583 research outputs found

    Periderm invasion contributes to epithelial formation in the teleost pharynx

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    The gnathostome pharyngeal cavity functions in food transport and respiration. In amniotes the mouth and nares are the only channels allowing direct contact between internal and external epithelia. In teleost fish, gill slits arise through opening of endodermal pouches and connect the pharynx to the exterior. Using transgenic zebrafish lines, cell tracing, live imaging and different markers, we investigated if pharyngeal openings enable epithelial invasion and how this modifies the pharyngeal epithelium. We conclude that in zebrafish the pharyngeal endoderm becomes overlain by cells with a peridermal phenotype. In a wave starting from pouch 2, peridermal cells from the outer skin layer invade the successive pouches until halfway their depth. Here the peridermal cells connect to a population of cells inside the pharyngeal cavity that express periderm markers, yet do not invade from outside. The latter population expands along the midline from anterior to posterior until the esophagus-gut boundary. Together, our results show a novel role for the periderm as an internal epithelium becomes adapted to function as an external surface.Agência financiadora Ghent University Research Fund - BOF24J2015001401 Cancer Prevention Research Institute of Texas - RR140077info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Behaviour of the Blazar CTA 102 during two giant outbursts

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    Blazar CTA 102 underwent exceptional optical and high-energy outbursts in 2012 and 2016-2017. We analyze its behaviour during these events, focusing on polarimetry as a tool that allows us to trace changes in the physical conditions and geometric configuration of the emission source close to the central black hole. We also use Fermi gamma-ray data in conjunction with optical photometry in an effort to localize the origin of the outbursts.AST-1615796 - Boston Universit

    Learning analytics in massive open online courses as a tool for predicting learner performance

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    Learning analytics in MOOCs can be used to predict learner performance, which is critical as higher education is moving towards adaptive learning. Interdisciplinary methods used in the article allow for interpreting empirical qualitative data on performance in specific types of course assignments to predict learner performance and improve the quality of MOOCs. Learning analytics results make it possible to take the most from the data regarding the ways learners engage with information and their level of skills at entry. The article presents the results of applying the proposed learning analytics algorithm to analyze learner performance in specific MOOCs developed by Ural Federal University and offered through the National Open Education Platform. © 2018, National Research University Higher School of Economics.This study was support- ed by financial assis- tance provided under the Resolution of the Government of the Rus sian Federation No. 211, Contract No. 02. A03.21.0006. Translated from Russian by I. Zhuchkova


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    Purpose. To specify efficiency evaluation of the DС-DC power semiconductor converter application in the power-supply system. Methodology. We have chosen application version of converter and then used the statistical modeling of DC-DC converter for its efficiency evaluation at varied input voltage according to proposed technique. We have compared the simulated result with the data presented in reference literature. Results. We have proposed the efficiency evaluation technique of converter application. Proposed technique includes detection of external factors influenced on the converter efficiency; development of efficiency evaluation models; selecting application version of converter; determination of the correlation coefficients between the values of external factors; definition of the converter efficiency; obtaining of the converter efficiency distribution. Originality. For the first time, we have developed the evaluation technique of converter efficiency corrected for application version of converter. Practical value. Presented in the study results could be useful for specialists in semiconductor equipment, electrical facilities and systems.Разработана методика оценки эффективности использования силового полупроводникового преобразователя постоянного напряжения в системе электроснабжения. Методика включает выявление множества внешних факторов, влияющих на эффективность использование преобразователя; разработку модели оценки эффективности как функции внешних факторов; выбор варианта использования преобразователя; установление коэффициентов корреляции между значениями внешних факторов; определение значений КПД преобразователя; нахождение распределения КПД преобразователя. Применение предложенной методики проиллюстрировано на примере синхронного промежуточного вольтодобавочного преобразователя постоянного напряжения. Для этой цели выполнено статистическое моделирование преобразователя этого типа при стохастичном изменении входного напряжения.Розроблено методику оцінки ефективності використання силового напівпровідникового перетворювача постійної напруги в системі електропостачання. Методика включає виявлення множини зовнішніх чинників, що впливають на ефективність використання перетворювача; розробку моделі оцінки ефективності як функції зовнішніх чинників; вибір варіанта використання перетворювача; встановлення коефіцієнтів кореляції між значеннями зовнішніх чинників; визначення значень ККД перетворювача; знаходження розподілу ККД перетворювача. Застосування запропонованої методики проілюстровано на прикладі синхронного проміжного вольтододаткового перетворювача постійної напруги. Для цієї мети виконано статистичне моделювання перетворювача цього типу при стохастичній зміні вхідної напруги

    Досвід США у функціонуванні шкільного офіцера поліції

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    Ларіонова, І. Т. Досвід США у функціонуванні шкільного офіцера поліції / Інна Тимофіївна Ларіонова // Актуальні проблеми сучасної науки в дослідженнях молодих учених : тези доп. учасників наук.-практ. конф. з нагоди святкування Дня науки, відзначення Дня Європи та 70-річчя заснування Ради Європи (м. Харків, 16 трав. 2019 р.) / МВС України, Харків. нац. ун-т внутр. справ. - Харків, 2019. - С. 107-109.Зазначено, що профілактика протиправної поведінки дітей та підлітків є гостро-актуальною соціальною і державною проблемою для сучасної України. Збільшення ролі превентивної складової у діяльності поліції зумовило впровадження проекту «Шкільного офіцера поліції». Він є одним з прикладів ефективної співпраці поліції і громади й розроблений з метою вирішення проблеми підліткової і дитячої злочинності.It is noted that the prevention of illegal behavior of children and adolescents is an acutely relevant social and state problem for modern Ukraine. The increase in the role of the preventive component in the police activity led to the implementation of the "School Police Officer" project. It is one of the examples of effective cooperation between the police and the community and was developed to solve the problem of juvenile and child crime.Отмечено, что профилактика противоправного поведения детей и подростков – остро-актуальная социальная и государственная проблема для современной Украины. Увеличение роли превентивной составляющей в деятельности полиции обусловило внедрение проекта "Школьного офицера полиции". Он является одним из примеров эффективного сотрудничества полиции и общины и разработан для решения проблемы подростковой и детской преступности

    Personalized patterns of teachers training in document science course subjects in a vocational pedagogical university

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    The article is focused on the study of challenging issues which occur when updating methodological-pedagogical support and applying personalized educational paths in the training of future teachers of document science course subjects for intermediate vocational education institutions, as well as according to various other programmes of students training as part of the "Vocational training (by branches)" course. The key method of the given problem research is meant to be analysis and experience summarization of vocational-oriented, academic, teaching and guiding and scientific work with the students of Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University, being taught according to principal educational programme "Document management in an organization" as part of "Vocational training (by branches)" preparation as well as learning methodological approaches for creating personalized educational paths for them. Research results: developed approaches to applying personalized educational paths in the training of students in a vocational pedagogical university; drawn-up recommendations on updating methodological-pedagogical support in the training of future teachers of document science course subjects for intermediate vocational education institutions, undertaken analysis of the possible ways of improving their training. The content of the article may prove helpful for: university faculty and universities chief executives for the improvement of the training quality of future professionals, for more effective educational process organization, for forming personalized educational paths in the training of students; for chief executives of intermediate vocational education institutions where the specialized training "Document support of management and archive science" is provided; for students being trained as part of "Vocational training (by branches)" course. © Authors

    Risk Assessment at the Cosmetic Product Manufacturer by Expert Judgment Method

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    A case study was performed in a cosmetic product manufacturer. We have identified the main risk factors of occupational accidents and their causes. Risk of accidents is assessed by the expert judgment method. Event tree for the most probable accident is built and recommendations on improvement of occupational health and safety protection system at the cosmetic product manufacturer are developed. The results of this paper can be used to develop actions to improve the occupational safety and health system in the chemical industry

    Sustainable development of the Russian market of organic agro-industrial complex

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    Organic agriculture is a dynamically developing area of the global agro-industrial complex. Global climate problems and the depletion of natural resources across the planet dictate the need to review the food production technologies used. Excessive intensification of agricultural production through soil mineralization and fertilization, hormonal stimulation of animal and plant growth has led to the deterioration of water, soil, air quality and overall health. Therefore, the problem of reducing the anthropogenic impact on the environment is the main trend of implementing the principles of organic production. The paper developed recommendations for the strategic development of the Russian market of organic production within the framework of the current EAEU agreement. Conclusions were made on the expansion of instruments of state incentives for the development of organic agricultural production in a changing world economic relations and integration. © The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2023