416 research outputs found


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    Sistem rancang bangun pengaturan arah putaran motor listrik maju mundur dibuat untuk mengendalikan motor 1 fasa menjadi putaran bolak-balik dan digunakan bisa untuk konveyor, mengangkat beban. Sistem kerja alat pengaturan arah putaran motor listrik ini mengunakan relay sebagai menghidup dan matikan motor serta sekaligus mengunci rangkaian agar tidak hubung singkat. Cara kerja Alat motor forward dan reverse ini dengan menggunakan 3 buah relay yang berfungsi untuk mengubah fasa dan mengguncinya, Sedangkan catu daya 12 volt berfungsi untuk mensuplay tegangan ke relay sehinnga relay dapat bekerja.Kata kuci: Motor, Relay, Push Button, Mcb

    Pemanfaatan Lempung Berpilar Untuk Pengelolaan Limbah Radioaktif

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    Pemanfaatnan Lempung Berpilar Untuk Pengelolaan Limbah Radioaktif. Lempung berpilar(pillared clay) dapat digunakan tidak hanya untuk material backfill (bahan pengisi) dalam suatusistim penyimpanan limbah radioaktif, tetapi juga sangat diperlukan untuk bahan sorben dalampengolahan limbah radioaktif aktivitas rendah dan sedang. Lempung berpilar dibuat dari bahanbentonit alam yang direaksikan dengan ZrOCl2.8H2O. Identifikasi lempung berpilar diukurdengan spektrometer X-Ray Fluorescence dan kemampuan penyerapan oleh lempung berpilarterhadap radionuklida Cs-137 pada konsentrasi CsCl 0,01M, 0,05M dan 0,1 M menghasilkannilai Kd (koefisien distribusi) berturut-turut sebesar 1619 ml/g, 1133 ml/g dan 800 ml/g.Lempung berpilar mampu menyerap radionuklida Cs-137 dalam limbah aktivitas rendah. Danbila digunakan sebagai material backfill, tidak hanya mampu menahan aliran air tanah, tapi jugamampu menahan lepasnya radionuklida ke lingkungan sehingga terjamin keselamatanpenyimpanan limbah radioakti

    Consistent phase picking for regional tomography models: application to the greater Alpine region

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    The resolution and reliability of tomographic velocity models strongly depends on quality and consistency of available traveltime data. Arrival times routinely picked by network analysts on a day-to-day basis often yield a high level of noise due to mispicks and other inconsistencies, particularly in error assessment. Furthermore, tomographic studies at regional scales require merging of phase picks from several networks. Since a common quality assessment is not usually available for phase data provided by different networks, additional inconsistencies are introduced by the merging process. Considerable improvement in the quality of phase data can only be achieved through complete repicking of seismograms. Considering the amount of data necessary for regional high-resolution tomography, algorithms combining accurate picking with an automated error assessment represent the best tool to derive large suitable data sets. In this work, we present procedures for consistent automated and routine picking of P-wave arrival times at local to regional scales including consistent picking error assessment. Quality-attributed automatic picks are derived from the MPX picking system. The application to earthquakes in the greater Alpine region demonstrates the potential of such a repicking approach. The final data set consists of more than 13 000 high-quality first-arrivals and it is used to derive regional 1-D and preliminary 3-D P-wave models of the greater Alpine region. The comparison with a tomographic model based on routine phase data extracted from the ISC Bulletin illustrates effects on tomographic results due to consistency and reliability of our high-quality data se

    High-resolution 3-D P-wave model of the Alpine crust

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    The 3-D P-wave velocity structure of the Alpine crust has been determined from local earthquake tomography using a set of high-quality traveltime data. The application of an algorithm combining accurate phase picking with an automated quality assessment allowed the repicking of first arriving P-phases from the original seismograms. The quality and quantity of the repicked phase data used in this study allows the 3-D imaging of large parts of the Alpine lithosphere between 0 and 60 km depth. Our model represents a major improvement in terms of reliability and resolution compared to any previous regional tomographic studies of the Alpine crust. First-order anomalies like crust—mantle boundary (Moho) and the Ivrea body in the Western Alps are well resolved and in good agreement with previous studies. In addition, several (consistent) small-scale anomalies are visible in the tomographic image. A clear continuation of the lower European crust beneath the Adriatic Moho in the Central Alps is not observed in our results. The absence of such a signature may indicate the eclogitization of the subducted European lower crust in the Central Alps. In agreement with previous results, the additional analysis of focal depths in our new 3-D P-wave model shows that all studied earthquakes in the northern foreland have occurred within the European crust. Waveforms and focal depths suggest that at least one of the analysed events south of the Alps is located in the Adriatic mantl

    Finding the Optimized Frequency of Electric Field on the Attempt of Reducing Blood Sugar Level in Type II Diabetes Patients

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    A study has been conducted to test the use of electric fields to lower blood sugar levels on rats with type II Diabetes Mellitus. This study uses male rats (Rattus novergicus), aged 8–12 weeks weighing 150–200 grams, with a total of 31 rats. Therapy was conducted by putting rats in a chamber that emits an electric field every day for 1 hour for 28 days. To search for the optimum frequency of the treatment, frequency variations of 15, 30, 60, and 120 kHz were given. The electrical charge distribution of the air in the room was then measured, whereas mice blood sugar levels were also measured to reveal the effect of the treatment on cell tolerance to sugar, and to come up with the measurement of insulin levels at the end of the treatment. The results of measurements of the electrical charges in the air were very significant generally showing that the treatment with a frequency of 15 to 120 KHz for four weeks in the experimental animals could lower their blood sugar (fasting period), but the success rate significantly occurred at a frequency of 15 kHz. The decrease in fasting blood sugar levels after the treatment was probably due to the influence of the treatment (the influence of an electric field) that improved the regulation of insulin receptors. Improvements in the regulation of insulin receptor activities with high gluconeogenesis may be the cause of a decrease in fasting blood sugar levels that is not accompanied by improved cell tolerance to sugar.     Keywords: electric field, blood sugar levels, insulin level

    Non-visualization of lung markings below hemidiaphragm in subtle subpulmonic effusion: an old sign resuscitated

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    To assess the lack of visibility of vascular markings under the hemidiaphragm on a frontal chest radiograph as a sign of pleural effusion, fifteen patients were collected showing this sign. Pleural effusion was diagnosed by ultrasound, comparison with previous or subsequent chest x-ray or computed tomography. Patients in the study group exhibited this sign in the absence of the classical signs of pleural effusion. In the control group, lack of visibility of blood vessels was observed in only 4.2% cases. Non-visualization of vascular markings below the hemidiaphragm should alert the interpreter to the possible presence of pleural effusion and a lateral or decubitus view or ultrasound examination may be carried out to rule out effusion

    Komputasi Data Isotermal Reaksi Pertukaran Ion

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    Sebagian besar data penelitian yang masih bersifat teknis perlu dievaluasi lebih lanjut denganmenggunakan metode komputasi Data Isotermal Reaksi Pertukaran Ion dalam proses penyerapanlogam berat dan radionukleotida oleh material sorben dari limbah cair. Melalui perhitungan KonstantaKesetimbangan (Ka) dan Kuotisi Kielland diperoleh nilai entropi dan entalpi yang dapat digunakanuntuk mengetahui selektifitas unsur yang teradsorsi dalam zeolit. Program Kielland denganmenggunakan Delphi 5 dapat digunakan secara praktis oleh para peneliti untuk menganalisa dataisothermal pertukaran ion dari reaksi kesetimbangan dengan menghasilkan data yang lebih baik
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