460 research outputs found

    Parameter estimation methods for analyzing overlapping gravitational wave signals in the third-generation detector era

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    In the coming years, third-generation detectors such as the EinsteinTelescope and the Cosmic Explorer will enter the network of ground-basedgravitational-wave detectors. Their current design predicts a significantlyimproved sensitivity band with a lower minimum frequency than existingdetectors. This, combined with the increased arm length, leads to two majoreffects: the detection of more signals and the detection of longer signals.Both will result in a large number of overlapping signals. It has been shown that such overlapping signals can lead to biases in therecovered parameters, which would adversely affect the science extracted fromthe observed binary merger signals. In this work, we analyze overlapping binaryblack hole coalescences with two methods to analyze multi-signal observations:hierarchical subtraction and joint parameter estimation. We find that thesemethods enable a reliable parameter extraction in most cases and that jointparameter estimation is usually more precise but comes with highercomputational costs.<br

    Application des mĂ©thodes statistiques et gĂ©ostatistiques Ă  l’étude de la conductivitĂ© Ă©lectrique des eaux souterraines de la rĂ©gion du N’zi-ComoĂ© (Centre-Est de la CĂŽte d’Ivoire)

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    La r&#233;gion du N&#8217;zi-Como&#233; est situ&#233;e au Centre-Est de la C&#244;te d&#8217;Ivoire. L&#8217;approvisionnement en eau potable des populations rurales est assur&#233; majoritairement par les forages d&#8217;hydraulique villageoise. Ces eaux appartiennent &#224; un environnement g&#233;ologique de socle cristallin et cristallophyllien. Les formations g&#233;ologiques sont constitu&#233;es de roches magmatiques (granites, migmatites, gneiss) et m&#233;tamorphiques (schistes, gr&#232;s, roches vertes). La d&#233;termination de la qualit&#233; des eaux souterraines peut &#234;tre appr&#233;ci&#233;e par la conductivit&#233; &#233;lectrique (CE). Elle repr&#233;sente un param&#232;tre physique de l&#8217;eau qui fournit des informations sur sa min&#233;ralisation. Le but de cette &#233;tude est de comprendre l&#8217;environnement physico-chimique et l&#8217;&#233;volution spatiale de la min&#233;ralisation des eaux souterraines des aquif&#232;res fissur&#233;s de la r&#233;gion du N&#8217;zi-Como&#233; &#224; partir d&#8217;un descripteur performant qui est la conductivit&#233; &#233;lectrique (CE). La m&#233;thodologie appliqu&#233;e est fond&#233;e sur une approche pluridisciplinaire int&#233;grant les analyses statistiques et g&#233;ostatistiques, avec un &#233;chantillon de 193 forages. L&#8217;analyse en composantes principales norm&#233;es (ACPN) a confirm&#233; que la conductivit&#233; &#233;lectrique des eaux souterraines est influenc&#233;e par les param&#232;tres physico-chimiques de l&#8217;eau. Cependant, elle n&#8217;est pas influenc&#233;e par l&#8217;&#233;paisseur d&#8217;alt&#233;ration et l&#8217;&#233;paisseur for&#233;e dans le niveau fissur&#233;. L&#8217;analyse g&#233;ostatistique a montr&#233; que le mod&#232;le exponentiel mod&#233;lise au mieux la conductivit&#233; &#233;lectrique, variable r&#233;gionalis&#233;e et structur&#233;e. La cartographie de la conductivit&#233; &#233;lectrique, en tenant compte de sa structure spatiale, a permis de mettre en &#233;vidence une r&#233;partition h&#233;t&#233;rog&#232;ne dans l&#8217;espace de la min&#233;ralisation avec les plus fortes valeurs dans le Sud-Ouest et le Nord-Est.Mots cl&#233;s: Min&#233;ralisation; ACPN; Analyse variographique; Cartographie; Aquif&#232;res fissur&#233;s; C&#244;te d&#8217;Ivoir

    CaractĂ©risation hydrochimique des aquifĂšres fissurĂ©s de la rĂ©gion de San- Pedro (Sud-Ouest de la CĂŽte d’Ivoire)

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    La r&eacute;gion de San-Pedro est situ&eacute;e dans le Sud-Ouest de la C&ocirc;te d&rsquo;Ivoire. Son substratum est constitu&eacute; de roches cristallines et m&eacute;tamorphiques fractur&eacute;es. L&rsquo;objectif de la pr&eacute;sente &eacute;tude est de mieux conna&icirc;tre lespropri&eacute;t&eacute;s hydrochimiques et les m&eacute;canismes d&rsquo;acquisition de la min&eacute;ralisation des eaux souterraines de la r&eacute;gion de San-Pedro. La base de donn&eacute;es comporte les donn&eacute;es des analyses physico-chimiques des eaux souterraines des aquif&egrave;res fissur&eacute;s et des fiches techniques des forages. L&rsquo;approche hydrochimique et l&rsquo;Analyse en Composantes Principales Norm&eacute;es ont &eacute;t&eacute; utilis&eacute;es pour le traitement de ces donn&eacute;es. Les r&eacute;sultats de cette &eacute;tude montrent que les eaux souterraines de San-Pedro sont caract&eacute;ris&eacute;es par une faible min&eacute;ralisation. Elles se subdivisent en deux principaux hydrofaci&egrave;s : les eaux bicarbonat&eacute;es et les eaux chlorur&eacute;es. D&rsquo;apr&egrave;s le syst&egrave;me calco-carbonique, on distingue trois familles d&rsquo;eau dans la zone d&rsquo;&eacute;tude en fonction des indices de saturation vis-&agrave;-vis des carbonates : les eaux &agrave; circulation tr&egrave;s lente, les eaux &agrave; circulation lente et les eaux &agrave; circulation rapide. L&rsquo;ACPN a permis de mettre en &eacute;vidence trois ph&eacute;nom&egrave;nes principaux gouvernant la min&eacute;ralisation des eaux souterraines : le temps de s&eacute;jour de l&rsquo;eau dans la roche aquif&egrave;re, les apports superficiels et l&rsquo;hydrolyse acide. Les eaux souterraines de la r&eacute;gion de San-Pedro sont potables pour la consommation des populations humaines d&rsquo;une mani&egrave;re g&eacute;n&eacute;rale. Ces r&eacute;sultats concourent &agrave; une meilleure connaissance des propri&eacute;t&eacute;s hydrochimiques des ressources en eaux souterraines du socle cristallin de C&ocirc;te d&rsquo;Ivoire

    Genotyping by sequencing provides new insights into the diversity of Napier grass (Cenchrus purpureus) and reveals variation in genome-wide LD patterns between collections

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    peer-reviewedNapier grass is an important tropical forage-grass and of growing potential as an energy crop. One-hundred-five Napier grass accessions, encompassing two independent collections, were subjected to genotyping by sequencing which generated a set of high-density genome-wide markers together with short sequence reads. The reads, averaging 54 nucleotides, were mapped to the pearl millet genome and the closest genes and annotation information were used to select candidate genes linked to key forage traits. 980 highly polymorphic SNP markers, distributed across the genome, were used to assess population structure and diversity with seven-subgroups identified. A few representative accessions were selected with the objective of distributing subsets of a manageable size for further evaluation. Genome-wide linkage disequilibrium (LD) analyses revealed a fast LD-decay, on average 2.54 kbp, in the combined population with a slower LD-decay in the ILRI collection compared with the EMBRAPA collection, the significance of which is discussed. This initiative generated high-density markers with a good distribution across the genome. The diversity analysis revealed the existence of a substantial amount of variation in the ILRI collection and identified some unique materials from the EMBRAPA collection, demonstrating the potential of the overall population for further genetic and marker-trait-association studies

    Renewing Felsenstein’s phylogenetic Bootstrap in the era of big data

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    Felsenstein’s application of the bootstrap method to evolutionary trees is one of the most cited scientific papers of all time. The bootstrap method, which is based on resampling and replications, is used extensively to assess the robustness of phylogenetic inferences. However, increasing numbers of sequences are now available for a wide variety of species, and phylogenies based on hundreds or thousands of taxa are becoming routine. With phylogenies of this size Felsenstein’s bootstrap tends to yield very low supports, especially on deep branches. Here we propose a new version of the phylogenetic bootstrap in which the presence of inferred branches in replications is measured using a gradual ‘transfer’ distance rather than the binary presence or absence index used in Felsenstein’s original version. The resulting supports are higher and do not induce falsely supported branches. The application of our method to large mammal, HIV and simulated datasets reveals their phylogenetic signals, whereas Felsenstein’s bootstrap fails to do so

    Transperitoneal laparoscopic right radical nephrectomy for renal cell carcinoma and end-stage renal disease: a case report

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    Nephron-sparing surgery (partial nephrectomy) results are similar to those of radical nephrectomy for small (<4 cm) renal tumors. However, in patients with end-stage renal disease, radical nephrectomy emerges as a more efficient treatment for localized renal cell cancer. Laparoscopic radical nephrectomy (LRN) increasingly is being performed. The objective of the present study was to present a case of a patient under hemodialysis who was submitted to LRN for a small renal mass and discuss the current issues concerning this approach. It appears that radical nephrectomy should be the standard treatment in dialysis patients even for small tumors. The laparoscopic technique is associated with acceptable cancer-specific survival and recurrence rate along with shorter hospital stay, less postoperative pain and earlier return to normal activities

    Plant polysaccharide degrading enzyme system of Thermobifida cellulosilytica TB100<sup>T</sup> revealed by de novo genome project data

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    Thermobifidas are thermophilic, aerobic, lignocellulose decomposing actinomycetes. The Thermobifida genus includes four species: T. fusca, T. alba, T. cellulosilytica, and T. halotolerans. T. fusca YX is the far best characterized strain of this taxon and several cellulases and hemicellulases have been cloned from it for industrial purposes targeting paper industry, biofuel, and feed applications. Unfortunately, sequence data of such enzymes are almost exclusively restricted to this single species; however, we demonstrated earlier by zymography that other T. alba and T. cellulosilytica strains encode the same enzyme sets. Recently, the advances in whole genome sequencing by the use of next generation genomics platforms accelerated the selection process of valuable hydrolases from uncharacterized bacterial species for cloning purposes. For this purpose T. cellulosilytica TB100T type strain was chosen for de novo genome sequencing. We have assembled the genome of T. cellulosilytica strain TB100T into 168 contigs and 19 scaffolds, with reference length of 4 327 869 bps, 3 589 putative coding sequences, 53 tRNAs, and 4 rRNAs. The analysis of the annotated genome revealed the existence of 27 putative hydrolases belonging to 14 different glycoside hydrolase (GH) families. The investigation of identified, cloned, and heterologously multiple cellulases, mannanases, xylanases, and amylases may result in industrial applications beside gaining useful basic research related information
