explained by its high HOMO-LUMO overlap due to strong bio-heterojunction confinement. It is also found that the nitrogen atom in the thiazolyl rings, due to its larger electronegativity, plays a key role in the emission process, its importance growing when HOMO and LUMO overlap at its location. This principle is applied to enhance the chromophore's fluorescence efficiency and to guide the functionalization of molecular optoelectronic devices.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Allosteric Regulation of Fibronectin/α5β1 Interaction by Fibronectin-Binding MSCRAMMs

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    Citation: Liang, X. W., Garcia, B. L., Visai, L., Prabhakaran, S., Meenan, N. A. G., Potts, J. R., . . . Hook, M. (2016). Allosteric Regulation of Fibronectin/alpha(5)beta(1) Interaction by Fibronectin-Binding MSCRAMMs. Plos One, 11(7), 17. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0159118Adherence ofmicrobes to host tissues is a hallmark of infectious disease and is often mediated by a class of adhesins termed MSCRAMMs (Microbial Surface Components Recognizing Adhesive Matrix Molecules). Numerous pathogens express MSCRAMMs that specifically bind the heterodimeric human glycoprotein fibronectin (Fn). In addition to roles in adhesion, Fn-binding MSCRAMMs exploit physiological Fn functions. For example, several pathogens can invade host cells by a mechanism whereby MSCRAMM-bound Fn bridges interaction with alpha(5)beta(1) integrin. Here, we investigate two Fn-binding MSCRAMMs, FnBPA (Staphylococcus aureus) and BBK32 (Borrelia burgdorferi) to probe structure-activity relationships of MSCRAMM-induced Fn/alpha(5)beta(1) integrin activation. Circular dichroism, fluorescence resonance energy transfer, and dynamic light scattering techniques uncover a conformational rearrangement of Fn involving domains distant from the MSCRAMM binding site. Surface plasmon resonance experiments demonstrate a significant enhancement of Fn/alpha(5)beta(1) integrin affinity in the presence of FnBPA or BBK32. Detailed kinetic analysis of these interactions reveal that this change in affinity can be attributed solely to an increase in the initial Fn/alpha(5)beta(1) on-rate and that this rate-enhancement is dependent on high-affinity Fn-binding by MSCRAMMs. These data implicate MSCRAMM-induced perturbation of specific intramolecular contacts within the Fn heterodimer resulting in activation by exposing previously cryptic alpha(5)beta(1) interaction motifs. By correlating structural changes in Fn to a direct measurement of increased Fn/alpha(5)beta(1) affinity, this work significantly advances our understanding of the structural basis for the modulation of integrin function by Fn-binding MSCRAMMs
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