138 research outputs found

    Man against the elements of nature: from the pages of Aleksandr Kuprin’s works

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    Tytułowy problem w niniejszym artykule omówiono na przykładzie dwóch opowiadań „Bagno” („Bołoto”, 1903) i „Czarna błyskawica” („Czornaja mołnija”, 1913) oraz cyklu „Lestrygonowie” („Listrigony”, 1911) autorstwa wybitnego prozaika rosyjskiego przełomu XIX i XX wieku, Aleksandra Kuprina. W wymienionych opowiadaniach funkcjonują obrazy czterech podstawowych żywiołów: ziemi, ognia, wody i powietrza. W cyklu „Lestrygonowie” Kuprin ukazał potęgę żywiołu morskiego, sprzężonego z niewyobrażalną siłą wiatru „bora”. W konfrontacji z żywiołem przedstawia Kuprin bałakławskich rybaków, którzy podejmują nierówną walkę z siłami natury. W cyklu „Lestrygonowie” występują też jawne analogie pomiędzy żywiołem przyrody i żywiołem natury ludzkiej. Natomiast wymienione opowiadania nie tyko obrazują najważniejsze pierwiastki rzeczywistości przyrodniczej, ale też zawierają określony wydźwięk społeczny.The topic of this paper is discussed on the basis of two stories, ‘The Bog’ (‘Boloto,’ 1903) and ‘The Black Lightning’ (‘Chernaya molnia,’ 1913), and the short story cycle ‘The Laestrygonians’ (‘Listrigony’, 1911) by an eminent Russian writer of the turn of the 20th century, Aleksandr Kuprin. The stories bring images of the four basic natural elements – earth, fire, water and air. In particular, in ‘The Laestrygonians’ Kuprin shows the power of the sea, combined with the unimaginable force of the wind. The author presents man fighting a one-sided battle with the forces of nature. There are, as well, obvious analogies between the four elements and the elemental aspect of human nature. The stories under analysis not only depict the most important elements of the natural world, but also have particular social overtones

    Topological and measure properties of some self-similar sets

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    Given a finite subset ΣR\Sigma\subset\mathbb{R} and a positive real number q<1q<1 we study topological and measure-theoretic properties of the self-similar set K(Σ;q)={n=0anqn:(an)nωΣω}K(\Sigma;q)=\big\{\sum_{n=0}^\infty a_nq^n:(a_n)_{n\in\omega}\in\Sigma^\omega\big\}, which is the unique compact solution of the equation K=Σ+qKK=\Sigma+qK. The obtained results are applied to studying partial sumsets E(x)={n=0xnεn:(εn)nω{0,1}ω}E(x)=\big\{\sum_{n=0}^\infty x_n\varepsilon_n:(\varepsilon_n)_{n\in\omega}\in\{0,1\}^\omega\big\} of some (multigeometric) sequences x=(xn)nωx=(x_n)_{n\in\omega}.Comment: 10 page

    Купринский текст в Алмазной колеснице Бориса Акунина

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    The article is devoted to two literary masterpieces, which are as follows: a short story of the classic Alexander Kuprin and a novel of the modern writer Boris Akunin. The piece of work by Akunin The Diamond Chariot is considered in the context of intertextual ties with the short story by Kuprin Staff Captain Rybnikov. The Intertextual ties with the pretext are revealed at many layers of The Diamond chariot. They are connected with the character of the Japanese spy, who acts in the both works under the name Vasiliy Rybnikov. Besides in the novel by Akunin we observe similarities of scenes and situations as well as treatment of various types of arts, which is typical of the Kuprin’s prose, in particular in the short story Staff Captain Rybniko

    International logistics

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    Selected problems of goods warehousing

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    Abstract. This article contains information related to selected factors affecting the warehousing of goods. Physicochemical parameters such as temperature, humidity, sunlight, air, that have influence (positive or negative) on the goods and people in the warehouse are identified. The next part of the article presents devices for measuring and controlling the listed parameters, with special emphasis on the CO2 and oxygen.

    „The Life of Matvei Kozhemyakin” by Maxim Gorky: Reflecting on the Genre

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    The paper takes up the problem of the genre of Maxim Gorky’s novel/novella The Life of Matvei Kozhemyakin (1911). The author of the article finds the discussed work synthetic in terms of genre, indicating features of various genres (annals, saga, autobiography, several varieties of the novel, including historical, social, and family novel) which form in it a harmonious artistic whole. Following the interpretations of Jerzy Lenarczyk, Ivo Pospíšil and other scholars, the author of the article puts forward the family saga as the predominating generic component and emphasizes that “the family idea” (mysl semeinaia) influenced many of Gorky’s works and shaped their generic structure.В статье рассматривается проблема жанра повести/романа Максима Горького Жизнь Матвея Кожемякина (1911). Автор статьи считает жанр повести синтетическим, ибо в произведении обнаруживаются черты многих жанров, составивших единое художественное целое. В нeм можно отыскать родство с древними летописями/сказаниями, с дневником, а также с несколькими романными разновидностями: с историческим, общественно-бытовым и семейным романами. Вслед за Ежи Ленарчиком, Иво Поспишилом и др. исследователями, автор статьи считает жанровой доминантой произведения семейную хронику, так как во многих горьковских произведениях важное место занимала «семейная мысль», требующая соответствующего ей жанрового оформления

    Старость и молодость как параллельные мотивы в романе Mихаила Oсоргина „Сивцев вражек”

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    The article deals with two fairy-tale motives – “youth” and “old age” in Mikhail Osorgin’s novel A Quiet Street (Sivtzev Vrazhek, 1928). Owing to the author’s outlook and artistic strategy they do not stand in the opposition to one another, but rather depict parallel vectors of human life, its presentation the context of space (micro and macro space) as well as in the context of a philosophically meaningful historical time correlated with eternity. The author’s aim is supported by the novel’s structure – a freely arranged series of short stories. The article exposes the problem of the writer’s comprehension of human life within different time and spatial plans. The time layer covers daily, annual and eternal / universal time. The spatial dimension of the artistic world takes into account the Infinite Universe, the solar system, the Earth, Russia, Moscow and the corner house in Sivtzev Vrazhek, which is the main center of the novel structur