26 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACTVanilla is one of the most widely used and important flavoring materials wordwide. The Indonesian natural vanilla has known for having lower quality than Bourbon due to immature harvested bean and uncompleted curing process. The objective of this research was to increase the vanillin content of cured vanilla by improving the -glucosidase activity. This research studied the best mold (between  Aspergillus niger and A. oryzae) and the optimum time for producing -glucosidase enzyme. The analysis was including the -glucosidase activity,  vanillin and glucovanillin content, and reducing sugar content. The mold that produced the highest -glukosidase activity was A. niger with 72 incubation time was 193.7 unit/mg protein. The optimum pH and temperature of enzyme from A. niger was 4.5 and 60oC, respectively.  The highest vanillin content produced from vanilla homogenat with enzyme extract A. niger at 18 hour incubation time was 0.514 mg/100 ml. The  homogenate that is incubated with enzyme extract from A. niger has the highest glucose content at 48 hour incubation time (8.61 mg/ml). The glucovanillin content from three kind of homogenate was decreasing as long as incubation time from 0.44 mg/ml to 0.00 mg/ml (mold), from 0.26 mg/ml to 0.03 mg/ml (emulsin) and from 0.38 mg/ml to 0.12 mg/ml (endogen).Keywords : -glucosidase activity, vanillin, vanill


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    ABSTRACTVanilla is one of the most widely used and important flavoring materials wordwide. The Indonesian natural vanilla has known for having lower quality than Bourbon due to immature harvested bean and uncompleted curing process. The objective of this research was to increase the vanillin content of cured vanilla by improving the -glucosidase activity. This research studied the best mold (between  Aspergillus niger and A. oryzae) and the optimum time for producing -glucosidase enzyme. The analysis was including the -glucosidase activity,  vanillin and glucovanillin content, and reducing sugar content. The mold that produced the highest -glukosidase activity was A. niger with 72 incubation time was 193.7 unit/mg protein. The optimum pH and temperature of enzyme from A. niger was 4.5 and 60oC, respectively.  The highest vanillin content produced from vanilla homogenat with enzyme extract A. niger at 18 hour incubation time was 0.514 mg/100 ml. The  homogenate that is incubated with enzyme extract from A. niger has the highest glucose content at 48 hour incubation time (8.61 mg/ml). The glucovanillin content from three kind of homogenate was decreasing as long as incubation time from 0.44 mg/ml to 0.00 mg/ml (mold), from 0.26 mg/ml to 0.03 mg/ml (emulsin) and from 0.38 mg/ml to 0.12 mg/ml (endogen).Keywords : -glucosidase activity, vanillin, vanill

    Isolasi dan Karakterisasi Enzim Karbohidrase Cairan Rumen Sapi Asal Rumah Potong Hewan

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    The aims of this experiment were to identify carbohydrases in rumen liquor of cattle, and to determine optimum temperature and pH of enzymes, as well as to evaluate the effect of metal ions and chemical substances on enzymes activity. Optimum precipitation of the enzymes from local and imported cattle was reached at the concentration of 60% and 70% of ammonium sulphate, respectively. The enzymes (xylanase, mannanase, and amylase) had optimum temperatureĀ  in the range of 50-60 Ā°C, except for cellulaseĀ  from imported cattleĀ  which had optimum temperature at 39 oC, optimum pH of the enzymes were 6-7 except for cellulase was at pH 4. The enzymes mostly needed methal ions as activators. EDTA and Ī²-mercaptoethanol inhibited activity of cellulase from rumen liquor of local cattle, while enzymes from rumen liquor of imported cattle EDTA inhibited xylanase activity and Ī²-mercaptoethanol inhibited mannanase and amylase activity.Ā  Activity of cellulase in rumen liquor of local cattle was higher than those of imported cattle. It is concluded that rumen liquor of imported and local cattles from abbatoir contained cellulase, xylanase, mannase and amylase that most of them had optimum temperature and pH at 50-60 oC and 6-7, respectively, and they needed methal ions as activators. Ā  Key words: cattle, rumen liquor, abattoir, enzymes, characterizatio

    Isolasi dan Karakterisasi Enzim Karbohidrase Cairan Rumen Sapi Asal Rumah Potong Hewan

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    The aims of this experiment were to identify carbohydrases in rumen liquor of cattle, and to determine optimum temperature and pH of enzymes, as well as to evaluate the effect of metal ions and chemical substances on enzymes activity. Optimum precipitation of the enzymes from local and imported cattle was reached at the concentration of 60% and 70% of ammonium sulphate, respectively. The enzymes (xylanase, mannanase, and amylase) had optimum temperatureĀ  in the range of 50-60 Ā°C, except for cellulaseĀ  from imported cattleĀ  which had optimum temperature at 39 oC, optimum pH of the enzymes were 6-7 except for cellulase was at pH 4. The enzymes mostly needed methal ions as activators. EDTA and Ī²-mercaptoethanol inhibited activity of cellulase from rumen liquor of local cattle, while enzymes from rumen liquor of imported cattle EDTA inhibited xylanase activity and Ī²-mercaptoethanol inhibited mannanase and amylase activity.Ā  Activity of cellulase in rumen liquor of local cattle was higher than those of imported cattle. It is concluded that rumen liquor of imported and local cattles from abbatoir contained cellulase, xylanase, mannase and amylase that most of them had optimum temperature and pH at 50-60 oC and 6-7, respectively, and they needed methal ions as activators. Ā  Key words: cattle, rumen liquor, abattoir, enzymes, characterizatio

    Data from: Measuring the surrogacy potential of charismatic megafauna species across taxonomic, phylogenetic and functional diversity on a megadiverse island

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    1. Conservation organisations and governments often use charismatic megafauna as surrogates for representing broader biodiversity. While these species are primarily selected as ā€œflagshipsā€ for marketing campaign, it is important to evaluate their surrogacy potential, i.e., the extent to which their protection benefits other biodiversity elements. Four charismatic megafauna species are used as surrogates in the megadiverse island of Sumatra: the Sumatran tiger Panthera tigris sumatrae, Sumatran elephant Elephas maximus sumatranus, Sumatran orangutan Pongo abelii and Sumatran rhinoceros Dicerorhinus sumatrensis. We examined how well each of these species performed in representing the distribution of all co-occurring terrestrial mammal species on the island, and the priority areas for the conservation of three facets of mammalian biodiversity (taxonomic, phylogenetic and functional). 2. We used habitat suitability models to represent the distribution of 184 terrestrial mammal species, 160 phylogenetic groups and 74 functional trait groups. We then identified priority conservation areas using the spatial prioritisation software Zonation. 3. We found that the habitat overlaps between each of the four charismatic species and the other mammal species varied, ranging from a mean of 52% (SD = 27%) for the tiger to 2% (SD = 2%) for the rhino. Combining the four species together only improved the representation levels marginally compared to only using the tiger. Among the four charismatic megafauna species, the extent of suitable habitat of Sumatran tiger covered the highest proportion of priority conservation areas. The Sumatran tiger also outperformed most of other mammal species with similar range sizes. 4. We found that some of the top-ranked conservation areas for taxonomic (28%), phylogenetic (8%) and functional diversity (19%) did not overlap with any of the charismatic speciesā€™ suitable habitat. 5. Synthesis and applications. Wide-ranging charismatic species can represent broader mammalian biodiversity, but they may miss some key areas with high biodiversity importance. We suggest that a combination of systematic spatial prioritisation and surrogacy analyses are important in order to determine the allocation of conservation resources in biodiversity-rich areas such as Sumatra, where an expansion of the protected area network is required

    Characterization of B-glukosidase Enzyme from Vanilla Bean

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    The Indonesian natural vanilla is know for having a unigue woody, smooky, and phenolic flavor. Development of the aroma and flavor vanilla was formed by the action of a hydrolytic enzyme B-glucosidase on glucovanillin. The objective of this research was to characterize vanilla B-glucosidase. The vanilla B-glucosidase activity was increased by detergent. The enzyme was found as heat labile. Scalding should be conducted at 400C for 2-3 minutes. The result from B-glucosidase activity in each part of vanilla and microscopic analisis of vanilla bean slice showed that the highest B-glucosidase activity and vanillin concentrations were found in the seed funicles and placental tissue the of vanilla bean. The activity of vanilla B-glucosidase was optimum at pH 6,0, and temperature of 400C, found as and activation energy was 5,78 kcal/mole. After 44 minutes incubation time at 400C. The activity was reduced down to 10%. The apparent of moleculer weight was 100-400 kDa according to gel setration (Sephacryl S-300) analysis. Key words : Vanilla planifolia, B-glucosidas

    KARAKTERISASI ENZIM B-GLUKOSIDASE VANILI [Characterization of B-glukosidase Enzyme from Vanilla Bean]

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    The Indonesian natural vanilla is know for having a unigue woody, smooky, and phenolic flavor. Development of the aroma and flavor vanilla was formed by the action of a hydrolytic enzyme B-glucosidase on glucovanillin. The objective of this research was to characterize vanilla B-glucosidase. The vanilla B-glucosidase activity was increased by detergent. The enzyme was found as heat labile. Scalding should be conducted at 400C for 2-3 minutes. The result from B-glucosidase activity in each part of vanilla and microscopic analisis of vanilla bean slice showed that the highest B-glucosidase activity and vanillin concentrations were found in the seed funicles and placental tissue the of vanilla bean. The activity of vanilla B-glucosidase was optimum at pH 6,0, and temperature of 400C, found as and activation energy was 5,78 kcal/mole. After 44 minutes incubation time at 400C. The activity was reduced down to 10%. The apparent of moleculer weight was 100-400 kDa according to gel setration (Sephacryl S-300) analysis

    Hutan pasca pemanenan: melindungi satwa liar dalam kegiatan hutan produksi di Kalimantan

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    This book presents a technical review of ecological and life history information on a range of Bornean wildlife species, aimed at identifying what makes these species sensitive to timber harvesting practices and associated impacts. It addresses three audiences: 1) those involved in assessing and regulating timber harvesting activities in Southeast Asia, 2) those involved in trying to achieve conservation goals in the region, and 3) those undertaking research to improve multipurpose forest management. This book shows that forest management can be improved in many simple ways to allow timber extraction and wildlife conservation to be more compatible than under current practices. The recommendations can also be valuable to the many governmental and non-governmental organisations promoting sustainable forest management and eco-labelling. Finally, it identifies a number of shortcomings and gaps in knowledge, which the hope can interest the scientific community and promote further research. This review is, an important scientific step toward understanding and improving sustainable forestry practices for long-term biodiversity conservation. Even in the short term, however, significant improvements can be made to improve both conservation and the efficiency of forest management, and there is no need to delay action due to a perceived lack of information. In the longer term it is expected that the recommendations from this review will be implemented, and that further research will continue to help foster an acceptable balance among the choices needed to maintain healthy wildlife populations and biodiversity in a productive forest estate

    Life after logging: reconciling wildlife conservation and production forestry in Indonesian Borneo

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    This book presents a technical review of ecological and life history information on a range of Bornean wildlife species, aimed at identifying what makes these species sensitive to timber harvesting practices and associated impacts. It addresses three audiences: 1) those involved in assessing and regulating timber harvesting activities in Southeast Asia, 2) those involved in trying to achieve conservation goals in the region, and 3) those undertaking research to improve multipurpose forest management. This book shows that forest management can be improved in many simple ways to allow timber extraction and wildlife conservation to be more compatible than under current practices. The recommendations can also be valuable to the many governmental and non-governmental organisations promoting sustainable forest management and eco-labelling. Finally, it identifies a number of shortcomings and gaps in knowledge, which the hope can interest the scientific community and promote further research. This review is, an important scientific step toward understanding and improving sustainable forestry practices for long-term biodiversity conservation. Even in the short term, however, significant improvements can be made to improve both conservation and the efficiency of forest management, and there is no need to delay action due to a perceived lack of information. In the longer term it is expected that the recommendations from this review will be implemented, and that further research will continue to help foster an acceptable balance among the choices needed to maintain healthy wildlife populations and biodiversity in a productive forest estate