1,957 research outputs found

    Canonical transformations in three-dimensional phase space

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    Canonical transformation in a three-dimensional phase space endowed with Nambu bracket is discussed in a general framework. Definition of the canonical transformations is constructed as based on canonoid transformations. It is shown that generating functions, transformed Hamilton functions and the transformation itself for given generating functions can be determined by solving Pfaffian differential equations corresponding to that quantities. Types of the generating functions are introduced and all of them is listed. Infinitesimal canonical transformations are also discussed. Finally, we show that decomposition of canonical transformations is also possible in three-dimensional phase space as in the usual two-dimensional one.Comment: 19 pages, 1 table, no figures. Accepted for publication in Int. J. Mod. Phys.

    Aplikasi Peta ATM Dengan Menggunakan Aplikasi GPS Pada Handphone Android

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    Seiring meningkatnya mobilitas masyarakat dan tingginya kebutuhan informasi berupa peta, Geographic Information System (GIS) bukan hanya sekadar tren teknologi, tetapi telah menjadi sebuah kebutuhan. Ketatnya persaingan para vendor perangkat bergerak (mobile device) dengan berbagai fitur dan keunggulan, secara tidak langsung berdampak positif bagi konsumen teknologi  mobile salah satunya operating system (OS) Android. Dengan adanya operating system (OS) Android yang memberikan banyak keuntungan salah satunya adalah OS Android yang bersifat open source, para pengembang aplikasi Android dapat membuat sebuah aplikasi sesuai kebutuhan termasuk pembuatan aplikasi Peta ATM. Disamping itu pada handphone Android juga telah tersedia GPS sebagai penetuan posisi pengguna. Peta ATM dengan menggunakan aplikasi GPS merupakan sebuah aplikasi yang dapat digunakan oleh banyak kalangan. Banyak manfaat yang dapat dirasakan dengan menggunakan aplikasi ini, diantaranya adalah dengan mengetahui sebuah lokasi dimana posisi user berada. Begitu juga dengan aplikasi peta Automatic Teller Machine (ATM) dapat memberikan kemudahan bagi para pengguna handphone berbasis operating system Android untuk mengetahui dimana letak posisi ATM BNI yang berada di wilayah Purwokerto dan sekitarnya. Dengan adanya aplikasi peta ATM BNI diharapkan para pengguna yang belum mengetahui secara lengkap kota Purwokerto dapat dengan mudah dalam mencari lokasi ATM. &nbsp

    Codition of Coral Reef at Teluk Pandan Sub-District East Kutai District

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    Coral reef of TelukPandan Sub-district East Kutai District still low in both monitoring and management, thus also poorly in coral reef database. This research purpose was to obtain the data of coral reef condition and distribution description in this sub-district. Research was held on October 2013 at six observation stations using lifeform line intercept transect survey method. The coral condition estimation was based on live coral cover (LC) and hard coral mortality index (HCM). Coral reef distribution and wide were estimated by satellite image Landsat 7 ETM+ processing and direct field tracking using GPS. There estimated ± 618.63 ha of coral reef area consist of fringing and patch reef formation type. Live coral cover vary 2.1-67.8% or categorized “poor” to “good” reef condition and in average LC = 38.1% (“fair/moderate” condition). Hard coral morality (HCM) index ranged 0.14 – 0.8 and in average 0.31

    Studi Tentang Pengelolaan Pasar Tradisional Pada Unit Pasar Suruh Kabupaten Semarang

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    The need for good traditional market management as well as the problemsoccurring in the management of traditional markets into the background of thisresearch. Problems arise: How is the conflict of interest between the RegencyGovernment and the Village Government in the management of Suruh MarketSemarang regency? What are the social and economic impacts of conflict ofinterest between the Regency Government and the Village Government in themanagement of Suruh Market Semarang regency?The purpose of this study is to explain how the process of conflict ofinterest in the management of traditional markets is Suruh Market between theRegency Government and Village Government. In addition to describe andanalyze the impacts resulting from the conflict of interest in the management oftraditional markets, especially Suruh Market viewed from the social and economicaspects.This study uses a combined research method between qualitative andquantitative with a qualitative approach fixed as the main approach. Dataobtained through interviews and questionnaires. The data obtained from thequantitative approach through the survey is used to reinforce the facts related tothe theme and the formulation of related problems. In addition, usingTriangulation data sources to compare the results of interviews with one another.The result of the research shows that conflict of interest occurs because ofdifferent interests between parties involved. Regency Government, VillageGovernment and Traders have a mutually striving interest. Conflict of interestoccurs when the Regency Government wants to take over and manage the SuruhMarket completely but there is a rejection by the Village Government. The socialimpact that occurs is the decline in the number of traders and competition amongtraders is getting tougher. While the economic impact is a decline in the turnoverof traders

    Desain Antena Wi-Fi Dengan Media Seng

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    Teknologi Internet berbasis Wi-Fi dibuat dan dikembangkan di Amerika Serikat yaitu oleh Institute of Electrical and Electronis Engineers (IEEE) yang berdasarkan kelompok standar teknis perangkat bernomor IEEE 802.11. Perangkat Wi-Fi sebenarnya tidak hanya mampu bekerja di jaringan Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN), tetapi juga di jaringan Wireless Metropolitan Area Network (WMAN). Kuantitas pengguna Internet berbasis teknologi Wi-Fi yang semakin meningkat di berbagai belahan dunia, telah mendorong internet service providers (ISP) untuk membangun hotspot yang di berbagai kota-kota besar. Hotspot merupakan suatu tempat dimana tersedianya koneksi jaringan di mana para pemakai dapat melakukan akses Internet dengan cara nirkabel (wireless) tanpa tergantung kepada jaringan fisik. Jangkauan hotspot  dapat dimaksimalkan dengan memanfaatkan antena dengan desain khusus sehingga cakupan (coverage) pancaran sinyal lebih luas. Proses pembuatan desain antena dengan media seng yang diaplikasikan untuk hotspot Wi-Fi pada outdoor diawali dengan perhitungan link budget, antara lain gain dan beamwidth dari antena. Proses pengukuran sinyal diukur dengan menggunakan bantuan software NetStumbler

    Mechanical Properties of Carbon/Polypropylene Fiber Reinforced Rubber-Modified Epoxy System

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    Epoxies as a thermoset polymer have gained a considerable attention in structural, electrical, and marine applications. To widen their usage and overcome their brittleness, many polymers were blended with it. The addition of Polysulfide rubber helps in increasing the impact resistance of Epoxy, while in the other hand; it reduces strength , modulus, hardness and creep resistance. That leads to the need for another material to compensate the reduction in these properties. Carbon, polypropylene as an inorganic and polymeric short fibers with their exceptional and different mechanical properties will compensate many drawbacks of polysulfide addition in enhancing mechanical properties. The composite material with Epoxy-Polysulfide matrix properties were evaluated by conducting the mechanical tests which include compression test, hardness test, impact resistance test. The fracture surface of composite impact specimens was observed by Scanning Electron Microscopy SEM on all designed experimental samples. Elongation and impact strength of epoxy- polysulfide blend were found to increase with increasing rubber content while compressive strength and modulus decrease. The influence of fiber adding on the mechanical properties of the composite was studied , the mechanical properties of the blend matrix were found to be better than those of the pure epoxy. The morphology of the fractured surfaces showed significant signs of plastic deformation such as shear bands, high deformation, and cavitations due to rubber addition, and this correlates well with mechanical properties which resulted in an increase in toughness of the composites when rubber content was increased. The results of this investigation clearly show the possibility of balancing strength and toughness of the material when adding rubber, fiber to epoxy. Results of compression test showed that the compressive strength decreases as Polysulfide percentage (PS) increase. While the carbon fiber addition helped in balance or overcomes the original compressive strength reduction up to 30 vol.%. of fiber. The results confirmed that the best modification is the addition of 6% polysulfide considering compressive strength, Impact and hardness. While 20% carbon fiber and 30% Polypropylene fiber gives the optimum mechanical properties in compression and Impact, respectively, for the composite samples. Keywords: Epoxy resin, Liquid rubber, Mechanical properties

    Gaming argumentation framework (GAF): Pfizer or AstraZeneca Vaccine of The COVID-19 as a case study

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    Dung’s argumentation frameworks (AF) were introduced in the last century it works with the justification of the argument. This framework analyzes attacks of arguments, it works away on the characteristics of arguments structures and words was used in the attack between each other, etc. These properties make this model attractive as it decreases most of the complexities included when applying the argumentation system. This system can be applied to different states such as to evaluate the arguments or with the supported argument to be defense and attacked arguments. In addition, the group of experts may be making argumentation about some cases. In the latter scenario, agents with potentially dissimilar arguments and/or opinions are used to evaluate the arguments, allowing for the consideration of several sets of arguments and attack relations. This framework is extended to propose a new system called gaming argumentation framework (GAF). It helps to make a decision about the current problem by making claims and attack determination to the arguments, then putting the result of these claims and attack determination to the game theory with two players to achieve the final results that help the decision-maker to decide about the current problem. Finally, compare this framework with other frameworks, and provide an example to explain how the proposed framework performs its intended purpose, where decision making is very important in the medical field therefore this paper taking the confusion on the COVID-19 vaccines as a case study to solve Pfizer or AstraZeneca problem and make the decision about this case

    Optimasi Parameter Permesinan Terhadap Waktu Proses Pada Pemrograman Cnc Milling Dengan Berbasis Cad/cam

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    The milling process is one of many machining processes for manufacturing component. The length of time in the process of milling machining is influenced by selection and design of machining parameters including cutting speed, feed rate and depth of cut. The purpose of this study to know the influence of cutting speed, feed rate and depth of cut as independent variables versus operation time at CNC milling process as dependent variables. Each independent variable consists of three level of factors; low, medium and high.Time machining process is measured from operation time simulation program, feed cut length and rapid traverse length. The results of statistically from software simulation MasterCam X Milling, then do the comparison to CNC Milling machine.  The data from experiments was statistically analyzed by ANOVA and Regression methods by software Minitab 16.Results show that the greater feed rate and depth of cut shorten the operation time of machinery, whereas cutting speed is not a significant influence. The depth of cut has the highest contribution to the value of 49.56%, followed by feed rate 43% and cutting speed 0.92%. Optimal time of machining process total is 71.92 minutes, with machining parameter on the condition cutting speed is 75360 mm/minutes, the feed rate is 800 mm/minutes and depth of cut = 1 mm. Results of comparison time machining process in software Mastercam X milling with CNC Milling machine indicates there is the difference not significant with the value of 0,35%