4,101 research outputs found

    Numerical computation of transonic flow governed by the full-potential equation

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    Numerical solution techniques for solving transonic flow fields governed by the full potential equation are discussed. In a general sense relaxation schemes suitable for the numerical solution of elliptic partial differential equations are presented and discussed with emphasis on transonic flow applications. The presentation can be divided into two general categories: An introductory treatment of the basic concepts associated with the numerical solution of elliptic partial differential equations and a more advanced treatment of current procedures used to solve the full potential equation for transonic flow fields. The introductory material is presented for completeness and includes a brief introduction (Chapter 1), governing equations (Chapter 2), classical relaxation schemes (Chapter 3), and early concepts regarding transonic full potential equation algorithms (Chapter 4)

    The relative merits of several numerical techniques for solving the compressible Navier-Stokes equations

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    Four explicit finite difference techniques designed to solve the time-dependent, compressible Navier Stokes equations are compared. These techniques are: (1) MacCormack, (2) modified Du Fort-Frankel, (3) modified hopscotch, and (4) Brailovskaya. The comparison was made numerically by solving the quasi-one dimensional Navier Stokes equations for the flow in a converging-diverging nozzle. Solutions with and without standing normal shock waves were computed for unit Reynolds numbers (based on total conditions) ranging from 45374 to 2269. The results indicate that all four techniques are comparable in accuracy; however, the modified hopscotch scheme is two to three times faster than the Brailovskaya and MacCormack schemes and three to six times faster than the modified Du Fort-Frankel scheme

    A new solution-adaptive grid generation method for transonic airfoil flow calculations

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    The clustering algorithm is controlled by a second-order, ordinary differential equation which uses the airfoil surface density gradient as a forcing function. The solution to this differential equation produces a surface grid distribution which is automatically clustered in regions with large gradients. The interior grid points are established from this surface distribution by using an interpolation scheme which is fast and retains the desirable properties of the original grid generated from the standard elliptic equation approach

    An implicit algorithm for the conservative, transonic full-potential equation with effective rotated differencing

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    A new differencing scheme for the conservative full potential equation which effectively simulates rotated differencing is presented. The scheme was implemented by an appropriate upwind bias of the density coefficient along coordinate directions. A fast, fully implicit, approximate factorization iteration scheme was then used to solve the resulting difference equations. Solutions for a number of traditionally difficult transonic airfoil test cases are presented

    A consistent spatial differencing scheme for the transonic full-potential equation in three dimensions

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    A full-potential steady transonic wing flow solver has been modified so that freestream density and residual are captured in regions of constant velocity. This numerically precise freestream consistency is obtained by slightly altering the differencing scheme without affecting the implicit solution algorithm. The changes chiefly affect the fifteen metrics per grid point, which are computed once and stored. With this new method, the outer boundary condition is captured accurately, and the smoothness of the solution is especially improved near regions of grid discontinuity

    Conservative implicit schemes for the full potential equation applied to transonic flows

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    Implicit approximate factorization techniques (AF) were investigated for the solution of matrix equations resulting from finite difference approximations to the full potential equation in conservation form. For transonic flows, an artificial viscosity, required to maintain stability in supersonic regions, was introduced by an upwind bias of the density. Two implicit AF procedures are presented and their convergence performance is compared with that of the standard transonic solution procedure, successive line overrelaxation (SLOR). Subcritical and supercritical test cases are considered. The results indicate that the AF schemes are substantially faster than SLOR

    Numerical optimization design of advanced transonic wing configurations

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    A computationally efficient and versatile technique for use in the design of advanced transonic wing configurations has been developed. A reliable and fast transonic wing flow-field analysis program, TWING, has been coupled with a modified quasi-Newton method, unconstrained optimization algorithm, QNMDIF, to create a new design tool. Fully three-dimensional wing designs utilizing both specified wing pressure distributions and drag-to-lift ration minimization as design objectives are demonstrated. Because of the high computational efficiency of each of the components of the design code, in particular the vectorization of TWING and the high speed of the Cray X-MP vector computer, the computer time required for a typical wing design is reduced by approximately an order of magnitude over previous methods. In the results presented here, this computed wave drag has been used as the quantity to be optimized (minimized) with great success, yielding wing designs with nearly shock-free (zero wave drag) pressure distributions and very reasonable wing section shapes

    Numerical computation of three-dimensional blunt body flow fields with an impinging shock

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    A time-marching finite-difference method was used to solve the compressible Navier-Stokes equations for the three-dimensional wing-leading-edge shock impingement problem. The bow shock was treated as a discontinuity across which the exact shock jump conditions were applied. All interior shock layer detail such as shear layers, shock waves, jets, and the wall boundary layer were automatically captured in the solution. The impinging shock was introduced by discontinuously changing the freestream conditions across the intersection line at the bow shock. A special storage-saving procedure for sweeping through the finite-difference mesh was developed which reduces the required amount of computer storage by at least a factor of two without sacrificing the execution time. Numerical results are presented for infinite cylinder blunt body cases as well as the three-dimensional shock impingement case. The numerical results are compared with existing experimental and theoretical results

    Comparison of the full potential and Euler formulations for computing transonic airfoil flows

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    A quantitative comparison between the Euler and full potential formulations with respect to speed and accuracy is presented. The robustness of the codes used is tested by a number of transonic airfoil cases. The computed results are from four transonic airfoil computer codes. The full potential codes use fully implicit iteration algorithms. The first Euler code uses a fully implicit ADI iteration scheme. The second Euler code uses an explicit Runge Kutta time stepping algorithm which is enhanced by a multigrid convergence acceleration scheme. Quantitative comparisons are made using various plots of lift coefficient versus the average mesh spacing along the airfoil. Besides yielding an asymptotic limit to the lift coefficient, these results also demonstrate the truncation error behavior of the various codes. Quantitative conclusions regarding the full potential and Euler formulations with respect to accuracy, speed, and robustness can be presented

    Evaluation of Navier-Stokes and Euler solutions for leading-edge separation vortices

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    Extensive study on the numerical simulation of the vortical flow over a double delta wing is carried out using the thin layer Navier-Stokes and Euler equations. Two important flow characteristics, vortex interaction and vortex breakdown, are successfully simulated. Grid resolution is one of the most important factors associated with the vortex problem. Computations were performed on a series of grids with various levels of refinement, coarse, medium, and fine. Computations using either the coarse or medium grids fail to capture the proper physical phenomena. The computed result using a fine grid shows flow unsteadiness once the vortex breakdown takes place. The C sub L - alpha characteristics are well predicted up to the breakdown angle of attack for all the grid distributions. The Euler solutions show fairly good agreement with the experiment on the C sub L - alpha characteristics. However, other aspects of the solution at each angle of attack, such as the locus of the leading edge separation vortex, are not consistent with the experiment. Even for the fine grid Navier-Stokes computations, further grid resolution is required to obtain good quantitative agreement with the experiment