3,138 research outputs found

    Modelling tidal energy extraction in a depth-averaged coastal domain

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    An extension of actuator disc theory is used to describe the properties of a tidal energy device, or row of tidal energy devices, within a depth-averaged numerical model. This approach allows a direct link to be made between an actual tidal device and its equivalent momentum sink in a depth-averaged domain. Extended actuator disc theory also leads to a measure of efficiency for an energy device in a tidal stream of finite Froude number, where efficiency is defined as the ratio of power extracted by one or more tidal devices to the total power removed from the tidal stream. To demonstrate the use of actuator disc theory in a depth-averaged model, tidal flow in a simple channel is approximated using the shallow water equations and the results are compared with the published analytical solutions. © 2010 © The Institution of Engineering and Technology

    Summary of experiments.

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    (I) General comments and highlights. (II) Scald: Fungicidal control. 82BA21, 82E18, 82MT19, 82WH23, 82WH23. (III) Scald: Opportunity trial on fungicidal control. 82AL85, 82BA22, 82MT20. (IV) Scald: Epidemic in segregating populations. (V) Scald: Host reaction in hill plots and single plants. 82MT21, 82BA23, (VI) Scald: Seeding rate in evaluating cultivars for resistance. 82MT22, (VII) Net-type net blotch: Screening fungicides. 82BA25, 82KA25. (VIII) Net-type net blotch: Reactions in single plants and hill plots. 82A3, 82BA26. (IX) Spot-type net blotch: Screening fungicides. 82C16. (X) Spot-type net blotch: Potential yield losses. 82C14, 82C15. (XI) Effect of simulated stubble mulching on disease and yield. 82BA36, 82BA35, 82C32, 82MT43,82N27. (XII) Maximising barley yield: Fungicide x growth regulator x cultivar. 82E19,. (XIII) Maximising barley yield: Fungicide x cultivar x nitrogen. (XIV) Variation in pathogenicity of scald, net blotch and powdery mildew. (XV) Unidentified leaf spot on forrest barley. (XVI) Opportunity trial on powdery mildew

    AgroCycle – developing a circular economy in agriculture

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    Continuing population growth and increasing consumption are driving global food demand, with agricultural activity expanding to keep pace. The modern agricultural system is wasteful, with Europe generating some 700 million tonnes of agrifood (agricultural and food) waste each year. The Agricultural Centre for Sustainable Energy Systems (ACSES) at Harper Adams University is involved in a major research and innovation project (AgroCycle) on the application of the ‘circular economy’ across the agri-food sector. In the context of the agrifood chain, the ‘circular economy’ aims to reduce waste while also making best use of the ‘wastes’ produced by using economically viable processes and procedures to increase their value . Led by University College Dublin, AgroCycle is a Horizon 2020 collaborative project with 26 partners. AgroCycle will address such opportunities directly by implementation of the ‘circular economy’ across the agri-food sector. The authors will present (a) a summary of the AgroCycle project and (b) the role played by Harper Adams in the project in evaluating the potential for small-scale anaerobic digestion (AD) technology that can be applied on farm to provide local heat, energy and nutrient recovery from mixed agricultural wastes

    Can oral infection be a risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease?

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    Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a scourge of longevity that will drain enormous resources from public health budgets in the future. Currently, there is no diagnostic biomarker and/or treatment for this most common form of dementia in humans. AD can be of early familial-onset or sporadic with a late-onset. Apart from the two main hallmarks, amyloid-beta and neurofibrillary tangles, inflammation is a characteristic feature of AD neuropathology. Inflammation may be caused by a local central nervous system insult and/or by peripheral infections. Numerous microorganisms are suspected in AD brains ranging from bacteria (mainly oral and non-oral Treponema species), viruses (Herpes simplex type I) and yeasts (Candida species). A causal relationship between periodontal pathogens/non-oral Treponema species of bacteria has been proposed via the amyloid-beta and inflammatory links. Periodontitis constitutes a peripheral oral infection that can provide the brain with intact bacteria and virulence factors and inflammatory mediators due to daily, transient bacteraemias. If and when genetic risk factors meet environmental risk factors in the brain, disease is expressed, in which neurocognition may be impacted, leading to the development of dementia. To achieve the goal of finding a diagnostic biomarker and possible prophylactic treatment for AD, there is an initial need to solve the etiological puzzle contributing to its pathogenesis. This review therefore addresses oral infection as the plausible aetiology of late onset AD (LOAD)

    High-resolution digital outcrop model of the faults, fractures, and stratigraphy of the Agardhfjellet Formation cap rock shales at Konusdalen West, central Spitsbergen

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    Structure-from-motion (SfM) photogrammetry has become an important tool for the digitalisation of outcrops as digital outcrop models (DOMs). DOMs facilitate the mapping of stratigraphy and discontinuous structures like folds, faults, and fractures from the centimetre to kilometre scale. With pristine, treeless exposures, the outcropping strata in Svalbard, Arctic Norway, hold exceptional potential for analogue studies and are ideally suited for the acquisition of high-resolution DOMs. Here, we present the acquisition, processing, and integration of the Konusdalen West digital model data set, comprising both DOM and derived digital terrain model (DTM) data. Drone-based image acquisition took place over 2 weeks in July and August 2020. The Konusdalen West DOM and DTM cover a 0.12 km2 area and span a 170 m elevation difference. The DOM covers the upper two-thirds of the mudstone-dominated Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous Agardhfjellet Formation. The Agardhfjellet Formation and its time equivalents are regional cap rocks for CO2 sequestration and petroleum accumulations on the Norwegian Continental Shelf. A total of 15 differential GNSS control points were used to georeference and quality assure the digital data assets, 5 of which function as reference checkpoints. SfM processing of 5512 acquired images resulted in high-confidence, centimetre-scale resolution point clouds, textured mesh (DOM), tiled model, orthomosaics, and a DTM. The confidence-filtered dense cloud features an average inter-point distance of 1.57 cm and has an average point density of 3824.9 points per metre. The five checkpoints feature root mean square errors of 2.0 cm in X, 1.3 cm in Y, 5.2 cm in Z, and 5.7 cm in XYZ. Increased confidences and densities are present along the western flank of the Konusdalen West outcrop, where a fault fracture network in mudstone-dominated strata is best exposed and photographed most extensively. Top and side view orthomosaics feature maximum resolutions of 8 mm per pixel, enabling the mapping of faults, formation members, marker beds, fractures, and other sub-centimetre features. Additional structural measurements and observations were taken in June 2021 to place the data in the geological context. Data described in this paper can be accessed at Norstore under https://doi.org/10.11582/2022.00027 (Betlem, 2022b).</p

    Tonotopically Arranged Traveling Waves in the Miniature Hearing Organ of Bushcrickets

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    Place based frequency discrimination (tonotopy) is a fundamental property of the coiled mammalian cochlea. Sound vibrations mechanically conducted to the hearing organ manifest themselves into slow moving waves that travel along the length of the organ, also referred to as traveling waves. These traveling waves form the basis of the tonotopic frequency representation in the inner ear of mammals. However, so far, due to the secure housing of the inner ear, these waves only could be measured partially over small accessible regions of the inner ear in a living animal. Here, we demonstrate the existence of tonotopically ordered traveling waves covering most of the length of a miniature hearing organ in the leg of bushcrickets in vivo using laser Doppler vibrometery. The organ is only 1 mm long and its geometry allowed us to investigate almost the entire length with a wide range of stimuli (6 to 60 kHz). The tonotopic location of the traveling wave peak was exponentially related to stimulus frequency. The traveling wave propagated along the hearing organ from the distal (high frequency) to the proximal (low frequency) part of the leg, which is opposite to the propagation direction of incoming sound waves. In addition, we observed a non-linear compression of the velocity response to varying sound pressure levels. The waves are based on the delicate micromechanics of cellular structures different to those of mammals. Hence place based frequency discrimination by traveling waves is a physical phenomenon that presumably evolved in mammals and bushcrickets independently

    Feedhorn-integrated THz QCL local oscillators for the LOCUS atmospheric sounder

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    The LOCUS atmospheric sounder is a satellite-borne THz radiometer concept, for studying molecular species in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere. We report waveguide-integrated THz quantum-cascade lasers for use as 3.5 THz local oscillators. A waveguide-integration scheme, using an integrated diagonal feedhorn significantly improves power outcoupling. 1.3 mW THz emission is demonstrated in a space-qualified Stirling cryocooler at 57 K, with ∼15° beam divergence

    Test and Analysis of a Buckling-Critical Large-Scale Sandwich Composite Cylinder

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    Structural stability is an important design consideration for launch-vehicle shell structures and it is well known that the buckling response of such shell structures can be very sensitive to small geometric imperfections. As part of an effort to develop new buckling design guidelines for sandwich composite cylindrical shells, an 8-ft-diameter honeycomb-core sandwich composite cylinder was tested under pure axial compression to failure. The results from this test are compared with finite-element-analysis predictions and overall agreement was very good. In particular, the predicted buckling load was within 1% of the test and the character of the response matched well. However, it was found that the agreement could be improved by including composite material nonlinearity in the analysis, and that the predicted buckling initiation site was sensitive to the addition of small bending loads to the primary axial load in analyses
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