446 research outputs found

    Beyond the 'Grid-Lock' in Electricity Interconnectors: The Case of Germany and Poland

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    The common European electricity market requires both market integration and transmission grid expansion, including trans-border interconnectors. Although the benefits of increased interconnectivity are widely acknowledged, expansion of interconnectors is often very slow. This paper gathers insights on the reasons behind this grid-lock drawing on the study of the German-Polish border. Although two interconnectors already exist, the trade is blocked by unplanned electricity loop flows. A third interconnector has been discussed for years, but saw little progress in spite of declarations of support on both sides. Drawing on the existing literature on the topic of grid expansion we identify four hypotheses for the grid-lock: inadequate financing; diverging interests; governance and administration problems; and different actors' motivations, trust and security perceptions. We evaluate them using the empirical material gathered through document analysis and stakeholder interviews conducted in Germany and Poland. None of the hypotheses on its own can explain the gridlock. However, while financing has not been a major obstacle, divergent interests had an impact on the project delay, administrative and governance problems are a great hindrance on the technical level, while motivations influence interstate political relations and policy shaping. EU support and closer bilateral cooperation provide opportunities to address these challenges

    A case of carotid body paraganglioma and haemangioblastoma of the spinal cord in a patient with the N131K missense mutation in the VHL gene

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    The article describes paraganglioma case in woman with von Hippel–Lindau disease. She was found to be a carrier of a rare germline mutation in the VHL gene (393C>A; N131K). The patient developed large, untypical for von Hippel–Lindau disease, carotid body paraganglioma at the common carotid artery bifurcation. The carotid body paraganglioma coexisted with the haemangioblastoma situated intramedullary in region C5/C6. The haemangioblastoma reached the right-sided dorsal part of the spinal cord in section C5/C6. It produced radicular symptoms within C5/C6, followed by the later paresis of the right limbs. The haemangioblastoma was resected completely. Twelve months after the operation, the spinal symptoms receded and the carotid body paraganglioma still was asymptomatic. The current case of carotid body paraganglioma in patient with the 393C>A (N131K) missense mutation in the VHL gene, supports association of this specific mutation and VHL disease type 2, and suggests its correlation with susceptibility to paragangliomas

    Conceptual Challenges for Advancing the Socio-Technical Underpinnings of Health Informatics

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    This discussion paper considers the adoption of socio-technical perspectives and their theoretical and practical influence within the discipline of health informatics. The paper highlights the paucity of discussion of the philosophy, theory and concepts of socio-technical perspectives within health informatics. Instead of a solid theoretical base from which to describe, study and understand human-information technology interactions we continue to have fragmented, unelaborated understandings. This has resulted in a continuing focus on technical system performance and increasingly managerial outputs to the detriment of social and technical systems analysis. It has also limited critical analyses and the adaptation of socio-technical approaches beyond the immediate environment to the broader social systems of contemporary society, an expansion which is increasingly mandated in today’s complex health environment

    Mineralogical evolution of cement pastes at early ages based on thermogravimetric analysis (TGA)

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    [EN] Ordinary thermogravimetric analysis (TG) and high-resolution TG tests were carried out on three different Portland cement pastes to study the phases present during the first day of hydration. Tests were run at 1, 6, 12 and 24 h of hydration, in order to determine the phases at these ages. High-resolution TG tests were used to separate decompositions presented in the 100¿200 C interval. The non-evaporable water determined by TG was used to determine hydration degree for the different ages. The effect of particle size distribution (PSD) on mineralogical evolution was established, as well as the addition of calcite as mineralogical filler. Finer PSD and calcite addition accelerate the hydration process, increasing the hydration degree on the first day of eaction between water and cement. According to high-resolution TG results, it was demonstrated that ettringite was the only decomposed phase in the 100¿200 C interval during the first 6 h of hydration for all studied cements. C-S-H phase starts to appear in all cements after 12 h of hydration.Funding was provided by Colciencias (Grant No. Convocatoria 567-2012).Gaviria, X.; Borrachero Rosado, MV.; Paya Bernabeu, JJ.; Monzó Balbuena, JM.; Tobón, J. (2018). Mineralogical evolution of cement pastes at early ages based on thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry. 132(1):39-46. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10973-017-6905-0S39461321Benboudjema F, Meftah JM, Torernti F. Interaction between drying, shrinkage, creep and cracking phenomena in concrete. Eng Struct. 2005;27:239–50.Holt E. Contribution of mixture design to chemical and autogenous shrinkage of concrete at early ages. Cem Concr Res. 2005;35:464–72.Darquennes A, Staquet S, Delplancke-Ogletree MP, Espion B. Effect of autogenous deformation on the cracking risk of slag cement concretes. Cem Concr Compos. 2011;33:368–79.Slowik V, Schmidt M, Fritzsch R. Capillary pressure in fresh cement-based materials and identification of the air entry value. Cem Concr Compos. 2008;30(7):557–65.Evju C, Hansen S. Expansive properties of ettringite in a mixture of calcium aluminate cement, Portland cement and ß-calcium sulfate hemihydrates. Cem Concr Res. 2001;31:257–61.Bentz DP, Jensen OM, Hansen KK. Olesen, Stang, H. Haecker, C.J. Influence of cement particle-size distribution on early age autogenous strain and stresses in cement-based materials. J Am Ceram Soc. 2001;84(1):129–35.Barcelo L, Moranville M, Clavaud B. Autogenous shrinkage of concrete: a balance between autogenous swelling and self-desiccation. Cem Concr Res. 2005;35(1):177–83.Bouasker M, Mounanga P, Turcry P, Loukili A, Khelidj A. Chemical shrinkage of cement pastes and mortars at very early age: effect of limestone filler and granular inclusions. Cem Concr Compos. 2008;30(1):13–22.Bentz DP. A review of early-age properties of cement-based materials. Cem Concr Res. 2008;38(2):196–204.Ozawa T. Controlled rate thermogravimetry. New usefulness of controlled rate thermogravimetry revealed by decomposition of polyimide. J Therm Anal Calorim. 2000;59:375–84.Ramachandran VS, Paroli RM, Beaudoin JJ, Delgado AH. Thermal analysis of construction materials. Building materials series. New York: Noyes Publications; 2003.Zanier A. High-resolution TG for the characterization of diesel fuel additives. J Therm Anal Calorim. 2001;64:377–84.Tobón JI, Payá J, Borrachero MV, Restrepo OJ. Mineralogical evolution of Portland cement blended with silica nanoparticles and its effect on mechanical strength. Constr Build Mater. 2012;36:736–42.Singh M, Waghmare S, Kumar V. Characterization of lime plasters used in 16th century Mughal Monument. J Archeol Sci. 2014;42:430–4.Majchrzak-Kuçeba I. Thermogravimetry applied to characterization of fly ash-based MCM-41 mesoporous materials. J Therm Anal Calorim. 2012;107:911–21.Silva ACM, Gálico DA, Guerra RB, Legendre AO, Rinaldo D, Galhiane MS, Bannach G. Study of some volatile compounds evolved from the thermal decomposition of atenolol. J Therm Anal Calorim. 2014;115:2517–20.Rios-Fachal M, Gracia-Fernández C, López-Beceiro J, Gómez-Barreiro S, Tarrío-Saavedra J, Ponton A, Artiaga R. Effect of nanotubes on the thermal stability of polystyrene. J Therm Anal Calorim. 2013;113:481–7.Yamarte L, Paxman D, Begum S, Sarkar P, Chambers A. TG measurement of reactivity of candidate oxygen carrier materials. J Therm Anal Calorim. 2014;116:1301–7.Borrachero MV, Payá J, Bonilla M, Monzó J. The use of thermogravimetric analysis technique for the characterization of construction materials. The gypsum case. J Therm Anal Calorim. 2008;91(2):503–9.Tobón JI, Payá J, Borrachero MV, Soriano L, Restrepo OJ. Determination of the optimum parameters in the high resolution thermogravimetric analysis (HRTG) for cementitious materials. J Therm Anal Calorim. 2012;107:233–9.Kuzielova E, Žemlička M, Másilko, J, Palou, M.T. Effect of additives on the performance of Dyckerhoff cement, Class G, submitted to simulated hydrothermal curing. J Therm Anal Calorim. Accepted 29 Oct 2017Genc M, Genc ZK. Microencapsulated myristic acid–fly ash with TiO2 shell as a novel phase change material for building application. J Therm Anal Calorim. Accepted 24 Oct 2017.Singh M, Kumar SV, Waghmare SA. The composition and technology of the 3–4th century CE decorative earthen plaster of Pithalkhora caves, India. J Archeol Sci. 2016;7:224–37.Liu L, Liu Q, Cao Y, Pan WP. The isothermal studies of char-CO2 gasification using the high-pressure thermo-gravimetric method. J Therm Anal Calorim. 2015;120:1877–82.Majchrzak-Kuce I, Bukalak-Gaik D. Regeneration performance of metal–organic frameworks TG-vacuum tests. J Therm Anal Calorim. 2016;125:1461–6.Ion RM, Radovici C, Fierascu RC, Fierascu I. Thermal and mineralogical investigations of iron archaeological Materials. J Therm Anal Calorim. 2015;121:1247–53.Rupasinghe M, San Nicolas R, Mendis P, Sofi M, Ngo T. Investigation of strength and hydration characteristics in nano-silica incorporated cement paste. Cem Concr Compos. 2017;80:17–30.Esteves PL. On the hydration of water-entrained cement–silica systems: combined SEM, XRD and thermal analysis in cement pastes. Thermochim Acta. 2011;518:27–35.Riesen R. Adjustment of heating rate for maximum resolution in TG and TMA (MaxRes). J Therm Anal. 1998;53:365–74.Lim S, Mondal P. Micro- and nano-scale characterization to study the thermal degradation of cement-based materials. Mater Charact. 2014;92:15–25.Gill PS, Sauerbrunn SR, Crowe BS. High resolution thermogravimetry. J Therm Anal. 1992;38:255–66.Mounanga P, Khelidj A, Loukili A, Baroghel-Bouny V. Predicting Ca(OH)2 content and chemical shrinkage of hydrating cement pastes using analytical approach. Cem Concr Res. 2004;34:255–65.Zeng Q, Li K, Fen-chong T, Dangla P. Determination of cement hydration and pozzolanic reaction extents for fly-ash cement pastes. Constr Build Mater. 2012;27:560–9.Parrott LP, Geiker M, Gutteridge WA, Killoh D. Monitoring Portland cement hydration: Comparison of methods. Cem Concr Res. 1990;20:919–26.Hewlett PC. Lea’s chemistry of cement and concrete. 4th ed. Oxford: Elsevier Science & Technology Books; 2004.ASTM C305 Standard practice for mechanical mixing of hydraulic cement pastes and mortars of plastic consistency. ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA; 2012.Taylor HF. Cement chemistry. 2nd ed. Westminster: Thomas Telford; 1997.Nadelman EI, Freas DJ, Kurtis KE. Nano- and microstructural characterization of Portland limestone cement paste. In: Nanotechnology in construction. Proceedings of NICOM 5. 2015. p. 87–92

    Momentum-resolved linear dichroism in bilayer MoS2

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    In solid state photoemission experiments it is possible to extract information about the symmetry and orbital character of the electronic wave functions via the photoemission selection rules that shape the measured intensity. This approach can be expanded in a pump-probe experiment where the intensity contains additional information about interband excitations induced by an ultrafast laser pulse with tunable polarization. Here, we find an unexpected strong linear dichroism effect (up to 42.4%) in the conduction band of bilayer MoS2, when measuring energy- A nd momentum-resolved snapshots of excited electrons by time- A nd angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy. We model the polarization-dependent photoemission intensity in the transiently populated conduction band using the semiconductor Bloch equations. Our theoretical analysis reveals a strongly anisotropic momentum dependence of the optical excitations due to intralayer single-particle hopping, which explains the observed linear dichroism

    Switching of the electron-phonon interaction in 1T-VSe2 assisted by hot carriers

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    Funding: We gratefully acknowledge funding from VILLUM FONDEN through the Young Investigator Program (Grant. No.15375) and the Centre of Excellence for Dirac Materials (Grant. No. 11744), the Danish Council for Independent Research, Natural Sciences under the Sapere Aude program (Grant Nos. DFF-9064-00057B and DFF-6108-00409) and the Aarhus University Research Foundation. This work is also supported by National Research Foundation (NRF) grants funded by the Korean government (nos. NRF-2020R1A2C200373211 and 2019K1A3A7A09033389) and by the International MaxPlanck Research School for Chemistry and Physics of Quantum Materials (IMPRS-CPQM). The authors also acknowledge The Royal Society and The Leverhulme Trust. R.S acknowledges financial support provided by the Ministry of Science and Technology in Taiwan under project number MOST-108-2112-M-001-049-MY2 & MOST 109-2124-M-002-001 and Sinica funded i-MATE financial Support AS-iMATE-109-13. Access to the Artemis Facility was funded by STFC. The Advanced Light Source is supported by the Director, Office of Science, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, of the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231.We apply an intense infrared laser pulse in order to perturb the electronic and vibrational states in the three-dimensional charge density wave material 1T-VSe2. Ultrafast snapshots of the light-induced hot carrier dynamics and non-equilibrium quasiparticle spectral function are collected using time- and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy. The hot carrier temperature and time-dependent electronic self-energy are extracted from the time-dependent spectral function, revealing that incoherent electron-phonon interactions heat the lattice above the charge density wave critical temperature on a timescale of (200 ± 40)~fs. Density functional perturbation theory calculations establish that the presence of hot carriers alters the overall phonon dispersion and quenches efficient low-energy acoustic phonon scattering channels, which results in a new quasi-equilibrium state that is experimentally observed.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    MerTK expressing hepatic macrophages promote the resolution of inflammation in acute liver failure.

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    OBJECTIVE: Acute liver failure (ALF) is characterised by overwhelming hepatocyte death and liver inflammation with massive infiltration of myeloid cells in necrotic areas. The mechanisms underlying resolution of acute hepatic inflammation are largely unknown. Here, we aimed to investigate the impact of Mer tyrosine kinase (MerTK) during ALF and also examine how the microenvironmental mediator, secretory leucocyte protease inhibitor (SLPI), governs this response. DESIGN: Flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, confocal imaging and gene expression analyses determined the phenotype, functional/transcriptomic profile and tissue topography of MerTK+ monocytes/macrophages in ALF, healthy and disease controls. The temporal evolution of macrophage MerTK expression and its impact on resolution was examined in APAP-induced acute liver injury using wild-type (WT) and Mer-deficient (Mer-/-) mice. SLPI effects on hepatic myeloid cells were determined in vitro and in vivo using APAP-treated WT mice. RESULTS: We demonstrate a significant expansion of resolution-like MerTK+HLA-DRhigh cells in circulatory and tissue compartments of patients with ALF. Compared with WT mice which show an increase of MerTK+MHCIIhigh macrophages during the resolution phase in ALF, APAP-treated Mer-/- mice exhibit persistent liver injury and inflammation, characterised by a decreased proportion of resident Kupffer cells and increased number of neutrophils. Both in vitro and in APAP-treated mice, SLPI reprogrammes myeloid cells towards resolution responses through induction of a MerTK+HLA-DRhigh phenotype which promotes neutrophil apoptosis and their subsequent clearance. CONCLUSIONS: We identify a hepatoprotective, MerTK+, macrophage phenotype that evolves during the resolution phase following ALF and represents a novel immunotherapeutic target to promote resolution responses following acute liver injury

    Spectroscopic view of ultrafast charge carrier dynamics in single- and bilayer transition metal dichalcogenide semiconductors

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    Funding: We gratefully acknowledge funding from VILLUM FONDEN through the Young Investigator Program (Grant. No. 15375) and the Centre of Excellence for Dirac Materials (Grant.No. 11744), the Danish Council for Independent Research, Natural Sciences under the Sapere Aude program (Grant Nos. DFF-9064-00057B and DFF-6108-00409). Access to the Artemis Facility was funded by STFC. I.M. acknowledges financial support by the International Max Planck Research School for Chemistry and Physics of Quantum Materials (IMPRS-CPQM). The authors also acknowledge The Royal Society and The Leverhulme Trust.The quasiparticle spectra of atomically thin semiconducting transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs) and their response to an ultrafast optical excitation critically depend on interactions with the underlying substrate. Here, we present a comparative time- and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (TR-ARPES) study of the transient electronic structure and ultrafast carrier dynamics in the single- and bilayer TMDCs MoS2 and WS2 on three different substrates: Au(111), Ag(111) and graphene/SiC. The photoexcited quasiparticle bandgaps are observed to vary over the range of 1.9-2.3 eV between our systems. The transient conduction band signals decay on a sub-100 fs timescale on the metals, signifying an efficient removal of photoinduced carriers into the bulk metallic states. On graphene, we instead observe two timescales on the order of 200 fs and 50 ps, respectively, for the conduction band decay in MoS2. These multiple timescales are explained by Auger recombination involving MoS2 and in-gap defect states. In bilayer TMDCs on metals we observe a complex redistribution of excited holes along the valence band that is substantially affected by interactions with the continuum of bulk metallic states.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe