220 research outputs found

    Unimolecular Decay of the Dimethyl-Substituted Criegee Intermediate in Alkene Ozonolysis : Decay Time Scales and the Importance of Tunneling

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    We used the steady-state master equation to model unimolecular decay of the Criegee intermediate formed from ozonolysis of 2,3-dimethyl-2-butene (tetramethylethylene, TME). Our results show the relative importance and time scales for both the prompt and thermal unimolecular decay of the dimethyl-substituted Criegee intermediate, (CH3)(2)COO. Calculated reactive fluxes show the importance of quantum mechanical tunneling for both prompt and thermal decay to OH radical products. We constrained the initial energy distribution of chemically activated (CH3)(2)COO formed in TME ozonolysis by combining microcanonical rates k(E) measured experimentally under collision-free conditions and modeled using semiclassical transition-state theory (SCTST) with pressure dependent yields of stabilized Criegee intermediates measured with scavengers in flow-tube experiments. Thermal decay rates under atmospheric conditions k(298 K, 1 atm) increase by more than 1 order of magnitude when tunneling is included. Accounting for tunneling has important consequences for interpreting pressure dependent yields of stabilized Criegee intermediates, particularly with regard to the fraction of Criegee intermediates formed in the zero-pressure limit.Peer reviewe

    Calculating rate constants for intersystem crossing and internal conversion in the Franck-Condon and Herzberg-Teller approximations

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    Effective and fast algorithms for calculating rate constants for internal conversion (IC) and intersystem crossing (ISC) in the Franck-Condon and Herzberg-Teller approximations have been developed and implemented. The methods have been employed for calculating IC and ISC rate constants for the pyrromethene-567 dye (PM567), hetero[8]circulene (4B) and free-base porphyrin (H2P). The fluorescence quantum yields obtained by comparing calculated rate constants for the radiative and non-radiative processes are in good agreement with experimental data.Peer reviewe

    Fast estimation of the internal conversion rate constant in photophysical applications

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    An efficient method for estimating non-adiabatic coupling matrix elements (NACME) and rate constants for internal conversion (k(IC)) is presented. The method, based on Plotnikov's theory, requires only calculations of the electronic wave functions and the corresponding electronic excitation energies. Computationally expensive calculations of the derivatives of the electronic wave function with respect to the nuclear coordinates are avoided. When the main accepting modes of the electronic excitation energy are X-H vibrations, the present method can be used for estimating the efficiency of the energy transfer between donor and acceptor molecules. It can also be used in studies of the influence of hydrogen bonding or solvent effect on fluorescence quenching, in studies of vibronic effects of TADF (thermally activated delayed fluorescence) emitters, and for calculating k(IC). Here, k(IC) and NACME are calculated for free-base porhyrin, magnesium porphyrin, azulene, naphthalene, pyrene and fluorenone interacting with a solvent molecule. Reverse k(IC) and NACME are further calculated for the T-1 -> T-2 transition of dibenzothiophene-S,S-dioxide (PTZ-DBTO2), which is used in TADF applications. Finally, we estimate the efficiency of the energy transfer between two large porphyrinoid dimers.Peer reviewe

    Aromaticity of Even-Number Cyclo[n]carbons (n=6-100)

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    The recently synthesized cyclo[18]carbon molecule has been characterized in a number of studies by calculating electronic, spectroscopic, and mechanical properties. However, cyclo[18] carbon is only one member of the class of cyclo[n]carbons-standalone carbon allotrope representatives. Many of the larger members of this class of molecules have not been thoroughly investigated. In this work, we calculate the magnetically induced current density of cyclo[n]carbons in order to elucidate how electron delocalization and aromatic properties change with the size of the molecular ring (n), where n is an even number between 6 and 100. We find that the Hiickel rules for aromaticity (4k + 2) and antiaromaticity (4k) become degenerate for large C-n rings (n > 50), which can be understood as a transition from a delocalized electronic structure to a nonaromatic structure with localized current density fluxes in the triple bonds. Actually, the calculations suggest that cyclo[n]carbons with n > 50 are nonaromatic cyclic polyalkynes. The influence of the amount of nonlocal exchange and the asymptotic behavior of the exchange-correlation potential of the employed density functionals on the strength of the magnetically induced ring current and the aromatic character of the large cyclo[n]carbons is also discussed.Peer reviewe

    Large methane releases lead to strong aerosol forcing and reduced cloudiness

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    The release of vast quantities of methane into the atmosphere as a result of clathrate destabilization is a potential mechanism for rapid amplification of global warming. Previous studies have calculated the enhanced warming based mainly on the radiative effect of the methane itself, with smaller contributions from the associated carbon dioxide or ozone increases. Here, we study the effect of strongly elevated methane (CH4) levels on oxidant and aerosol particle concentrations using a combination of chemistry-transport and general circulation models. A 10-fold increase in methane concentrations is predicted to significantly decrease hydroxyl radical (OH) concentrations, while moderately increasing ozone (O3). These changes lead to a 70 % increase in the atmospheric lifetime of methane, and an 18 % decrease in global mean cloud droplet number concentrations (CDNC). The CDNC change causes a radiative forcing that is comparable in magnitude to the longwave radiative forcing ("enhanced greenhouse effect") of the added methane. Together, the indirect CH4-O3 and CH4-OH-aerosol forcings could more than double the warming effect of large methane increases. Our findings may help explain the anomalously large temperature changes associated with historic methane releases

    Formation of highly oxidized multifunctional compounds : autoxidation of peroxy radicals formed in the ozonolysis of alkenes - deduced from structure-product relationships

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    It has been postulated that secondary organic particulate matter plays a pivotal role in the early growth of newly formed particles in forest areas. The recently detected class of extremely low volatile organic compounds (ELVOC) provides the missing organic vapors and possibly contributes a significant fraction to atmospheric SOA (secondary organic aerosol). The sequential rearrangement of peroxy radicals and subsequent O-2 addition results in ELVOC which are highly oxidized multifunctional molecules (HOM). Key for efficiency of such HOM in early particle growth is that their formation is induced by one attack of the oxidant (here O-3), followed by an autoxidation process involving molecular oxygen. Similar mechanisms were recently observed and predicted by quantum mechanical calculations e.g., for isoprene. To assess the atmospheric importance and therewith the potential generality, it is crucial to understand the formation pathway of HOM. To elucidate the formation path of HOM as well as necessary and sufficient structural prerequisites of their formation we studied homologous series of cycloalkenes in comparison to two monoterpenes. We were able to directly observe highly oxidized multifunctional peroxy radicals with 8 or 10 O atoms by an Atmospheric Pressure interface High Resolution Time of Flight Mass Spectrometer (APi-TOF-MS) equipped with a NO3--chemical ionization (CI) source. In the case of O-3 acting as an oxidant, the starting peroxy radical is formed on the so-called vinylhydroperoxide path. HOM peroxy radicals and their termination reactions with other peroxy radicals, including dimerization, allowed for analyzing the observed mass spectra and narrowing down the likely formation path. As consequence, we propose that HOM are multifunctional percarboxylic acids, with carbonyl, hydroperoxy, or hydroxy groups arising from the termination steps. We figured that aldehyde groups facilitate the initial rearrangement steps. In simple molecules like cycloalkenes, autoxidation was limited to both terminal C atoms and two further C atoms in the respective alpha positions. In more complex molecules containing tertiary H atoms or small, constrained rings, even higher oxidation degrees were possible, either by simple H shift of the tertiary H atom or by initialization of complex ring-opening reactions.Peer reviewe

    The charging of neutral dimethylamine and dimethylamine-sulfuric acid clusters using protonated acetone

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    Sulfuric acid is generally considered one of the most important substances taking part in atmospheric particle formation. However, in typical atmospheric conditions in the lower troposphere, sulfuric acid and water alone are unable to form particles. It has been suggested that strong bases may stabilize sulfuric acid clusters so that particle formation may occur. More to the point, amines - strong organic bases - have become the subject of interest as possible cause for such stabilization. To probe whether amines play a role in atmospheric nucleation, we need to be able to measure accurately the gas-phase amine vapour concentration. Such measurements often include charging the neutral molecules and molecular clusters in the sample. Since amines are bases, the charging process should introduce a positive charge. This can be achieved by, for example, using chemical ionization with a positively charged reagent with a suitable proton affinity. In our study, we have used quantum chemical methods combined with a cluster dynamics code to study the use of acetone as a reagent ion in chemical ionization and compared the results with measurements performed with a chemical ionization atmospheric pressure interface time-of-flight mass spectrometer (CI-APi-TOF). The computational results indicate that protonated acetone is an effective reagent in chemical ionization. However, in the experiments the reagent ions were not depleted at the predicted dimethylamine concentrations, indicating that either the modelling scheme or the experimental results - or both - contain unidentified sources of error.Peer reviewe

    EOS: a software for flavor physics phenomenology

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    EOS is an open-source software for a variety of computational tasks in flavor physics. Its use cases include theory predictions within and beyond the Standard Model of particle physics, Bayesian inference of theory parameters from experimental and theoretical likelihoods, and simulation of pseudo events for a number of signal processes. EOS ensures high-performance computations through a C++ back-end and ease of usability through a Python front-end. To achieve this flexibility, EOS enables the user to select from a variety of implementations of the relevant decay processes and hadronic matrix elements at run time. In this article, we describe the general structure of the software framework and provide basic examples. Further details and in-depth interactive examples are provided as part of the EOS online documentation

    Atmospheric nucleation: highlights of the EUCAARI project and future directions

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    Within the project EUCAARI (European Integrated project on Aerosol Cloud Climate and Air Quality interactions), atmospheric nucleation was studied by (i) developing and testing new air ion and cluster spectrometers, (ii) conducting homogeneous nucleation experiments for sulphate and organic systems in the laboratory, (iii) investigating atmospheric nucleation mechanism under field conditions, and (iv) applying new theoretical and modelling tools for data interpretation and development of parameterisations. The current paper provides a synthesis of the obtained results and identifies the remaining major knowledge gaps related to atmospheric nucleation. The most important technical achievement of the project was the development of new instruments for measuring sub-3 nm particle populations, along with the extensive application of these instruments in both the laboratory and the field. All the results obtained during EUCAARI indicate that sulphuric acid plays a central role in atmospheric nucleation. However, also vapours other than sulphuric acid are needed to explain the nucleation and the subsequent growth processes, at least in continental boundary layers. Candidate vapours in this respect are some organic compounds, ammonia, and especially amines. Both our field and laboratory data demonstrate that the nucleation rate scales to the first or second power of the nucleating vapour concentration(s). This agrees with the few earlier field observations, but is in stark contrast with classical thermodynamic nucleation theories. The average formation rates of 2-nm particles were found to vary by almost two orders of magnitude between the different EUCAARI sites, whereas the formation rates of charged 2-nm particles varied very little between the sites. Overall, our observations are indicative of frequent, yet moderate, ion-induced nucleation usually outweighed by much stronger neutral nucleation events in the continental lower troposphere. The most concrete outcome of the EUCAARI nucleation studies are the new semi-empirical nucleation rate parameterizations based on field observations, along with updated aerosol formation parameterizations