170 research outputs found

    Unsuccessful Cassava Brown Streak Disease (CBSD) evaluation attempts in western Democratic Republic of Congo and implications with cassava root necrosis disease (CRND) etiology

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    Open Access ArticleCassava brown streak disease (CBSD) is the second most important virus disease after Cassava mosaic disease (CMD), infecting cassava (ManihotesculetaCrantz) in Africa. The disease is caused by two distinct viruses, Cassava brown streak virus [2, 3] and Ugandan Cassava brown streak virus (family, Potyviridae: genus, Ipomovirus). Transmission of CBSV from one plant to another is reported to occur through grafting CBSV-free with infected cuttings and subsequent dissemination by infected cuttings. The basic approach to control of CBSD is selecting planting material from symptomless mother plants. Graft inoculation is the most efficient and effective of the techniques for CBSD virus transmission and consequently cuttings are the most effective way of the disease spreading. In early 2000s, cassava root necrosis similar to those of CBSD were reported in western provinces of Democratic Republic of Congo (RDC) (Kinshasa and Kongo Central) and up to date PCR diagnoses did not detect any causal agent related to the observed symptoms and the disease which was still referred as ‘CBSD-like disease’. Due to lack of molecular data and the similarity of root symptoms with CBSD, the existence of a virus has always been suspected to be the cause of CBSD-like propagation. Thus, 2 field experiments were proposed in order to verify the existence of a systematic transmission of a possible CBSD related virus, knowing that CBSD viruses are transmitted efficiently by cuttings. The first trial focused on the field evaluation of CBSD – like infected and apparently uninfected planting materials, while the second trial involved the importation of tanzanian CBSD resistant genotypes for evaluation in INERA Mvuazi research center under CBSD-like infection conditions. Results of the first trial did not show a systemic transmission of any CBSD-like pathogen while CBSD-resistant parents involved in the second trial all succumbed to CBSD-like disease

    Ibw Pemberdayaan Petani melalui Pengembangan Sistem Pertanian Terpadu dalam Mendukung Kemandirian Desa di Kecamatan Siniu Kabupaten Parigi Moutong

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    Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat di Kecamatan Siniu Kabupaten Parigi Moutong ini bertujuan untuk:  mendorong masyarakat dalam memanfaatkan potensi SDA yang dimiliki secara baik dan arif untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraannya melalui pengembangan USAha sitem pertanian terpadu tanaman dan ternak. Ternak yang selama ini dibiarkan berkeliaran bebas dijalanan  dibuatkan kandang ternak. Pengandangan ini memungkinkan untuk mengumpulkan kotoran ternak yang akan diolah menjadi pupuk organik untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pupuk tanaman. Sebaliknya, limbah pertanian dimanfaatkan sebagai pakan ternak. Selain itu, pakan ternak juga disiapkan melalui penanaman hijauan pakan. Untuk itu telah dilakukan penyuluhan bidang pertanian dan peternakan, praktek pembuatan pupuk organik dan pestisida biologi serta penanaman hijauan pakan ternak. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan di Desa Silanga dan Desa Marantale Kecamatan Siniu Kabupaten Parigi Moutong sebagai desa binaan. Pembuatan demplot hijauan pakan ternak dilaksanakan pada areal kosong atau dibawah tegakan pohon kelapa. Kegiatan ini mendapat dukungan penuh dari aparat desa dan pemerintah kabupaten Parigi Moutong

    Assessing the severity and the incidence of Cassava Root Necrosis Disease (CRND) in western Democratic Republic of Congo

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    Open Access ArticleCassava is the staple food in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) where both the roots and leaves are consumed. This crop is susceptible to several viral diseases, including Cassava Mosaic Disease(CMD) and Cassava Brown Streak Disease(CBSD) in eastern DRC. Following earlier studies that show root necrosis occurring in western DR Care not due to CBSD but to Cassava Root Necrosis Disease (CRND), an exploratory survey was conducted in western DRC from 2016 to 2017 in order to determine the distribution, the severity and the incidence of this disease (previously known as CBSD-like disease). NGS ( Next Generation Sequencing) results confirmed all the previous negative results obtained using PCR and CBSV primers. This suggests that microorganisms such as bacteria or fungi could be responsible for cassava root necrosis in western DRC and is not CBSD as predicted. Five provinces (Bas-Congo, Kinshasa, Bandundu, Equateur and Kasai-Oriental) were surveyed and data were collected according to the harmonized protocols adopted by countries within the West African Virus Epidemiology (WAVE) project. Statistical tests (ANOVA) performed on our data showed that CRND severity did not vary significantly among the provinces of Kinshasa, Bandundu and Bas-Congo which are the areas most affected by the disease. Bas-Congo and Kinshasa provinces presented the highest maximum disease severity (score 3 and 5 respectively), while Equateur province had the lowest disease severity score. Equateur province also had the highest percentage of healthy plants and few plants presented mild symptoms. The overall average of cassava root necrosis severity in western DRC ranged around 1.88 ± 0.08, an approximate score of 2. The overall mean incidence of CRND in western DRC was 22.24 ± 2.4% but reached 100% in localities considered as hotspots (Lukuakua in Bas-Congo and Nguma in Plateau des Batékés). The behaviour of cassava varieties against CRND is similar with CBSD in East Africa, most of improved varieties and landraces are susceptible to both diseases. Correlation analyses showed a positive correlation (r = 0.6940) between severity and incidence of CRND. Therefore, Bas-Congo province is the most affected province, while the province of Equateur is the least affected province in western DRC. Further investigations, including genomic surveillance, should also be conducted in the eastern DRC where CBSD is confirmed to know if CRND is found in conjunction with CBSD and to report possible instances of mixed infections. For medium-term disease control, our study suggests that the development and deployment of control measures including cultivars with resistance to CRND and CBSD should be a priority

    First report and preliminary evaluation of cassava root necrosis in Angola

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    Open Access ArticleCassava is a main staple food for 800 million people world-wide. Production is limited by pest and pathogens. The most devastating cassava viruses are Cassava Brown Streak Virus and Uganda Cassava Brown Streak Virusboth causing severe root necrosis called Cassava Brown Streak Disease. In the last 10 years, the Cassava Brown Streak Disease (CBSD)has spread across Africa from the east coast of Africa to central Africa. Similar root necrosis to cassava brown streak disease has also been identified in the Democratic Republic of Congo where the first symptoms were identified in 2002 in Kinshasa and Kongo central province. In 2012, the presence of CBSD was confirmed in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. All attempts since 2002 in western Democratic Republic of Congo to identify the cause of these root necrosis have failed. In 2017, a team of scientists surveying the Songololo Territory in the Kongo central province at the northern Angola, identified the same root necrosis similar to CBSD in several localities bordering Angola. These unexpected results will foreshadow the presence of cassava root necrosis in Angola. This preliminary investigation in northern Angola was conducted specifically in the Zaire province and the territory of Mbanza Kongo at approximatively 62 kms from the Democratic Republic of Congo border in order to verify, whether or not, these root necrosis are present in Angola. Results obtained from this exploratory survey in several fields of the Zaire province and territory of Mbanza Kongo confirmed, for the first time, the presence of cassava root necrosis in Angola, similar to CBSD, as identified in western DRC

    Impacts des rejets accidentels sur la qualitĂ© environnementale des sĂ©diments de la rade portuaire d’Abidjan (lagune EbriĂ© ; CĂŽte d’Ivoire)

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    La densitĂ© du trafic maritime s’est intensifiĂ© depuis la crĂ©ation du port d’Abidjan situĂ© dans l’estuaire de la lagune EbriĂ© en CĂŽte d’Ivoire. En outre sa rade portuaire est le lieu de rejets industriels et urbains. Les sĂ©diments de la rade portuaire d’Abidjan, ont Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©s par spectromĂ©trie d’adsorption en vue de dĂ©terminer les teneurs en Ă©lĂ©ments traces mĂ©talliques (ETM), afin d’évaluer le facteur d’enrichissement et la qualitĂ© du sĂ©diment. Les sĂ©diments de ce fond lagunaire ne sont pas polluĂ©s en Cd, et sont de bonne qualité environnementale. Leur teneur en Pb ne constitue pas de danger pour le biota. La pollution en Cr, Ni et Cu est modĂ©rĂ© et les sĂ©diments sont de mauvaises qualitĂ©. Concernant l’arsenic et le zinc, les Ă©chantillons dont le facteur d’enrichissement est infĂ©rieur Ă  1,3 ne constituent pas de danger pour l’environnement. Pour le reste des échantillons, l’arsenic (As) fortement enrichis, prĂ©sente un danger pour les sĂ©diments. Il en est de mĂȘme pour Pb.Mots clĂ©s : ETM; Facteur d’enrichissement, qualitĂ© environnementale, rade portuaire, Abidjan, CĂŽte d’Ivoir

    Attempts to identify Cassava Brown Streak Virus in western Democratic Republic of Congo

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    Open Access ArticleRoot necrosis similar to those of the cassava brown streak disease (CBSD) were observed on cassava in western provinces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DR.Congo) in the early 2000’s. However molecular laboratory diagnosis were not able to detect any causative agent responsible for the attacks, hence, the disease related to these symptoms was named CBSD-like disease. In order to assess the distribution and the incidence of the CBSD-like disease, surveys were carried out in four western provinces, comprising, Kwango and Kwilu, Sud Ubangi, Kinshasa and Kongo Central. CBSD-like disease was observed in all surveyed provinces on the basis of root symptoms because foliar symptoms were different to those of the documented cases of CBSD in other parts of east Africa. CBSD-like disease incidence was high in Kongo Central and Sud Ubangi, exceeding an average of 50 %, but low in Kwango and Kwilu (32.8%) and in Kinshasa (19.1%). During the surveys, cassava leaf samples were collected for lab identification of the causal agent. PCR diagnosis was done on these samples using primers specific for the two known CBSVs. All samples tested negative with no amplification of DNA fragments of the correct size. Thus, further analysis on the causative organism is needed using Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) approaches. NGS approaches will help also to identify the causative organism in other Central Africa countries (Angola, Congo-Brazzaville and Gabon) where such cassava root necrosis have been reported or are suspected

    Quality protein maize (QPM) seeds grown in Cîte d’Ivoire: A source of high value edible oil

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    The search for new sources of oil with improved properties has focused our attention on the characteristics of oils extracted from white and yellow quality protein maize (QPM) seeds, two hybrids of classic maize (Zea mays L.). Physicochemical parameters of extracted oils were respectively as follow: refractive index (1.47 ± 0.00), free fatty acids (FFA) (1.4 ± 0.00 %), peroxide value (2.00 ± 0.00 and 1.33 ± 0.60 meq O2/kg), iodine value (136.20 ± 1.22 and 137.60 ± 1.22 g I2/100 g), and saponification value (203.83 ± 1.62 and 205.70 ± 1.62 mg KOH/g). Biochemical and nutritive analysis have revealed the following assets: unsaponifiable matter (1.43 ± 0.21 and 1.70 ± 0.10%), phosphorus (0.10 ± 0.02 mg/g), carotenoids (0.86 ± 0.01 and 1.06 ± 0.01 mg/g), vitamin A (0.45 ± 0.01 and 0.63 ± 0.01 mg/g) and vitamin E (0.32 ± 0.01 and 0.39 ± 0.01 mg/g). White and yellow QPM oilseeds showed higher content of linoleic acid (~ 60.2 % of total fatty acids). All these interesting characteristics should arouse attention for the usage of white and yellow QPM oilseeds as alternative to traditional corn oil in food and pharmaceutical industries.Keywords: Zea mays, quality protein maize, seed oils characterization, vitamin E, linoleic acid.African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 12(23), pp. 3710-371

    Hydrologie et morphologie de l’estuaire du fleuve Sassandra, Basse Cîte d’Ivoire

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    Les Ă©tudes physico-chimiques des eaux de surface et de sub-surface et les levĂ©s bathymĂ©triques effectuĂ©s dans l’estuaire du fleuve Sassandra, ont permis de caractĂ©riser l’hydrologie et la morphologie du fond de cet embouchure. Sur toute la surface d’eau le pH est proche de la neutralitĂ©, la conductivitĂ© est comprise entre 50 et 200ÎŒs/cm, avec une tempĂ©rature moyenne de 28,91°C. La salinitĂ© de l’estuaire augmente au fur et Ă  mesure que l’on s’approche de l’ocĂ©an Atlantique. Sa valeur est comprise entre 0 et 4%. Le taux d’oxygĂšne, trĂšs faible Ă  l’embouchure avec une valeur de 2 mg /L contre 8,30 mg/L dans la branche droite du fleuve couverte par la vĂ©gĂ©tation. Les MatiĂšres En Suspension (MES) analysĂ©es sont constituĂ©es d’une fraction inorganique de quartz, feldspath, amphibole, mica, argiles, etc...et d’une fraction organique constituĂ©e de dĂ©bris animaux et vĂ©gĂ©taux. Cette Ă©tude a permis de rĂ©aliser les cartes bathymĂ©triques et la rĂ©partition des paramĂštres physico-chimiques, ainsi que la dĂ©termination des dĂ©pressions et les processus d’érosions au fond de l’estuaire du fleuve Sassandra.Mots-clĂ©s: hydrologie, bathymĂ©trie, paramĂštres physico-chimiques, fleuve Sassandra, CĂŽte d’Ivoire. Hydrology and morphology of the estuary of the Sassandrariver (Low CĂŽte d’Ivoire) The physico-chemical studies of waters of surface and sub-surface and the bathymetric sunrises made in the estuary of theSassandrariver, allowed to characterize the hydrology and the morphology of the bottom of this mouth. On all the surface of water the pH is close to the neutrality, the conductivity is between 50 and 200ÎŒs/cm, with an average temperature of 28,91°C. The salinity of the estuary increases as we approach the Atlantic Ocean. His value is between 0 and 4%. The rate of oxygen, very low in the mouth with a value of 2 mg / L against 8,30 mg / L in the straight branch of the river covered by the vegetation. Suspension materials (MES) analyzed are constituted by an inorganic fraction of quartz, feldspar, amphibole, mica and clays etc. and of an organic fraction constituted by animal and plant fragments. This study allowed to realize the bathymetric maps and the distribution of the physico-chemical parameters, as well as the determination of the depressions and the processes of erosions at the bottom of the estuary of the Sassandra river.Keywords: hydrology, bathymetry, physico-chemical parameters, Sassandra river, CĂŽte d’Ivoire

    Current Advances in Immune Checkpoint Therapy

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    Although immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) have shown survival benefits for patients with metastatic cancers, some challenges have been under intense study in recent years. The most critical challenges include the side effects and the emergence of resistance. Potential opportunities exist to develop personalized immune checkpoint inhibitor therapy based on biomarker discovery. Combinational therapy involving immune checkpoint inhibitors and other forms of anticancer therapies has varied success. This chapter reviews drugs currently undergoing Phase III clinical trials and others that are FDA-approved. We take a critical look at the combinational strategies and address the ever-present challenge of resistance. Moreover, we review and evaluate the discovery of biomarkers and assess prospects for personalized immune checkpoint therapy

    Glycoconjugate Data Bank:Structures—an annotated glycan structure database and N-glycan primary structure verification service

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    Glycobiology has been brought to public attention as a frontier in the post-genomic era. Structural information about glycans has been accumulating in the Protein Data Bank (PDB) for years. It has been recognized, however, that there are many questionable glycan models in the PDB. A tool for verifying the primary structures of glycan 3D structures is evidently required, yet there have been no such publicly available tools. The Glycoconjugate Data Bank:Structures (GDB:Structures, http://www.glycostructures.jp) is an annotated glycan structure database, which also provides an N-glycan primary structure (or glycoform) verification service. All the glycan 3D structures are detected and annotated by an in-house program named ‘getCARBO’. When an N-glycan is detected in a query coordinate by getCARBO, the primary structure of the glycan is compared with the most similar entry in the glycan primary structure database (KEGG GLYCAN), and unmatched substructure(s) are indicated if observed. The results of getCARBO are stored and presented in GDB:Structures
