1,430 research outputs found

    phi-fourth model on a circle

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    The four dimensional critical scalar theory at equilibrium with a thermal bath at temperature TT is considered. The thermal equilibrium state is labeled by nn the winding number of the vacua around the compact imaginary-time direction which compactification radius is 1/T. The effective action for zero modes is a three dimensional ϕ4\phi^4 scalar theory in which the mass of the the scalar field is proportional to n/Tn/T resembling the Kaluza-Klein dimensional reduction. Similar results are obtained for the theory at zero temperature but in a one-dimensional potential well. Since parity is violated by the vacua with odd vacuum number nn, in such cases there is also a cubic term in the effective potential. The ϕ3\phi^3-term contribution to the vacuum shift at one-loop is of the same order of the contribution from the ϕ4\phi^4-term in terms of the coupling constant of the four dimensional theory but becomes negligible as nn tends to infinity. Finally, the relation between the scalar classical vacua and the corresponding SU(2) instantons on S1×R3S^1\times{\mathbb R}^3 in the 't Hooft ansatz is studied.Comment: 9 pages, revtex4, to appear in Phys.Lett.

    Contact values of the radial distribution functions of additive hard-sphere mixtures in d dimensions: A new proposal

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    The contact values gij(σij)g_{ij}(\sigma_{ij}) of the radial distribution functions of a dd-dimensional mixture of (additive) hard spheres are considered. A `universality' assumption is put forward, according to which gij(σij)=G(η,zij)g_{ij}(\sigma_{ij})=G(\eta, z_{ij}), where GG is a common function for all the mixtures of the same dimensionality, regardless of the number of components, η\eta is the packing fraction of the mixture, and zijz_{ij} is a dimensionless parameter that depends on the size distribution and the diameters of spheres ii and jj. For d=3d=3, this universality assumption holds for the contact values of the Percus--Yevick approximation, the Scaled Particle Theory, and, consequently, the Boublik--Grundke--Henderson--Lee--Levesque approximation. Known exact consistency conditions are used to express G(η,0)G(\eta,0), G(η,1)G(\eta,1), and G(η,2)G(\eta,2) in terms of the radial distribution at contact of the one-component system. Two specific proposals consistent with the above conditions (a quadratic form and a rational form) are made for the zz-dependence of G(η,z)G(\eta,z). For one-dimensional systems, the proposals for the contact values reduce to the exact result. Good agreement between the predictions of the proposals and available numerical results is found for d=2d=2, 3, 4, and 5.Comment: 10 pages, 11 figures; Figure 1 changed; Figure 5 is new; New references added; accepted for publication in J. Chem. Phy

    Possible polarisation and spin dependent aspects of quantum gravity

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    We argue that quantum gravity theories that carry a Lie algebraic modification of the Poincare' and Heisenberg algebras inevitably provide inhomogeneities that may serve as seeds for cosmological structure formation. Furthermore, in this class of theories one must expect a strong polarisation and spin dependence of various quantum-gravity effects.Comment: Awarded an "honourable mention" in the 2007 Gravity Research Foundation Essay Competitio

    Elementary particles, holography and the BMS group

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    In the context of asymptotically flat space-times, it has been suggested to label elementary particles as unitary irreducible representations of the BMS group. We analyse this idea in the spirit of the holographic principle advocating the use of this definition.Comment: 5 pages, revtex Several comments added, enhanced bibliograph

    TransPlanckian Particles and the Quantization of Time

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    Trans-Planckian particles are elementary particles accelerated such that their energies surpass the Planck value. There are several reasons to believe that trans-Planckian particles do not represent independent degrees of freedom in Hilbert space, but they are controlled by the cis-Planckian particles. A way to learn more about the mechanisms at work here, is to study black hole horizons, starting from the scattering matrix Ansatz. By compactifying one of the three physical spacial dimensions, the scattering matrix Ansatz can be exploited more efficiently than before. The algebra of operators on a black hole horizon allows for a few distinct representations. It is found that this horizon can be seen as being built up from string bits with unit lengths, each of which being described by a representation of the SO(2,1) Lorentz group. We then demonstrate how the holographic principle works for this case, by constructing the operators corresponding to a field in space-time. The parameter t turns out to be quantized in Planckian units, divided by the period R of the compactified dimension.Comment: 12 pages plain tex, 1 figur

    Concise Total Synthesis of Enigmazole A

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    An efficient entry into the phosphorylated marine macrolide enigmazole A is described. Enigmazole A interferes with c-Kit signaling by an as yet unknown mode of action and is therefore a potential lead in the quest for novel anticancer agents. Key to success is a gold-catalyzed cascade comprising a [3,3]-sigmatropic rearrangement of a propargyl acetate along the periphery of a macrocyclic scaffold, followed by a transannular hydroalkoxylation of the resulting transient allenyl acetate. This transformation mandated the use of a chiral gold catalyst to ensure a matching double-asymmetric setting. Other noteworthy steps are the preparation of the oxazole building block by a palladium-catalyzed C−H activation, as well as the smooth ring-closing alkyne metathesis of a diyne substrate bearing a propargylic leaving group, which has only little precedent

    Погляд на архіви

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    The history of string theory started around 1970 when Nambu, Nielsen, and Susskind realized that Veneziano’s 1968 dual model, devised to explain the particle spectrum of the strong interactions, actually describes the properties of quantum mechanical strings. A few years later, QCD appeared as a superior model for the strong interactions; furthermore, in 1974 it was realized that strings contain gravitons in their spectrum. For these reasons, many lost interest in the theory, while for some it made an interesting candidate as a unifying theory of gravity and quantum field theory

    Stochastic quantization and holographic Wilsonian renormalization group

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    We study relation between stochastic quantization and holographic Wilsonian renormalization group flow. Considering stochastic quantization of the boundary on-shell actions with the Dirichlet boundary condition for certain AdSAdS bulk gravity theories, we find that the radial flows of double trace deformations in the boundary effective actions are completely captured by stochastic time evolution with identification of the AdSAdS radial coordinate `rr' with the stochastic time 'tt' as r=tr=t. More precisely, we investigate Langevin dynamics and find an exact relation between radial flow of the double trace couplings and 2-point correlation functions in stochastic quantization. We also show that the radial evolution of double trace deformations in the boundary effective action and the stochastic time evolution of the Fokker-Planck action are the same. We demonstrate this relation with a couple of examples: (minimally coupled)massless scalar fields in AdS2AdS_2 and U(1) vector fields in AdS4AdS_4.Comment: 1+30 pages, a new subsection is added, references are adde

    Torsion and the Gravity Dual of Parity Symmetry Breaking in AdS4/CFT3 Holography

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    We study four dimensional gravity with a negative cosmological constant deformed by the Nieh-Yan torsional topological invariant with a spacetime-dependent coefficient. We find an exact solution of the Euclidean system, which we call the torsion vortex, having two asymptotic AdS4 regimes supported by a pseudoscalar with a kink profile. We propose that the torsion vortex is the holographic dual of a three dimensional system that exhibits distinct parity breaking vacua. The torsion vortex represents a (holographic) transition between these distinct vacua. We expect that from the boundary point of view, the torsion vortex represents a `domain wall' between the two distinct vacua. From a bulk point of view, we point out an intriguing identification of the parameters of the torsion vortex with those of an Abrikosov vortex in a Type I superconductor. Following the analogy, we find that external Kalb-Ramond flux then appears to support bubbles of flat spacetime within an asymptotically AdS geometry.Comment: 26 pages, 4 figures; v2: minor improvements, references adde

    Holographic Renormalization of general dilaton-axion gravity

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    We consider a very general dilaton-axion system coupled to Einstein-Hilbert gravity in arbitrary dimension and we carry out holographic renormalization for any dimension up to and including five dimensions. This is achieved by developing a new systematic algorithm for iteratively solving the radial Hamilton-Jacobi equation in a derivative expansion. The boundary term derived is valid not only for asymptotically AdS backgrounds, but also for more general asymptotics, including non-conformal branes and Improved Holographic QCD. In the second half of the paper, we apply the general result to Improved Holographic QCD with arbitrary dilaton potential. In particular, we derive the generalized Fefferman-Graham asymptotic expansions and provide a proof of the holographic Ward identities.Comment: 42 pages. v2: two references added. Version published in JHEP. v3: fixed minor typos in eqs. (1.6), (2.3), (3.20), (A.3), (B.8), (B.12) and (B.22