280 research outputs found

    Axion Emission from Red Giants and White Dwarfs

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    Using thermal field theory methods, we recalculate axion emission from dense plasmas. We study in particular the Primakoff and the bremsstrahlung processes. The Primakoff rate is significantly suppressed at high densities, when the electrons become relativistic. However, the bound on the axion-photon coupling, G<10−10G<10^{-10} GeV, is unaffected, as it is constrained by the evolution of HB stars, which have low densities. In contradistinction, the same relativistic effects enhance the bremsstrahlung processes. From the red giants and white dwarfs evolution, we obtain a conservative bound on the axion-electron coupling, gae<2×10−13g_{ae} < 2\times 10^{-13}.Comment: 17 pp, 3 PS figures, CERN-TH-7044/9

    Photon Propagation in Dense Media

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    Using thermal field theory, we derive simple analytic expressions for the spectral density of photons in degenerate QED plasmas, without assuming the usual non or ultra-relativistic limit. We recover the standard results in both cases. Although very similar in ultra-relativistic plasmas, transverse and longitudinal excitations behave very differently as the electron Fermi momentum decreases.Comment: 12pp (3 PS figures available upon request), ENSLAPP-A-412/9

    Resummation of Perturbation Series in Non-Equilibrium Scalar Field Theory

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    The general behaviour of perturbation series in non-equilibrium scalar field theory is analysed in some detail, with a particular emphasis on the ``pathological terms'', generated by multiple products of ÎŽ\delta-functions. Using an intuitive regularization method, it is shown that these terms give large contributions at all orders, even when considering small deviations from equilibrium. Fortunately, these terms can also be resummed and I give the general expressions for the resummed propagators in non-equilibrium scalar field theory, regardless of the size of deviations from equilibrium.Comment: 11pp, 4 figures (uuencoded file), preprint CERN-TH.7336/9

    Thermal quark production in ultra-relativistic nuclear collisions

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    We calculate thermal production of u, d, s, c and b quarks in ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions. The following processes are taken into account: thermal gluon decay (g to ibar i), gluon fusion (g g to ibar i), and quark-antiquark annihilation (jbar j to ibar i), where i and j represent quark species. We use the thermal quark masses, mi2(T)≃mi2+(2g2/9)T2m_i^2(T)\simeq m_i^2 + (2g^2/9)T^2, in all the rates. At small mass (mi(T)<2Tm_i(T)<2T), the production is largely dominated by the thermal gluon decay channel. We obtain numerical and analytic solutions of one-dimensional hydrodynamic expansion of an initially pure glue plasma. Our results show that even in a quite optimistic scenario, all quarks are far from chemical equilibrium throughout the expansion. Thermal production of light quarks (u, d and s) is nearly independent of species. Heavy quark (c and b) production is quite independent of the transition temperature and could serve as a very good probe of the initial temperature. Thermal quark production measurements could also be used to determine the gluon damping rate, or equivalently the magnetic mass.Comment: 14 pages (latex) plus 6 figures (uuencoded postscript files); CERN-TH.7038/9

    Structure Functions of the Nucleon in a Statistical Model

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    Deep inelastic scattering is considered in a statistical model of the nucleon. This incorporates certain features which are absent in the standard parton model such as quantum statistical correlations which play a role in the propagation of particles when considering Feynman diagrams containing internal lines. The inclusion of the O(αs){\cal O}(\alpha_{s}) corrections in our numerical calculations allows a good fit to the data for x≄0.25x\geq 0.25. The fit corresponds to values of temperature and chemical potential of approximately T=0.067T=0.067 GeV and ÎŒ=0.133\mu=0.133 GeV. The latter values of parameters, however, give rise, for all xx, to a large value for R=σL/σTR=\sigma_{L}/\sigma_{T}.Comment: 16 pages TeX, 11 figures available as Postscript files, University of Bielefeld preprint BI-TP 93/3

    Finite Temperature Renormalization of the (ϕ3)6(\phi^3)_6- and (ϕ4)4(\phi^4)_4-Models at Zero Momentum

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    A self-consistent renormalization scheme at finite temperature and zero momentum is used together with the finite temperature renormalization group to study the temperature dependence of the mass and the coupling to one-loop order in the (ϕ3)6(\phi^3)_6- and (ϕ4)4(\phi^4)_4-models. It is found that the critical temperature is shifted relative to the naive one-loop result and the coupling constants at the critical temperature get large corrections. In the high temperature limit of the \phiff-model the coupling decreases.Comment: 16 pages, plain Latex, NORDITA-92/38

    Two Loop Low Temperature Corrections to Electron Self Energy

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    We recalculate the two loop corrections in the background heat bath using real time formalism. The procedure of the integrations of loop momenta with dependence on finite temperature before the momenta without it, has been followed. We determine the mass and wavefunction renormalization constants in the low temperature limit of QED, for the first time with this preferred order of integrations. The correction to electron mass and spinors in this limit is important in the early universe at the time of primordial nucleosynthesis as well as in astrophysics.Comment: 8 pages and 1 figure to appear in Chinese Physics

    Gap equation in scalar field theory at finite temperature

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    We investigate the two-loop gap equation for the thermal mass of hot massless g2ϕ4g^2\phi^4 theory and find that the gap equation itself has a non-zero finite imaginary part. This indicates that it is not possible to find the real thermal mass as a solution of the gap equation beyond g2g^2 order in perturbation theory. We have solved the gap equation and obtain the real and the imaginary part of the thermal mass which are correct up to g4g^4 order in perturbation theory.Comment: 13 pages, Latex with axodraw, Minor corrections, Appendix adde

    The Electric Charge of Neutrinos and Plasmon Decay

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    By using both thermal field theory and a somewhat more intuitive method, we define the electric charge as well as the charge radius of neutrinos propagating inside a plasma. We show that electron neutrinos acquire a charge radius of order ∌6.5×10−16\sim 6.5 \times 10^{-16} cm, regardless of the properties of the medium. Then, we compute the rate of plasmon decay which such an electric charge or a charge radius implies. Taking into account the relativistic effects of the degenerate electron gas, we compare our results to various approximations as well as to recent calculations and determine the regimes where the electric charge or the charge radius does mediate the decay of plasmons. Finally, we discuss the stellar limits on any anomalous charge radius of neutrinos.Comment: 19pp, 4 figures (available upon request), CERN-TH-7076/9
