45 research outputs found

    The relative error of calculations at the Pöschl-Teller model potential for the planar channeled muon

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    In the framework of quantum mechanics, we investigate muon channeling in the Si (200) crystal. The transverse energy levels and wave functions are obtained for the Pöschl-Teller and the Doyle-Turner potentials. Comparative analysis demonstrates that analytical results of calculations obtained on the base of the Pöschl-Teller potential are in a good agreement with the numerical results of calculations in the Doyle-Turner model for the low energy levels. These results for the muon with rest mass m[mu] and relativistic factor [gamma] are valid for any particle with elementary charge and rest mass m and relativistic factor [gamma][m]=[gamma](m[mu]/m). Therefore, our results can be useful for the preparation and performing the experimental investigation of the various phenomena accompanying particle channeling

    Estimating gold-ore mineralization potential within Topolninsk ore field (Gorny Altai)

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    Based on the results of ore and near-ore metasomatite composition analysis, the factors and indicators of gold-ore mineralization potential were proposed. Integration of the obtained data made it possible to outline magmatic, structural, and lithological factors, as well as direct and indirect indicators of gold-ore mineralization. Applying multidimensional analysis inherent to geochemical data, the spatial structure was investigated, as well as the potential mineralization was identified. Based on the developed and newly-identified mineralization, small (up to medium-sized) mineable gold-ore deposits in skarns characterized by complex geological setting was identified

    Stability of Citrinae Subtribe Development in the Conditions of the Mediterranean Area

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    Fluctuating asymmetry as the value of random deviations reflects either stability or instability of development. It is quite often used by researchers to assess the level of influence of anthropogenic and climatic factors. This study is focused on the territory with favorable climate and low anthropogenic load. The object of the study includes leaf blades of woody plants Citrus X sinensis (Valencia), Citrus limon (Molla Mehmet), Citrus reticulata (Okitsu wase C. unshiu) and Punica granatum (Emek) of the city of Kemer of the Republic of Turkey. The reliability of the presented results is justified by the use of correct methods of study and adequate statistical processing of big data. The integrated indicator of fluctuating asymmetry was the highest for leaf blades of Punica granatum (0.019), Citrus limon (0.017), these plants are introduced species. Citrus X sinensis and Citrus reticulata were characterized by low level of destabilization of plants in the conditions of the Mediterranean Area. It is shown that the most sensitive morphological features of fluctuating asymmetry for Citrinae Citrus X sinensis subtribe plants are j4 and j5, Cítrus límon – j2 and j5, Citrus reticulata – j3 and j4

    The dependence of cylindrical resonator natural frequencies on the fluid density

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    The article examines the dependence of cylindrical resonator natural frequencies (sensitive element) on the density (mass) of different fluids flowing through it. The cylindrical resonators are being widely applied in automatic control systems of technological processes as oscillating transducer density meter. The article presents the experimental results that prove the dependence of natural frequencies and vibration amplitude on the fluid density

    Laser‐facilitated epicutaneous immunotherapy with hypoallergenic beta‐glucan neoglycoconjugates suppresses lung inflammation and avoids local side effects in a mouse model of allergic asthma

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    Background Allergen-specific immunotherapy via the skin targets a tissue rich in antigen-presenting cells, but can be associated with local and systemic side effects. Allergen-polysaccharide neoglycogonjugates increase immunization efficacy by targeting and activating dendritic cells via C-type lectin receptors and reduce side effects. Objective We investigated the immunogenicity, allergenicity, and therapeutic efficacy of laminarin-ovalbumin neoglycoconjugates (LamOVA). Methods The biological activity of LamOVA was characterized in vitro using bone marrow-derived dendritic cells. Immunogenicity and therapeutic efficacy were analyzed in BALB/c mice. Epicutaneous immunotherapy (EPIT) was performed using fractional infrared laser ablation to generate micropores in the skin, and the effects of LamOVA on blocking IgG, IgE, cellular composition of BAL, lung, and spleen, lung function, and T-cell polarization were assessed. Results Conjugation of laminarin to ovalbumin reduced its IgE binding capacity fivefold and increased its immunogenicity threefold in terms of IgG generation. EPIT with LamOVA induced significantly higher IgG levels than OVA, matching the levels induced by s.c. injection of OVA/alum (SCIT). EPIT was equally effective as SCIT in terms of blocking IgG induction and suppression of lung inflammation and airway hyperresponsiveness, but SCIT was associated with higher levels of therapy-induced IgE and TH2 cytokines. EPIT with LamOVA induced significantly lower local skin reactions during therapy compared to unconjugated OVA. Conclusion Conjugation of ovalbumin to laminarin increased its immunogenicity while at the same time reducing local side effects. LamOVA EPIT via laser-generated micropores is safe and equally effective compared to SCIT with alum, without the need for adjuvant

    Discovery of a diaminoquinoxaline benzenesulfonamide antagonist of HIV-1 Nef function using a yeast-based phenotypic screen

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    Background: HIV-1 Nef is a viral accessory protein critical for AIDS progression. Nef lacks intrinsic catalytic activity and binds multiple host cell signaling proteins, including Hck and other Src-family tyrosine kinases. Nef binding induces constitutive Hck activation that may contribute to HIV pathogenesis by promoting viral infectivity, replication and downregulation of cell-surface MHC-I molecules. In this study, we developed a yeast-based phenotypic screen to identify small molecules that inhibit the Nef-Hck complex. Results: Nef-Hck interaction was faithfully reconstituted in yeast cells, resulting in kinase activation and growth arrest. Yeast cells expressing the Nef-Hck complex were used to screen a library of small heterocyclic compounds for their ability to rescue growth inhibition. The screen identified a dihydrobenzo-1,4-dioxin-substituted analog of 2-quinoxalinyl-3-aminobenzene-sulfonamide (DQBS) as a potent inhibitor of Nef-dependent HIV-1 replication and MHC-I downregulation in T-cells. Docking studies predicted direct binding of DQBS to Nef which was confirmed in differential scanning fluorimetry assays with recombinant purified Nef protein. DQBS also potently inhibited the replication of HIV-1 NL4-3 chimeras expressing Nef alleles representative of all M-group HIV-1 clades.Conclusions: Our findings demonstrate the utility of a yeast-based growth reversion assay for the identification of small molecule Nef antagonists. Inhibitors of Nef function discovered with this assay, such as DQBS, may complement the activity of current antiretroviral therapies by enabling immune recognition of HIV-infected cells through the rescue of cell surface MHC-I. © 2013 Trible et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd

    La Gazette de Château-Gontier : Journal politique, littéraire, agricole et commercial ["ou" Nouvelles de l'Ouest...]

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    11 octobre 19001900/10/11 (A23,N82).Appartient à l’ensemble documentaire : PaysLoir

    Environmental state and buffering properties of underground hydrosphere in waste landfill site of the largest petrochemical companies in Europe

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    © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.The article examines the waste landfill site of PJSC "Nizhnekamskneftekhim" built 1982. Particular attention is paid to the volume of disposed wastes and peculiarities of landfill operation. It has been revealed that the landfill negatively impacts groundwater. The increase in groundwater level and contamination degree is dependent on recharge from infiltration of precipitation that interacts with the waste in the landfill cells. Groundwater contamination follows the longitudinal distribution pattern, with maximum intensity reaching in the nearest area of the landfill. With increasing distance, concentration of all pollutants sharply reduces. Within three kilometers away from the landfill, groundwater turns to its background values indicating its quality. The landfill discharges oil, phenols, formaldehyde, benzol, toluene, xylene, ethylbenzene, and iron and, to a lesser extent, sulfates, chlorides and barium into the underground hydrosphere. The overlimiting concentrations of other components are caused by intensive leaching from the rocks by aggressive carbonic acid water. The concentrations of hydrocarbonates can reach 8 g/l in the groundwater within the landfill and its nearest area, however, under natural conditions, they do not exceed 0.4 g/l. This is only possible in a case of partial activity of carbon dioxide associated with destruction of organic matter disposed in the landfill. One of the processes that play an important role in groundwater quality recovery is mixing of contaminated groundwater with infiltrating precipitation