8 research outputs found
Autonóm földi, légi és vízi robotok korszerű irányításelmélete és mesterséges intelligencia eszközei = Advanced Control Theory and Artificial Intelligence Techniques of Autonomous Ground, Aerial, and Marine Robots
Módszereket dolgoztunk ki autonóm földi, légi és vízi járművek (robotok) egységes elveken alapuló modellezésére. Algoritmusokat fejlesztettünk ki járművek és formációban haladó járműegyüttesek stabil irányítására. Módszereket dolgoztunk ki nemsima nemlinearitásokat tartalmazó robotok és más mechanikai rendszerek modellezésére, identifikációjára és robusztus irányítására. Mozgástervezési és koordinálási algoritmusokat fejlesztettünk ki multiágensű rendszerek számára korlátozások jelenlétében a játékelmélet, a megerősítéses tanulás és a számítási intelligencia bevonásával. Modellezési eljárást és irányítási algoritmusokat dolgoztunk ki alulaktuált földi járművek és más mechanikai rendszerek számára lineáris korlátozások esetén. Megmutattuk, hogy időskálázással bővíthető a linearizálható dinamikus rendszerek osztálya. Algoritmust adtunk aktív alsó végtagprotézis szabályozására. Hiperredundáns robotok mozgástervezésére új elvű eljárást fejlesztettünk ki. Mozgásanalízisen és sztereótechnikán alapuló módszereket fejlesztettünk ki általános képfeldolgozási feladatok megoldására és beltéri járművek térbeli pozíciójának és orientációjának meghatározására valós időben. Új módszertant dolgoztunk ki diszkrét eseményű rendszerek többszintű modellezésére és felügyeleti irányítására. Módszert dolgoztunk ki navigációs szenzorok fúziójára és az állapotváltozók nagy pontosságú becslésére. Mintarendszert fejlesztettünk beltéri helikopterek irányítási algoritmusainak valós idejű vizsgálatára. | Methods were elaborated for modeling autonomous ground, aerial and marine vehicles (robots) based on uniform concepts. Algorithms were developed for stable control of vehicles and their ensembles moving in formation. For robots and other mechanical systems containing nonsmooth nonlinearities new methods were elaborated for modeling, identification and robust control. Motion design and coordination algorithms were developed for constrained multiagent systems based on game theory, reinforcement learning and computational intellegence. Modeling methods and control algorithms were elaborated for underactuated ground vehicles and other mechatronic systems under linear constraints. It was shown that using timescaling the class of linearizable dynamic systems can be extended. An algorithm was developed for the control of an active lower limb prosthetic. A novel method was elaborated for the motion design of hyperredundant robots. Methods based on motion analysis and stereo technique were developed for solving general image processing tasks and determining the position and orientation of indoor vehicles in real time. For discrete event systems a new methodology was given for the multilevel modeling and supervisory control. Methods were elaborated for the fusion of navigation sensors and the high-precision state estimation. A system of 3 indoor helicopters were developed for the investigation of control algorithms in real time
The nonstop decay and the RNA silencing systems operate cooperatively in plants
Translation-dependent mRNA quality control systems protect the protein homeostasis of eukaryotic cells by eliminating aberrant transcripts and stimulating the decay of their protein products. Although these systems are intensively studied in animals, little is known about the translation-dependent quality control systems in plants. Here, we characterize the mechanism of nonstop decay (NSD) system in Nicotiana benthamiana model plant. We show that plant NSD efficiently degrades nonstop mRNAs, which can be generated by premature polyadenylation, and stop codon-less transcripts, which are produced by endonucleolytic cleavage. We demonstrate that in plants, like in animals, Pelota, Hbs1 and SKI2 proteins are required for NSD, supporting that NSD is an ancient and conserved eukaryotic quality control system. Relevantly, we found that NSD and RNA silencing systems cooperate in plants. Plant silencing predominantly represses target mRNAs through endonucleolytic cleavage in the coding region. Here we show that NSD is required for the elimination of 5' cleavage product of mi- or siRNA-guided silencing complex when the cleavage occurs in the coding region. We also show that NSD and nonsense-mediated decay (NMD) quality control systems operate independently in plants
The Emergency Braking Game: a game theoretic approach for maneuvering in a dense crowd of pedestrians
Abstract We introduce an algorithm that maneuvers a vehicle through an area with randomly moving pedestrians. In non-critical situations, our strategy is to avoid pedestrians by steering, whereas dangerously moving pedestrians are avoided by braking, possibly coming to a complete stop. The distinction between non-critical and dangerous situations, as well as proof of safety, is based on a continuous optimization problem that we define. In this abstract problem, called Emergency Braking Game, one pedestrian is actively trying to collide with a continuously decelerating car. We show how to determine the outcome of the game based on the initial states of the car and the pedestrian. Using this information, our algorithm can initiate deceleration in the real scenario in time to avoid collision. The method’s safety is proven theoretically, and its efficiency is shown in simulations with randomly moving pedestrians
Elongation Factor TFIIS is Essential for Heat Stress Adaptation in Plants
Elongation factor TFIIS (transcription factor IIS) is structurally and biochemically probably the best characterized elongation cofactor of RNA polymerase II. However, little is known about TFIIS regulation or its roles during stress responses. Here, we show that, although TFIIS seems unnecessary under optimal conditions in Arabidopsis, its absence renders plants supersensitive to heat; tfIIs mutants die even when exposed to sublethal high temperature. TFIIS activity is required for thermal adaptation throughout the whole life cycle of plants, ensuring both survival and reproductive success. By employing a transcriptome analysis, we unravel that the absence of TFIIS makes transcriptional reprogramming sluggish, and affects expression and alternative splicing pattern of hundreds of heat-regulated transcripts. Transcriptome changes indirectly cause proteotoxic stress and deterioration of cellular pathways, including photosynthesis, which finally leads to lethality. Contrary to expectations of being constantly present to support transcription, we show that TFIIS is dynamically regulated. TFIIS accumulation during heat occurs in evolutionary distant species, including the unicellular alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, dicot Brassica napus and monocot Hordeum vulgare, suggesting that the vital role of TFIIS in stress adaptation of plants is conserved