13 research outputs found

    Magnesium Alloys Based Composites

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    Metal matrix composites (MMCs) based on magnesium alloys are excellent candidates for engineering light structure materials, and have great potential in automotive, high performance defence and aerospace applications. In spite of relatively high number of papers dealing with microstructure and mechanical properties of MMCs based on Mg alloys, the deformation mechanisms and other physical properties of these materials are not known enough.The objective of this chapter is to reveal influence of various reinforcement types on the mechanical and physical behaviour of composites in which various magnesium alloys were reinforced with short alumina (Saffil®) fibres and/or SiC and Si particles.JRC.F.4-Safety of future nuclear reactor

    Studia Litteraria

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    Előszó p. 9-11. BITSKEY ISTVÁN: Az identitástudat formái a kora újkori Kárpát-medencében p. 11-24. JANKOVITS LÁSZLÓ: Az identitás kérdése Jacobus Piso egyik verse kapcsán p. 24-32. CSEHY ZOLTÁN: Janus vagy Ovidius? Girolamo Balbi költészetének énformálási stratégiái p. 32-43. KOVÁCS ZSUZSA: Szent Vilma (Santa Guglielma) magyar királyné legendája és kultusza Itáliában a 14–17. században p. 43-56. UTASI CSILLA: A Száz fabula európai irodalmi kontextusa p. 56-62. TÓTH-MIHALA VERONIKA: Melius tanítása az örök életről p. 62-72. KŐSZEGHY PÉTER: Balassi Bálint Füves kertecskéje p. 72-87. TÜSKÉS GÁBOR–KNAPP ÉVA: A magyar nemzetsors toposzai a német jezsuita drámában p. 87-106. KEES TESZELSZKY: Révay Péter és Justus Lipsius eszméi a történelemről és a nemzeti identitásról p. 106-114. TATJANA GUSZAROVA: Etnikai, politikai és vallási identitás egy 17. századi magyar jogász, Aszalay István eszmevilágában p. 114-126. IMRE MIHÁLY: A marburgi magyar peregrináció és a Verbesserungswerk kapcsolata p. 126-144. SZABÓ ANDRÁS: Szenci Molnár Albert és Heidelberg ostroma 1622-ben p. 144-155. PETRŐCZI ÉVA: Pápai Páriz Imre, a magyar puritánok „Szent Ambrusa” p. 155-163. OLÁH SZABOLCS: „Az egészséges beszédeknek példáját megtartsd” A kegyességgyakorlás nyelve (Medgyesi Pál: Praxis pietatis és Doce nos orare) p. 163-190. FAZAKAS GERGELY TAMÁS: Nemzet és/vagy Anyaszentegyház Közösségképzetek a kora újkori református imádságirodalomban (Egy kutatás előzményei és lehetséges irányai) p. 190-215. GÁTI MAGDOLNA: A fejedelemtükör szerepkijelölései és közösségképző hatása (Esettanulmány) p. 215-227. GÁBOR CSILLA: Változatok a sorsértelmezésre: Csete István prédikációi Mária országáról és annak történetéről p. 227-242. SZÁRAZ ORSOLYA: Devóció, retorika, katolikus identitástudat Paolo Segneri magyarországi recepciója p. 242-252. NAGY LEVENTE: Magyar kutatógenerációk és a Marsili-hagyaték p. 252-275. Névmutató p. 275. A kötet szerzői p. 285

    Investigation of the Mechanical and Physical Properties of Composites Based on Perspective Magnesium Alloys

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    Katedra fyziky materiálůDepartment of Physics of MaterialsFaculty of Mathematics and PhysicsMatematicko-fyzikální fakult

    Investigation of the Mechanical and Physical Properties of Composites Based on Perspective Magnesium Alloys

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    Katedra fyziky materiálůDepartment of Physics of MaterialsFaculty of Mathematics and PhysicsMatematicko-fyzikální fakult

    Microstructure of AZ31 and AZ61 Mg alloys prepared by rolling and ECAP

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    Microstructure and mechanical properties of AZ31 and AZ61 magnesium alloys after rolling and then subjected to equal channel angular pressing (ECAP) were investigated. Tensile tests were carried out at room temperature. The values of microhardness, the ultimate tensile strength and the elongation to failure were determined

    Evaluating plastic anisotropy in two aluminum alloys processed by equal-channel angular pressing

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    Experiments were conducted on two commercial aluminum alloys, Al-6061 and Al-7034, to evaluate the development of any plastic anisotropy during processing by equal-channel angular pressing (ECAP). After pressing through various numbers of passes, compression tests were conducted at room temperature using samples cut in different orientations with respect to the pressing direction. Additional information was obtained by taking microhardness measurements on three orthogonal planes of sectioning. The results show the presence of significant changes in the stress–strain behavior after ECAP but these changes are fully consistent with the anticipated trends based on tensile data reported earlier. Using results from compression testing and from the microhardness measurements, both alloys confirm the development of excellent homogeneity after pressing through 6 passes. There is no evidence in these two alloys for any tension–compression asymmetry in plastic deformation after processing by ECAP

    High-Fluence Multi-Energy Ion Irradiation for Testing of Materials

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    Structural materials of the new generation of nuclear reactors, fission as well as fusion, must often cope with high production rates of transmutation helium. Their testing hence requires either a powerful source of fast neutrons or a high-fluence ion-irradiation facility providing sufficient amounts of high-energy helium to investigate its effect on the material. Most ion irradiation studies, however, concentrate on basic effects such as defect evolution or bubble swelling in narrow near-surface regions modified by ion bombardment. Studies on bulk samples with a relatively thick implanted region, which would enable, for instance, micromechanical testing, are underrepresented. This gap might be filled by high-fluence multi-energy ion irradiations modifying several tens of micrometres of the investigated substrate. High-energy ion accelerators providing reasonable currents with energies of tens of MeV are rarely employed in such studies due to their scarcity or considerable beamtime costs. To contribute to this field, this article reports a unique single-beam He implantation experiment aimed at obtaining quasi-uniform displacement damage across >60 μm with the He/dpa ratio roughly one order of magnitude above the typical spallation neutron target irradiation conditions. Some technical aspects of this irradiation experiment, along with recent developments and upgrades at the 6 MV Tandetron accelerator of the Slovak university of technology in Bratislava, are presented

    Eye-tracking-aided characterization of saccades and antisaccades in SYNE1 ataxia patients

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    SYNE1 ataxia is an autosomal recessive hereditary condition, the main characteristic features of which are gait and limb ataxia and cerebellar dysarthria. Reports have revealed that the clinical phenotype of SYNE1 ataxia is more complex than the first published cases with pure cerebellar signs indicated. The aim of this study was to characterize eye movement alterations in the first diagnosed Hungarian SYNE1 ataxia patients.Saccades and antisaccades were examined with an eye tracker device in 3 SYNE1 (one patient has two frameshift mutations [c.8515_8516insA, p.Met2839Asnfs*53 and c.11594_11595insG, p.Glu3866*] in a compound heterozygous state, whereas two subjects have a splicing variant [c.23146-2A > G] in a homozygous state), 6 Friedreich ataxia (FA) patients and 12 healthy controls. Besides that, detailed clinical phenotyping and comprehensive neuropsychological assessment were carried out in all patients with ataxia. In addition to the characteristic cerebellar alterations, pyramidal signs and polyneuropathy were observed at least in 2 SYNE1 ataxia patients, for which no other underlying reason was found. The eye tracking assessment revealed hypometric saccades in the longer amplitude (18.4°) saccadic paradigm in all SYNE1 patients, whereas 2 out of 3 SYNE1 subjects performed slow saccades as well. In the antisaccade task, higher incorrect ratios of antisaccades were demonstrated in SYNE1 patients compared to healthy controls, showing inverse correlation with working memory test results. The corresponding data of FA patients was dispersed over a wide range, partially overlapping with control data.The current study draws attention to the presence of eye movement disorders in patients with SYNE1 ataxia and demonstrates that alterations in the antisaccade paradigm may be related to working memory deficits