5,081 research outputs found

    Infrared scintillation yield in gaseous and liquid argon

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    The study of primary and secondary scintillations in noble gases and liquids is of paramount importance to rare-event experiments using noble gas media. In the present work, the scintillation yield in gaseous and liquid Ar has for the first time been measured in the near infrared (NIR) and visible region, both for primary and secondary (proportional) scintillations, using Geiger-mode avalanche photodiodes (G-APDs) and pulsed X-ray irradiation. The primary scintillation yield of the fast component was measured to be 17000 photon/MeV in gaseous Ar in the NIR, in the range of 690-1000 nm, and 510 photon/MeV in liquid Ar, in the range of 400-1000 nm. Proportional NIR scintillations (electroluminescence) in gaseous Ar have been also observed; their amplification parameter at 163 K was measured to be 13 photons per drifting electron per kV. Possible applications of NIR scintillations in high energy physics experiments are discussed.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures. Submitted to Europhysics Letter. Revised Figs. 3 and

    Зіставний аналіз пареміологічних одиниць з опорними компонентами дорога, шлях, путь, road, way, weg, bahn

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    У статті проаналізовано, які значення лексеми дорога, шлях, путь, road, way, Weg і Bahn реалізують у складі прислів’їв та приказок (загальна кількість паремій – 221) та описано їхні типові дистрибуції. Показано, що найчастотнішими у прислів’ях та приказках є лексеми дорога, Weg, way та road (дещо рідше трапляється лексема путь), які реалізують значення ‘смуга землі, по якій їздять і ходять’, ‘напрямок, маршрут пересування’, ‘напрямок діяльності, шлях розвитку’, ‘процес їзди, подорож, мандрівка’. (The article shows which meanings of the lexemes дорога, шлях, путь, road, way, Weg and Bahn are realized within 221 proverbs and sayings. It is noticed that the most frequently used lexemes in proverbs and saying are the following: дорога, Weg, way and road (lexeme путь is less frequent). These lexemes realize such semantic meanings as ‘a specially prepared hard surface to travel on’, ‘direction, route to be taken in order to reach a place’, ‘activity, way of development’, ‘the journey’. The article also deals with typical distributions of the lexemes under investigation.

    Переклад національно-специфічної лексики на позначення культурних реалій (на матеріалі перекладу Ф. Лайвсей повісті Г. Квітки-Основ’яненка «Маруся») (TRANSLATION OF THE NATION-SPECIFIC VOCABULARY REPRESENTING CULTURAL REALIA (BASED ON F. LIVESAY’S TRANSLATION OF THE NOVEL MARUSIA BY H. KVITKA-OSNOVIANENKO)

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    У статті розглянуто способи та методи передачі культурних реалій у перекладі Флоренс Лайвсей повісті Г. Квітки-Основ’яненка «Маруся». Було показано, що для вдалого відтворення національного колориту необхідно поєднувати різні прийоми та засоби перекладу. У перекладі Ф. Лайвсей основними засобами передачі реалій є транслітерація, доповнена поясненнями та описами. (The article deals with the ways and methods of cultural realia representation in Florence Livesay’s translation of the novel Marusia by H. Kvitka-Osnovianenko. It was shown that different methods and means of translation should be combined for successful rendering of national colouring. Nowadays there are still difficulties both in rendering a content of realia and in their understanding. The use of only one means of translation can cause inappropriate perception of the text, overloading it with foreign words or loss of national colouring in the content. It was revealed that Florence Livesay managed to represent ethnographic realia. She used various means of translation of non-equivalent vocabulary, namely transcription, transliteration, combination of transcription and descriptive translation, explanation in footnotes. Also, analogues as approximate translation were chosen properly. The main means of transmission of realia is transliteration, accompanied with explanations and descriptions. It was indicated that translation of nation-specific vocabulary representing realia is extremely important for understanding the text, especially fiction, because it is the only way to convey the peculiarities of culture, national mentality, differences between surrounding environments and material culture.

    First operation of a double phase LAr Large Electron Multiplier Time Projection Chamber with a two-dimensional projective readout anode

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    We have previously reported on the construction and successful operation of the novel double phase Liquid Argon Large Electron Multiplier Time Projection Chamber (LAr LEM-TPC). This detector concept provides a 3D-tracking and calorimetric device capable of adjustable charge amplification, a promising readout technology for next-generation neutrino detectors and direct Dark Matter searches. In this paper, we report on the first operation of a LAr LEM-TPC prototype - with an active area of 10×\times10 cm2^2 and 21 cm drift length - equipped with a single 1 mm thick LEM amplifying stage and a two dimensional projective readout anode. Cosmic muon events were collected, fully reconstructed and used to characterize the performance of the chamber. The obtained signals provide images of very high quality and the energy loss distributions of minimum ionizing tracks give a direct estimate of the amplification. We find that a stable gain of 27 can be achieved with this detector configuration corresponding to a signal-over-noise ratio larger than 200 for minimum ionizing tracks. The decoupling of the amplification stage and the use of the 2D readout anode offer several advantages which are described in the text.Comment: 25 pages, 17 figure

    Study of infrared scintillations in gaseous and liquid argon - Part I: methodology and time measurements

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    A methodology to measure Near Infrared (NIR) scintillations in gaseous and liquid Ar, using Geiger-mode APDs (GAPDs) sensitive in the NIR and pulsed X-ray irradiation, is described. This study has been triggered by the development of Cryogenic Avalanche Detectors (CRADs) with optical readout in the NIR using combined THGEM/GAPD multiplier, which may come to be in demand in coherent neutrino-nucleus scattering and dark matter search experiments. A new approach to measure the NIR scintillation yield at cryogenic temperatures has been developed, namely using GAPDs in single photoelectron counting mode with time resolution. The time structure of NIR scintillations and their light yield were measured both for primary scintillations and that of secondary at moderate electric fields (electroluminescence), in gaseous and liquid Ar.Comment: 17 pages, 15 figures. Submitted to JINS

    Existence and Uniqueness Results for Difference Φ-Laplacian Boundary Value Problems

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    This paper is devoted to study the existence and uniqueness of solutions to nonlinear difference Φ-Laplacian boundary value problems with mixed and Dirichlet boundary conditions

    Study of infrared scintillations in gaseous and liquid argon - Part II: light yield and possible applications

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    We present here a comprehensive study of the light yield of primary and secondary scintillations produced in gaseous and liquid Ar in the near infrared (NIR) and visible region, at cryogenic temperatures. The measurements were performed using Geiger-mode avalanche photodiodes (GAPDs) and pulsed X-ray irradiation. The primary scintillation yield of the fast emission component in gaseous Ar was found to be independent of temperature in the range of 87-160 K; it amounted to 17000+/-3000 photon/MeV in the NIR in the range of 690-1000 nm. In liquid Ar at 87 K, the primary scintillation yield of the fast component was considerably reduced, amounting to 510+/-90 photon/MeV, in the range of 400-1000 nm. Proportional NIR scintillations (electroluminescence) in gaseous Ar were also observed; their amplification parameter at 160 K was measured to be 13 photons per drifting electron per kV. No proportional scintillations were observed in liquid Ar up to the electric fields of 30 kV/cm. The applications of NIR scintillations in dark matter search and coherent neutrino-nucleus scattering experiments and in ion beam radiotherapy are considered.Comment: 20 pages, 11 figures. Submitted to JINS