51 research outputs found

    Diversity and role of plasmids in adaptation of bacteria inhabiting the Lubin copper mine in Poland, an environment rich in heavy metals

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    Dziewit L, Pyzik A, Szuplewska M, et al. Diversity and role of plasmids in adaptation of bacteria inhabiting the Lubin copper mine in Poland, an environment rich in heavy metals. Frontiers in Microbiology. 2015;6: 152.The Lubin underground mine, is one of three mining divisions in the Lubin-Glogow Copper District in Lower Silesia province (Poland). It is the source of polymetallic ore that is rich in copper, silver and several heavy metals. Black shale is also significantly enriched in fossil organic matter in the form of long-chain hydrocarbons, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, organic acids, esters, thiophenes and metalloporphyrins. Biological analyses have revealed that this environment is inhabited by extremophilic bacteria and fungi. Kupfershiefer black shale and samples of water, bottom and mineral sediments from the underground (below 600m) Lubin mine were taken and 20 bacterial strains were isolated and characterized. All exhibited multi-resistant and hypertolerant phenotypes to heavy metals. We analyzed the plasmidome of these strains in order to evaluate the diversity and role of mobile DNA in adaptation to the harsh conditions of the mine environment. Experimental and bioinformatic analyses of 11 extrachromosomal replicons were performed. Three plasmids, including a broad-host-range replicon containing a Tn3 family transposon, carried genes conferring resistance to arsenic, cadmium, cobalt, mercury and zinc. Functional analysis revealed that the resistance modules exhibit host specificity, i.e., they may increase or decrease tolerance to toxic ions depending on the host strain. The other identified replicons showed diverse features. Among them we identified a catabolic plasmid encoding enzymes involved in the utilization of histidine and vanillate, a putative plasmid-like prophage carrying genes responsible for NAD biosynthesis, and two repABC-type plasmids containing virulence-associated genes. These findings provide an unique molecular insight into the pool of extrachromosomal replicons and highlight their role in the biology and adaptation of extremophilic bacteria inhabiting terrestrial deep subsurface

    Insights into the Transposable Mobilome of Paracoccus spp. (Alphaproteobacteria)

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    Several trap plasmids (enabling positive selection of transposition events) were used to identify a pool of functional transposable elements (TEs) residing in bacteria of the genus Paracoccus (Alphaproteobacteria). Complex analysis of 25 strains representing 20 species of this genus led to the capture and characterization of (i) 37 insertion sequences (ISs) representing 9 IS families (IS3, IS5, IS6, IS21, IS66, IS256, IS1182, IS1380 and IS1634), (ii) a composite transposon Tn6097 generated by two copies of the ISPfe2 (IS1634 family) containing two predicted genetic modules, involved in the arginine deiminase pathway and daunorubicin/doxorubicin resistance, (iii) 3 non-composite transposons of the Tn3 family, including Tn5393 carrying streptomycin resistance and (iv) a transposable genomic island TnPpa1 (45 kb). Some of the elements (e.g. Tn5393, Tn6097 and ISs of the IS903 group of the IS5 family) were shown to contain strong promoters able to drive transcription of genes placed downstream of the target site of transposition. Through the application of trap plasmid pCM132TC, containing a promoterless tetracycline resistance reporter gene, we identified five ways in which transposition can supply promoters to transcriptionally silent genes. Besides highlighting the diversity and specific features of several TEs, the analyses performed in this study have provided novel and interesting information on (i) the dynamics of the process of transposition (e.g. the unusually high frequency of transposition of TnPpa1) and (ii) structural changes in DNA mediated by transposition (e.g. the generation of large deletions in the recipient molecule upon transposition of ISPve1 of the IS21 family). We also demonstrated the great potential of TEs and transposition in the generation of diverse phenotypes as well as in the natural amplification and dissemination of genetic information (of adaptative value) by horizontal gene transfer, which is considered the driving force of bacterial evolution

    Molecular Epidemiology and Risk Factors of Carbapenemase-Producing Enterobacteriaceae Isolates in Portuguese Hospitals: Results From European Survey on Carbapenemase-Producing Enterobacteriaceae (EuSCAPE)

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    Free PMC Article: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6277554/In Portugal, the epidemiological stage for the spread of carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae (CPE) increased from sporadic isolates or single hospital clones (2010-2013), to hospital outbreaks, later. Here we report data from a 6-month study performed under the European Survey on Carbapenemase-Producing Enterobacteriaceae (EuSCAPE). During the study period, 67 isolates (61 Klebsiella pneumoniae and 6 Escherichia coli) non-susceptible to carbapenems were identified in participant hospital laboratories. We detected 37 blaKPC-type (including one new variant: blaKPC-21), 1 blaGES-5, and 1 blaGES-6 plus blaKPC-3, alone or in combination with other bla genes. Bioinformatics analysis of the KPC-21-producing E. coli identified the new variant blaKPC-21 in a 12,748 bp length plasmid. The blaKPC-21 gene was harbored on a non-Tn4401 element, presenting upstream a partial ISKpn6 (ΔISKpn6/ΔtraN) with the related left IR (IRL) and downstream a truncated Tn3 transposon. PFGE and MLST analysis showed an important diversity, as isolates belonged to distinct PFGE and STs profiles. In this study, we highlighted the presence of the high-risk clone E. coli sequence-type (ST) 131 clade C/H30. This worldwide disseminated E. coli lineage was already detected in Portugal among other antibiotic resistance reservoirs. This study highlights the intra- and inter-hospital spread and possible intercontinental circulation of CPE isolates.VM was supported by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) fellowship (Grant SFRH/BPD/ 77486/2011), financed by the European Social Funds (COMPETE-FEDER) and national funds of the Portuguese Ministry of Education and Science (POPH-QREN). The authors thank FCT for Project grant UID/MULTI/00211/2013.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Soapwort (Saponaria officinalis L.) Extract vs. Synthetic Surfactants—Effect on Skin-Mimetic Models

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    Our skin is continuously exposed to different amphiphilic substances capable of interaction with its lipids and proteins. We describe the effect of a saponin-rich soapwort extract and of four commonly employed synthetic surfactants: sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS), sodium laureth sulfate (SLES), ammonium lauryl sulfate (ALS), cocamidopropyl betaine (CAPB) on different human skin models. Two human skin cell lines were employed: normal keratinocytes (HaCaT) and human melanoma cells (A375). The liposomes consisting of a dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine/cholesterol mixture in a molar ratio of 7:3, mimicking the cell membrane of keratinocytes and melanoma cells were employed as the second model. Using dynamic light scattering (DLS), the particle size distribution of liposomes was analyzed before and after contact with the tested (bio)surfactants. The results, supplemented by the protein solubilization tests (albumin denaturation test, zein test) and oil emulsification capacity (using olive oil and engine oil), showed that the soapwort extract affects the skin models to a clearly different extent than any of the tested synthetic surfactants. Its protein and lipid solubilizing potential are much smaller than for the three anionic surfactants (SLS, ALS, SLES). In terms of protein solubilization potential, the soapwort extract is comparable to CAPB, which, however, is much harsher to lipids

    Ion Chromatographic Fingerprinting of STC-1 Cellular Response for Taste Sensing

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    Taste sensing is of great importance in both the pharmaceutical and foodstuff industries, and is currently mainly based on human sensory evaluation. Many approaches based on chemical sensors have been proposed, leading to the development of various electronic tongue systems. However, this approach is limited by the applied recognition methods, which do not consider natural receptors. Biorecognition elements such as taste receptor proteins or whole cells can be involved in the development of taste sensing biosensors usually equipped with various electrochemical transducers. Here, we propose a new approach: intestinal secretin tumor cell line (STC-1) chemosensory cells were applied for taste recognition, and their taste-specific cellular response was decoded from ion chromatographic fingerprints with the use of multivariate data processing by partial least squares discriminant analysis (PLS-DA). This approach could be useful for the development of various non-invasive taste sensing assays, as well as for studying taste transduction mechanisms in vitro

    Differential Localization and Functional Specialization of parS Centromere-Like Sites in repABC Replicons of Alphaproteobacteria

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    International audienceThe repABC replication/partitioning loci are widespread in extrachromosomal replicons of Alphaproteobacteria . They are evolutionarily diverse, subject to multi-layer self-regulation, and are responsible for the maintenance of different types of replicons, such as plasmids (e.g., Agrobacterium pTi and pRi tumorigenic and rhizogenic plasmids), megaplasmids (e.g., Sinorhizobium pSymA and pSymB) and essential chromids (e.g., secondary chromosomes of Agrobacterium , Brucella and Rhodobacter )

    Mobility and Generation of Mosaic Non-Autonomous Transposons by Tn<i>3</i>-Derived Inverted-Repeat Miniature Elements (TIMEs)

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    <div><p>Functional transposable elements (TEs) of several <i>Pseudomonas</i> spp. strains isolated from black shale ore of Lubin mine and from post-flotation tailings of Zelazny Most in Poland, were identified using a positive selection trap plasmid strategy. This approach led to the capture and characterization of (i) 13 insertion sequences from 5 IS families (IS<i>3</i>, IS<i>5</i>, IS<i>L3</i>, IS<i>30</i> and IS<i>1380</i>), (ii) isoforms of two Tn<i>3</i>-family transposons – Tn<i>5563</i>a and Tn<i>4662</i>a (the latter contains a toxin-antitoxin system), as well as (iii) non-autonomous TEs of diverse structure, ranging in size from 262 to 3892 bp. The non-autonomous elements transposed into AT-rich DNA regions and generated 5- or 6-bp sequence duplications at the target site of transposition. Although these TEs lack a transposase gene, they contain homologous 38-bp-long terminal inverted repeat sequences (IRs), highly conserved in Tn<i>5563</i>a and many other Tn<i>3</i>-family transposons. The simplest elements of this type, designated TIMEs (Tn<i>3</i> family-derived Inverted-repeat Miniature Elements) (262 bp), were identified within two natural plasmids (pZM1P1 and pLM8P2) of <i>Pseudomonas</i> spp. It was demonstrated that TIMEs are able to mobilize segments of plasmid DNA for transposition, which results in the generation of more complex non-autonomous elements, resembling IS-driven composite transposons in structure. Such transposon-like elements may contain different functional genetic modules in their core regions, including plasmid replication systems. Another non-autonomous element “captured” with a trap plasmid was a TIME derivative containing a predicted resolvase gene and a <i>res</i> site typical for many Tn<i>3</i>-family transposons. The identification of a portable site-specific recombination system is another intriguing example confirming the important role of non-autonomous TEs of the TIME family in shuffling genetic information in bacterial genomes. Transposition of such mosaic elements may have a significant impact on diversity and evolution, not only of transposons and plasmids, but also of other types of mobile genetic elements.</p></div

    Possible mechanism for the generation of diverse non-autonomous and autonomous elements of the Tn<i>3</i> transposon family.

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    <p>The elements of the Tn3 family originate from progenitor insertion sequences (IS). Tns – diverse autonomous non-composite or composite transposons generated by acquisition of foreign DNA and mobilization for transposition of genomic DNA results. TIME - non-autonomous elements resulting from a reduction in the number of transposon-encoded genes, able to form mosaic elements resembling non-composite and composite Tns in structure. Elements representative of the different types are shown as examples: IS<i>1071</i> (accession no. M65135), Tn<i>3434</i> (accession no. AY232820), Tn<i>5393</i> (accession no. M96392), Tn<i>Ppa1</i> (accession no. DQ149577) and Tn<i>5271</i> (accession no. U18133).</p