2,209 research outputs found

    Modelling ripples in Orion with coupled dust dynamics and radiative transfer

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    In light of the recent detection of direct evidence for the formation of Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities in the Orion nebula, we expand upon previous modelling efforts by numerically simulating the shear-flow driven gas and dust dynamics in locations where the HII_{II} region and the molecular cloud interact. We aim to directly confront the simulation results with the infrared observations. Methods: To numerically model the onset and full nonlinear development of the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability we take the setup proposed to interpret the observations, and adjust it to a full 3D hydrodynamical simulation that includes the dynamics of gas as well as dust. A dust grain distribution with sizes between 5-250 nm is used, exploiting the gas+dust module of the MPI-AMRVAC code, in which the dust species are represented by several pressureless dust fluids. The evolution of the model is followed well into the nonlinear phase. The output of these simulations is then used as input for the SKIRT dust radiative transfer code to obtain infrared images at several stages of the evolution, which can be compared to the observations. Results: We confirm that a 3D Kelvin-Helmholtz instability is able to develop in the proposed setup, and that the formation of the instability is not inhibited by the addition of dust. Kelvin-Helmholtz billows form at the end of the linear phase, and synthetic observations of the billows show striking similarities to the infrared observations. It is pointed out that the high density dust regions preferentially collect on the flanks of the billows. To get agreement with the observed Kelvin-Helmholtz ripples, the assumed geometry between the background radiation, the billows and the observer is seen to be of critical importance.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figure

    Mono Lake or Laschamp geomagnetic event recorded from lava flows in Amsterdam Island (southeastern Indian Ocean)

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    We report a survey carried out on basalt flows from Amsterdam Island in order to check the presence of intermediate directions interpreted to belong to a geomagnetic field excursion within the Brunhes epoch, completing this paleomagnetic record with paleointensity determinations and radiometric dating. The directional results corroborate the findings by Watkins and Nougier (1973) : normal polarity is found for two units and an intermediate direction, with associated VGPs close to the equator, for the other two units. A notable result is that these volcanic rocks are well suited for absolute paleointensity determinations. Fifty percent of the samples yields reliable intensity values with high quality factors. An original element of this study is that we made use of the PTRM-tail test of Shcherbakova et al. (2000) to help in the interpretation of the paleointensity measurements. Doing thus, only the high temperature intervals, beyond 400 degres C, were retained to obtain the most reliable estimate of the strength of the ancient magnetic field. The normal units yield Virtual Dipole Moments (VDM) of 6.2 and 7.7 10e22 Am2 and the excursional units yield values of 3.7 and 3.4 10e22 Am2. These results are quite consistent with the other Thellier determinations from Brunhes excursion records, all characterized by a decrease of the VDM as VGP latitude decreases. 40Ar/39Ar isotopic age determinations provide an estimate of 26+-15 Kyr and 18+-9 Kyr for the transitional lava flows, which could correspond to the Mono Lake excursion. However, the large error bars associated with these ages do not exclude the hypothesis that this event is the Laschamp

    Inmunología, estrés, depresión y cáncer

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    La modulación del sistema inmunológico por el Sistema Nervioso Central (SNC) está mediada por una red compleja bidireccional de señales entre el SNC, el endocrino y el in¬munológico (SI). Las citocinas producidas por las células del SI pueden ejercer su acción so¬bre células del SNC pues poseen receptores específicos para las citocinas. Además, las cé¬lulas del SI son capaces de producir muchos de los mediadores producidos por el tejido nervioso. Tanto el estrés como la depresión y la inflamación son capaces de activar y modi¬ficar el equilibrio de las citocinas. De hecho, los pacientes deprimidos muestran elevados ni¬veles de citocinas proinflamatorias y esta condición de ánimo también puede influenciar el desarrollo o crecimiento de las enfermedades neoplásicas.The modulation of the immune system (IS) by the central nervous system (CNS) is me¬diated by a complex network of bi-directional signals between the CNS, endocrine system and the IS. Cytokines produced by cells of the IS can exert their action in cells of the CNS because they have specific membrane recep¬tors for them. On the other hand, cells of the IS can produce many of the soluble mediators active in the CNS. Stress and depression can activate and modify this cytokine balance. In fact depressed patients show elevated levels of proinflammatory cytokines and this mood condition can modulate the natural course of the neoplasic disease

    Black Branes in a Box: Hydrodynamics, Stability, and Criticality

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    We study the effective hydrodynamics of neutral black branes enclosed in a finite cylindrical cavity with Dirichlet boundary conditions. We focus on how the Gregory-Laflamme instability changes as we vary the cavity radius R. Fixing the metric at the cavity wall increases the rigidity of the black brane by hindering gradients of the redshift on the wall. In the effective fluid, this is reflected in the growth of the squared speed of sound. As a consequence, when the cavity is smaller than a critical radius the black brane becomes dynamically stable. The correlation with the change in thermodynamic stability is transparent in our approach. We compute the bulk and shear viscosities of the black brane and find that they do not run with R. We find mean-field theory critical exponents near the critical point.Comment: 23 pages, 3 figures. v2: added comments on first-order phase transitio

    Far-infrared and dust properties of present-day galaxies in the EAGLE simulations

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    The Evolution and Assembly of GaLaxies and their Environments (EAGLE) cosmological simulations reproduce the observed galaxy stellar mass function and many galaxy properties. In this work, we study the dust-related properties of present-day EAGLE galaxies through mock observations in the far-infrared and submm wavelength ranges obtained with the 3D dust radiative transfer code SKIRT. To prepare an EAGLE galaxy for radiative transfer processing, we derive a diffuse dust distribution from the gas particles and we re-sample the star-forming gas particles and the youngest star particles into star-forming regions that are assigned dedicated emission templates. We select a set of redshift-zero EAGLE galaxies that matches the K-band luminosity distribution of the galaxies in the Herschel Reference Survey (HRS), a volume-limited sample of about 300 normal galaxies in the Local Universe. We find overall agreement of the EAGLE dust scaling relations with those observed in the HRS, such as the dust-to-stellar mass ratio versus stellar mass and versus NUV–r colour relations. A discrepancy in the f250/f350 versus f350/f500 submm colour–colour relation implies that part of the simulated dust is insufficiently heated, likely because of limitations in our sub-grid model for star-forming regions. We also investigate the effect of adjusting the metal-to-dust ratio and the covering factor of the photodissociation regions surrounding the star-forming cores. We are able to constrain the important dust-related parameters in our method, informing the calculation of dust attenuation for EAGLE galaxies in the UV and optical domain

    Woodland caribou persistence and extirpation in relic populations on Lake Superior

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    Extended: The hypothesis was proposed that woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) in North America had declined due to wolf predation and over-hunting rather than from a shortage of winter lichens (Bergerud, 1974). In 1974, two study areas were selected for testing: for the lichen hypothesis, we selected the Slate Islands in Lake Superior (36 km2), a closed canopy forest without terrestrial lichens, wolves, bears, or moose; for the predation hypothesis, we selected the nearby Pukaskwa National Park (PNP) where terrestrial lichens, wolves, bears, and moose were present. Both areas were monitored from 1974 to 2003 (30 years). The living and dead caribou on the Slates were estimated by the ‘King census’ strip transect (mean length 108±9.3 km, extremes 22-190, total 3026 km) and the Lincoln Index (mean tagged 45±3.6, extremes 15-78). The mean annual population on the Slate Islands based on the strip transects was 262±22 animals (extremes 104-606), or 7.3/km2 (29 years) and from the Lincoln Index 303±64 (extremes 181-482), or 8.4/km2 (23 years). These are the highest densities in North America and have persisted at least since 1949 (56 years). Mountain maple (Acer spicatum) interacted with caribou density creating a record in its age structure which corroborates persistence at relatively high density from c. 1930. The mean percentage of calves was 14.8±0.34% (20 years) in the fall and 14.1±1.95% (19 years) in late winter. The Slate Islands herd was regulated by the density dependent abundance of summer green foods and fall physical condition rather than density independent arboreal lichen availability and snow depths. Two wolves (1 wolf/150 caribou) crossed to the islands in 1993-94 and reduced two calf cohorts (3 and 4.9 per cent calves) while female adult survival declined from a mean of 82% to 71% and the population declined ≈100 animals. In PNP, caribou/moose/wolf populations were estimated by aerial surveys (in some years assisted by telemetry). The caribou population estimates ranged from 31 in 1979 to 9 in 2003 (Y=1267 - 0.628X, r=-0.783, n=21, P<0.01) and extirpation is forecast in 2018. Animals lived within 3 km of Lake Superior (Bergerud, 1985) with an original density of 0.06/km2, similar to many other woodland herds coexisting with wolves (Bergerud, 1992), and 100 times less than the density found on the Slate Islands. The mean moose population was 0.25±0.016/km2 and the wolf population averaged 8.5±0.65/1000 km2. Late winter calf percentages in PNP averaged 16.2±1.89 (25 years); the population was gradually reduced by winter wolf predation (Bergerud, 1989; 1996). The refuge habitat available is apparently insufficient for persistence in an area where the continuous distribution of woodland caribou is fragmented due to moose exceeding 0.10/km2 and thereby supporting wolf densities ≥6.5/1000 km2. A second experimental study was to introduce Slate Island caribou to areas with and without wolves. A release to Bowman Island, where wolves and moose were present, failed due to predation. Bowman Island is adjacent to St. Ignace Island where caribou had persisted into the late 1940s. A second release in 1989 to the mainland in Lake Superior Provincial Park of 39 animals has persisted (<10 animals) because the animals utilize off-shore islands but numbers are also declining. A third release to Montréal Island in 1984 doubled in numbers (up to 20 animals) until Lake Superior froze in 1994 and wolves reached the island. A fourth release was to Michipicoten Island (188 km2) in 1982 where wolves were absent and few lichens were available. This herd increased at λ= 1.18 (8 to ±200, 160 seen 2001) in 19 years. This was the island envisioned for the crucial test of the lichen/predation hypotheses (Bergerud, 1974: p.769). These studies strongly support the idea that ecosystems without predators are limited bottom–up by food and those with wolves top-down by predation; however the proposed crucial test which has been initiated on Michipicoten Island remains to be completed and there is a limited window of opportunity for unequivocal results

    M2-M5 blackfold funnels

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    We analyze the basic M2-M5 intersection in the supergravity regime using the blackfold approach. This approach allows us to recover the 1/4-BPS self-dual string soliton solution of Howe, Lambert and West as a three-funnel solution of an effective fivebrane worldvolume theory in a new regime, the regime of a large number of M2 and M5 branes. In addition, it allows us to discuss finite temperature effects for non-extremal self-dual string soliton solutions and wormhole solutions interpolating between stacks of M5 and anti-M5 branes. The purpose of this paper is to exhibit these solutions and their basic properties.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figures, harvmac; typo corrected in equation (3.19

    Eat-Radar: Continuous Fine-Grained Eating Gesture Detection Using FMCW Radar and 3D Temporal Convolutional Network

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    Unhealthy dietary habits are considered as the primary cause of multiple chronic diseases such as obesity and diabetes. The automatic food intake monitoring system has the potential to improve the quality of life (QoF) of people with dietary related diseases through dietary assessment. In this work, we propose a novel contact-less radar-based food intake monitoring approach. Specifically, a Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave (FMCW) radar sensor is employed to recognize fine-grained eating and drinking gestures. The fine-grained eating/drinking gesture contains a series of movement from raising the hand to the mouth until putting away the hand from the mouth. A 3D temporal convolutional network (3D-TCN) is developed to detect and segment eating and drinking gestures in meal sessions by processing the Range-Doppler Cube (RD Cube). Unlike previous radar-based research, this work collects data in continuous meal sessions. We create a public dataset that contains 48 meal sessions (3121 eating gestures and 608 drinking gestures) from 48 participants with a total duration of 783 minutes. Four eating styles (fork & knife, chopsticks, spoon, hand) are included in this dataset. To validate the performance of the proposed approach, 8-fold cross validation method is applied. Experimental results show that our proposed 3D-TCN outperforms the model that combines a convolutional neural network and a long-short-term-memory network (CNN-LSTM), and also the CNN-Bidirectional LSTM model (CNN-BiLSTM) in eating and drinking gesture detection. The 3D-TCN model achieves a segmental F1-score of 0.887 and 0.844 for eating and drinking gestures, respectively. The results of the proposed approach indicate the feasibility of using radar for fine-grained eating and drinking gesture detection and segmentation in meal sessions