134 research outputs found

    Simulations of Cold Electroweak Baryogenesis: hypercharge U(1) and the creation of helical magnetic fields

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    We perform numerical simulations of Cold Electroweak Baryogenesis, including for the first time in the Bosonic sector the full electroweak gauge group SU(2)Ă—U(1) and CP-violation. We find that the maximum generated baryon asymmetry is reduced by a factor of three relative to the SU(2)-only model, but that the quench time dependence is very similar. In addition, we compute the magnitude of the helical magnetic fields, and find that it is proportional to the strength of CP-violation and dependent on quench time, but is not proportional to the magnitude of the baryon asymmetry as proposed in the literature. Astrophysical signatures of primordial magnetic helicity can therefore not in general be used as evidence that electroweak baryogenesis has taken place

    Are CP Violating Effects in the Standard Model Really Tiny?

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    We derive an effective action of the bosonic sector of the Standard Model by integrating out the fermionic degrees of freedom in the worldline approach. The CP violation due to the complex phase in the CKM matrix gives rise to CP-violating operators in the effective action. We calculate the prefactor of the appropriate next-to-leading order operators and give general estimates of CP violation in the bosonic sector of the Standard Model. In particular, we show that the effective CP violation for weak gauge fields is not suppressed by the Yukawa couplings of the light quarks and is much larger than the bound given by the Jarlskog determinant.Comment: 4 pages. To appear in the proceedings of the 8th Conference on Strong and Electroweak Matter (SEWM08), Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 26-29 August 200

    Cold electroweak baryogenesis with Standard Model CP violation

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    AbstractWe study a mechanism that generates the baryon asymmetry of the Universe during a tachyonic electroweak phase transition. We utilize as sole source of CP violation an operator that was recently obtained from the Standard Model by integrating out the quarks

    Simulations of cold electroweak baryogenesis: dependence on the source of CP-violation

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    We compute the baryon asymmetry created in a tachyonic electroweak symmetry breaking transition, focusing on the dependence on the source of effective CP-violation. Earlier simulations of Cold Electroweak Baryogenesis have almost exclusively considered a very specific CP-violating term explicitly biasing Chern-Simons number. We compare four different dimension six, scalar-gauge CP-violating terms, involving both the Higgs field and another dynamical scalar coupled to SU(2) or U(1) gauge fields. We find that for sensible values of parameters, all implementations can generate a baryon asymmetry consistent with observations, showing that baryogenesis is a generic outcome of a fast tachyonic electroweak transition

    An Inflationary Scenario in Intersecting Brane Models

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    We propose a new scenario for D-term inflation which appears quite straightforwardly in the open string sector of intersecting brane models. We take the inflaton to be a chiral field in a bifundamental representation of the hidden sector and we argue that a sufficiently flat potential can be brane engineered. This type of model generically predicts a near gaussian red spectrum with negligible tensor modes. We note that this model can very naturally generate a baryon asymmetry at the end of inflation via the recently proposed hidden sector baryogenesis mechanism. We also discuss the possibility that Majorana masses for the neutrinos can be simultaneously generated by the tachyon condensation which ends inflation. Our proposed scenario is viable for both high and low scale supersymmetry breaking.Comment: 30 pages, 2 figures; v2 references and comments adde

    Lattice worldline representation of correlators in a background field

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    We use a discrete worldline representation in order to study the continuum limit of the one-loop expectation value of dimension two and four local operators in a background field. We illustrate this technique in the case of a scalar field coupled to a non-Abelian background gauge field. The first two coefficients of the expansion in powers of the lattice spacing can be expressed as sums over random walks on a d-dimensional cubic lattice. Using combinatorial identities for the distribution of the areas of closed random walks on a lattice, these coefficients can be turned into simple integrals. Our results are valid for an anisotropic lattice, with arbitrary lattice spacings in each direction.Comment: 54 pages, 14 figure

    Real-time static potential in hot QCD

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    We derive a static potential for a heavy quark-antiquark pair propagating in Minkowski time at finite temperature, by defining a suitable gauge-invariant Green's function and computing it to first non-trivial order in Hard Thermal Loop resummed perturbation theory. The resulting Debye-screened potential could be used in models that attempt to describe the ``melting'' of heavy quarkonium at high temperatures. We show, in particular, that the potential develops an imaginary part, implying that thermal effects generate a finite width for the quarkonium peak in the dilepton production rate. For quarkonium with a very heavy constituent mass M, the width can be ignored for T \lsim g^2 M/12\pi, where g^2 is the strong gauge coupling; for a physical case like bottomonium, it could become important at temperatures as low as 250 MeV. Finally, we point out that the physics related to the finite width originates from the Landau-damping of low-frequency gauge fields, and could be studied non-perturbatively by making use of the classical approximation.Comment: 20 pages. v2: a number of clarifications and a few references added; published versio

    Simulations of Cold Electroweak Baryogenesis: quench from portal coupling to new singlet field

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    We compute the baryon asymmetry generated from Cold Electroweak Baryogenesis, when a dynamical Beyond-the-Standard-Model scalar singlet field triggers the spinodal transition. Using a simple potential for this additional field, we match the speed of the quench to earlier simulations with a "by-hand" mass flip. We find that for the parameter subspace most similar to a by-hand transition, the final baryon asymmetry shows a similar dependence on quench time and is of the same magnitude. For more general parameter choices the Higgs-singlet dynamics can be very complicated, resulting in an enhancement of the final baryon asymmetry. Our results validate and generalise results of simulations in the literature and open up the Cold Electroweak Baryogenesis scenario to further model building

    Electroweak baryogenesis

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    Electroweak baryogenesis (EWBG) remains a theoretically attractive and experimentally testable scenario for explaining the cosmic baryon asymmetry. We review recent progress in computations of the baryon asymmetry within this framework and discuss their phenomenological consequences. We pay particular attention to methods for analyzing the electroweak phase transition and calculating CP-violating asymmetries, the development of Standard Model extensions that may provide the necessary ingredients for EWBG, and searches for corresponding signatures at the high energy, intensity, and cosmological frontiers.Comment: 42 pages, 13 figures, invited review for the New Journal of Physics focus issue on 'Origin of Matter
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