5 research outputs found

    Increase in Alzheimer's related markers preceeds memory disturbances: Studies in vasopressin-deficient Brattleboro rat

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    Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most common form of dementia in the elderly. For more effective therapy early diagnostic markers could be beneficial. Therefore we compared one year old rats with adults and examined if changes in possible brain markers of AD preceeded memory decline. We also tested if vasopressin-deficient animals were useful model of AD as vasopressin has well known positive effect on memory and AD patient has decreased vasopressin production. We compared adult (3 month) and old (12 month), normal and vasopressin-deficient Brattleboro rats. To receive a comprehensive picture about their memory we examined their social discrimination, object discrimination and conditioned learning abilities (shuttle box). Amyloid precursor protein (APP), mitogen-activated protein kinase 1 (MAPK1), β-actin and tryptophan 2,3-dioxygenase 2 (TDO2) mRNA levels was measured by quantitative PCR. There was no difference between the memory of adult and aged groups. The vasopressin-deficient rats at both ages showed a weaker performance in the course of social and object discrimination tests and a higher escape failure during the shuttle box experiment. The brain marker mRNAs of the elder animals were higher than the levels of the adults, but the absence of vasopressin had no influence on them. Thus, the one year old rats showed elevated levels of AD-related markers, but memory deficits were observable only in vasopressin deficient animals. Vasopressin does not seem to have pathogenic role in AD. Changes in the studied markers might predict later symptoms, although further studies are required for confirmation

    A szenzoros integrációs terápia alkalmazhatósága az óvodában

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    A szakdolgozat első, elméleti részében a dinamikus szenzoros integrációs terápia megalapítóját, röviden az élettörténetét, a terápia sajátosságait, elveit, eszközeit és jótékony, illetve fejlesztő hatásait, szemléletét, tüneteit és játékeszközeit szeretném bemutatni. Lényegesnek tartom a terápia részletes bemutatását, hiszen ennek megismerése segít megérteni a mozgás sokoldalú hatását a gyermeki szervezetre és a fejlesztésre.A dolgozat következő részében az önálló kutatásomat szeretném bemutatni, amiben fény derül a mozgáshiány következményeire, az ennek okán kialakuló tünetekre és a kialakuló kórképekre. Kutatásom során kérdőívemmel és interjúmmal választ keresek feltételezéseimre, amiket előzetes tapasztalataim és tanulmányaim alapján alkottam.A dolgozat utolsó részében összegzem a terápiáról leírtakat, illetve az óvoda és a család kiemelkedő szerepét a gyermek egészséges mozgásfejlesztésében. Összevetem a kutatási eredményeimet a szakdolgozat elméleti részével, illetve a hipotéziseimmel, majd véleményt alkotok a teljes szakdolgozat felépítéséről.BSc/BAÓvodapedagógi

    The potential role of oxytocin and perinatal factors in the pathogenesis of autism spectrum disorders - review of the literature.

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    Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) are characterized by: social and communication impairments, and by restricted repetitive behaviors. The aim of the present paper is to review abnormalities of oxytocin (OXT) and related congenital malformations in ASD. A literature search was conducted in the PubMed database up to 2016 for articles related to the pathomechanism of ASD, abnormalities of OXT and the OXT polymorphism in ASD. The pathomechanism of ASD has yet to be. The development of ASD is suggested to be related to abnormalities of the oxytocin-arginin-vasopressin system. Previous results suggest that OXT and arginine vasopressin (AVP) may play a role in the etiopathogenesis of ASD

    Az autizmusspektrum-zavarok prenatalis diagnózisának lehetőségei

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    Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is an idiopathic multifactorial disease. Chromosomal abnormalities could be found only in a few percent (0.3-0.6) of cases. The estimated prevalence is 0.6 in Europe and the prevalence of the disease has been increased in last few decades. ASD have an impact on the quality of life of the patient and his family. The early diagnosis of ASD is most important. There are limited data regarding the measure of biparietal diameter (BPD) of the fetus in the first trimester of pregnancy. These data suggested the BPD is an important screening marker for ASD, but the complex prenatal screening is unresolved. There is a need for further investigations of the genetic background of ASD and to identify potentially first trimester ultrasound markers for ASD

    Increase in Alzheimer's related markers preceeds memory disturbances: Studies in vasopressin-deficient Brattleboro rat

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    Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most common form of dementia in the elderly. For more effective therapy early diagnostic markers could be beneficial. Therefore we compared one year old rats with adults and examined if changes in possible brain markers of AD preceeded memory decline. We also tested if vasopressin-deficient animals were useful model of AD as vasopressin has well known positive effect on memory and AD patient has decreased vasopressin production. We compared adult (3 month) and old (12 month), normal and vasopressin-deficient Brattleboro rats. To receive a comprehensive picture about their memory we examined their social discrimination, object discrimination and conditioned learning abilities (shuttle box). Amyloid precursor protein (APP), mitogen-activated protein kinase 1 (MAPK1), beta-actin and tryptophan 2,3-dioxygenase 2 (TDO2) mRNA levels was measured by quantitative PCR. There was no difference between the memory of adult and aged groups. The vasopressin-deficient rats at both ages showed a weaker performance in the course of social and object discrimination tests and a higher escape failure during the shuttle box experiment. The brain marker mRNAs of the elder animals were higher than the levels of the adults, but the absence of vasopressin had no influence on them. Thus, the one year old rats showed elevated levels of AD-related markers, but memory deficits were observable only in vasopressin deficient animals. Vasopressin does not seem to have pathogenic role in AD. Changes in the studied markers might predict later symptoms, although further studies are required for confirmation