658 research outputs found

    Hubble Space Telescope observations of the NUV transit of WASP-12b

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    We present new observations of four closely-spaced NUV transits of the hot Jupiter-like exoplanet WASP-12b using HST/COS, significantly increasing the phase resolution of the observed NUV light curve relative to previous observations, while minimising the temporal variation of the system. We observe significant excess NUV absorption during the transit, with mean normalised in-transit fluxes of Fnorm≃0.97F_\mathrm{norm}\simeq0.97, i.e. ≃\simeq2-5 σ\sigma deeper than the optical transit level of ≃0.986\simeq0.986 for a uniform stellar disk (the exact confidence level depending on the normalisation method used). We further observe an asymmetric transit shape, such that the post-conjunction fluxes are overall ≃\simeq2-3 σ\sigma higher than pre-conjunction values, and characterised by rapid variations in count rate between the pre-conjunction and out of transit levels. We do not find evidence for an early ingress to the NUV transit as suggested by earlier HST observations. However, we show that the NUV count rate observed prior to the optical transit is highly variable, but overall ≃\simeq2.2-3.0 σ\sigma below the post-transit values and comparable in depth to the optical transit, possibly forming a variable region of NUV absorption from at least phase ϕ≃\phi\simeq0.83, limited by the data coverage.Comment: Accepted into the Astrophysical Journa

    Origin of electron cyclotron maser-induced radio emissions at ultra-cool dwarfs: magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling currents

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    A number of ultra-cool dwarfs emit circularly polarised radio waves generated by the electron cyclotron maser instability. In the solar system such radio is emitted from regions of strong auroral magnetic field-aligned currents. We thus apply ideas developed for Jupiter's magnetosphere, being a well-studied rotationally-dominated analogue in our solar system, to the case of fast-rotating UCDs. We explain the properties of the radio emission from UCDs by showing that it would arise from the electric currents resulting from an angular velocity shear in the fast-rotating magnetic field and plasma, i.e. by an extremely powerful analogue of the process which causes Jupiter's auroras. Such a velocity gradient indicates that these bodies interact significantly with their space environment, resulting in intense auroral emissions. These results strongly suggest that auroras occur on bodies outside our solar system.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    WD0837+185:the formation and evolution of an extreme mass ratio white dwarf-brown dwarf binary in Praesepe

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    There is a striking and unexplained dearth of brown dwarf companions in close orbits (< 3AU) around stars more massive than the Sun, in stark contrast to the frequency of stellar and planetary companions. Although rare and relatively short-lived, these systems leave detectable evolutionary end points in the form of white dwarf - brown dwarf binaries and these remnants can offer unique insights into the births and deaths of their parent systems. We present the discovery of a close (orbital separation ~ 0.006 AU) substellar companion to a massive white dwarf member of the Praesepe star cluster. Using the cluster age and the mass of the white dwarf we constrain the mass of the white dwarf progenitor star to lie in the range 3.5 - 3.7 Msun (B9). The high mass of the white dwarf means the substellar companion must have been engulfed by the B star's envelope while it was on the late asymptotic giant branch (AGB). Hence, the initial separation of the system was ~2 AU, with common envelope evolution reducing the separation to its current value. The initial and final orbital separations allow us to constrain the combination of the common envelope efficiency (alpha) and binding energy parameters (lambda) for the AGB star to alpha lambda ~3. We examine the various formation scenarios and conclude that the substellar object was most likely to have been captured by the white dwarf progenitor early in the life of the cluster, rather than forming in situ.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ

    PHL 5038: a spatially resolved white dwarf + brown dwarf binary

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    A near-infrared excess is detected at the white dwarf PHL 5038 in UKIDSS photometry, consistent with the presence of a cool, substellar companion. We have obtained H- and K-grism spectra and images of PHL 5038 using NIRI on Gemini North. The target is spatially and spectrally resolved into two components: an 8000 K DA white dwarf, and a likely L8 brown dwarf companion, separated by 0.94\arcsec. The spectral type of the secondary was determined using standard spectral indices for late L and T dwarfs. The projected orbital separation of the binary is 55 AU, so it becomes only the second known wide WD+dL binary to be found after GD 165AB. This object could potentially be used as a benchmark for testing substellar evolutionary models at intermediate to older ages

    Dynamical constraints on some orbital and physical properties of the WD0137-349 A/B binary system

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    In this paper I deal with the WD0137-349 binary system consisting of a white dwarf (WD) and a brown dwarf (BD) in a close circular orbit of about 116 min. I, first, constrain the admissible range of values for the inclination i by noting that, from looking for deviations from the third Kepler law, the quadrupole mass moment Q would assume unlikely large values, incompatible with zero at more than 1-sigma level for i 43 deg. Then, by conservatively assuming that the most likely values for i are those that prevent such an anomalous behavior of Q, i.e. those for which the third Kepler law is an adequate modeling of the orbital period, I obtain i=39 +/- 2 deg. Such a result is incompatible with the value i=35 deg quoted in literature by more than 2 sigma. Conversely, it is shown that the white dwarf's mass range obtained from spectroscopic measurements is compatible with my experimental range, but not for i=35 deg. As a consequence, my estimate of ii yields an orbital separation of a=(0.59 +/- 0.05)R_Sun and an equilibrium temperature of BD of T_eq=(2087 +/- 154)K which differ by 10% and 4%, respectively, from the corresponding values for i=35 deg.Comment: LaTex2e, 11 pages, 3 figures, no tables. It refers to gr-qc/0611126 and better clarify the result obtained there. Accepted by Astrophysics and Space Scienc

    Born Again Protoplanetary Disk Around Mira B

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    The Mira AB system is a nearby (~107 pc) example of a wind accreting binary star system. In this class of system, the wind from a mass-losing red giant star (Mira A) is accreted onto a companion (Mira B), as indicated by an accretion shock signature in spectra at ultraviolet and X-ray wavelengths. Using novel imaging techniques, we report the detection of emission at mid-infrared wavelengths between 9.7 and 18.3 μ\mum from the vicinity of Mira B but with a peak at a radial position about 10 AU closer to the primary Mira A. We interpret the mid-infrared emission as the edge of an optically-thick accretion disk heated by Mira A. The discovery of this new class of accretion disk fed by M-giant mass loss implies a potential population of young planetary systems in white-dwarf binaries which has been little explored, despite being relatively common in the solar neighborhood.Comment: Accepted for Ap

    Stellar archaeology with Gaia: the Galactic white dwarf population

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    Gaia will identify several 1e5 white dwarfs, most of which will be in the solar neighborhood at distances of a few hundred parsecs. Ground-based optical follow-up spectroscopy of this sample of stellar remnants is essential to unlock the enormous scientific potential it holds for our understanding of stellar evolution, and the Galactic formation history of both stars and planets.Comment: Summary of a talk at the 'Multi-Object Spectroscopy in the Next Decade' conference in La Palma, March 2015, to be published in ASP Conference Series (editors Ian Skillen & Scott Trager

    Analysis of the Hydrogen-rich Magnetic White Dwarfs in the SDSS

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    We have calculated optical spectra of hydrogen-rich (DA) white dwarfs with magnetic field strengths between 1 MG and 1000 MG for temperatures between 7000 K and 50000 K. Through a least-squares minimization scheme with an evolutionary algorithm, we have analyzed the spectra of 114 magnetic DAs from the SDSS (95 previously published plus 14 newly discovered within SDSS, and five discovered by SEGUE). Since we were limited to a single spectrum for each object we used only centered magnetic dipoles or dipoles which were shifted along the magnetic dipole axis. We also statistically investigated the distribution of magnetic-field strengths and geometries of our sample.Comment: to appear in the proceedings of the 16th European Workshop on White Dwarfs, Barcelona, 200

    The Orbital Period of the Pre-Cataclysmic Binary RE 2013+400 and a Study of the Atmosphere of the DAO White Dwarf Primary

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    Several pre-cataclysmic binaries, comprising a hot white dwarf with a red dwarf companion, have been discovered as a result of the optical identification of EUV sources from the ROSAT all-sky survey. The optical spectra have the steep blue continuum and Balmer absorption typical of a hot white dwarf, but there are bright, narrow emission lines of H I (and sometimes He I and Ca II) superimposed. An intense campaign of follow-up observations has been devoted to these binary systems. So far, only RE 2013+400 has exhibited any measurable changes in the radial velocities of the emission components, from which it is possible to estimate that the binary period is 0.71 d. A clear He II 4886-â„« absorption feature is detected, which indicates that, like most PCBs with white dwarfs hotter than 40 000 K, the white dwarf is a hydrogen-helium hybrid star (DAO). A combined analysis of the optical, UV and EUV/X-ray data suggests that the atmospheric He abundance is higher in the optical line-forming region of the white dwarf photosphere than in the region where the EUV/X-ray flux is formed. This is an interesting result, in the light of the recent optical study of a sample of DAO white dwarfs by Bergeron et al., if representative of DAO white dwarfs in general
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