402 research outputs found

    Design and Implementation of CAN Driver on Development Board Atmel ATNGW100

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    Tato bakalářská práce popisuje návrh a implementaci řadiče CAN sběrnice. Tato sběrnice je spolu s RTC modulem umístěna na vývojové desce Atmel ATNGW100. Zařízení komunikují pomocí SPI rozhraní. Programový řadič je implementován jako modul do jádra operačního systému Linux. Díky tomuto modulu jsou uživateli zpřístupněny rozhraní implementované sběrnice CAN a RTC modulu.This bachelor's thesis describe desing and implementation of CAN driver. This bus together with RTC module are located on development board Atmel ATNGW100. Devices communicates over SPI interface. Software driver is implemented as module for kernel of operating system Linux. Thanks to this module, interfaces of implemented CAN bus and RTC are accessed to user.

    Usage of Modern Methods for Increasing Reliability of Control System Implementations

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    U leteckých řídicích a kritických systémů je nutné zaručit minimální úroveň odolnosti vůči poruchám a jejich vysokou spolehlivost. Na elektronické součástky těchto systémů působí nežádoucím vlivem okolní podmínky prostředí a to hlavně kosmické záření. V práci jsou popsány nejčastější typy poruch polovodičových součástek a zařízení spolu s moderními metodami, kterými lze zvýšit odolnost systému proti těmto poruchám a jeho celkovou spolehlivost. Jsou uvedeny aspekty návrhu leteckého systému vzhledem k jeho konečné certifikaci a způsoby, jakými lze posoudit jeho bezpečnost. Práce popisuje návrh a implementaci řídicího systému CAN sběrnice pro platformu FPGA, který využívá protokolu CANAerospace. Vytvořený systém je dále vylepšen pomocí TMR architektury. Odolnost proti poruchám obou verzí systému je otestována prostřednictvím SEU frameworku, jenž umožňuje za pomocí částečné dynamické rekonfigurace generovat SEU poruchy přímo do designu běžícího v FPGA.At avionics control and critical systems is necessary guarantee a minimal level of fault tolerance and their high reliability. On the electronic components in these devices has an undesirable influence environment conditions and mainly cosmic ray. In this paper are described the most common failure types of semiconductor components and devices together with modern methods which can be increased the system fault tolerance and its overall reliability. There are introduced aspects of the avionic systems design due to finally certification and ways to evaluate its safety. This thesis describes design and implementation of the CAN bus control system for the FPGA platform which uses the CANAerospace application protocol. Created system design is improved by the TMR architecture. Fault tolerance of both system version is tested by the SEU framework which allows using the dynamic partial reconfiguration generate an SEU failures into running FPGA design.

    Using of ultrasonic methods for determination of the elastic moduli on the Ti-Ni based alloys

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    The presented work is focused on the determination of elastic constants of selected alloys of the systems Ni-Ti and Ni-Ti-Cu with use of ultrasonic methods. Sample preparation was carried out using VIM in graphite crucible in combination with pouring into graphite mould. The prepared samples were appropriately heattreated, polished into the desired shape and subjected to measurement of density and then to ultrasonic measurements. In addition to conventional methods, such as mechanical tests, also less known methods are applied. Among the specific methods we can mention dynamic mechanical analysis, dynamic super microhardness measurement, electro acoustic resonance or ultrasonic test.The group of thus tested materials includes also Ti alloys

    La "red falaz" para atrapar al sofista

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    Platón se refiere en muchas oportunidades a los sofistas con el fin de atacar su posición e instaurar una concepción negativa con respecto a los mismos. Sin embargo, estos se ven más directamente atacados en el diálogo Sofista, donde Platón, por medio del extranjero de Elea, proyecta toda su visión de ellos sin omitir la instrumentación de métodos filosóficos propios de los sofistas, para argumentar en su contra. En el marco de la lectura del diálogo Sofista, el propósito de mi trabajo es establecer una lectura crítica de los pasajes donde el extranjero de Elea pretende “acorralar” al sofista, dentro de una caracterización general, donde este quedaría expuesto ante la vista de los ciudadanos como un “estafador”. En palabras del Extranjero de Elea: “Debe sostenerse entonces, que es un mago o un imitador”. Este “acorralamiento” se produce luego del argumento desarrollado en 235 a 8 , donde él mismo explica a Teeteto que la “presa” ha sido cercada con los “requisitos propios de la argumentación válida”. Pretendo demostrar que esta conclusión constituye una forma inválida de caracterizarlo, ya que se la deriva de un razonamiento que resulta falaz en su construcción y desarrollo y que a su vez podría ser caracterizado en sí mismo como un argumento de corte sofístico.Actas publicadas en Revista de Filosofía y Teoría Política, 2003, como anexo.Departamento de Filosofí

    Woody Guthrie i pieśni hobohemy

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    The paper discusses selected ballads by Woody Guthrie in relation to the tradition of the American protest song and the hobo subculture. It begins with several biographical remarks and a brief overview of the problem of the “wondering poor,” traveling tramps, hobos and transients from the Civil War to the Great Depression era as mirrored in Woody Guthrie’s ironic song repertoire to eventually point out some radical shifts in cultural representations of hobos in America between 1865—1935

    Investigation of physical properties of tungsten-based single crystals using an ultrasonic method

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    Using an ultrasonic method, the measurement of longitudinal and transversal velocities v of ultrasonic waves in the major crystallographic directions of pure-tungsten single crystals and tungsten single crystals alloyed with Ta and Mo was performed. Single crystals with a [110] crystallographic orientation were prepared by plasma-arc melting. Crystal density was also measured. Crystal elastic constants Cij, anisotropy factors A, Young’s modulus E, shear modulus G and bulk modulus B for the given crystallographic directions, and the mean values of the longitudinal and transversal velocities of the ultrasound according to the Fochtu-Roisu-Chilly method, Young’s modulus, shear modulus, Poisson’s ratio and Debye temperature were calculated from the obtained data. The measurement of ultrasound rates was realized by means of a pulse apparatus with a frequency of 10 MHz to 30 MHz. It was found that the alloying of pure tungsten with the elements such as tantalum and molybdenum led to a decrease in the average magnitudes of v, Cij, and B over various crystallographic and polarization directions, as well as the magnitude of . The effects of the alloying elements on the elastic properties of tungsten crystals were identical. It may be concluded on the basis of the obtained results that the ultrasonic method can be used for the quality control of the purity of tungsten single crystals and tungsten low-alloyed alloys by measuring the attenuation effects of ultrasound waves in various parts of the tested samples.Web of Science48682682

    ATR, a DNA damage signaling kinase, is involved in aluminum response in barley

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    Ataxia Telangiectasia and Rad-3-related protein (ATR) is a DNA damage signaling kinase required for the monitoring of DNA integrity. Together with ATM and SOG1, it is a key player in the transcriptional regulation of DNA damage response (DDR) genes in plants. In this study, we describe the role of ATR in the DDR pathway in barley and the function of the HvATR gene in response to DNA damages induced by aluminum toxicity. Aluminum is the third most abundant element in the Earth’s crust. It becomes highly phytotoxic in acidic soils, which comprise more than 50% of arable lands worldwide. At low pH, Al is known to be a genotoxic agent causing DNA damage and cell cycle arrest. We present barley mutants, hvatr.g and hvatr.i, developed by TILLING strategy. The hvatr.g mutant carries a G6054A missense mutation in the ATR gene, leading to the substitution of a highly conserved amino acid in the protein (G1015S). The hvatr.g mutant showed the impaired DDR pathway. It accumulated DNA damages in the nuclei of root meristem cells when grown in control conditions. Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP nick-end labeling (TUNEL) analysis revealed that 60% of mutant nuclei possessed DNA nicks and breaks, whereas in the wild type only 2% of the nuclei were TUNELpositive. The high frequency of DNA damages did not lead to the inhibition of the cell cycle progression, but the mutant showed an increased number of cells in the G2/M phase. In response to treatments with different Al doses, hvatr.g showed a high level of tolerance. The retention of root growth, which is the most evident symptom of Al toxicity, was not observed in the mutant, as it was in its parent variety. Furthermore, Al treatment increased the level of DNA damages, but did not affect the mitotic activity and the cell cycle profile in the hvatr.g mutant. A similar phenotype was observed for the hvatr.i mutant, carrying another missense mutation leading to G903E substitution in the HvATR protein. Our results demonstrate that the impaired mechanism of DNA damage response may lead to aluminum tolerance. They shed a new light on the role of the ATR-dependent DDR pathway in an agronomically important species

    Treatment of age-related macular degeneration: focus on ranibizumab

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    Ranibizumab, a humanized antigen-binding fragment (Fab) that binds all isoforms of VEGF-A, significantly slows down loss of vision and causes significant visual improvement in many patients with choroidal neovascularization (CNV) due to exudative age-related macular degeneration (AMD). These benefits of intravitreal ranibizumab apply to all angiographic subtypes of neovascular AMD and across all lesion sizes when the drug is injected at monthly intervals as shown in two pivotal phase III trials (ANCHOR and MARINA). The results from the PrONTO study suggest that less frequent treatment with ranibizumab through a variable dosing regimen dependent on optical coherence tomography (OCT) findings is a treatment option that results in comparably favorable visual outcomes. Currently, it is unclear whether combination therapy of ranibizumab with photodynamic therapy (PDT) provides any significant advantage over ranibizumab monotherapy (FOCUS trial); however, the combination of PDT and ranibizumab may decrease the need for frequent retreatment. This question will be addressed in the SUMMIT trial. Therapy with ranibizumab is generally very well tolerated with a low rate of seriously adverse ocular events or systemic side-effects. The advent of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) inhibitors has revolutionized the therapy of neovascular AMD. Ranibizumab at the moment appears to be the most effective approved treatment for neovascular AMD