29 research outputs found

    Root hemiparasites suppress invasive alien clonal plants: evidence from a cultivation experiment

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    Alien invasive plants threaten biodiversity by rapid spread and competitive exclusion of native plant species. Especially, tall clonal invasives can rapidly attain strong dominance in vegetation. Root-hemiparasitic plants are known to suppress the growth of clonal plants by the uptake of resources from their below-ground organs and reduce their abundance. However, root-hemiparasites’ ability to interact with alien clonal plants has not yet been tested. We explored the interactions between native root-hemiparasitic species, Melampyrum arvense and Rhinanthus alectorolophus and invasive aliens, Solidago gigantea and Symphyotrichum lanceolatum. We investigated the haustorial connections and conducted a pot experiment. We used seeds from wild hemiparasite populations and those cultivated in monostands of the invasive plants to identify a possible selection of lineages with increased compatibility with these alien hosts. The hemiparasitic species significantly suppressed the growth of the invasive plants. Melampyrum inflicted the most substantial growth reduction on Solidago (78%), followed by Rhinanthus (49%). Both hemiparasitic species reduced Symphyotrichum biomass by one-third. Additionally, Melampyrum reduced the shoot density of both host species. We also observed some transgenerational effects possibly facilitating the growth of hemiparasites sourced from subpopulations experienced with the host. Native root hemiparasites can effectively decrease alien clonal plants’ biomass production and shoot density. The outcomes of these interactions are species-specific and may be associated with the level of clonal integration of the hosts. The putative selection of lineages with higher performance when attached to the invasive novel hosts may increase hemiparasites’ efficiency in future biocontrol applications

    Minority cytotypes in European populations of the Gymnadenia conopsea complex (Orchidaceae) greatly increase intraspecific and intrapopulation diversity

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    Background and Aims Patterns of ploidy variation among and within populations can provide valuable insights into the evolutionary mechanisms shaping the dynamics of plant systems showing ploidy diversity. Whereas data on majority ploidies are, by definition, often sufficiently extensive, much less is known about the incidence and evolutionary role of minority cytotypes. Methods Ploidy and proportions of endoreplicated genome were determined using DAPI (4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole) flow cytometry in 6150 Gymnadenia plants (fragrant orchids) collected from 141 populations in 17 European countries. All widely recognized European species, and several taxa of less certain taxonomic status were sampled within Gymnadenia conopsea sensu lato. Key Results Most Gymnadenia populations were taxonomically and/or ploidy heterogeneous. Two majority (2x and 4x) and three minority (3x, 5x and 6x) cytotypes were identified. Evolution largely proceeded at the diploid level, whereas tetraploids were much more geographically and taxonomically restricted. Although minority ploidies constituted <2 % of the individuals sampled, they were found in 35 % of populations across the entire area investigated. The amount of nuclear DNA, together with the level of progressively partial endoreplication, separated all Gymnadenia species currently widely recognized in Europe. Conclusions Despite their low frequency, minority cytotypes substantially increase intraspecific and intrapopulation ploidy diversity estimates for fragrant orchids. The cytogenetic structure of Gymnadenia populations is remarkably dynamic and shaped by multiple evolutionary mechanisms, including both the ongoing production of unreduced gametes and heteroploid hybridization. Overall, it is likely that the level of ploidy heterogeneity experienced by most plant species/populations is currently underestimated; intensive sampling is necessary to obtain a holistic pictur

    Germination ecology in orchids

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    Germination ecology of four Epipactis species (E. albensis, E. atrorubens, E. helleborine, E. purpurata) was studied. Habitat preferences of adult plants were analyzed using phytosociological relevés from the Czech Phytosociological Database. A field experiment was carried out to determine course of germination of Epipactis seeds sown in different habitat types. Relationship between ecological preferences and germination ecology, and spatial aspects of seed dispersal and seedling recruitment are discussed

    Ecological and evolutionary consequences of orchid dependence on mycorrhizal fungi

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    Interaction between orchids and fungi belongs to little understood aspects of orchid biology. This thesis investigated an identity of mycorrhizal and other fungal symbionts of several European orchid species and also an influence of these fungal symbionts on ecology, distribution, and evolution of the studied orchid species. Diverse methodological approaches were used including in situ seed germination, culture-dependent and -independent techniques for fungal isolation and identification, molecular phylogenetics, stable isotope analyses, and transmission electron microscopy

    Two widespread green <i>Neottia</i> species (Orchidaceae) show mycorrhizal preference for Sebacinales in various habitats and ontogenetic stages

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    Plant dependence on fungal carbon (mycoheterotrophy) evolved repeatedly. In orchids, it is connected with a mycorrhizal shift from rhizoctonia to ectomycorrhizal fungi and a high natural 13C and 15N abundance. Some green relatives of mycoheterotrophic species show identical trends, but most of these remain unstudied, blurring our understanding of evolution to mycoheterotrophy. We analysed mycorrhizal associations and 13C and 15N biomass content in two green species, Neottia ovata and N. cordata (tribe Neottieae), from a genus comprising green and nongreen (mycoheterotrophic) species. Our study covered 41 European sites, including different meadow and forest habitats and orchid developmental stages. Fungal ITS barcoding and electron microscopy showed that both Neottia species associated mainly with nonectomycorrhizal Sebacinales Clade B, a group of rhizoctonia symbionts of green orchids, regardless of the habitat or growth stage. Few additional rhizoctonias from Ceratobasidiaceae and Tulasnellaceae, and ectomycorrhizal fungi were detected. Isotope abundances did not detect carbon gain from the ectomycorrhizal fungi, suggesting a usual nutrition of rhizoctonia-associated green orchids. Considering associations of related partially or fully mycoheterotrophic species such as Neottia camtschatea or N. nidus-avis with ectomycorrhizal Sebacinales Clade A, we propose that the genus Neottia displays a mycorrhizal preference for Sebacinales and that the association with nonectomycorrhizal Sebacinales Clade B is likely ancestral. Such a change in preference for mycorrhizal associates differing in ecology within the same fungal taxon is rare among orchids. Moreover, the existence of rhizoctonia-associated Neottia spp. challenges the shift to ectomycorrhizal fungi as an ancestral pre-adaptation to mycoheterotrophy in the whole Neottieae

    Data from: Two widespread green Neottia species (Orchidaceae) show mycorrhizal preference for Sebacinales in various habitats and ontogenetic stages

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    Plant dependence on fungal carbon (mycoheterotrophy) evolved repeatedly. In orchids, it is connected with a mycorrhizal shift from rhizoctonia to ectomycorrhizal fungi and a high natural 13C and 15N abundance. Some green relatives of mycoheterotrophic species show identical trends, but most of these remain unstudied, blurring our understanding of evolution to mycoheterotrophy. We analyzed mycorrhizal associations and 13C and 15N biomass content in two green species, Neottia ovata and N. cordata (tribe Neottieae), from a genus comprising green and non-green (mycoheterotrophic) species. Our study covered 41 European sites, including different meadow and forest habitats and orchid developmental stages. Fungal ITS barcoding and electron microscopy showed that both Neottia species associated mainly with non-ectomycorrhizal Sebacinales Clade B, a group of rhizoctonia symbionts of green orchids, regardless of the habitat or growth stage. Few additional rhizoctonias from Ceratobasidiaceae and Tulasnellaceae, and ectomycorrhizal fungi were detected. Isotope abundances did not detect carbon gain from the ectomycorrhizal fungi, suggesting a usual nutrition of rhizoctonia-associated green orchids. Considering associations of related partially or fully mycoheterotrophic species such as Neottia camtschatea or N. nidus-avis with ectomycorrhizal Sebacinales Clade A, we propose that the genus Neottia displays a mycorrhizal preference for Sebacinales, and that the association with non-ectomycorrhizal Sebacinales Clade B is likely ancestral. Such a change in preference for mycorrhizal associates differing in ecology within the same fungal taxon is rare among orchids. Moreover, the existence of rhizoctonia-associated Neottia spp. challenges the shift to ectomycorrhizal fungi as an ancestral pre-adaptation to mycoheterotrophy in the whole Neottieae


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    Bayesian majority-rule consensus tree of Sebacinales based on part of 28S. The tree is in newick format


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    δ15N, δ13C, and N concentration values for plants and fungi from four sites