433 research outputs found

    Understanding the role of shame and its consequences in female hypersexual behaviours: A pilot study

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    Background and aims: Hypersexuality and sexual addiction among females is a little understudied phenomenon. Shame is thought to be intrinsic to hypersexual behaviours, especially in women. Therefore, the aim of this study was to understand both hypersexual behaviours and consequences of hypersexual behaviours and their respective contributions to shame in a British sample of females (n = 102). Methods: Data were collected online via Survey Monkey. Results: Results showed the Sexual Behaviour History (SBH) and the Hypersexual Disorder Questionnaire (HDQ) had significant positive correlation with scores on the Shame Inventory. The results indicated that hypersexual behaviours (HBI and HDQ) were able to predict a small percentage of the variability in shame once sexual orientation (heterosexual vs. non-heterosexual) and religious beliefs (belief vs. no belief) were controlled for. Results also showed there was no evidence that religious affiliation and/or religious beliefs had an influence on the levels of hypersexuality and consequences of sexual behaviours as predictors of shame. Conclusions: While women in the UK are rapidly shifting to a feminist way of thinking with or without technology, hypersexual disorder may often be misdiagnosed and misunderstood because of the lack of understanding and how it is conceptualised. The implications of these findings are discussed

    Application of an iterative source localization strategy at a chlorinated solvent site

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    This study presents an inverse modeling strategy for organic contaminant source localization. The approach infers the hydraulic conductivity field, the dispersivity, and the source zone location. Beginning with initial observed data of contaminant concentration and hydraulic head, the method follows an iterative strategy of adding new observations and revising the source location estimate. Non-linear optimization using the Gauss-Levenberg-Marquardt Algorithm (PEST++) is tested at a real contaminated site. Then a limited number of drilling locations are added, with their positions guided by the Data Worth analysis capabilities of PYEMU. The first phase of PEST++, with PYEMU guidance, followed by addition of monitoring wells provided an initial source location and identified four additional drilling locations. The second phase confirmed the source location, but the estimated hydraulic conductivity field and the Darcy flux were too far from the measured values. The mismatch led to a revised conceptual site model that included two distinct zones, each with a plume emanating from a separate source. A third inverse modelling phase was conducted with the revised site conceptual model. Finally, the source location was compared to results from a Geoprobe@ MiHPT campaign and historical records, confirming both source locations. By merging measurement and modeling in a coupled, iterative framework, two contaminant sources were located through only two drilling campaigns while also reforming the conceptual model of the site. © 2021 The Author

    Fruit crops 1990: a summary of research

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    Orchard temperature profiles in spring frost conditions / R. D. Brazee, R. D. Fox and D. C. Ferree -- Orchard sprayers: how much spray moves out of the orchard? / R. D. Fox, D. L. Reichard, R. D. Brazee, and F. R. Hall -- Influence of pruning treatments on mature spur-bound 'Starkrimson Delicious' apple trees / D. C. Ferree, J. C. Schmid, J. R. Schupp and I. J. Warrington -- The winter of 1983-84: a test winter for Ohio's fruit crops / C. K. Chandler and D. C. Ferree -- Performance of apple roostock, cultivars and cultural treatments under the stress of the 1988 drought / D. C. Ferree and J. C. Schmid -- Performance of a spur and standard Delicious strain in a slender spindle system / D. C. Ferree and J. C. Schmid -- Survey of Ohio strawberry growers: present practice and future directions / J. C. Scheerens and G. L. Brenneman -- Orchard crop loss assessments: a precondition for improved crop protection decisions / F. R. Hall -- Evaluation of compounds for control of foliar grape phylloxera, Daktulosphaira vitifoliae (Fitch) in Ohio / M. J. McLeod and R. N. Williams -- Marketing Ohio Strawberries / W. T. Rhodus and R. C. Fun

    Fruit crops, 1982: a summary of research

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    Influence of six rootstocks and herbicides on growth, cropping, and fruit quality of Blaxtayman apple trees / David C. Ferree and Robert G. Hill, Jr. -- Tree performance and yield efficiency of several apple cultivars on M9 and M9 interstems / D. C. Ferree -- Chemical induction of lateral shoots on young apple trees / S. C. Myers and D. C. Ferree -- The influence of urea sprays, mulch, and pruning on apple tree decline / G. A. Cahoon and C. W. Donoho, Jr. -- Influence of fireblight and ambrosia beetle on several apple cultivars on M9 and M9 interstems / F. R. Hall, M. A. Ellis, and D. C. Ferree -- A model study of the effect of wind on air sprayer jets / R. D. Fox, D. L. Reichard, and R. D. Brazee -- A comparative study of selected vineyard training and pruning systems for 'Concord' grapevines / G. A. Cahoon -- Effects of selected soil applied herbicides on grapes / Jomo MacDermot and Garth A. Cahoon -- Evaluation of aromatic compounds and virgin females as attractants for rose chafer / Roger N. Williams, Terrence P. McGovern, and Michael Klein -- Botrytis cinerea "gray mold" isolates from strawberry resistant to benlate in Ohio / P. Tanboon-Ek and M. A. Elli

    Populism and feminist politics: The cases of Finland and Spain

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    While populism has been subject to growing scholarly interest, its relationship to feminist politics has remained conspicuously understudied. This article investigates this relationship by analysing two cases of European populism: left populism in Spain (Podemos), and right populism in Finland (the Finns Party). The questions asked, and the challenges posed to feminist politics from populist political forces are intriguing: How is feminist politics articulated in both left and right populism? What differences can be discerned between left and right populism for feminist politics? To explore this, the article analyses three core dimensions: (1) political representation: descriptive representation (numbers of women, men and minority positions) and substantive representation (policy content in relation to gender equality); (2) populist parties’ formal and informal gender institutions such as internal quotas, gender equality plans and institutional culture; and (3) dedicated spaces for feminist politics such as women’s sections or feminist groups. It is argued that political ideology matters for feminist politics, and while left parties are more responsive to feminist concerns and populism poses specific problems for feminist politics, it is the gendered culture of political parties that ensures both left and right parties are problematic for feminist politics

    Intra-Household Work Timing: The Effect on Joint Activities and the Demand for Child Care

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    This study examines whether couples time their work hours and how this work timing influences child care demand and the time that spouses jointly spend on leisure, household chores, and child care. By using an innovative matching strategy, this study identifies the timing of work hours that cannot be explained by factors other than the partners' potential to communicate about the timing of their work. The main findings are that couples with children create less overlap in their work times and this effect is more pronounced the younger the children. We find evidence for a togetherness preference of spouses, but only for childless couples. Work timing also influences the joint time that is spent on household chores, but the effect is small. Finally, work timing behaviour affects the demand for informal child care, but not the demand for formal child care

    2000 Ohio-Grape Wine Short Course

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    Air, water, sun, and fire--the cooper's footprint on the barrel / Henry Work -- Keeping the bugs unhappy; successful barrel sanitation and maintenance / Henry Work -- Recommended methods for cleaning and maintaining oak cooperage / Phil Burton and Henry Work, with Jim Yerkes -- Chip me, stave me, oak me! The romance, dollars and sense of barrel alternatives / Tim DiPlacido -- Oak experiments / Roland Riesen -- Barrel experiment / Nick Ferrante -- Exploring the versatility and potential of vidal / Roland Riesen -- Ferrante: 1999 vineyard planting / Nick Ferrante -- Breeding rootstocks for current and impending viticultural problems / Andrew Walker -- Grape expectations looking toward traditional and non-traditional sponsors to enhance your event / Doniella Winchell -- Assessing grape maturity by taste and by numbers / Thomas Henick-Kling -- Influence of fruit condition on wine quality / James F. Gallander -- Influence of post bottling storage temperature and SO2 on wine quality / T. E. Steiner -- What we do at harvest to help wine quality / Tony Debevc -- Delivering wine quality / Nick Ferrante -- Criteria for selecting rootstocks / Andrew Walker -- A comparison of Pinot noir production in New York and Burgundy / Pascal Durand and Leslie Weston -- A unique approach to harvest labor / Fran Massaro -- New fungicide registrations for grapes in the year 2000 / Michael Ellis -- Studies to determine time of susceptibility of grape berry and rachis tissues to infection by Phomopsis viticola / O. Erincik, L. V. Madden, D. C. Ferree and M. A. Ellis -- Rootstock performance in Ohio / Arnie Esterer -- Growing your own: vinifera grafting experiments (1999) / Ron Barrett -- Developing an effective fungicide spray program for wine grapes in Ohio / Michael Ellis -- Light and fruit set / David C. Ferree, David M. Scurlock and John C. Schmid -- Soil amendments and mulches in tree health management / Harry Hoitink, Matthew Krause and Randy Zondag -- Report of 5th International Symposium on Cool Climate Viticulture and Enology / Roland Riesen -- Control strategies for soil insects in the vineyard / Roger Williams and Dan Fickl

    Heterochromatin: A Rapidly Evolving Species Barrier

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    Recent work has shown that changes in the sequence composition of heterochromatin, or in the factors that maintain that heterochromatin, may play an important role in speciation
