202 research outputs found


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    The article represents the study of quality of life in patients with muscle-invasive bladder cancer stages T2b and T3a after surgery, depending on the operation type. The study was conducted using questionnaires EORTC QLQ-30 and FACT-BL. The best levels of quality of life were observed in patients after organ-saving treatment of muscle-invasive bladder cancer.Представлен материал по изучению качества жизни у пациентов с мышечно-инвазивным раком мочевого пузыря (РМП) стадии Т2b и Т3а после хирургического лечения в зависимости от вида оперативного пособия. Исследование проводилось с помощью опросников EORTC QLQ-30 и FACT-BL. Наилучшие показатели качества жизни наблюдаются среди пациентов после органосохраняющего лечения мышечно-инвазивного РМП

    On the repeated use of oil recovery flow-redizecting technologies

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    After successful application in several areas of technology-based high-modulus water glass during the second of its application in three years more oil at these sites lacked. However, the composition of petroleum after the application of technology has undergone significant change. Indicating the connection is not involved in earlier in the development of less permeable aleurolitic interiayers, the oil recovery factor of which is low. The question arises - In the absence of Increase in oil production to consider It further, or to recognize the application flow-redizecting technology is not effective


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    The article represents the study of frequency and nature of the recurrence and survival rate (common, oncology-specific, disease-free) after organ-saving surgery of patients with muscle-invasive bladder cancer stages T2b and T3a. Oncology-speсific and disease-free survival rates were much higher if full diagnosis of bladder mucosa, the adjuvant intravesical chemotherapy had been on pre-operative and intra-operative stages than in the absence of these diagnosis and therapy. Recurrentes of bladder cancer which appeared in the absence of diagnosis and combination therapy, statistically reliably occured at another location other than the zone of operation, stage of recurrentes and degree of differentiation of recurrents were less than the original tumor. This information confirms the existence of foci of cancer in situ which have not been identified on the diagnostic stage.Изучены частота, характер рецидивирования и показатели выживаемости (общей, онкоспецифической, безрецидивной) после органосохраняющего оперативного лечения мышечно-инвазивного рака мочевого пузыря (РМП) в стадии Т2b−Т3а. Выявлено, что онкоспецифическая и безрецидивная выживаемость при наличии полноценной диагностики слизистой мочевого пузыря на до- и интраоперационном этапах и при проведении адъювантной внутрипузырной химиотерапии намного выше, чем при отсутствии данных обследований и комбинированной терапии. Рецидивы РМП, возникающие при отсутствии обследования слизистой мочевого пузыря и адъювантной внутрипузырной химиотерапии, статистически достоверно возникают на другом месте, отличном от зоны операции, стадия рецидива и степень дифференцировки рецидива меньше, чем первоначальной опухоли, что подтверждает наличие очагов рака in situ, не выявленных на этапе диагностики

    Selective ultrafast probing of transient hot chemisorbed and precursor states of CO on Ru(0001)

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    We have studied the femtosecond dynamics following optical laser excitation of CO adsorbed on a Ru surface by monitoring changes in the occupied and unoccupied electronic structure using ultrafast soft x-ray absorption and emission. We recently reported [M. Dell’Angela et al. Science 339 1302 (2013)] a phonon-mediated transition into a weakly adsorbed precursor state occurring on a time scale of >2  ps prior to desorption. Here we focus on processes within the first picosecond after laser excitation and show that the metal-adsorbate coordination is initially increased due to hot-electron-driven vibrational excitations. This process is faster than, but occurs in parallel with, the transition into the precursor state. With resonant x-ray emission spectroscopy, we probe each of these states selectively and determine the respective transient populations depending on optical laser fluence. Ab initio molecular dynamics simulations of CO adsorbed on Ru(0001) were performed at 1500 and 3000 K providing insight into the desorption process

    Femtosecond dynamics of the collinear-to-spiral antiferromagnetic phase transition in CuO

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    We report on the ultrafast dynamics of magnetic order in a single crystal of CuO at a temperature of 207 K in response to strong optical excitation using femtosecond resonant x-ray diffraction. In the experiment, a femtosecond laser pulse induces a sudden, nonequilibrium increase in magnetic disorder. After a short delay ranging from 400 fs to 2 ps, we observe changes in the relative intensity of the magnetic ordering diffraction peaks that indicate a shift from a collinear commensurate phase to a spiral incommensurate phase. These results indicate that the ultimate speed for this antiferromagnetic re-orientation transition in CuO is limited by the long-wavelength magnetic excitation connecting the two phases.Comment: Accepted by Physical Review Letters (Dec. 2, 2011

    Phase Fluctuations and the Absence of Topological Defects in Photo-excited Charge Ordered Nickelate

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    The dynamics of an order parameter's amplitude and phase determines the collective behaviour of novel states emerged in complex materials. Time- and momentum-resolved pump-probe spectroscopy, by virtue of its ability to measure material properties at atomic and electronic time scales and create excited states not accessible by the conventional means can decouple entangled degrees of freedom by visualizing their corresponding dynamics in the time domain. Here, combining time-resolved femotosecond optical and resonant x-ray diffraction measurements on striped La1.75Sr0.25NiO4, we reveal unforeseen photo-induced phase fluctuations of the charge order parameter. Such fluctuations preserve long-range order without creating topological defects, unlike thermal phase fluctuations near the critical temperature in equilibrium10. Importantly, relaxation of the phase fluctuations are found to be an order of magnitude slower than that of the order parameter's amplitude fluctuations, and thus limit charge order recovery. This discovery of new aspect to phase fluctuation provides more holistic view for the importance of phase in ordering phenomena of quantum matter.Comment: 23 pages, 6 figures. Published version can be found at Nature Communications 3, 838 (2012

    Potassium Channel and NKCC Cotransporter Involvement in Ocular Refractive Control Mechanisms

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    Myopia affects well over 30% of adult humans globally. However, the underlying physiological mechanism is little understood. This study tested the hypothesis that ocular growth and refractive compensation to optical defocus can be controlled by manipulation of potassium and chloride ion-driven transretinal fluid movements to the choroid. Chicks were raised with +/−10D or zero power optical defocus rendering the focal plane of the eye in front of, behind, or at the level of the retinal photoreceptors respectively. Intravitreal injections of barium chloride, a non-specific inhibitor of potassium channels in the retina and RPE or bumetanide, a selective inhibitor of the sodium-potassium-chloride cotransporter were made, targeting fluid control mechanisms. Comparison of refractive compensation to 5mM Ba2+ and 10−5 M bumetanide compared with control saline injected eyes shows significant change for both positive and negative lens defocus for Ba2+ but significant change only for negative lens defocus with bumetanide ; ; ; ; ; ). Vitreous chamber depths showed a main effect for drug conditions with less depth change in response to defocus shown for Ba2+ relative to Saline, while bumetanide injected eyes showed a trend to increased depth without a significant interaction with applied defocus. The results indicate that both K channels and the NKCC cotransporter play a role in refractive compensation with NKCC blockade showing far more specificity for negative, compared with positive, lens defocus. Probable sites of action relevant to refractive control include the apical retinal pigment epithelium membrane and the photoreceptor/ON bipolar synapse. The similarities between the biometric effects of NKCC inhibition and biometric reports of the blockade of the retinal ON response, suggest a possible common mechanism. The selective inhibition of refractive compensation to negative lens in chick by loop diuretics such as bumetanide suggests that these drugs may be effective in the therapeutic management of human myopia

    The experience of Histoscanning application to diagnose recurrence of prostate cancer after HIFU ablation

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    New features in 3D TRUS implemented in the diagnostic complex «Histoscanning». It consists of an ultrasonic apparatus Pro Focus 3D Professional 2202 (BK Medical), 8818 trehplanovogo sensor, magnetic sensor and the rotator signal processing computer system Histoscanning. The study generated three-dimensional model of prostate cancer by staining of suspicious sites. From September 2011 to study the sensitivity and specificity of gistoskanirovaniya included patients who underwent ablation of the prostate before VIFU of prostate cancer in the period from 1 year to 7 years. To check the results gistoskanirovaniya used biopsy of the prostate with subsequent histological examination. Statistical processing of the data gistoskanirovaniya sensitivity was 96-100% and specificity 87,5-100%. These results allow us to evaluate the technique as a highly sensitive method gistoskanirovaniya, favorably differing degrees of accuracy and informativeness of routinely used at present. Learning opportunities in the planning of the operation and monitoring of patients after focal treatment of prostate cancer hold promise in achieving a balance between the radicalism of an operation and preservation of quality of life for patients.Новые возможности ТРУЗИ в режиме 3D реализованы в диагностическом комплексе «Histoscanning». Он состоит из ультразвукового аппарата Pro Focus 3D Professional 2202 (ВК Medical), трёхпланового датчика 8818, магнитного вращателя датчика и обрабатывающей сигнал компьютерной системы Histoscanning. В результате исследования формируется трёхмерная модель предстательной железы с окрашиванием подозрительных на рак участков. С сентября 2011 года в исследование чувствительности и специфичности метода гистосканирования включены пациенты, подвергшиеся ранее ВИФУ аблации простаты по поводу рака предстательной железы в сроки от 1 года до 7 лет. Для проверки результатов гистосканирования использовалась биопсия предстательной железы с последующим гистологическим исследованием. При статистической обработке полученных данных чувствительность гистосканирования составила 96-100 %, а специфичность 87,5-100 %. Эти результаты позволяют оценивать методику гистосканирования как высокочувствительный метод, выгодно отличающийся степенью достоверности и информативности от рутинно применяемых в настоящее время. Изучение возможности в отношении планирования операции и мониторинга пациентов после фокальных методов лечения рака предстательной железы открывают широкие перспективы в достижении баланса между радикальностью проводимой операции и сохранением уровня качества жизни пациентов

    Latanoprost for open-angle glaucoma (UKGTS): a randomised, multicentre, placebo-controlled trial

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    Background: Treatments for open-angle glaucoma aim to prevent vision loss through lowering of intraocular pressure, but to our knowledge no placebo-controlled trials have assessed visual function preservation, and the observation periods of previous (unmasked) trials have typically been at least 5 years. We assessed vision preservation in patients given latanoprost compared with those given placebo. Methods: In this randomised, triple-masked, placebo-controlled trial, we enrolled patients with newly diagnosed open-angle glaucoma at ten UK centres (tertiary referral centres, teaching hospitals, and district general hospitals). Eligible patients were randomly allocated (1:1) with a website-generated randomisation schedule, stratified by centre and with a permuted block design, to receive either latanoprost 0·005% (intervention group) or placebo (control group) eye drops. Drops were administered from identical bottles, once a day, to both eyes. The primary outcome was time to visual field deterioration within 24 months. Analyses were done in all individuals with follow-up data. The Data and Safety Monitoring Committee (DSMC) recommended stopping the trial on Jan 6, 2011 (last patient visit July, 2011), after an interim analysis, and suggested a change in primary outcome from the difference in proportions of patients with incident progression between groups to time to visual field deterioration within 24 months. This trial is registered, number ISRCTN96423140. Findings: We enrolled 516 individuals between Dec 1, 2006, and March 16, 2010. Baseline mean intraocular pressure was 19·6 mm Hg (SD 4·6) in 258 patients in the latanoprost group and 20·1 mm Hg (4·8) in 258 controls. At 24 months, mean reduction in intraocular pressure was 3·8 mm Hg (4·0) in 231 patients assessed in the latanoprost group and 0·9 mm Hg (3·8) in 230 patients assessed in the placebo group. Visual field preservation was significantly longer in the latanoprost group than in the placebo group: adjusted hazard ratio (HR) 0·44 (95% CI 0·28–0·69; p=0·0003). We noted 18 serious adverse events, none attributable to the study drug. Interpretation: This is the first randomised placebo-controlled trial to show preservation of the visual field with an intraocular-pressure-lowering drug in patients with open-angle glaucoma. The study design enabled significant differences in vision to be assessed in a relatively short observation period