35 research outputs found

    Verification of selected anatomical landmarks used as reference points for universal goniometer positioning during elbow joint mobility range measurements

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    The paper presents the results of comparative studies on the range of active elbow joint motion based on data obtained from 50 physical education students. The measurements were made with both an electrogoniometer and a manual goniometer. An explanation of differences in measurement results has been provided based on an investigation by the photographic method of 3 elbow joints using cadaveric material

    The range of motion of the cervical spine in children aged from 3 to 7 years - an electrogoniometric study

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    The aim of the study has been to evaluate the range of motion of the cervical spine in relation to the age of the participants, and to determine the dimorphic and asymmetrical differences in the range of motion in pre-determined age categories. The study involved 300 children (150 girls and 150 boys) aged from 3 to 7 years, and tensiometric electrogoniometry was used to evaluate the range of cervical spine motion. The highest amplitude of cervical spine motion could be observed in the transverse plane and this was followed by that of the sagittal plane, with frontal plane motion being the lowest. The dynamics of the cervical spine motion changes were characterised by the presence of two distinct periods of motion increase - between years 2 and 3 and between years 6 and 7; the other periods were characterised by a decrease in cervical spine motion. The dimorphic and asymmetrical differences proved statistically insignificant

    Change of body balance in dancers during two years training

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    Celem pracy była ocena równowagi ciała osób uprawiających taniec po dwóch latach treningu. W badaniach uczestniczyło 16 tancerzy zespołu pieśni i tańca Ziemia Bydgoska. W celu oceny równowagi ciała wykonano dwukrotnie dwa testy stabilometryczne (oczy otwarte, oczy zamknięte) na platformie stabilometrycznej Sigma w odstępie dwóch lat. Mierzono zmiany położenia COP (Center of Pressure). Testy z oczami otwartymi i z oczami zamkniętymi wypadły zdecydowanie lepiej w pierwszym pomiarze w porównaniu z pomiarem II wykonanym po dwóch latach. Większe różnice wszystkich parametrów obserwowano w teście oczy otwarte w porównaniu z testem oczy zamknięte po upływie dwóch lat. Na podstawie uzyskanych wyników można stwierdzić, że po dwuletnim cyklu uprawiania tańca zdolności do utrzymania równowagi ciała uległy pogorszeniu. AbstractThe purpose of the study was to evaluate the body balance in persons who practice the dance during two years of training. The study involved 16 dancers of Bydgoszcz's song and dance team. In order to assess body balance, two stabilometric tests (eyes open, eyes closed) were performed on a Sigma stabilometer platform at intervals of two-years. Change of sways of the Centre of Pressure (COP) was measured during 30 second. Tests with open eyes and closed eyes were significantly better in the first measurement compared to the second measurement after two years. More differences were observed in the test eyes open compared to test eyes closed after two years. Based on the obtained results it can be stated that after two years of dance practice the ability to maintain balance of body has deteriorated

    Agencja Wywiadu

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    Jednym z najistotniejszych obowiązków każdego państwa, a zarazem najważniejszą funkcją jest zapewnienie szeroko rozumianego bezpieczeństwa jego terytorium oraz wszystkich jego obywateli. Przejaw tej funkcji znaleźć można w wielu współczesnych konstytucjach“ . Również na państwo polskie obowiązek ten nałożony został już w samej Konstytucji RP z 1997 roku. [...] Przemiany ustrojowe w Polsce, które zapoczątkowane zostały w 1989 roku dotknęły wielu instytucji o istotnym znaczeniu dla państwa. Nie ominęły również służb specjalnych. Ich rola i zadania uległy nowemu zdefiniowaniu. W efekcie tych przemian w 1990 roku powołany został Urząd Ochrony Państwa (dalej: UOP) - z przekształcenia którego powstała w latach późniejszych m.in. Agencja Wywiadu. Urząd zastąpił Służbę Bezpieczeństwa oraz Służbę Wywiadu i Kontrwywiadu Ministerstwa Spraw Wewnętrznych. [fragm. tekstu

    Secondary Osteoporosis: Endocrine and Metabolic Causes of Bone Mass Deterioration

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    License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Secondary osteoporosis results from medical conditions or treatments that interfere with the attainment of peak bone mass and/or may predispose to accelerated bone loss. Although secondary osteoporosis is less common, it is becoming more frequently diagnosed. Apart from the welldefined risk of secondary osteoporosis in patients requiring long-term corticosteroids therapy, an increasing list of dietary, lifestyle, endocrine, metabolic, and other causes of bone mass deterioration has been identified (Table 1). Recently it has been demonstrated that, in contrast to primary osteoporosis which is associated with age, gender, and family history, secondary osteoporosis shows a prevalence in men similar to that in women (men 21 % versus women 17.5%

    Design of a Planting Module for an Automatic Device for Forest Regeneration

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    Forest regeneration by means of seedlings grown in container nurseries is usually performed manually with the use of the standard dibble bar or the tube dibble. Manual placement of a large number of seedlings in the soil requires a lot of work. Manual removal of the soil cover and digging the soil in spots with a diameter of 0.4 m requires, under average conditions, about 38 man-hours/ha, while planting with a dibble bar requires about 34 man-hours/ha. Additional work time is needed to carry seedlings over an area that is being afforested. At present, forestry does not have automatic planters that would enable the establishment of forest cultures. The aim of the paper is to present the concept of an autonomous robot and an innovative technology of performing forest regeneration and afforestation of former agricultural and reclaimed areas. The paper also presents the design solutions of the key working unit, which is a universal, openable dibble, cooperating with a three-toothed shaft to prepare a planting spot. The solution proposed enables continuous operation of the machine, i.e. without the need to stop the base vehicle

    The St. Anne’s Mountain Geopark : "The King Wanderer" is back on his throne!

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    Due to numerous geological phenomena on a virtually small territory, the St. Anne's Mountain and its areas has an excellent chance to become one of the most significant geotouristic regions in Poland. The designed geopark, apart from its main goal which is to promote the earth education, will also affect the tourism and economy growth within the region. The area will enable us to look into the future of our planet through the prism of processes, which created its environment in the past. Discovering the earth mysteries, acquainting oneself with the contents of drafted plates, and close contact to geology will encourage people, especially the younger generation, to explore the adjacent surroundings and the whole world. The St. Anne's Mountain was given national status by the Ministry of the Environment on the basis of the review, made by the Polish Geological Institute - National Research Institute Upper Silesian Branch in Sosnowiec, entitled: The St. Anne's Mountain Geopark - the documentation and suggestions on its protection. Research along with observation results on the field and laboratory works between 2008 and 2010 were included in the above mentioned review