204 research outputs found

    International Migration - Major Trends in Demography: A Hungarian Example

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    Besides fertility and mortality and the balance between the two, migration also injluencespopulation development in terms af size, sex and age composition. Through theanalysis af population development in Hungary, this paper investigated the role afinternational migration in demographic processes. Wehave followed closely the processin which, after the demographic catastrophes in Hungarian history (1239-1290and 1550-1650), the missing population was replaced by foreigners settling down inHungary. The role played by this settled population has been examined as well. Wehave outlined the ejfects ofthe third demographic disaster (1914-20), which has determinedthe development af Hungarian population up till the present day. As a consequenceaf the peace treaties at the end af World War I Hungary lost two-thirds of itspopulation, thereby changing the structure af the population profoundly. Besides theabove-mentioned processes we have demonstrated the direct and indirect ejfects afcontemporary migration on the development af population size. We have also dealtwith the migratory losses caused by the revolution af 1956 and the decades afterwardsand we have shown the way net migration has injluenced the composition afthe Hungarian population between 1881 and 1990. The migratory balance af Hungaryhas been negative ever since 1901, which has also contributed ta thefact that theHungarian population started decreasing two decades before this occurred in themajority af European states

    Synthesis and enantiomeric recognition studies of a novel 5,5-dioxophenothiazine-1,9 bis(thiourea) containing glucopyranosyl groups

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    A novel optically active 5,5-dioxophenothiazine-1,9 bis(thiourea) containing glucopyranosyl groups was synthesized and its enantiomeric recognition properties were examined towards the enantiomers of tetrabutylammonium salts of chiral α-hydroxy and N-protected α-amino acids using UV–vis spectroscopy

    A hazai víz- és csatornamű-üzemeltetési piac feltárása, a víz és csatornaközművek árazási, árszabályozási gyakorlatának vizsgálata

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    Jelen cikk központi témája a hazai víziközmű-piac jellegzetességeinek ismertetése. A szerzők tanulmányukban az árazási kérdésekre fókuszáltak, emellett részletesen vizsgálták a hazai piac működésével kapcsolatos paramétereket, mint például a víziközmű-vagyon tulajdonlása, a jelenlegi támogatási rendszer, valamint a vonatkozó jogszabályok. Az árazási módszertanok, valamint a hazai gyakorlat összevetését követően, részletesen ismertetik a szerzők által feltárt piaci problémákat, és végül az azokra javasolt lehetséges megoldásokat

    Antiarrhythmic and Inotropic Effects of Selective Na+/Ca2+ Exchanger Inhibition: What Can We Learn from the Pharmacological Studies?

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    Life-long stable heart function requires a critical balance of intracellular Ca2+. Several ion channels and pumps cooperate in a complex machinery that controls the influx, release, and efflux of Ca2+. Probably one of the most interesting and most complex players of this crosstalk is the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger, which represents the main Ca2+ efflux mechanism; however, under some circumstances, it can also bring Ca2+ into the cell. Therefore, the inhibition of the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger has emerged as one of the most promising possible pharmacological targets to increase Ca2+ levels, to decrease arrhythmogenic depolarizations, and to reduce excessive Ca2+ influx. In line with this, as a response to increasing demand, several more or less selective Na+/Ca2+ exchanger inhibitor compounds have been developed. In the past 20 years, several results have been published regarding the effect of Na+/Ca2+ exchanger inhibition under various circumstances, e.g., species, inhibitor compounds, and experimental conditions; however, the results are often controversial. Does selective Na+/Ca2+ exchanger inhibition have any future in clinical pharmacological practice? In this review, the experimental results of Na+/Ca2+ exchanger inhibition are summarized focusing on the data obtained by novel highly selective inhibitors

    A területfejlesztés és a határmenti együttműködés kapcsolata a Duna-Dráva-Száva Eurorégió térségében = The relationship between regional development and cross-border co-operation in the area of the Danube-Drava-Sava Euroregion

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    A hároméves kutatás során feltárásra és elemzésre kerültek a Duna-Dráva-Száva Eurorégió határmenti térségeinek fejlesztési lehetőségei, szükségletei, potenciálja a rendelkezésre álló, illetve a 2007-től várható európai uniós társfinanszírozású területfejlesztési programok szempontjából. A kutatás legfontosabb eredménye, hogy azonosításra és elemzésre kerültek azok a projektalapú együttműködések, amelyek konkrét területfejlesztési akciókként meghatározók szereppel bírnak ezeknek a hátrányos helyzetű térségeknek a felzárkóztatásában. A három év alatt folyamatában vizsgáltuk a Phare és az előcsatlakozási eszközök hatását, az Interreg Közösségi Kezdeményezés eredményeit, hiányosságait, a Nemzeti Fejlesztési Terv megvalósítását, valamint a második Nemzeti Fejlesztési Terv tervezési-programozási folyamatát. A kutatás legfontosabb eredménye, hogy számos geográfiai-, területpolitikai-, közgazdasági- és egyéb tudományág szempontjából megállapításra került, hogy a jelenlegi területfejlesztési politika és eszközrendszer nem alkalmas a határmenti térségek problémáinak gyors és hatékony kezelésére, a halmozottan hátrányos helyzetből való felzárkózás megfelelő és elvárható ütemű és mértékű támogatására. Az elkészült kutatási anyagok bizonyítják, hogy számos olyan terület- és ágazat van, amely jelentős fejlődési potenciállal rendelkezik, azonban a források szűkössége és a területfejlesztési politika hiányosságai miatt ezek kihasználatlanok maradtak napjainkig. | The three-year research programme has investigated and examined the border area of the Danube-Drava-Sava Euroregion from the perspective of spatial development potentials, needs, and demands in the context of the available and the future EU co-financed spatial development programmes. The key result of the research is the identification and analysis of the project based co-operations, which serve as concrete spatial development actions in these lagging-behind micro-regions. During the three years, the results and the deficiencies of the Phare Programme, the Pre-Accession Funds, the Interreg Community Initiative have been analyzed, as well as the implementation of the first National Development Plan has been critically evaluated. The research has also accompanied the period of the programming of the second NDP and provided siginificant input to its regional planning. The reserach has identified from the perspectives of geography/economics/spatial planning, that the present spatial development policy and instrument-system is not sufficient and efficient for the correct and fast handling of the problems of the border areas, their measures cannot provide enough contribution to the socio-economic development needs of the border areas. It has also been identified, that there are several sectors and areas, which could be developed more effectively, but due to the lack of resources and the deficiencies of the spatial development policies these have remained unutilized

    Robust Reinforcement Learning-based Autonomous Driving Agent for Simulation and Real World

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    Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) has been successfully used to solve different challenges, e.g. complex board and computer games, recently. However, solving real-world robotics tasks with DRL seems to be a more difficult challenge. The desired approach would be to train the agent in a simulator and transfer it to the real world. Still, models trained in a simulator tend to perform poorly in real-world environments due to the differences. In this paper, we present a DRL-based algorithm that is capable of performing autonomous robot control using Deep Q-Networks (DQN). In our approach, the agent is trained in a simulated environment and it is able to navigate both in a simulated and real-world environment. The method is evaluated in the Duckietown environment, where the agent has to follow the lane based on a monocular camera input. The trained agent is able to run on limited hardware resources and its performance is comparable to state-of-the-art approaches.Comment: \c{opyright} 2020 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other work