3,841 research outputs found

    A large Nc perspective on the QCD phase diagram

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    The transition between the hadronic phase and the quark gluon plasma phase at nonzero temperature and quark chemical potentials is studied within the large-Nc expansion of QCD.Comment: 5 page

    Factorization of Fermion Doubles on the Lattice

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    We address the problem of the fermion species doubling on the Lattice. Our strategy is to factorize the fermion doubles from the action. The mass term of the Dirac-Wilson action is changed. In this case the extra roots which appear in the action of free fermions in the moment representation are independent of the mass and can be factorized from the fermion propagator. However the gauge couplings suffer from the pathological ghost poles which are common to non-local actions. This action can be used to find a solution of the Ginsparg Wilson relation, which is cured from the non-local pathology. Finally we compare this factorized action with solutions of The Ginsparg Wilson relation. We find that the present is equivalent to the Zenkin action, and that is not quite as local as the Neuberger action.Comment: 7 Latex Revtex pages, 4 ps figures. The paper was improoved due to Comments received. It has a new section and several new reference

    Flavor-Mixing Effects on the QCD Phase Diagram at non-vanishing Isospin Chemical Potential: One or Two Phase Transitions?

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    We investigate effects of a fixed nonzero isospin chemical potential on the mu_B-T phase diagram of strongly interacting matter using a Nambu--Jona-Lasinio-type four fermion interaction. We focus on the influence of a flavor-mixing interaction induced by instantons. We find that already for rather moderate values of the coupling strength in the flavor-mixing channel the recent findings of two seperate phase transitions do not persist.Comment: 7 pages, 2 ps figure

    Assessment of Models of Galactic Thermal Dust Emission Using COBE/FIRAS and COBE/DIRBE Observations

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    Accurate modeling of the spectrum of thermal dust emission at millimeter wavelengths is important for improving the accuracy of foreground subtraction for CMB measurements, for improving the accuracy with which the contributions of different foreground emission components can be determined, and for improving our understanding of dust composition and dust physics. We fit four models of dust emission to high Galactic latitude COBE/FIRAS and COBE/DIRBE observations from 3 millimeters to 100 microns and compare the quality of the fits. We consider the two-level systems model because it provides a physically motivated explanation for the observed long wavelength flattening of the dust spectrum and the anticorrelation between emissivity index and dust temperature. We consider the model of Finkbeiner, Davis, and Schlegel because it has been widely used for CMB studies, and the generalized version of this model recently applied to Planck data by Meisner and Finkbeiner. For comparison we have also fit a phenomenological model consisting of the sum of two graybody components. We find that the two-graybody model gives the best fit and the FDS model gives a significantly poorer fit than the other models. The Meisner and Finkbeiner model and the two-level systems model remain viable for use in Galactic foreground subtraction, but the FIRAS data do not have sufficient signal-to-noise ratio to provide a strong test of the predicted spectrum at millimeter wavelengths.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Perturbative Confinement

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    A Procedure is outlined that may be used as a starting point for a perturbative treatment of theories with permanent confinement. By using a counter term in the Lagrangian that renormalizes the infrared divergence in the Coulomb potential, it is achieved that the perturbation expansion at a finite value of the strong coupling constant may yield reasonably accurate properties of hadrons, and an expression for the string constant as a function of the QCD Lambda parameter.Comment: Presented at QCD'02, Montpellier, July 2002. 12 pages LaTeX, 8 Figures PostScript, uses gthstyle.sty Reprt-no: ITF-2002/39; SPIN-2002/2

    Adding Gauge Fields to Kaplan's Fermions

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    We experiment with adding dynamical gauge field to Kaplan (defect) fermions. In the case of U(1) gauge theory we use an inhomogenous Higgs mechanism to restrict the 3d gauge dynamics to a planar 2d defect. In our simulations the 3d theory produce the correct 2d gauge dynamics. We measure fermion propagators with dynamical gauge fields. They posses the correct chiral structure. The fermions at the boundary of the support of the gauge field (waveguide) are non-chiral, and have a mass two times heavier than the chiral modes. Moreover, these modes cannot be excited by a source at the defect; implying that they are dynamically decoupled. We have also checked that the anomaly relation is fullfilled for the case of a smooth external gauge field. This is an uuencoded ps-file. Use 'uudecode hepchiral.ps.Z' and 'uncompress hepchiral.ps.Z' to produce the psfile.Comment: AZPH-TH/93-34, Lattice'93 poster,4 pages postscrip

    QCD and the eta prime Mass: Instantons or Confinement?

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    We argue that lattice calculations of the η′\eta' mass in QCD with Nc=2N_c=2 colors performed at non-zero baryon chemical potential can be used to study the mechanism responsible for the mass of the η′\eta'. QCD with two colors is an ideal laboratory because it exhibits confinement, chiral symmetry breaking and a would-be U(1)AU(1)_A Goldstone boson at all densities. Since the instanton density and the confinement scale vary with density in a very different way, instantons are clearly distinguishable from other possible mechanisms. There is an instanton prediction for the η′\eta' mass at large density that can be compared to lattice results. The density dependence of the instanton contribution is a simple consequence of the integer topological charge carried by the instanton. We also argue that Nc=3N_c=3 color QCD at finite isospin density can be used in order to study the origin of OZI-violation in the scalar sector.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure

    Thermodynamics of lattice QCD with 3 flavours of colour-sextet quarks

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    We have been studying QCD with 2 flavours of colour-sextet quarks to distinguish whether it is QCD-like or conformal. For comparison we are now studying QCD with 3 flavours of colour-sextet quarks, which is believed to be conformal in the chiral limit. Here we present the results of simulations of lattice QCD with 3 colour-sextet quarks at finite temperatures on lattices of temporal extent Nt=4N_t=4 and 6, with masses small enough to yield access to the chiral limit. As for the 2-flavour case, we find well-separated deconfinement and chiral-symmetry restoration transitions, both of which move to appreciably weaker couplings as NtN_t is increased from 4 to 6. If this theory is conformal, we would expect there to be a bulk chiral transition at a fixed coupling. For this reason we conclude that for Nt=4N_t=4 and 6, the chiral and hence the deconfinement transitions are in the strong-coupling domain where the theory is essentially quenched. The similarity between the behaviours of the 2 and 3 flavour theories suggested that the Nt=4N_t=4 and 6 transitions for the 2-flavour theory also lie in the strong-coupling domain. The phase structure of both theories is very similar.Comment: 17 pages Latex(Revtex), 7 postscript figure

    Diquark Condensate in QCD with Two Colors at Next-to-Leading Order

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    We study QCD with two colors and quarks in the fundamental representation at finite baryon density in the limit of light quark masses. In this limit the free energy of this theory reduces to the free energy of a chiral Lagrangian which is based on the symmetries of the microscopic theory. In earlier work this Lagrangian was analyzed at the mean field level and a phase transition to a phase of condensed diquarks was found at a chemical potential of half the diquark mass (which is equal to the pion mass). In this article we analyze this theory at next-to-leading order in chiral perturbation theory. We show that the theory is renormalizable and calculate the next-to-leading order free energy in both phases of the theory. By deriving a Landau-Ginzburg theory for the order parameter we show that the finite one-loop contribution and the next-to-leading order terms in the chiral Lagrangian do not qualitatively change the phase transition. In particular, the critical chemical potential is equal to half the next-to-leading order pion mass, and the phase transition is second order.Comment: 29 pages, 2 figure

    Entanglement entropy in gauge theories and the holographic principle for electric strings

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    We consider quantum entanglement between gauge fields in some region of space A and its complement B. It is argued that the Hilbert space of physical states of gauge theories cannot be decomposed into a direct product of Hilbert spaces of states localized in A and B. The reason is that elementary excitations in gauge theories - electric strings - are associated with closed loops rather than points in space, and there are closed loops which belong both to A and B. Direct product structure and hence the reduction procedure with respect to the fields in B can only be defined if the Hilbert space of physical states is extended by including the states of electric strings which can open on the boundary of A. The positions of string endpoints on this boundary are the additional degrees of freedom which also contribute to the entanglement entropy. We explicitly demonstrate this for the three-dimensional Z2 lattice gauge theory both numerically and using a simple trial ground state wave function. The entanglement entropy appears to be saturated almost completely by the entropy of string endpoints, thus reminding of a ``holographic principle'' in quantum gravity and AdS/CFT correspondence.Comment: 6 pages RevTeX, 5 figure
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