1,326 research outputs found

    Spectral analysis of the sdO K 648, the exciting star of the planetary nebula Ps 1 in the globular cluster M 15 (NGC 7078)

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    We present a spectral analysis of the sdO central star K 648 based on medium-resolution optical and high-resolution UV spectra. The photospheric parameters are determined by means of state-of-the-art NLTE model atmosphere techniques. We found Teff = 39 +/- 2 kK and log g = 3.9 +/- 0.2. The helium (He/H=0.08) and oxygen (O/H=0.001) abundances are about solar while carbon is enriched by a factor of 2.5 (C/H=0.001). Nitrogen (N/H = 10**(-6), [N/H] = -2.0) appears at a sub-solar value. However, these metal abundances are much higher than the cluster's metallicity M 15: [Fe/H] = -2.25). The surface composition appears to be a mixture of the original hydrogen-rich material and products of helium burning (3 alpha process) which have been mixed up to the surface. The abundances of He, C, and N are consistent with the nebular abundance, while O is considerably more abundant in the photosphere than in the nebula. From a comparison of its position in the log Teff - log g plane with evolutionary calculations a mass of 0.57 (+0.02, -0.01) Msun and a luminosity of 3810 +/- 1200 Lsun are deduced. Our spectroscopic distance d = 11.1 (+2.4, -2.9) kpc is in agreement with the distance of M 15 as determined by Alves et al. (2000). From the GHRS spectra we measure a radial velocity of vrad = -130 km/sec.Comment: 8 pages, 13 figure

    A new HW Vir binary from the Palomar Transient Factory: PTF1 J072455.75+125300.3 - An eclipsing subdwarf B binary with a M-star companion

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    We report the discovery of an eclipsing binary -- PTF1 J072456++125301-- composed of a subdwarf B (sdB) star (g=17.2mg'=17.2^m) with a faint companion. Subdwarf B stars are core helium-burning stars, which can be found on the extreme horizontal branch. About half of them reside in close binary systems, but few are known to be eclipsing, for which fundamental stellar parameters can be derived.\newline We conducted an analysis of photometric data and spectra from the Palomar 60'' and the 200" Hale telescope respectively. A quantitative spectral analysis found an effective temperature of Teff=33900±350T_{\text{eff}}=33900\pm350\,K, log g = 5.74±0.085.74\pm0.08 and log(nHe/nH)=2.02±0.07n_{\text{He}}/n_{\text{H}}) = -2.02 \pm0.07, typical for an sdB star. The companion does not contribute to the optical light of the system, except through a distinct reflection effect. From the light curve an orbital period of 0.09980(25)\,d and a system inclination of 83.56\pm0.30\,^{\circ} were derived. The radial velocity curve yielded an orbital semi-amplitude of K_1=95.8\pm 8.1\,\text{km s^{-1}}. The mass for the M-type dwarf companion is 0.155±0.020M0.155\pm0.020\,M_{\odot}. PTF1\,J072456++125301 has similar atmospheric parameters to those of pulsating sdB stars (V346 Hya stars). Therefore it could be a high-priority object for asteroseismology, if pulsations were detected such as in the enigmatic case of NY Vir.Comment: Accepted to A&A, 7pages, 4 figure

    Candidate hypervelocity stars of spectral type G and K revisited

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    Hypervelocity stars (HVS) move so fast that they are unbound to the Galaxy. When they were first discovered in 2005, dynamical ejection from the supermassive black hole (SMBH) in the Galactic Centre (GC) was suggested as their origin. The two dozen HVSs known today are young massive B stars, mostly of 3-4 solar masses. Recently, 20 HVS candidates of low mass were discovered in the Segue G and K dwarf sample, but none of them originates from the GC. We embarked on a kinematic analysis of the Segue HVS candidate sample using the full 6D phase space information based on new proper motion measurements. Their orbital properties can then be derived by tracing back their trajectories in different mass models of our Galaxy. We present the results for 14 candidate HVSs, for which proper motion measurements were possible. Significantly lower proper motions than found in the previous study were derived. Considering three different Galactic mass models we find that all stars are bound to the Galaxy. We confirm that the stars do not originate from the GC. The distribution of their proper motions and radial velocities is consistent with predictions for runaway stars ejected from the Galactic disk by the binary supernova mechanism. However, their kinematics are also consistent with old disk membership. Moreover, most stars have rather low metallicities and strong α\alpha-element enrichment as typical for thick disk and halo stars, whereas the metallicity of the three most metal-rich stars could possibly indicate that they are runaway stars from the thin disk. One star shows halo kinematics.Comment: A&A letter accepte

    Quantitative spectroscopy of extreme helium stars - Model atmospheres and a non-LTE abundance analysis of BD+10^\circ2179?

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    Extreme helium stars (EHe stars) are hydrogen-deficient supergiants of spectral type A and B. They are believed to result from mergers in double degenerate systems. In this paper we present a detailed quantitative non-LTE spectral analysis for BD+10^\circ2179, a prototype of this rare class of stars, using UVES and FEROS spectra covering the range from \sim3100 to 10 000 {\AA}. Atmosphere model computations were improved in two ways. First, since the UV metal line blanketing has a strong impact on the temperature-density stratification, we used the Atlas12 code. Additionally, We tested Atlas12 against the benchmark code Sterne3, and found only small differences in the temperature and density stratifications, and good agreement with the spectral energy distributions. Second, 12 chemical species were treated in non-LTE. Pronounced non-LTE effects occur in individual spectral lines but, for the majority, the effects are moderate to small. The spectroscopic parameters give TeffT_\mathrm{eff} = 17 300±\pm300 K and logg\log g = 2.80±\pm0.10, and an evolutionary mass of 0.55±\pm0.05 MM_\odot. The star is thus slightly hotter, more compact and less massive than found in previous studies. The kinematic properties imply a thick-disk membership, which is consistent with the metallicity [[Fe/H]1]\approx-1 and α\alpha-enhancement. The refined light-element abundances are consistent with the white dwarf merger scenario. We further discuss the observed helium spectrum in an appendix, detecting dipole-allowed transitions from about 150 multiplets plus the most comprehensive set of known/predicted isolated forbidden components to date. Moreover, a so far unreported series of pronounced forbidden He I components is detected in the optical-UV.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS, 26 pages, 19 Figure

    Subdwarf B Stars from the ESO Supernova Ia Progenitor Survey -- Observation versus Theory

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    Original paper can be found at: http://www.astrosociety.org/pubs/cs/328.html--Copyright Astronomical Society of the PacificWe present the analysis of a high-quality sample of optical spectra for 76 sdB stars from the ESO Supernova Ia Progenitor Survey. Effective temperature, surface gravity, and photospheric helium abundance were derived from line profile fits. We demonstrate that our subsample of 52 single-lined sdB stars is a useful tool to compare observation and theory. The predictions of population synthesis models for close binary evolution are compared to our data. We show that the simulations cover the observed parameter range of sdBs, but fail to reproduce the observed distribution in detail

    The Deuterium, Oxygen, and Nitrogen Abundance Toward LSE 44

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    We present measurements of the column densities of interstellar DI, OI, NI, and H2 made with FUSE, and of HI made with IUE toward the sdO star LSE 44, at a distance of 554+/-66 pc. This target is among the seven most distant Galactic sight lines for which these abundance ratios have been measured. The column densities were estimated by profile fitting and curve of growth analyses. We find D/H = (2.24 +1.39 -1.32)E-5, D/O = (1.99 +1.30 -0.67)E-2, D/N = (2.75 +1.19 -0.89)E-1, and O/H = (1.13 +0.96 -0.71)E-3 (2 sigma). Of the most distant Galactic sight lines for which the deuterium abundance has been measured LSE 44 is one of the few with D/H higher than the Local Bubble value, but D/O toward all these targets is below the Local Bubble value and more uniform than the D/H distribution. (Abstract abridged.)Comment: 20 pages, including 9 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Hot subdwarf stars in close-up view. I. Rotational properties of subdwarf B stars in close binary systems and nature of their unseen companions

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    Original article can be found at: http://www.aanda.org/ Copyright The European Southern Observatory (ESO)The origin of hot subdwarf B stars (sdBs) is still unclear. About half of the known sdBs are in close binary systems for which common envelope ejection is the most likely formation channel. Little is known about this dynamic phase of binary evolution. Since most of the known sdB systems are single-lined spectroscopic binaries, it is difficult to derive masses and unravel the companions' nature, which is the aim of this paper. Due to the tidal influence of the companion in close binary systems, the rotation of the primary becomes synchronised to its orbital motion. In this case it is possible to constrain the mass of the companion, if the primary mass, its projected rotational velocity as well as its surface gravity are known. For the first time we measured the projected rotational velocities of a large sdB binary sample from high resolution spectra. We analysed a sample of 51 sdB stars in close binaries, 40 of which have known orbital parameters comprising half of all such systems known today. Synchronisation in sdB binaries is discussed both from the theoretical and the observational point of view. The masses and the nature of the unseen companions could be constrained in 31 cases. We found orbital synchronisation most likely to be established in binaries with orbital periods shorter than . Only in five cases it was impossible to decide whether the sdB's companion is a white dwarf or an M dwarf. The companions to seven sdBs could be clearly identified as late M stars. One binary may have a brown dwarf companion. The unseen companions of nine sdBs are white dwarfs with typical masses. The mass of one white dwarf companion is very low. In eight cases (including the well known system KPD1930+2752) the companion mass exceeds , four of which even exceed the Chandrasekhar limit indicating that they may be neutron stars. Even stellar mass black holes are possible for the most massive companions. The distribution of the inclinations of the systems with low mass companions appears to be consistent with expectations, whereas a lack of high inclinations becomes obvious for the massive systems. We show that the formation of such systems can be explained with common envelope evolution and present an appropriate formation channel including two phases of unstable mass transfer and one supernova explosion. The sample also contains a candidate post-RGB star, which rotates fast despite its long orbital period. The post-RGB stars are expected to spin-up caused by their ongoing contraction. The age of the sdB is another important factor. If the EHB star is too young, the synchronisation process might not be finished yet. Estimating the ages of the target stars from their positions on the EHB band, we found PG 2345+318, which is known not to be synchronised, to lie near the zero-age extreme horizontal branch as are the massive candidates PG 1232-136, PG 1432+159 and PG 1101+249. These star may possibly be too young to have reached synchronisation. The derived large fraction of putative massive sdB binary systems in low inclination orbits is inconsistent with theoretical predictions. Even if we dismiss three candidates because they may be too young and assume that the other sdB primaries are of low mass, PG 1743+477 and, in particular, HE 0532-4503 remain as candidates whose companions may have masses close to or above the Chandrasekhar limit. X-ray observations and accurate photometry are suggested to clarify their nature. As high inclination systems must also exist, an appropriate survey has already been launched to find such binaries.Peer reviewe