640 research outputs found

    Mereology and uncertainty

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    Mereology as an art of composing complex concepts out of simpler parts is suited well to the task of reasoning under uncertainty: whereas it is most often difficult to ascertain whether a given thing is an element of a concept, it is possible to decide with belief degree close to certainty that the class of things is an ingredient of an other class, which is sufficient for carrying out the reasoning whose conclusions are taken as true under given conditions. We present in this work a scheme for reasoning based on mereology in which mereology in the classical sense is fuzzified in analogy to the concept fuzzification in the sense of L. A. Zadeh. In this process, mereology becomes rough mereology

    First records of Kolibacia squamulata (Gebler, 1830), Cucujus haematodes Erichson, 1845, and Clerus dealbatus (Kraatz, 1879) (Coleoptera: Trogossitidae, Cucujidae, Cleridae) from Kazakhstan

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    Three saproxylic beetle species: Kolibacia squamulata (Gebler, 1830) (Trogossitidae), Cucujus haematodes Erichson, 1845 (Cucujidae), and Clerus dealbatus (Kraatz, 1879) (Cleridae) are recorded from Kazakhstan for the first time. Notes on their biology, habitat preferences and distribution are also provided. All species were found in the eastern part of the country, in the vicinity of the villages of Putintsevo, Kol’bay and Koktal in 2017

    New data on distribution, biology, and ecology of longhorn beetles from the area of west Tajikistan (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)

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    New data on distribution, biology, and ecology of some little-known cerambycid species, collected in the western part of Tajikistan, are presented. Arhopalus rusticus (Linnaeus, 1758) is recorded in Tajikistan for the first time. New localities of species considered pests or invasive species such as Aeolesthes sarta (Solsky, 1871) and Xylotrechus stebbingi Gahan, 1906 are also given. The list of the taxa collected by the first author during many years of field research in Tajikistan as well as photographs of poorly known species from his collection, including some endemics, are additionally provided. Furthermore, high quality photographs of some extremely rare species that were collected during our expedition, i.e., Turkaromia gromenkoi Danilevsky, 2000 and Ropalopus nadari Pic, 1894, with images of their habitats or feeding grounds are also presented for the first time

    Locally continuously perfect groups of homeomorphisms

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    The notion of a locally continuously perfect group is introduced and studied. This notion generalizes locally smoothly perfect groups introduced by Haller and Teichmann. Next, we prove that the path connected identity component of the group of all homeomorphisms of a manifold is locally continuously perfect. The case of equivariant homeomorphism group and other examples are also considered.Comment: 14 page

    Nowe stanowiska świetlikowatych (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) w Polsce południowo-wschodniej

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    "Rodzina świetlikowatych (Lampyridae) w Polsce reprezentowana jest przez 3 gatunki należące do 3 odrębnych rodzajów. Rozmieszczenie poszczególnych gatunków na terenie Polski jest dość dobrze poznane, jednak większość danych opiera się na materiałach z XIX wieku lub początków ubiegłego stulecia i wymaga potwierdzenia nowymi rekordami (Burakowski et al. 1990. Katalog Fauny Polski 23(10): 1–401). Podczas badań entomologicznych w Bieszczadach i Beskidzie Niskim stwierdzono kilka nowych stanowisk świetlikowatych"

    Solution concentration effect on mechanical injection and deposition of YSZ coatings using the solution precursor plasma spraying

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    [EN] YSZ coatings were developed by solution precursor plasma spraying from different solution concentrations. The solutions were characterized and correlated with the rheological properties (specific weight, viscosity and surface tension). The mechanical injection was used therefore a correct injection is essential to get a correct liquid jet break-up inside the plasma plume. The optimal injection pressure must be adjusted for each solution since the solution characteristics affect on the injection process. It was experimentally found out by the observation of the splats' morphology. The particles were not melted at low pressures but solidified prior to the deposition when the injection pressure is high. It was also found out that the optimal static pressure varies with the concentration, but the dynamic pressure is equal for every solution and slightly superior to the dynamic pressure of the plasma plume. After injection optimization, coatings using different solution concentrations were developed and their microstructures were investigated. The liquid jet fragmentations as well as the heat requirements were modified with the concentration so that coating microstructure was affected. The resulting coatings display a lamellar and porous microstructure with the presence of unmelted/unpyrolysed material. Coatings' porosity increased while coatings' grow-up was less intensive when diluted solutions were used as feedstock.This work has been supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (project MAT2015-67586-C3-R). P. Carpio acknowledges the Valencia Government (APOSTD/2016/040) and the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities for his current post-doc contract (FJCI-2016-27822) for his post-doc contractCarpio-Cobo, P.; Candidato, RTJ.; Pawlowski, L.; Salvador Moya, MD. (2019). Solution concentration effect on mechanical injection and deposition of YSZ coatings using the solution precursor plasma spraying. Surface and Coatings Technology. 371:124-130. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.surfcoat.2018.10.088S12413037

    Nowe stanowisko Cucujus cinnaberinus (Scopoli, 1763) (Coleoptera: Cucujidae) na Górnym Śląsku

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    "Zgniotek cynobrowy Cucujus cinnaberinus (Scopoli, 1763) objęty jest w Polsce ochroną prawną, ujęty jest także na „Czerwonej liście zwierząt ginących i zagrożonych w Polsce” (Pawłowski J. et al. 2002. Instytut Ochrony Przyrody PAN, Kraków. 155 pp. + supl. 74 pp.). Jednak przede wszystkim jest gatunkiem wskaźnikowym dla sieci obszarów Natura 2000, umieszczonym w II i IV Załączniku Dyrektywy Siedliskowej. Z tego też względu w ostatnich latach nastąpił znaczny wzrost zainteresowania tym gatunkiem"

    Nowe stanowisko Hemicoelus costatus (Aragona, 1830) (Coleoptera: Ptinidae) w Polsce

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    "Hemicoelus costatus (Aragona, 1830) jest gatunkiem szeroko rozprzestrzenionym w Europie, jego występowanie przede wszystkim związane jest z zasięgiem buka zwyczajnego Fagus sylvatica L., który jest główną rośliną żywicielską larw tego gatunku. Rozwój larw odbywa się zazwyczaj w drewnie suchych gałęzi i konarów oraz w tylcach złomów różnych drzew liściastych. Rozwój larwalny trwa co najmniej dwa lata. Przepoczwarczenie następuje jesienią, jednak postacie dojrzałe zimują i spotyka się je od maja do lipca następnego roku (Burakowski B. et al. 1986. Katalog Fauny Polski 23(11): 1–243)"

    Nowe stanowiska Omalisus (Omalisus) fontisbellaquaei Geoffroy, 1785 (Coleoptera: Omalisidae) w południowej Polsce

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    "Omalisus (Omalisus) fontisbellaquaei Geoffroy, 1785 jest jedynym przedstawicielem rodziny Omalisidae w Środkowej Europie. Jego zasięg występowania obejmuje obszar od Hiszpanii przez całą Europę Środkową, Włochy, Słowenię, Chorwację, Bośnię i Hercegowinę, Bułgarię, aż do Ukrainy i Turcji (Bocák 2007. Omalisidae. [In:] Löbl I., Smetana A. (Eds.), Catalogue of the Palearctic Coleoptera, Vol. 4. Apollo Books, Stenstrup: 210–211.)"