278 research outputs found

    They came. Radosław Kobierski and his Earth Nod: about the place of those who wander

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    Tekst jest próbą przyjrzenia się powieści Ziemia Nod Radosława Kobierskiego z perspektywy tych bohaterów, którzy błądzą. Wygnanie nie jest w niej jedynie przymusową i przejściową zmianą miejsca, ale też nieustannie odnawiającym się stanem wewnętrznym bohaterów różnej narodowości, pozycji społecznej i wieku. Istotę tytułowej krainy tworzą kolejne, nakładające się na siebie doświadczenia tułaczki, emigracji i wysiedlenia.The text is an attempt to take a look into novel entitled Ziemia Nod by Radosław Kobierski from the perspective of those characters, who wander. Exile is not only a forced and temporary place trade, but also a constantly renewing inner state of characters, who have different nationality, status and age. The essence of the title land is created with different and overlapping experiences of an exile, emigration and displacements


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    The paper presents the results of the study on the importance of open organisational culture as an element of positive potential of an enterprise in a crisis situation. The aim of the study was to demonstrate the link between the open organisational culture as part of the organisation’s positive potential and the kind of crisis occurring in the enterprise. To achieve the research objective, the results of the pilot study carried out in 2015 among enterprises in different types of crisis were used. The results show that building the open organisational culture which is part of the positive potential of the organisation is one of the key elements of entrepreneurial activity. In the light of the results obtained, it can be said that modern enterprises need to deal with various problems generated by their dynamically changing environment. In such situations, it is important to make certain changes in organisational culture while taking remedial (anti-crisis) action.

    Bound sets and two-point boundary value problems for second order differential systems

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    summary:The solvability of second order differential systems with the classical separated or periodic boundary conditions is considered. The proofs use special classes of curvature bound sets or bound sets together with the simplest version of the Leray-Schauder continuation theorem. The special cases where the bound set is a ball, a parallelotope or a bounded convex set are considered

    System zarządzania jakością determinantą zmian kultury organizacyjnej urzędu administracji samorządowej

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    W prezentowanym artykule uwidacznia się zależność zachodzącą między systemem zarządzania jakością, który jest wdrażany do urzędów administracji publicznej a ich kulturą organizacyjną. Świadomość tych powiązań wydaje się szalenie istotna, gdyż jej efektem jest nowa jakość usług świadczonych przez urząd. Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie głównych kierunków zmian kultury organizacyjnej urzędu po wprowadzeniu systemu zarządzania jakością. Realizacja celu pozwala stwierdzić, że podstawą wszelkich zmian w urzędach, które prowadzą do doskonalenia jakości jest kultura organizacyjna

    Measures of Time of Literature. Review of Rafał Pokrywka’s book titled „Współczesna powieść niemieckojęzyczna”, Universitas, Kraków 2018

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    The article is a discussion of a study by Rafał Pokrywka titled Współczesna powieść niemieckojęzyczna (Kraków 2018). The author of the study analysed selected works written at the turn of the 21st century, and – in an interesting manner – developed his discussion around a progression of three dimensions of time: the past, the present, and the future, which constitute the contexts for reading individual narratives. The interpretations of German, Austrian, and Swiss novels, both these which exist as Polish translations and these which have not yet been translated, are accompanied by cultural and sociological contexts, while the (re)definitions of the words used in the title of Pokrywka’s volume presented in the introduction enable one to place this original overview in the context of modern studies on the most recent literature

    Translatorskie konfrontacje: Stanisław Barańczak i Jacek Dehnel przekładają Philipa Larkina

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    Translatory Confrontations: Stanisław Barańczak and Jacek DehnelTranslate Philip Larkin This article examines Polish reception of Philip Larkin, one of the most infl uential 20th-century English poets, and focuses on Stanisław Barańczak’s selection 44 wiersze (44 Poems; 1991) and Jacek Dehnel’s presentation of Zebrane (The Collected; 2008). My analysis compares the translators’ artistic stances (their role in the intercultural transfer and their translations’ modulating function in the target culture) as well as their intellectual inspirations and interpretative contexts. Barańczak as the fi rst “ambassador” of Philip Larkin is opposed by Dehnel, who concentrates on a meticulous, almost philological reconstruction of the source text. While Barańczak domesticates, Dehnel advertises his own texts as a remedy for such a model. Moreover, both translators have been infl uenced by the changing perception of Larkin’s poetry: Barańczak draws on the symbolical and thematic interpretations of his time as well as on critical essays by Seamus Heaney; Dehnel follows Jerzy Jarniewicz’s interpretations and, in general, the “new wave” of criticism after Larkin’s letters and biography by Motion were published. Thus, the Polish Larkin is shaped both by Barańczak’s metaphysical, brightened and metaphorical version and by Dehnel’s skeptical, ambivalent and concrete rendition

    Polska teoria przekładu literackiego a Translation Studies. O szkole poznańskiej na marginesie pierwszej polskiej antologii

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    This article examines the place of Polish literary translation theory within the international context of translation studies. It starts with an overview of Polish translation thought as presented in the 2013 first Polish anthology Polska myśl przekładoznawcza edited by Piotr de Bończa Bukowski and Magda Heydel. Moreover, the article tests the significance of the Poznań School for international research on literary translation. In doing so, it also suggests that Anton Popovič’s works on translation could be analysed in terms of a common link between the Polish and more international tradition of Translation Studies

    Diabetes and work at sea: has everything been already settled? Article for discussion

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    Along with increased worldwide incidence of diabetes, the frequency of its occurrence among persons employed on seagoing vessels has also grown (12). According to the current regulations, persons treated with insulin are not admitted to work at sea, and those treated with oral drugs have a markedly limited access to such a work. This may lead to concealing the fact of being a diabetic, thus enhancing the existing hazards. Current improved methods of glycemia self-control and treatment of diabetes have radically improved vital abilities of diabetics. Having this in mind, a question arises whether the binding regulations on the fitness of diabetics for work at sea should be verified

    Metabolic potential of microorganisms associated with the halophyte Aster tripolium L. in saline soils

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    Increased soil salinization may be caused by a natural (e.g. climate change) and anthropogenic (e.g. improper fertilization and irrigation of agricultural land) factors. The submitted work assumes that microorganisms associated with plant halophytes have a unique metabolic properties that can stimulate plant growth under salt stress. The aim of the study was to determine the abundance and metabolic biodiversity of endophytic and rhizosphere microorganisms co-existing with Aster tripolium L. and compare them with the properties of soil microorganisms not affected by plant roots at a salty meadows in the vicinity of a soda factory (central Poland). In order to select halotolerant and halophilic microorganisms culture medium was enriched with various concentrations of NaCl (0, 100, 200, 400, 600 mM NaCl). Total metabolic activity of endophytic, rhizosphere and soil populations was measured to compare the community-level physiological profiles. Results of our study revealed that bacterial and fungal density increased in the following order: endophytes < soil < rhizosphere. Only the highest concentration (600 mM) of NaCl decreased the number of microorganisms. The highest total microbial metabolic activity was observed for the rhizosphere, while the activity of endophytes was higher compare to soil populations. To carbon sources which significantly differentiated zones belonged: D-lactose, 4-hydroxybenzoic acid and L-asparagine. The results are preliminary studies leading to the development of inoculum based on selected microbial halotolerant and halophilic strains which can be used in agriculture and/or recultivation of saline soils