127 research outputs found


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    The paper is devoted to present some mathematical aspects of the topological derivative and its applications in different fields of sciences such as shape optimization and inverse problems. First the definition of the topological derivative is given and the shape optimization problem is formulated. Next the form of the topological derivative is evaluated for a mixed boundary value problem defined in a geometrical domain. Finally, an example of an application of the topological derivative in the electric impedance tomography is presented.W pracy przedstawiono matematyczne aspekty dotyczące pochodnej topologicznej oraz jej zastosowań w różnych dziedzinach nauki, takich jak optymalizacja kształtu czy problemy odwrotne. W pierwszej części podano nieformalna˛ definicje˛ pochodnej topologicznej oraz sformułowano problem optymalizacji kształtu. Następnie wyprowadzono postać pochodnej topologicznej dla mieszanego problemu brzegowego. W ostatniej części przedstawiono przykład zastosowania pochodnej topologicznej dla problemu elektrycznej tomografii impedancyjnej

    The association of Internet use with wellbeing, mental health and health behaviours of persons with disabilities

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    Introduction: There is strong evidence that people with disabilities suffer from a significant digital divide. However, there are reports indicating that Internet use may result in many benefits for those with disabilities. The aim of the study was to assess the impact that the use of the Internet has on the wellbeing and health behaviours of persons with disabilities. Methods: An analysis was carried out using the dataset obtained from Social Diagnosis, a panel study undertaken on a nationally representative sample. The records of persons with disabilities were retrieved from the dataset which was established in 2015. An analysis of the association between Internet use and the wellbeing, mental health and health behaviours of the respondents was undertaken. The variables reflecting the self-assessment of their own life and experience of loneliness were treated as being indicators of their wellbeing and the prevalence of suicidal thoughts or making use of psychological help as indicators of mental health. The health behaviours analysed in the study included smoking, excessive consumption of alcohol and undertaking physical activity. For all these variables, multivariate logistic regression models were developed. The effect of Internet use was adjusted for sociodemographic variables and the degree of disability. An analysis was performed after applying post-stratification weights available from the Social Diagnosis study. Results: The weighted study group consisted of 2529 people having a mean age of 59.33 ± 16.89 years. The group included 20.71% (N = 524) respondents with a mild, 41.58% (N = 1052) with a moderate, and 26.54% (N = 671) with a severe disability. The proportion of Internet users was 37.07% (N = 937). In all the regression models, Internet use had a significant impact on the dependent variables. After adjustment for sociodemographic variables and the degree of disability, the Internet users more frequently assessed their lives as happy (odds ratio, 95% confidence interval: 1.86, 1.47–2.37) and less frequently experienced loneliness (0.63, 0.49–0.81) or suicidal thoughts (0.47, 0.35–0.65). In addition, they needed psychological help less frequently (0.50, 0.35–0.72). Interestingly, Internet users undertook some form of physical activity or sport more often (2.41, 1.87–3.13) and fewer smoked cigarettes (0.70, 0.54–0.91) or consumed alcohol excessively (0.32, 0.19–0.56). Conclusions: The use of the Internet by people with disabilities was associated with improved wellbeing, better mental health and more beneficial health behaviours. These findings support the development of intensive actions to reduce the digital divide for the population of people with disabilities

    Schizofrenia z przeważającymi objawami negatywnymi 2019 — badanie epidemiologiczno-społeczne

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    Introduction: In the below article, we present the results of the study conducted in 2019, which aimed to estimatethe size of the subpopulations of adult schizophrenia patients, with predominant and chronic negative symptoms andto describe the clinical profile and treatment of these patients. Material and methods: The study was conducted on a representative sample of psychiatrists working at outpatientclinics, welfare facilities for individuals chronically ill and nursing homes, who completed study forms describing thecondition of health and treatment of 300 patients with prevailing negative symptoms, persisting for at least 6 months.Results were weighted and extrapolated to the general population of patients treated in outpatient and long-term carein Poland. Results: The results indicate the population of patients with persistent, predominant negative symptoms based onclinical records and physicians judgement is slightly above 30% of adult schizophrenia patients in Poland. When usingmore well defined criteria for PNS in line with the Polish Psychiatric Association recommendation, limiting symptomsto primary character and excluding the patients with coexisting depressive symptoms, the figure is 6.8% of adult schizophreniapatients (patients managed by psychiatrists in open care or long-term care facilities), which still accounts forca. 12,000 of patients. Conclusions: It can be concluded, based on the study findings, that such isolated in the study subgroup of patientsreceives suboptimal treatment, in the light of the current recommendations of Polish Psychiatric Association.Wstęp: W opracowaniu przytaczamy wyniki badania przeprowadzonego w 2019 roku, którego celem było oszacowanie wielkości subpopulacji dorosłych pacjentów ze schizofrenią, z przeważającymi, utrzymującymi się przewlekle objawami negatywnymi oraz opisanie profilu klinicznego i prowadzonego u tych pacjentów leczenia. Materiał i metody: W badaniu wzięła udział reprezentatywna próba lekarzy psychiatrów, pracujących w placówkach AOS, DPS i ZOL, którzy uzupełnili formularze dotyczące profilu i prowadzonego leczenia 300 pacjentów z przeważającymi objawami negatywnymi, utrzymującymi się od 6 miesięcy lub dłużej. Wyniki ważono i ekstrapolowano do ogółu pacjentów leczonych w opiece ambulatoryjnej i długoterminowej w Polsce. Wyniki: Wyniki wskazują, że populacja pacjentów z przetrwałymi objawami negatywnymi, o charakterze pierwotnym, bez współistniejących objawów depresyjnych, stanowi 6,8% dorosłych pacjentów ze schizofrenią w Polsce (będących pod opieką psychiatrów w placówkach AOS, ZOL, DPS), co może przekładać się na liczbę około 12,4 tysiąca chorych. Wnioski: Na podstawie wyników badania można wnioskować, że wyodrębniona w ten sposób w badaniu grupa pacjentów jest leczona suboptymalnie ze względu na ograniczony dostęp do efektywnej terapii objawów negatywnych, biorąc pod uwagę aktualne rekomendacje Polskiego Towarzystwa Psychiatrycznego

    Shape and topological sensitivity analysis in domains with cracks

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    Framework for shape and topology sensitivity analysis in geometrical domains with cracks is established for elastic bodies in two spatial dimensions. Equilibrium problem for elastic body with cracks is considered. Inequality type boundary conditions are prescribed at the crack faces providing a non-penetration between the crack faces. Modelling of such problems in two spatial dimensions is presented with all necessary details for further applications in shape optimization in structural mechanics. In the paper, general results on the shape and topology sensitivity analysis of this problem are provided. The results are interesting on its own. In particular, the existence of the shape and topological derivatives of the energy functional is obtained. It is shown, in fact, that the level set type method \cite{Fulman} can be applied to shape and topology opimization of the related variational inequalities for elasticity problems in domains with cracks, with the nonpenetration condition prescribed on the crack faces. The results presented in the paper can be used for numerical solution of shape optimization and inverse problems in structural mechanics

    Diatom indices in the biological assessment of the water quality based on the example of a small lowland river

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    The aim of the study was to compare the biological analyzes of the Linda River (Central Poland), which were based on three diatom indices: IO, GDI and IPS in order to select the best diatom index for the biological assessment of the lotic water quality. Additionally, the summary of the selected results of the biological and chemical analyzes was presented to show how precise the biological analyzes are as a basic tool in the assessment of the ecological status of the lotic waters. The results showed that each of the indices assessed the water in the Linda River to a specific but different quality class. The IO index showed class II of the water quality, while the IPS and GDI — class III. Statistical analysis conducted with the nonparametric Kruskal-Wallis test for independent samples (Kruskal, Wallis 1952) showed that differences in the values of individual indices at different sites were not statistically significant. It should be noticed that the IPS and GDI indices gave values that classify the water in the Linda River at least one class below. The obtained results confirmed that the biological methods are most reliable in the assessment of the water quality. These methods are less sensitive to a single impact of the environmental factors, therefore they permit accurate determination of the ecological status of the water ecosystems

    A numerical method for shape and topology optimization for semilinear elliptic equation

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    International audienceShape optimization problem for semilinear elliptic equation is considered. There is an optimal solution which is computed by the Levelset method. To this end the shape derivative of the functional is evaluated. In order to predict the topology changes the topological derivative is employed. Numerical results confirm that the proposed framework for numerical solution of shape optimization problems is efficient

    Nie ma wody na pustyni – realizacja programów polityki zdrowotnej przez jednostki samorządu terytorialnego szczebla powiatowego w Polsce

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    Jednostki samorządu terytorialnego stopnia powiatowego zobowiązane są do tworzenia i realizacji programów polityki zdrowotnej, co wynika z wyznaczonych im zadań w ochronie zdrowia. W artykule poddano weryfikacji, w jakim stopniu powiaty/miasta na prawach powiatu wywiązują się z tych zadań poprzez realizację programów polityki zdrowotnej oraz czy istnieje związek między realizacją takich programów a zamożnością powiatu, wskaźnikami opisującymi stan zdrowia populacji oraz posiadaniem przez powiat własnych podmiotów leczniczych. W wyniku przeprowadzonego badania stwierdzono, że na terenie jednostek, które realizują programy zdrowotne (choroby cywilizacyjne, nowotwory), występują niższe wskaźniki zgonów. Jednocześnie zaledwie 38% powiatów i 70% miast na prawach powiatu faktycznie realizowało takie programy. Za główne powody tak niskiego odsetka powiatów tworzących wyżej wymienione programy należy uznać niewystarczające wsparcie strukturalne (prawo), instytucjonalne (jednostki mogące pomóc w tworzeniu takich programów) oraz problemy z kadrą i braki w know‑how pracowników JST. Do poprawy sytuacji mogłyby przyczynić się: powstanie centralnego rejestru programów, lepsze rozwiązania legislacyjne, modyfikacja lub budowanie innych modeli polityki zdrowotnej (stawiających na profilaktykę i promocję zdrowia) oraz wsparcie edukacyjne dla samorządów

    Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis - novel approach on future treatment

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    IntroductionIdiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is a fatal pulmonary disease that leads to progressive fibrosis and extremely poor resaults.. Since the etiology is unknown, there are highly limited options of the IPF treatment. The researchers are trying to discover the most valuable targets, leading them to the agents registered in different conditions or not registered as any other treatment. This innovative approach can result in IPF being determined as not fatal. PurposeThe purpose of our review is to present possible future treatment of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and point out the promising targets that could lead the researchers to the development of better IPF management. Materials and methodsWe have reviewed the literature from the PubMed database searching for clinical trials, meta analysis and randomized controlled trials from the past 5 years. The keywords we agreed on offered us the most informative articles and made us hope for the further development of our article. ResultsOur review shows that there are new targets that could significantly benefit IPF treatment. However, the means we presented in our review need more research to prove its safeness, effectiveness in slowing down the decline of the FVC, improving patients’ physical efficiency, their saturation level and most importantly their ability to stop the continuous fibrosis of the lungs. ConclusionsThe only treatment registered for IPF are nintedanib and pirfenidone, but the researchers continue the exploration of new possible measures to improve the survival rate and quality of life of the patients suffering from this fatal disease