7,337 research outputs found


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    This paper is a temporary report of a project investigating the ICT gadgets in a survey study involving students of Senior High Schools in Central Java, Indonesia. The purpose of this study is to investigate how ICT is perceived and used by high school students as well as to disclose how the students have made use of the technological gadgets for language learning-related activities. The study employs a mixed method by which data were garnered from questionnaire surveys and focus group discussion. This is reported in the very end of the project stages and the results of which suggest that the research subjects perceive the ICT very positively and that, overall, respondents have frequently used them for various dayto-day activities. Another finding also suggests that the majority of respondents admit that they use the gadgets for various learning-related activities despite less so for learning English, bringing with it an implication on the change of policy by schools or educational policy makers to consider integrating the technology into a more purposeful learning uses


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    Abstract: Research indicates that human perception about technologies determines the attitudes towards them (Aviram & Tami, 2004). Thus, prior to attempting to make use of the technology for teaching, understanding of users’ perceptions or beliefs about ICTs is crucial to be established. The purpose of this study is to understand how technologies are used and perceived by the students and how much the technological gadgets have been used for English-skill-related activities. The study employs descriptive quantitative method by which data were collected through questionnaire surveys. This paper will discuss the preliminary findings of an on-going study on the above issues. Implication that this study informs EFL in Indonesia in that technologies indeed have a significant role in school environment and may be optimized for learning purposes will be discussed

    Treatment Programs for Adolescents Who Sexually Harm and The Good Lives Model

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    Rapport de stage présenté en vue de l’obtention du grade de Maitrise ès sciences (M.Sc) en CriminologieDepuis les années 1980, les programmes de traitement pour les délinquants sexuels ont considérablement évolués. Par conséquent, de nombreuses études se sont focalisées sur l’évaluation de leur efficacité. Plus récemment, de nouvelles études empiriques ont été publiées sur les programmes de traitement pour les adolescents auteurs d’abus sexuels. Ce rapport offre un aperçu des programmes les plus courants pour cette population spécifique. Cependant, ce rapport porte plus particulièrement sur l’utilisation du Modèle de Vies Saines (Good Lives Model) avec les mineurs qui commettent des agressions sexuelles. Le Modèle de Vies Saines est basé sur le principe que tout être humain, les délinquants y compris, est motivé à atteindre des besoins primaires, mais il ne possède pas les stratégies adéquates (besoins secondaires) pour les réaliser. Les besoins primaires représentent des expériences, sentiments ou circonstances qui, si atteints, entrainent une augmentation du bien-être. D’autre part, les besoins secondaires ou besoins instrumentaux sont les moyens ou les actions utilisées pour sécuriser les besoins primaires. Le Modèle de Vies Saines a deux objectifs principaux : promouvoir les besoins primaires et la gestion du risque. Pour diminuer le risque de récidive, le Modèle de Vies Saines est axé sur la motivation, les valeurs et les aspirations des délinquants afin de susciter le changement. Ce modèle cherche également à éliminer les distorsions cognitives. Le Modèle de Vies Saines fut développé par Tony Ward en réponse aux critiques du modèle du risque et des besoins (RBR) d’Andrews & Bonta (2005). L’approche de Ward concernant le traitement de la délinquance sexuelle, peut être utilisée parallèlement ou conjointement au RBR. Ce projet du Modèle de Vies Saines a été effectué aux Services Externes de l’Institut Philippe Pinel de Montréal (IPPM) et inclut deux cas d’étude. L’analyse du matériel clinique met en avant les bénéfices et inconvénients de ce modèle. De plus, ce projet offre une compréhension globale du passage à l’acte sexuel chez les adolescents.Since the 1980s, treatment programs for sexual offenders have greatly evolved. Subsequently, many studies have focused on evaluating their efficiency. Most recently, new empirical research has arose on treatment programs for adolescents who sexually harm (AWSH). This report offers an overview of most prevalent treatment programs currently available for this specific population. The present report focuses more specifically on the application of the Good Lives Model (GLM) to ASWH. The GLM is based on the principle that all human beings, offenders included are motivated by reaching primary goods but they do not have healthy strategies (secondary goods) to do so. Primary goods are feelings, experiences or circumstances human beings seek to achieve well-being. On the other hand, secondary or instrumental goods are the means or actions used to secure primary goods. The GLM has two main objectives: promote goods and risk management. In order to reduce offending, the GLM focuses on the offender’s motivation, values and aspirations to elicit the change process. It also seeks to get rid of cognitive distortions. The GLM was developed by Tony Ward as a response to the criticism of Andews & Bonta’s (2005) Risk-Need-Responsivity (RNR) model. Ward’s approach to sexual offending treatment can be either used as an alternative or complementary approach to the RNR model. This GLM project took place at the Services Externes of the Philippe Pinel Institute of Montréal (IPPM) and included two case studies. The analysis of the clinical material revealed the benefits and drawbacks of this model. Furthermore, it offered a more global understanding of the pathways to sexual offenses amongst the adolescent population

    Climate Change, Coming Soon to a Court Near You – Report Four: International Climate Change Legal Frameworks

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    In 2020, the Paris Agreement is the pinnacle of international law on climate change. It orchestrates global climate action over the coming decades. Countries agreed to limit global warming to well below 2ÂşC above preindustrial times, closer to 1.5ÂşC. Humankind will only achieve this temperature goal if we domesticate our international climate commitments. Judges have proven to be instrumental in holding their governments accountable for their climate pledges. Report Four of this four-part series explores the nature of the Paris Agreement, its history, and the framework of international instruments and international legal principles that support global and domestic climate action

    Constructing cost of living indexes : ideas and individuals, Argentina, 1918-1935

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    This article examines the first two estimates of the Argentine cost of living index, focusing on their producers, Alejandro Bunge and José Figuerola. The Bunge index, released in 1918, did not hold as a stable social and political artifact because it lacked legitimacy in the eyes of many sectors of society. This was a consequence of Bunge’s personal connections, and of the close relationship between the index and Bunge and between the index and his macroeconomic vision, which differed from that of the economic and political elite. The trajectory of the second estimate, released in 1935 by the National Labor Department, highlights the importance of the working class as a social actor in fostering the adoption of the cost of living index. The legitimacy of the National Labor Department’s index was enhanced by the connections between Figuerola and the International Labour Organization. The contrast between the two histories suggests that for a cost of living index to hold as a stable social and political artifact during the first half of the twentieth century, a connection between the index and industrial relations had to exist. In particular, the index should contribute toward the formation of the working class as a visible object for policy intervention

    Kentucky Worksite Wellness Tax Credit: A Health Impact Assessment

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    The purpose of the assessment was to evaluate the potential effects of a worksite wellness tax credit on three main areas of concern for Kentucky: (!) nutrition, physical activity and obesity levels of children whose parents receive Worksite Wellness services, (2) jobs and (3) social cohesion

    Dilaton thin-shell wormholes supported by a generalized Chaplygin gas

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    In this article, we construct spherical thin-shell wormholes with charge in dilaton gravity. The exotic matter required for the construction is provided by a generalized Chaplygin gas. We study the stability under perturbations preserving the symmetry. We find that the increase of the coupling between the dilaton and the electromagnetic fields reduces the range of the parameters for which stable configurations are possible.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures. v3: typos correcte

    A test of tau neutrino interactions with atmospheric neutrinos and K2K

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    The presence of a tau component in the flux of atmospheric neutrinos inside the Earth, due to flavor oscillations, makes these neutrinos a valuable probe of interactions of the tau neutrino with matter. We study -- analytically and numerically -- the effects of nonstandard interactions in the nu_e-nu_tau sector on atmospheric neutrino oscillations, and calculate the bounds on the exotic couplings that follow from combining the atmospheric neutrino and K2K data. We find very good agreement between numerical results and analytical predictions derived from the underlying oscillation physics. While improving on existing accelerator bounds, our bounds still allow couplings of the size comparable to the standard weak interaction. The inclusion of new interactions expands the allowed region of the vacuum oscillation parameters towards smaller mixing angles, 0.2 ~< sin^2 theta_{23} ~< 0.7, and slightly larger mass squared splitting, 1.5 * 10^{-3} eV^2 ~< |\Delta m^2_{23}| ~< 4.0 * 10^{-3} eV^2, compared to the standard case. The impact of the K2K data on all these results is significant; further important tests of the nu_e-nu_tau exotic couplings will come from neutrino beams experiments such as MINOS and long baseline projects.Comment: 8 figures, some typos corrected, minor editing in the reference
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