5,491 research outputs found

    Addressing injecting related risks among people who inject both opioids and stimulants: Findings from an Australian survey of people who inject drugs

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    Background: Opioids and stimulants are the most commonly injected illicit drugs worldwide and in Australia. While some people who inject drugs (PWID) prefer either opioids or stimulants, others regularly use both opioids and stimulants. Limited available research indicates that those who use opioids and stimulants together, either in combination or alternating between the two, may engage in injection-related practices which potentially place them at greater health risk and could lead to poorer health outcomes. Methods: Participants were recruited nationally through member organizations of the Australian Injecting and Illicit Drug Users League (AIVL); these organizations represent PWID in each Australian state and territory. This study compared a sample of PWID (N = 535) who reported past-month injection of opioids only (N = 173), stimulants only (N = 208), or both (N = 154) on a range of health and wellbeing outcomes. PWID completed a survey assessing drugs injected, frequency of injecting, receptive equipment sharing, psychological distress, self-reported hepatitis C (HCV) status, experienced and internalized stigma, drug use salience, and community attachment. Results: People who injected both opioids and stimulants reported more frequent injecting, more experiences of stigma, and greater reported HCV diagnosis than people who injected stimulants or opioids alone. They also showed greater attachment to a community of PWID and greater salience of drug use to their identity. Conclusions: The findings of increased injecting and broader harms associated with injecting both stimulants and opioids are important for tailoring harm reduction and intervention designs for people who use both opioid and stimulant drugs, including prioritizing peer-based approaches

    Star-forming dwarf galaxies in the Virgo cluster: the link between molecular gas, atomic gas, and dust

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    We present 12^{12}CO(1-0) and 12^{12}CO(2-1) observations of a sample of 20 star-forming dwarfs selected from the Herschel Virgo Cluster Survey, with oxygen abundances ranging from 12 + log(O/H) ~ 8.1 to 8.8. CO emission is observed in ten galaxies and marginally detected in another one. CO fluxes correlate with the FIR 250 μ\mum emission, and the dwarfs follow the same linear relation that holds for more massive spiral galaxies extended to a wider dynamical range. We compare different methods to estimate H2 molecular masses, namely a metallicity-dependent CO-to-H2 conversion factor and one dependent on H-band luminosity. The molecular-to-stellar mass ratio remains nearly constant at stellar masses <~ 109^9 M_{\odot}, contrary to the atomic hydrogen fraction, MHI_{HI}/M_*, which increases inversely with M_*. The flattening of the MH2_{H_2}/M_* ratio at low stellar masses does not seem to be related to the effects of the cluster environment because it occurs for both HI-deficient and HI-normal dwarfs. The molecular-to-atomic ratio is more tightly correlated with stellar surface density than metallicity, confirming that the interstellar gas pressure plays a key role in determining the balance between the two gaseous components of the interstellar medium. Virgo dwarfs follow the same linear trend between molecular gas mass and star formation rate as more massive spirals, but gas depletion timescales, τdep\tau_{dep}, are not constant and range between 100 Myr and 6 Gyr. The interaction with the Virgo cluster environment is removing the atomic gas and dust components of the dwarfs, but the molecular gas appears to be less affected at the current stage of evolution within the cluster. However, the correlation between HI deficiency and the molecular gas depletion time suggests that the lack of gas replenishment from the outer regions of the disc is lowering the star formation activity.Comment: 19 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Cation composition effects on oxide conductivity in the Zr_2Y_2O_7-Y_3NbO_7 system

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    Realistic, first-principles-based interatomic potentials have been used in molecular dynamics simulations to study the effect of cation composition on the ionic conductivity in the Zr2Y2O7-Y3NbO7 system and to link the dynamical properties to the degree of lattice disorder. Across the composition range, this system retains a disordered fluorite crystal structure and the vacancy concentration is constant. The observed trends of decreasing conductivity and increasing disorder with increasing Nb5+ content were reproduced in simulations with the cations randomly assigned to positions on the cation sublattice. The trends were traced to the influences of the cation charges and relative sizes and their effect on vacancy ordering by carrying out additional calculations in which, for example, the charges of the cations were equalised. The simulations did not, however, reproduce all the observed properties, particularly for Y3NbO7. Its conductivity was significantly overestimated and prominent diffuse scattering features observed in small area electron diffraction studies were not always reproduced. Consideration of these deficiencies led to a preliminary attempt to characterise the consequence of partially ordering the cations on their lattice, which significantly affects the propensity for vacancy ordering. The extent and consequences of cation ordering seem to be much less pronounced on the Zr2Y2O7 side of the composition range.Comment: 22 pages, 8 figures, submitted to Journal of Physics: Condensed Matte

    The physical characteristics of the gas in the disk of Centaurus A using the Herschel Space Observatory

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    We search for variations in the disk of Centaurus A of the emission from atomic fine structure lines using Herschel PACS and SPIRE spectroscopy. In particular we observe the [C II](158 μ\mum), [N II](122 and 205 μ\mum), [O I](63 and 145 μ\mum) and [O III](88 μ\mum) lines, which all play an important role in cooling the gas in photo-ionized and photodissociation regions. We determine that the ([C II]+[O I]63_{63})/FTIRF_{TIR} line ratio, a proxy for the heating efficiency of the gas, shows no significant radial trend across the observed region, in contrast to observations of other nearby galaxies. We determine that 10 - 20% of the observed [C II] emission originates in ionized gas. Comparison between our observations and a PDR model shows that the strength of the far-ultraviolet radiation field, G0G_0, varies between 101.7510^{1.75} and 102.7510^{2.75} and the hydrogen nucleus density varies between 102.7510^{2.75} and 103.7510^{3.75} cm3^{-3}, with no significant radial trend in either property. In the context of the emission line properties of the grand-design spiral galaxy M51 and the elliptical galaxy NGC 4125, the gas in Cen A appears more characteristic of that in typical disk galaxies rather than elliptical galaxies.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal. 22 pages, 10 figures, 5 table

    Gas-to-Dust mass ratios in local galaxies over a 2 dex metallicity range

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    This paper analyses the behaviour of the gas-to-dust mass ratio (G/D) of local Universe galaxies over a large metallicity range. We combine three samples: the Dwarf Galaxy Survey, the KINGFISH survey and a subsample from Galametz et al. (2011) totalling 126 galaxies, covering a 2 dex metallicity range, with 30% of the sample with 12+log(O/H) < 8.0. The dust masses are homogeneously determined with a semi-empirical dust model, including submm constraints. The atomic and molecular gas masses are compiled from the literature. Two XCO are used to estimate molecular gas masses: the Galactic XCO, and a XCO depending on the metallicity (as Z^{-2}). Correlations with morphological types, stellar masses, star formation rates and specific star formation rates are discussed. The trend between G/D and metallicity is empirically modelled using power-laws (slope of -1 and free) and a broken power-law. We compare the evolution of the G/D with predictions from chemical evolution models. We find that out of the five tested galactic parameters, metallicity is the galactic property driving the observed G/D. The G/D versus metallicity relation cannot be represented by a power-law with a slope of -1 over the whole metallicity range. The observed trend is steeper for metallicities lower than ~ 8.0. A large scatter is observed in the G/D for a given metallicity, with a dispersion of 0.37 dex in metallicity bins of ~0.1 dex. The broken power-law reproduces best the observed G/D and provides estimates of the G/D that are accurate to a factor of 1.6. The good agreement of the G/D and its scatter with the three tested chemical evolution models shows that the scatter is intrinsic to galactic properties, reflecting the different star formation histories, dust destruction efficiencies, dust grain size distributions and chemical compositions across the sample. (abriged)Comment: 23 pages, 12 figures, accepted in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Sample Preparation Techniques for Grain Boundary Characterization of Annealed TRISO-Coated Particles

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    Crystallographic information about layers of silicon carbide (SiC) deposited by chemical vapor deposition is essential to understanding layer performance, especially when the the layers are in nonplanar geometries (e.g., spherical). Electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) was used to analyze spherical SiC layers using a different sampling approach that applied focused ion beam (FIB) milling to avoid the negative impacts of traditional sample polishing and address the need for very small samples of irradiated materials for analysis. The mechanical and chemical grinding and polishing of sample surfaces can introduce lattice strain and result in the unequal removal of SiC and the surrounding layers of different materials due to the hardness differences among these materials. The nature of layer interfaces is thought to play a key role in the performance of SiC; therefore, the analysis of representative samples at these interfacial areas is crucial. In the work reported herein, a FIB was employed in a novel manner to prepare a more representative sample for EBSD analysis from tristructural-isotropic layers that are free of effects introduced by mechanical and chemical preparation methods. In addition, the difficulty of handling neutron-irradiated microscopic samples (such as those analyzed in this work) has been simplified using pretilted mounting stages. The results showed that while the average grain sizes of samples may be similar, the grain boundary characteristics can differ significantly. Furthermore, low-angle grain boundaries comprised 25% of all boundaries in the FIB-prepared sample compared to only 1% to 2% in the polished sample from the same particle. This study demonstrated that the characterization results from FIB-prepared samples provide more repeatable results due to the elimination of the effects of sample preparation

    A resolved analysis of cold dust and gas in the nearby edge-on spiral NGC 891

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    We investigate the connection between dust and gas in the nearby edge-on spiral galaxy NGC 891. High resolution Herschel PACS and SPIRE 70, 100, 160, 250, 350, and 500 μ\mum images are combined with JCMT SCUBA 850 μ\mum observations to trace the far-infrared/submillimetre spectral energy distribution (SED). Maps of the HI 21 cm line and CO(J=3-2) emission trace the atomic and molecular hydrogen gas, respectively. We fit one-component modified blackbody models to the integrated SED, finding a global dust mass of 8.5×\times107^{7} M_{\odot} and an average temperature of 23±\pm2 K. We also fit the pixel-by-pixel SEDs to produce maps of the dust mass and temperature. The dust mass distribution correlates with the total stellar population as traced by the 3.6 μ\mum emission. The derived dust temperature, which ranges from approximately 17 to 24 K, is found to correlate with the 24 μ\mum emission. Allowing the dust emissivity index to vary, we find an average value of β\beta = 1.9±\pm0.3. We confirm an inverse relation between the dust emissivity spectral index and dust temperature, but do not observe any variation of this relationship with vertical height from the mid-plane of the disk. A comparison of the dust properties with the gaseous components of the ISM reveals strong spatial correlations between the surface mass densities of dust and the molecular hydrogen and total gas surface densities. Observed asymmetries in the dust temperature, and the H2_{2}-to-dust and total gas-to-dust ratios hint that an enhancement in the star formation rate may be the result of larger quantities of molecular gas available to fuel star formation in the NE compared to the SW. Whilst the asymmetry likely arises from dust obscuration due to the geometry of the line-of-sight projection of the spiral arms, we cannot exclude an enhancement in the star formation rate in the NE side of the disk.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A. 21 pages, including 13 figures and 4 table

    Herschel and JCMT observations of the early-type dwarf galaxy NGC 205

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    We present Herschel dust continuum, James Clerk Maxwell Telescope CO(3-2) observations and a search for [CII] 158 micron and [OI] 63 micron spectral line emission for the brightest early-type dwarf satellite of Andromeda, NGC 205. While direct gas measurements (Mgas ~ 1.5e+6 Msun, HI + CO(1-0)) have proven to be inconsistent with theoretical predictions of the current gas reservoir in NGC 205 (> 1e+7 Msun), we revise the missing interstellar medium mass problem based on new gas mass estimates (CO(3-2), [CII], [OI]) and indirect measurements of the interstellar medium content through dust continuum emission. Based on Herschel observations, covering a wide wavelength range from 70 to 500 micron, we are able to probe the entire dust content in NGC 205 (Mdust ~ 1.1-1.8e+4 Msun at Tdust ~ 18-22 K) and rule out the presence of a massive cold dust component (Mdust ~ 5e+5 Msun, Tdust ~ 12 K), which was suggested based on millimeter observations from the inner 18.4 arcsec. Assuming a reasonable gas-to-dust ratio of ~ 400, the dust mass in NGC 205 translates into a gas mass Mgas ~ 4-7e+6 Msun. The non-detection of [OI] and the low L_[CII]-to-L_CO(1-0) line intensity ratio (~ 1850) imply that the molecular gas phase is well traced by CO molecules in NGC 205. We estimate an atomic gas mass of 1.5e+4 Msun associated with the [CII] emitting PDR regions in NGC 205. From the partial CO(3-2) map of the northern region in NGC 205, we derive a molecular gas mass of M_H2 ~ 1.3e+5 Msun. [abridged]Comment: 16 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA