159 research outputs found

    Construction of the free energy landscape by the density functional theory

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    On the basis of the density functional theory, we give a clear definition of the free energy landscape. To show the usefulness of the definition, we construct the free energy landscape for rearrangement of atoms in an FCC crystal of hard spheres. In this description, the cooperatively rearranging region (CRR) is clealy related to the hard spheres involved in the saddle between two adjacent basins. A new concept of the simultaneously rearranging region (SRR) emerges naturally as spheres defined by the difference between two adjacent basins. We show that the SRR and the CRR can be determined explicitly from the free energylandscape.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures, submitted to J. Chem. Phy

    A new scenario of dynamical heterogeneity in supercooled liquid and glassy states of 2D monatomic system

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    Via analysis of spatio-temporal arrangements of atoms based on their dynamics in supercooled liquid and glassy states of 2D monatomic system with a double-well Lennard-Jones-Gauss (LJG) interaction potential, we find a new scenario of dynamical heterogeneity. Atoms with the same or very close mobility have a tendency to aggregate into clusters. Number of atoms with high mobility (and size of their clusters) increases with decreasing temperature passing over a maximum before decreasing downto zero. Position of the peak moves toward a lower temperature if mobility of atoms in clusters is lower together with an enhancement of height of the peak. In contrast, number of atoms with very low mobility or solidlike atoms (and size of their clusters) has a tendency to increase with decreasing temperature and then it suddenly increases in the vicinity of glass transition temperature leading to the formation of a glassy state. A sudden increase in the number of strongly correlated solidlike atoms in the vicinity of a glass transition temperature ( ) may be an origin of a drastical increase in viscosity of the glass-forming systems approaching glass transition. The fact, we find that diffusion coefficient decays exponentially with fraction of solidlike atoms exhibiting a sudden decrease in the vicinity of glass transition region

    Vitrification of a monatomic 2D simple liquid

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    A monatomic simple liquid in two dimensions, where atoms interact isotropically through the Lennard-Jones-Gauss potential [M. Engel and H.-R. Trebin, Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 225505 (2007)], is vitrified by the use of a rapid cooling technique in a molecular dynamics simulation. Transformation to a crystalline state is investigated at various temperatures and the time-temperature-transformation (TTT) curve is determined. It is found that the transformation time to a crystalline state is the shortest at a temerature 14% below the melting temperature Tm and that at temperatures below Tv = 0.6 Tm the transformation time is much longer than the available CPU time. This indicates that a long-lived glassy state is realized for T < Tv.Comment: 5pages,5figures,accepted for publication in CEJ

    Energy levels and their correlations in quasicrystals

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    Quasicrystals can be considered, from the point of view of their electronic properties, as being intermediate between metals and insulators. For example, experiments show that quasicrystalline alloys such as AlCuFe or AlPdMn have conductivities far smaller than those of the metals that these alloys are composed from. Wave functions in a quasicrystal are typically intermediate in character between the extended states of a crystal and the exponentially localized states in the insulating phase, and this is also reflected in the energy spectrum and the density of states. In the theoretical studies we consider in this review, the quasicrystals are described by a pure hopping tight binding model on simple tilings. We focus on spectral properties, which we compare with those of other complex systems, in particular, the Anderson model of a disordered metal.Comment: 15 pages including 19 figures. Review article, submitted to Phil. Ma

    Absence of self-averaging in the complex admittance for transport through random media

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    A random walk model in a one dimensional disordered medium with an oscillatory input current is presented as a generic model of boundary perturbation methods to investigate properties of a transport process in a disordered medium. It is rigorously shown that an admittance which is equal to the Fourier-Laplace transform of the first-passage time distribution is non-self-averaging when the disorder is strong. The low frequency behavior of the disorder-averaged admittance, 1ωμ -1 \sim \omega^{\mu} where μ<1\mu < 1, does not coincide with the low frequency behavior of the admittance for any sample, χ1ω\chi - 1 \sim \omega. It implies that the Cole-Cole plot of appears at a different position from the Cole-Cole plots of χ\chi of any sample. These results are confirmed by Monte-Carlo simulations.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, published in Phys. Rev.

    Properties of one-dimensional quasilattices

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    We study the properties of one-dimensional quasilattices numerically and analytically. The geometrical properties of general one-dimensional quasilattices are discussed. The Ising model on these lattices is studied by a decimation transformation: The critical temperature and critical exponents do not differ from those for a regular periodic chain. The vibrational spectrum in the harmonic approximation is analyzed numerically. The system exhibits characteristics of both a regular periodic system and a disordered system. In the low-frequency region, the system behaves as a regular periodic system; wave functions appear extended. In the high-frequency region, the spectrum is self-similar and there is no unique behavior for the wave functions. The spectrum shows many gaps and Van Hove singularities. The gaps in the spectrum are also obtained analytically by examining the convergence of a continued-fraction expansion plus decimation transformation. The energy spectrum of a tight-binding electron Hamiltonian on the Fibonacci chain is also analyzed; it shows similar characteristics to those of the lattice vibration spectrum

    Exact Eigenstates of Tight-Binding Hamiltonians on the Penrose Tiling

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    We investigate exact eigenstates of tight-binding models on the planar rhombic Penrose tiling. We consider a vertex model with hopping along the edges and the diagonals of the rhombi. For the wave functions, we employ an ansatz, first introduced by Sutherland, which is based on the arrow decoration that encodes the matching rules of the tiling. Exact eigenstates are constructed for particular values of the hopping parameters and the eigenenergy. By a generalized ansatz that exploits the inflation symmetry of the tiling, we show that the corresponding eigenenergies are infinitely degenerate. Generalizations and applications to other systems are outlined.Comment: 24 pages, REVTeX, 13 PostScript figures include

    Relaxation processes and entropic traps in the Backgammon model

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    We examine the density-density correlation function in a model recently proposed to study the effect of entropy barriers in glassy dynamics. We find that the relaxation proceeds in two steps with a fast beta process followed by alpha relaxation. The results are physically interpreted in the context of an adiabatic approximation which allows to separate the two processes, and to define an effective temperature in the off-equilibrium dynamics of the model. We investigate the behavior of the response function associated to the density, and find violations of the fluctuation dissipation theorem.Comment: 4 Pages including 3 Figures, Revte

    Fragile-glass behavior of a short range pp-spin model

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    In this paper we propose a short range generalization of the pp-spin interaction spin-glass model. The model is well suited to test the idea that an entropy collapse is at the bottom-line of the dynamical singularity encountered in structural glasses. The model is studied in three dimensions through Monte Carlo simulations, which put in evidence fragile glass behavior with stretched exponential relaxation and super-Arrhenius behavior of the relaxation time. Our data are in favor of a Vogel-Fulcher behavior of the relaxation time, related to an entropy collapse at the Kauzmann temperature. We however encounter difficulties analogous to those found in experimental systems when extrapolating thermodynamical data at low temperatures. We study the spin glass susceptibility investigating the behavior of the correlation length in the system. We find that the the increase of the relaxation time is not accompanied by any growth of the correlation length. We discuss the scaling properties of off-equilibrium dynamics in the glassy regime, finding qualitative agreement with the mean-field theory.Comment: 8 pages, LaTeX, 8 postscript figure