39 research outputs found

    Az apåt lexéma megjelenése a garamszentbenedeki apåtsåg birtokainak nevében

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    The appearance of the lexeme apát ‘abbot’ in the names of the possessions of Garamszentbenedek Abbey     This paper presents the changes of names for possessions of Garamszentbenedek Abbey. The author examines toponyms that reflect ecclesiastical possession: the observed names were either derived from the lexeme apát ‘abbot’, or their changes involved the appearance of the same lexeme in the name forms. Collecting and analysing place names that indicated territories owned by the same proprietor has thrown light on so far hidden connections among toponyms: the names of the possessions that belonged to Garamszentbenedek Abbey raise the possibility that the distinctive additions also ‘lower’ and felsƑ ‘upper’, for instance, were used not only to identify the two ends of a formerly single settlement after these parts became independent habitations, but also to eliminate homonymy

    Interpolålt oklevelek és a magyar nyelvtörténet

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    Unter den ungarischen Sprachwissenschaftlern war es bis zur heutigen Zeit eine weit anerkannte Meinung, dass die gefĂ€lschten Urkunden nicht geeignet sind, der Sprachgeschichte bzw. der Sprachgeschichtsforschung als Quellen zu dienen. Aufgrund dieser Annahme sind viele Urkunden außer Sicht der linguistischen Forschungen geraten, deshalb soll man versuchen, den Wert der Urkunden diesen Typs als wissenschaftliche Quelle zu bestimmen. Ich möchte die Frage beantworten, mithilfe welcher Anhaltspunkte lassen sich die sprachlichen Daten der kronologisch ungewissen, d.h. interpolierten Urkunden beruhigend analysieren. Diesen Problemkreis will ich durch die Arbeit an der an Ortsnamen des 11. Jahrhunderts (1075) reichen Urkunde, der GrĂŒndungsurkunde der Abtei Sankt Benedikt darstellen. Der Originaltext der Urkunde GĂ©za I. ist im 13. Jahrhundert erweitert worden, so muss man sich in der Urkunde zu Sankt Benedikt ĂŒber zwei kronologische Ebenen Rechenschaft geben

    Szent IstvĂĄn PĂ©csvĂĄradi oklevelĂ©nek Sorlogys helynevĂ©rƑl Ă©s ami körĂŒlötte lehetett = The place name Sorlogys in St. Stephen’s Charter of PĂ©csvĂĄrad and its context

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    The Benedictine Abbey of PĂ©csvĂĄrad was founded by St. Stephen. The authentic foundation charter of the abbey was presumably completed at the beginning of the 11th century, and it was followed by the authentic registering charter at the end of the century. The originals of these charters did not survive separately, only as parts of the fake charter of PĂ©csvĂĄrad. The fake charter of PĂ©csvĂĄrad was written around 1220, using the previously issued charters (e.g. the authentic foundation and registering charters) as sources. The fake charter was not preserved in its original form either, only in multiple transcriptions from the early 15th century. In this study, the author comments on the source value of the fake charter in place-name history, based on the name Sorlogys included in the charter. The author attempts to answer the question whether or not the denotation of the name form can be related to the date of the authentic charter, that is, to the 11th century. In the second part, the study analyses the connection between the place name Ζαλέση in the foundation charter of the nunnery in VeszprĂ©mvölgy and the name Sorlogys in the present charter

    Sebestyén Zsolt: Kårpåtalja helységnevei

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    A garamszentbenedeki apåtsåg 1075. évi alapítólevelének nyelvtörténeti vizsgålata (Szempontok interpolålt okleveleink nyelvészeti vizsgålatåhoz)

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    Doktori disszertĂĄciĂłmban a garamszentbenedeki apĂĄtsĂĄgot megalapĂ­tĂł oklevĂ©l helyneveinek nyelvtörtĂ©neti, nĂ©vtörtĂ©neti vizsgĂĄlatĂĄra vĂĄllalkoztam. Garamszentbenedek ben-cĂ©s apĂĄtsĂĄgĂĄt I. GĂ©za kirĂĄly alapĂ­totta Bars vĂĄrmegyĂ©ben, a Garam mellett, alapĂ­tĂł okmĂĄnya 1075-bƑl szĂĄrmazik. Az oklevĂ©l Ă­rĂĄsbelisĂ©gĂŒnk korai idƑszakĂĄban keletkezett tehĂĄt, Ă©s körĂŒlbelĂŒl 250 helynevet tartalma

    The source value of early charters of uncertain chronological status in historical linguistics and onomastics

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    This paper explores the problem of the source value of charters from the point of view of research in linguistic history. Charters written in Latin often contain elements of the vulgar language (in this case, Hungarian). Only four authentic Hungarian charters have survived from the 11th century in their original form. Therefore, we have also included the non-authentic and non-original charters of the 11th century in our research over the recent decades