206 research outputs found

    The influencing effect of slogans in segment of children

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    Nowadays children face lots of slogans every single day. A good slogan generates feelings. Of course these feelings, brand names and slogans can be placed in mind of children by marketing experts. The remember rate of slogans is shockingly high, higher than is case of their parents. We can state that well-placed slogans play a very important role in influencing of children. All of these contribute to the development of brand loyalty, which – if it develops during childhood – can last an entire lifetime. My primary research (sample size is 1222 children) shows the remember rate of slogans and brand names in case of different foods with high level of fat-, sugarand/or salt content

    The responsibility of marketing and legislation in childhood obesity

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    The purchasing power of youth is considerable; they are the market of the future. , the young generation is the most influenced and vulnerable segment of the economy. The greatest problem of the influencing of our children is the rising cost of childhood obesity. The health care system cannot keep up with the pressure of obesity. Today, the risk of obesity is a bigger problem than smoking or alcoholism. The greatest problem is that youth underestimates the cost and risk of consumption of foods with high levels of fats, sugar and/or salt

    Ki a felelƑs – ÁttekintĂ©s a gyermekkori elhĂ­zĂĄsrĂłl

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    A gyermekkorban Ă©s fiatalkorban jelentkezƑ elhĂ­zĂĄs, mint tĂĄrsadalmi jelensĂ©g mĂĄra mĂĄr nem csupĂĄn az egyĂ©n egĂ©szsĂ©gĂŒgyi ĂĄllapotĂĄt negatĂ­van befolyĂĄsolĂł tĂ©nyezƑ, hanem nemzetgazdasĂĄgi szinten jelentkezƑ komoly Ă©s sokoldalĂș problĂ©ma. A tĂșlsĂșlyossĂĄg Ă©s a belƑle szĂĄrmazĂł egĂ©szsĂ©gĂŒgyi problĂ©mĂĄk mindenkĂ©ppen hozzĂĄjĂĄrulnak mind az egyĂ©ni, mind a tĂĄrsadalmi jĂłlĂ©t csökkenĂ©sĂ©hez. Emellett mindenkĂ©ppen meg kell emlĂ­teni a tĂșlsĂșlyossĂĄgbĂłl Ă©s elhĂ­zĂĄsbĂłl szĂĄrmazĂł egĂ©szsĂ©gĂŒgyi kiadĂĄsok drasztikus emelkedĂ©sĂ©t, mely napjainkban a legĂ©getƑbb egĂ©szsĂ©gĂŒgyi-, Ă©s mĂĄr-mĂĄr finanszĂ­rozhatatlan gazdasĂĄgi problĂ©mĂĄvĂĄ nƑtte ki magĂĄt. Nem elhanyagolhatĂł azoknak a szĂĄma, akik az elhĂ­zĂĄs jĂĄrvĂĄnyszerƱ terjedĂ©sĂ©ben jelentƑs szerepet tulajdonĂ­tanak az Ă©lelmiszeriparnak, a magas zsĂ­r-, sĂł-, cukortartalmĂș Ă©lelmiszerek gyĂĄrtĂłinak, valamint a tĂșlzottan is hatĂ©kony marketingkommunikĂĄciĂłnak. KutatĂĄsomban vizsgĂĄlom a gyermek- Ă©s fiatalkori elhĂ­zĂĄs felelƑseinek szerepĂ©t Ă©s körĂ©t (ĂĄllam, ĂŒzleti szektor, szĂŒlƑk, miko-, Ă©s makrokultĂșra, egyĂ©ni felelƑssĂ©gvĂĄllalĂĄs) keresve a leginkĂĄbb felelƑssĂ©ggel bĂ­rĂł szereplƑt. | There is no doubt that overweight and the health problems arising from obesity contribute to the decrease of both individual and social welfare. I should also mention the drastic increase of health expenses caused by overweight and obesity, because recently it has became the most pressing health and almost a non-financeable economic problem. Number of people is nonnegligible who think that epidemic spread of obesity is significantly attributable to food industry, to producers of foods with high level of fat, salt and sugar, and to overdrew marketing communications. In my paper I examine the responsibility of different players (state, business sector, parents, micro- and macro culture, individual responsibility) and I looking for the most important influencing factor in process of childhood obesity

    Jótållås a fogyasztók fejében

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    A gyermekkori elhĂ­zĂĄs Ă©s Ă©lelmiszercĂ­mke összefĂŒggĂ©seinek marketing szempontĂș vizsgĂĄlata

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    A fiatalkorĂșak cĂ©lcsoportja a piac leginkĂĄbb befolyĂĄsolhatĂł szegmensĂ©t jelenti. KutatĂĄsaink szerint a fiatalok fele nem fordĂ­t kĂŒlönösebb figyelmet az egĂ©szsĂ©ges tĂĄplĂĄlkozĂĄsra, s a fiataloknak csupĂĄn egyharmada Ă©rti az Ă©lelmiszercĂ­mke jelölĂ©seit. SĂșlyosbĂ­tja a helyzetet, hogy magas zsĂ­r-, sĂł-, cukortartalmĂș Ă©lelmiszereket (pĂ©ldĂĄul gyorsĂ©ttermi lĂĄncok termĂ©kei, kĂłla, chips) nĂ©pszerƱsĂ­tenek. A hazai Ă©lelmiszercĂ­mke- szabĂĄlyozĂĄsban mindenkĂ©ppen cĂ©lszerƱ figyelembe venni mĂĄs orszĂĄgok gyakorlatĂĄt, kĂŒlönös tekintettel az EgyesĂŒlt Államok Ă©lelmiszercĂ­mkĂ©ire, valamint a Magyar Nemzeti SzĂ­valapĂ­tvĂĄny elkĂ©pzelĂ©seire. Az elmaradĂĄs eredmĂ©nye a 20%-ban tĂșlsĂșlyos, egĂ©szsĂ©gĂŒgyi problĂ©mĂĄkkal kĂŒzdƑ fiatal nemzedĂ©k

    Regulation of “unhealthy food” advertisements according to health-care workers

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    The proportion of food advertisements (particularly advertisements of foods with high level of fat, sugar and/or salt) is high. The advertised “unhealthy” foods are most popular in segment of children. We can state that these advertisements influence the children’s eating habits and their food consumption and contribute the rising cost of childhood obesity. There are several initiations to protect children. According to health-care workers’ opinion in Hungary is the childhood obesity is dangerous and e.g. fat tax can contribute to reduction of unhealthy foods’ consumption. The opinion of experts is clear; redefinition of advertising regulation is needed in case of foods with high level of fat, sugar and/or salt

    A gyermekkori elhĂ­zĂĄs gazdasĂĄgi Ă©s marketing aspektusai az egĂ©szsĂ©gĂŒgyi szakemberek szerint | THE ECONOMIC AND MARKETING ASPECTS OF CHILDHOOD OBESITY ACCORDING TO HEALTH CARE EXPERTS

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    There is no doubt that the health problems arising from obesity contribute to the decrease of both individual and social welfare. I should also mention the drastic increase of healthcare expenses caused by overweight and obesity, because recently it has become the most pressing health issue and almost a non-financeable economic problem. A significant number of people agree that the epidemic spread of obesity is significantly attributable to food industry, to producers of foods with high levels of fat, salt and sugar, and to overdrew marketing communications. In my research I examine the opinion of health care workers. 1,183 experts took part in my research. Experts describe a high level of correlation between childhood obesity and corporate marketing activity. Results of my research call attention to the importance of consumer protection

    KockĂĄzat Ă©s biztonsĂĄg az online piactereken

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