138 research outputs found

    Föderatív elméletek és közép-kelet-európai megvalósítåsi kísérletek = Federative Concepts and Central European Experiments

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    KutatĂĄsaink cĂ©lkitƱzĂ©se az volt, hogy a mĂșlt elmĂ©leti Ă©s gyakorlati tapasztalatainak figyelembevĂ©telĂ©vel egy ĂĄltalunk kidolgozott koncepcionĂĄlis keretbe ĂĄgyazva megvizsgĂĄljuk a föderalizmus lehetƑsĂ©geit Ă©s esĂ©lyeit az EurĂłpai UniĂłban, illetve bukĂĄsĂĄnak okait CsehszlovĂĄkiĂĄban Ă©s JugoszlĂĄviĂĄban. Ennek megfelelƑen fontosnak tartottuk a föderalizmus Ă©s a hozzĂĄ kapcsolĂłdĂł fogalmak tisztĂĄzĂĄsĂĄt, megjelenĂ©sĂ©nek elemzĂ©sĂ©t a politikai gondolkodĂĄs törtĂ©netĂ©ben, az EU politikai jövƑjĂ©vel kapcsolatos ilyen irĂĄnyĂș vitĂĄk Ă©s tervek ismertetĂ©sĂ©t, valamint a sikertelensĂ©g okainak elemzĂ©sĂ©t az emlĂ­tett kĂ©t közĂ©p-kelet-eurĂłpai orszĂĄgban. CsehszlovĂĄkia föderĂĄlis ĂĄllamformĂĄt az 1968-as PrĂĄgai Tavasz vĂ­vmĂĄnyakĂ©nt, 1969. januĂĄr 1-tƑl kapott. Olyan aszimmetrikus modellre Ă©pĂŒlt, amelyben a köztĂĄrsasĂĄgi szervek csak a szlovĂĄk oldalon vĂĄltak teljessĂ©, a cseh köztĂĄrsasĂĄgi szinten fölösleges formĂĄkkĂ©nt ĂŒrĂŒltek ki. A föderĂĄciĂł autentikussĂĄ tĂ©telĂ©nek alkotmĂĄnyos kĂ­sĂ©rlete a rendszervĂĄltĂĄs idejĂ©n sikertelennek bizonyult. A dĂ©lszlĂĄv terĂŒleten a kutatĂĄs az 1945-ig terjedƑ idƑszakban az elmĂ©leti megfontolĂĄsokra Ă©s a megfogalmazott követelĂ©sekre összepontosĂ­t, hiszen gyakorlati politikĂĄra kĂ©t kivĂ©teltƑl eltekintve ekkor nem volt lehetƑsĂ©g. Az 1945-tƑl 1991-ig terjedƑ rĂ©sz elemzi mind az elmĂ©leti vitĂĄkat, mind a politikai törekvĂ©seket, valamint kĂŒlön hangsĂșlyt fektet az alkotmĂĄny vitĂĄkra. VĂ©gĂŒl az önĂĄllĂłvĂĄ vĂĄlt köztĂĄrsasĂĄgok belsƑ (BiH, SCG) Ă©s kĂŒlsƑ (EU) föderĂĄciĂłs tapasztalatait vizsgĂĄlja. | The aim of our researches was to analyse the possibilities of federalism in the European Union, and to examine the reasons of failure in Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia, taking the past's theoretical and practical experience into consideration and placing it into a conception frame having been worked out by us. According to it, we found it important to make federalism and the connected definitions clear, to analyse its appearance in the history of political way of thinking, to set forth connecting debates and plans concerning the European Union's political future and to examine the reasons of the failure in the already-mentioned two Central Eastern European countries. Czechoslovakia acquired the federal form of state on the first of January 1969 as an achievement of the 1968 Spring of Prague Revolution. It was based on an asymmetrical system in which the republic organs became complete only on the Slovakian side while having become needless on the Czech republic level. The constitutional attempt to make federalism authentic proved to be unsuccessful in the period of the change of regime. In the South-Slavic area, the research concerning the period up until 1945, focuses on theoretical conceptions and specific demands since except for two exceptions, there was no chance for practical politics back then. The part, which deals with the 1945-1991 era, analyses the theoretical debates as well as the political efforts, putting special emphasis on the constitutional panels. Finally, it examines the inner (BIH, SCG) and the external (EU) federal experience of the republics which have become independent

    Dohånylevelek objektív åtvétele szín szerint

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    Die Verfasser nahmen — zwecks objektive Einordnung von TabakblĂ€tternin Farbenklassen — Messungen mit Lovibond Tintometer, Pulfrich Refraktometer, Spekol Photometer und „Tabak-Refraktometer” vor. Das letztere GerĂ€t wurde in Zentralen Forschungsinstitut fĂŒr Lebensmittelindustrie konstruiert. Aufgrund der Messungsergebnisse wurde das Mass der Streuung zwischen den BlĂ€tterproben und innerhalb der BlĂ€tter festgestellt, der Einfluss der BlĂ€tterstĂ€rke auf die Abweichungen zwischen den Reflexionswerten, wie auch die zur Einreihung in Farbenklassen notwendige Anzahl von Proben. Die Verfasser empfehlen aufgrund der statistischen Aufarbeitung der Messergebnisse Grenzwerte fĂŒr die verschiedenen objektiven Farbenkiassen, welche sich nach DurchfĂŒhrung der Korrektion nach Jahrgang und Region fĂŒr die eindeutige Qualifizierung eignen. In order to classify tobacco leaves into objective colour classes measurements were made with a Lovibond Tintometer, a Pulfrich refractometer, a Spekol photometer and a „tobacco-refractometer” instrument which latter has been constructed in the Central Research Institute for Food Industry. On the basis of the data of measurements the scattering of the data of tobacco leaf samples and the scattering within the same leaf, the effect of leaf thickness on the deviations between measured reflectance values, and the number of samples required for the classification into the various „colour classes” were established. Based on the statistical evaluation of the measured data, limit values are suggested for the classification into objective colour groups. Subsequent to a correction for seasons and culture regions, these values are suitable for an unequivocal evaluation. Afin de classifier les feuilles de tabac dans des catĂ©gories objectives de Couleur, les auteurs ont effectuĂ© des mesures au tintomĂ©tre Lovibond, au refractomĂ©tre Pulfrich, au photomĂ©tre Spekol et au «refractomĂ©tre de tabac». Ce dernier a Ă©tĂ© construit Ă€ l’Institut Central de Recherches des Industries Alimentaires. A partir des rĂ©sultats de mesure on a Ă©tabli les taux des dĂ©viations standardes entre les Ă©chantillons de feuilles ainsi que dans une population de feuilles, l’effet de l’épaisseur des feuilles sur les diffĂ©rences entre les valeurs de rĂ©flĂ©xion et le nombre des Ă©chantillons nĂ©cessaires Ă€ Ă©ffectuer la classification dans des catĂ©gories de couleur. A la base de l’évaluation statistique ils proposent des valeurs limites pour la sĂ©paration selon catĂ©gories de couleur, qui se prĂ©tent, apres des corrections selon campagnes et rĂ©gions, Ă€ une qualification univoque

    A hatĂłsĂĄgi Ă©lelmiszerellenƑrzƑ hĂĄlĂłzat fejlesztĂ©se Ă©s bƑvĂ­tĂ©se

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    Die Verfasser behandeln die Frage der VerstĂ€rkung und Modernisierung der behördlichen Lebensmittelkontrolle. Sie legen die BeweggrĂŒnde dar, welche die Erweiterung und VerschĂ€rfung der KontrolltĂ€tigkeit motivieren. Aufgrund der Analyse der gegenwĂ€rtigen Lage auf dem Gebiete der Überwachung machen sie VorschlĂ€ge zur Modernisierung, bzw. ErweiterungdesKontrolInetzes. Neben Festlegung der technischen-materiellen-personellen Bedingungen der Entwicklung befassen sie sich auch mit — die Wirksamkeit und das Niveau der behördlichen Lebensmittelkontrolle steigernden — methodischen Problemen. The authors deal with the problems of enhancing and updating the official food quality control. The motivation of extending and strictening the control is given. The analysis of the present situation of the control system permits suggestions as to its updating and extension. Apart from the technical, financial and personal conditions of development methodological problems increasing the efficiency and level of the official food quality control are dealt with. Les auteurs s’occupent du problĂ©me de l’extension et de la modernisation du contröle administratif des denrĂ©es. IIs prĂ©sentent les motifs qui nĂ©cessitent l’extension et des mesures plus strictes du contrĂłle. L’analyse de la situation presente du rĂ©seau de contrĂłle les induit Ă€ faire des propositions quant Ă€ la modernisation et l’extension du rĂ©seau. A part de dĂ©terminer les conditions techniques, financielles et personnelies du dĂ©veloppement ils s’occupent de problĂ©mes mĂ©thodologiques afin d’augmenter l’efficacitĂ© et le niveau du contrĂłle administratif des denrĂ©es

    InnovatĂ­v informĂĄciĂłtechnolĂłgiai eszközök hasznĂĄlata a Debreceni Egyetem sportszervezƑ kĂ©pzĂ©sĂ©ben = Use of innovative information and communication technologies in the sport manager course of the University of Debrecen

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    In the last two decades have seen a considerable dynamic and continuous development of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in each area of life that have affected the education sector as well. The potentials and advantages of education in ICT environment have been realized and the development of an effective and motivating environment in classrooms based on innovative ICT tools became an objective of education policy. The innovative ICT tools highlight knowledge transfer in another perspective and change considerably the environment of education. The aim of this study on one hand is to introduce a “smart classroom”, which is configured in the University of Debrecen as a unique initiation in higher education. The “smart classroom”, next to the interactive board, is installed with tablets and an interactive table to help the education which is based interactions in small groups and new approaches. On the other hand, the goal is to demonstrate the utilization possibilities of the innovative solutions of the "smart classroom" in sport management education

    InnovatĂ­v informĂĄciĂłtechnolĂłgiai eszközök hasznĂĄlata a Debreceni Egyetem sportszervezƑ kĂ©pzĂ©sĂ©ben = Use of innovative information and communication technologies in the sport manager course of the University of Debrecen

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    In the last two decades have seen a considerable dynamic and continuous development of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in each area of life that have affected the education sector as well. The potentials and advantages of education in ICT environment have been realized and the development of an effective and motivating environment in classrooms based on innovative ICT tools became an objective of education policy. The innovative ICT tools highlight knowledge transfer in another perspective and change considerably the environment of education. The aim of this study on one hand is to introduce a “smart classroom”, which is configured in the University of Debrecen as a unique initiation in higher education. The “smart classroom”, next to the interactive board, is installed with tablets and an interactive table to help the education which is based interactions in small groups and new approaches. On the other hand, the goal is to demonstrate the utilization possibilities of the innovative solutions of the "smart classroom" in sport management education
