595 research outputs found

    Keuzes voor de lange termijn

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    Op vijf beleidsterreinen hebben het CPB en het SCP een toekomstverkenning voor het kabinet gemaakt. Dit artikel geeft de hoofdlijnen van de CPB-bijdrage

    Interqubit coupling mediated by a high-excitation-energy quantum object

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    We consider a system composed of two qubits and a high-excitation-energy quantum object used to mediate coupling between the qubits. We treat the entire system quantum mechanically and analyze the properties of the eigenvalues and eigenstates of the total Hamiltonian. After reproducing well-known results concerning the leading term in the mediated coupling, we obtain an expression for the residual coupling between the qubits in the off state. We also analyze the entanglement between the three objects, i.e. the two qubits and the coupler, in the eigenstates of the total Hamiltonian. Although we focus on the application of our results to the recently realized parametric-coupling scheme with two qubits, we also discuss extensions of our results to harmonic-oscillator couplers, couplers that are near resonance with the qubits and multi-qubit systems. In particular, we find that certain errors that are absent for a two-qubit system arise when dealing with multi-qubit systems.Comment: 15 pages (two-column

    Multi-Terminal Superconducting Phase Qubit

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    Mesoscopic multi-terminal Josephson junctions are novel devices that provide weak coupling between several bulk superconductors through a common normal layer. Because of the nonlocal coupling of the superconducting banks, a current flow between two of the terminals can induce a phase difference and/or current flow in the other terminals. This "phase dragging" effect is used in designing a new type of superconducting phase qubit, the basic element of a quantum computer. Time-reversal symmetry breaking can be achieved by inserting a pi-phase shifter into the flux loop. Logical operations are done by applying currents. This removes the necessity for local external magnetic fields to achieve bistability or controllable operations.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Dephasing of coupled spin qubit system during gate operations due to background charge fluctuations

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    It has been proposed that a quantum computer can be constructed based on electron spins in quantum dots or based on a superconducting nanocircuit. During two-qubit operations, the fluctuation of the coupling parameters is a critical factor. One source of such fluctuation is the stirring of the background charges. We focused on the influence of this fluctuation on a coupled spin qubit system. The induced fluctuation in exchange coupling changes the amount of entanglement, fidelity, and purity. In our previous study, the background charge fluctuations were found to be an important channel of dephasing for a single Josephson qubit.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure. to be publishe

    Development of Human Membrane Transporters: Drug Disposition and Pharmacogenetics

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    Membrane transporters play an essential role in the transport of endogenous and exogenous compounds, and consequently they mediate the uptake, distribution, and excretion of many drugs. The clinical relevance of transporters in drug disposition and their effect in adults have been shown in drug–drug interaction and pharmacogenomic studies. Little is known, however, about the ontogeny of human membrane transporters and their roles in pediatric pharmacotherapy. As they are involved in the transport of endogenous substrates, growth and development may be important determinants of their expression and activity. This review presents an overview of our current knowledge on human membrane transporters in pediatric drug disposition and effect. Existing pharmacokinetic and pharmacogenetic data on membrane substrate drugs frequently used in children are presented and related, where possible, to existing ex vivo data, providing a basis for developmental patterns for individual human membrane transporters. As data for individual transporters are currently still scarce, there is a striking information gap regarding the role of human membrane transporters in drug therapy in children

    Survey propagation at finite temperature: application to a Sourlas code as a toy model

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    In this paper we investigate a finite temperature generalization of survey propagation, by applying it to the problem of finite temperature decoding of a biased finite connectivity Sourlas code for temperatures lower than the Nishimori temperature. We observe that the result is a shift of the location of the dynamical critical channel noise to larger values than the corresponding dynamical transition for belief propagation, as suggested recently by Migliorini and Saad for LDPC codes. We show how the finite temperature 1-RSB SP gives accurate results in the regime where competing approaches fail to converge or fail to recover the retrieval state

    Superconductor-ferromagnet junction phase qubit

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    We propose a scheme for a phase qubit in an SIFIS junction, consisting of bulk superconductors (S), a proximity-induced ferromagnet (F), and insulating barriers (I). The qubit state is constituted by 0 and π\pi phase states of the junction, in which the charging energy of the junction leads to the superposition of the two states. The qubit is operated by the gate voltage applied to the ferromagnet, and insensitive to the decoherence sources existing in other superconducting qubits. We discuss a scalable scheme for qubit measurement and tunable two-qubit coupling.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figure

    The secondary eclipse of CoRoT-1b

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    The transiting planet CoRoT-1b is thought to belong to the pM-class of planets, in which the thermal emission dominates in the optical wavelengths. We present a detection of its secondary eclipse in the CoRoT white channel data, whose response function goes from ~400 to ~1000 nm. We used two different filtering approaches, and several methods to evaluate the significance of a detection of the secondary eclipse. We detect a secondary eclipse centered within 20 min at the expected times for a circular orbit, with a depth of 0.016+/-0.006%. The center of the eclipse is translated in a 1-sigma upper limit to the planet's eccentricity of ecosomega<0.014. Under the assumption of a zero Bond Albedo and blackbody emission from the planet, it corresponds to a T_{CoRoT}=2330 +120-140 K. We provide the equilibrium temperatures of the planet as a function of the amount of reflected light. If the planet is in thermal equilibrium with the incident flux from the star, our results imply an inefficient transport mechanism of the flux from the day to the night sides.Comment: 6 pages, to appear in A&A, submitted 18 march 2009, accepted 7 July 200

    Ground-Based Transmission Spectroscopy with FORS2: A featureless optical transmission spectrum and detection of H2O for the ultra-hot Jupiter WASP-103b

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    We report ground-based transmission spectroscopy of the highly irradiated and ultra-short period hot-Jupiter WASP-103b covering the wavelength range ≈ 400 – 600 nm using the FORS2 instrument on the Very Large Telescope. The light curves show significant time-correlated noise which is mainly invariant in wavelength and which we model using a Gaussian process. The precision of our transmission spectrum is improved by applying a common-mode correction derived from the white light curve, reaching typical uncertainties in transit depth of ≈ 2 × 10−4 in wavelength bins of 15 nm. After correction for flux contamination from a blended companion star, our observations reveal a featureless spectrum across the full range of the FORS2 observations and we are unable to confirm the Na absorption previously inferred using Gemini/GMOS or the strong Rayleigh scattering observed using broad-band light curves. We performed a Bayesian atmospheric retrieval on the full optical-infrared transmission spectrum using the additional data from Gemini/GMOS, HST/WFC3 and Spitzer observations and recover evidence for H2O absorption at the 4.0 σ level. However, our observations are not able to completely rule out the presence of Na, which is found at 2.0 σ in our retrievals. This may in part be explained by patchy/inhomogeneous clouds or hazes damping any absorption features in our FORS2 spectrum, but an inherently small scale height also makes this feature challenging to probe from the ground. Our results nonetheless demonstrate the continuing potential of ground-based observations for investigating exoplanet atmospheres and emphasise the need for the application of consistent and robust statistical techniques to low-resolution spectra in the presence of instrumental systematics

    Quantum non-demolition measurement of a superconducting two-level system

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    In quantum mechanics, the process of measurement is a subtle interplay between extraction of information and disturbance of the state of the quantum system. A quantum non-demolition (QND) measurement minimizes this disturbance by using a particular system - detector interaction which preserves the eigenstates of a suitable operator of the quantum system. This leads to an ideal projective measurement. We present experiments in which we perform two consecutive measurements on a quantum two -level system, a superconducting flux qubit, by probing the hysteretic behaviour of a coupled nonlinear resonator. The large correlation between the results of the two measurements demonstrates the QND nature of the readout method. The fact that a QND measurement is possible for superconducting qubits strengthens the notion that these fabricated mesoscopic systems are to be regarded as fundamental quantum objects. Our results are also relevant for quantum information processing, where projective measurements are used for protocols like state preparation and error correction.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure
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