863 research outputs found


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    Secure multiparty computation (SMC) is a technique that allows multiple parties to jointly compute a function while keeping their inputs private. This technique has gained significant attention due to its potential applications in various fields, including privacy-preserving healthcare, politics and finance. SMC involves a set of protocols that enable parties to achieve secure computation and analysis. These protocols typically involve a trusted third party or a cryptographic algorithm that ensures the privacy of the inputs. Some popular cryptographic algorithms used in SMC include homomorphic encryption, secret sharing, and the one discussed in this thesis, denoted as the round-robin scramble. This thesis focuses on the realization of a secure system for analysing sensitive data across multiple nodes in a distributed network. The thesis discusses the approach, design, and implementation of such a system with emphasis on security, usability, and scalability. Security is of upper importance to prevent information disclosure, followed by usability to ensure practicality and ease of use. Scalability is addressed to accommodate networks of varying sizes. The proposed system, named Sneak, offers near-zero information disclosure by leveraging Python, enabling robust and valid complex analysis operations across distributed networks

    The Evidence-Based Approach to Learning

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    The aviation industry has focused on assessment of non-technical skills and human factors for decades. The ICAO Doc 9995, the IATA EBT implementation guide, authorities and operators are moving towards an evidence-based approach to training and assessment. This presentation will address practical and methodological challenges the FTO’s and instructors are facing when also aiming for evidence-based learning. A core issue is that performance in the simulator should be addressed by integrating assessment of technical and non-technical skills. Secondly, this assessment regime should be compatible to instructor’s working conditions; usually running the simulator while having observation as a main task. Thirdly, the assessment methodology should provide the instructor/assessor and the assessed pilots with data applicable for further learning regarding both technical proficiency and how human factors influence performance. A fourth need is to provide the FTO with data pertaining to training objectives, standardization of instructor practices, documentation of training activities and organizational learning. Pilots are working in a complex operative environment and flight safety requires spectrum of competencies and skills that need to be addressed. A traditional approach to this gives an overwhelming number of behavior indicators and the impact of different operative conditions remains a challenge to the validity of the ratings given. We propose an assessment model with a set of generic variables and indicators which mitigate the instructor workload problem, ties the assessments directly to the operative development as observed by the local expert instructor knowing the operation, and provides the FTO with the needed data

    School-Aged Children With Severe Disabilities And Limited Verbal Language: Exploring The Importance Of Social Interactions And Friendship, And Its Application In Practice

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    Social interactions and friendships with peers have been found to be essential to children’s and adolescents’ development, learning, and overall quality of life. However, research shows children and adolescents with severe disabilities and limited verbal language have fewer friendships and quality social interaction with peers than those without disabilities. This still occurs today, despite the implementation of the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) legislation in 1978. One of the goals of the LRE was to maximize the opportunities children and adolescents with disabilities have when it comes to social interactions with peers in the general education classroom. However, as the general education classroom is not always deemed the most appropriate learning environment for students with severe needs, they receive very little of their education outside of their specialized classrooms. Knowing how important social interaction and peer relationships are when it comes to development, learning, and overall quality of life, it becomes essential to understand why these research findings are not being implemented into practice on a larger scale. Thus, this three-article dissertation aims to explore how past, current, and future research on social interactions and friendship impact how we educate students with disabilities and limited verbal language. Further, this study aims to provide educators, policymakers, and researchers a holistic understanding of why social inclusion and peer relationships are essential to how well students with disabilities and limited verbal language succeed in school, their sense of belonging, and their overall quality of life

    Towards Fuligopyrone B: Explorative Work and Route Scouting

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    In 2023, fuligopyrone B was extracted and isolated from Fuligo septica. No remarkable biological activity was observed. It did, however, have a noteworthy UV-absorption at 325 nm. This indicated a potential function as sun protection for the yellow fruiting body of Fuligo septica. The primary objective of this study was to develop a synthesis route for fuligopyrone B and establish an effective procedure for the regioselective chlorination of the 4-hydroxy-2-pyrone ring system. The planned convergent synthesis of fuligopyrone B is based on two commercially available starting materials: pyridinium sulfonate salt and 3-butyn-1-ol. The pyridinium sulfonate salt was successfully converted into methyl (2E,4E)-5-(4-((tert-butyldimethylsilyl)oxy)phenyl)penta-2,4-dienoate in a 4-step synthesis. The 2,4-dienoate was then ready to be coupled with 6-(2-aminoethyl)-3-chloro-2-oxo-2H-pyran-4-yl acetate in an amide formation to later form fuligopyrone B. The synthesis of the acetate proved to be more challenging. During this project 3-butyn-1-ol was converted to 6-(2-((tert-butyldimethylsilyl)oxy)ethyl)-3-chloro-2-oxo-2H-pyran-4-yl acetate in a 6-step synthesis. One of the future tasks for this project will therefore be to convert the silyl ether into an amine to form the desired acetate, and then couple it with the 2,4-dieonate to later form fuligopyrone B. During the project a new regioselective chlorination of 4-hydroxy-2-pyrone ring system was developed in our laboratory. The procedure involved NCS and TEB in an electrophilic aromatic substitution, where TEB is used in catalytic amounts. It was tested on several 4-hydroxy-2-pyrone ring systems with successful outcomes. However, the yield seemed to vary depending on the scale and the different 4-hydroxy-pyrone ring systems. Further research is therefore required to improve the new regioselective chlorination

    A comparison of egg investment in lesser black-backed gulls (Larus fuscus) from urban and non-urban colonies

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    While the increasing worldwide urbanization generally has negative effects on biodiversity, some animals, like roof nesting gulls, are able to take advantage of these areas and have generated large populations in a number of cities. This increase is thought to result from the favorable living conditions urban systems can provide, such as high food densities, warmer temperatures, lower predation rates, and ample nesting sites. However, few studies have focused on the urbanization of gulls. To help fill this knowledge gap, I compared egg investment between three lesser black-backed gull colonies that experience different amounts of predation pressure: one urban colony, one rural colony and one control colony with assumed intermediate predation levels relative to the others. Urban systems often have lower predation risk and provide a natural contrast for studying the effect of predation on reproductive strategies. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of decreased predation on egg investment to better understand the mechanics behind the influx of birds to urban systems. I found that the three colonies showed a divergence in reproductive strategies where the urban colony invested more in their offspring overall, and laid significantly bigger clutches (meanSD, Realfagstaket=2.840.41, Lyngøy=2.30.81, Ågotnes=2.450.82), but the rural colony laid significantly larger eggs (mean volumeSD, Realfagstaket=67.06.01 cm3, Lyngøy=71.817.81 cm3, Ågotnes=70.947.33 cm3). The findings suggest that the lower amount of predation in urban areas provides advantageous conditions in which parent birds are able invest more in reproduction. However, further research is needed to separate the effects of predation from other potential differences between the colonies, and to see the potential consequences of these findings.Masteroppgave i biologiBIO399MAMN-BIOMAMN-HAVS

    The right to freedom of expression in China and the West : China's right to a cultural specific freedom of expression orientation?

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    Freedom of expression is one of the most sensitive and intensively discussed issues between China and the UN today. The UN´s criticism of China´s freedom of expression orientation is embedded in a universalist understanding and conflicts with the cultural relativistic position China takes over the same rights. China and cultural relativists argue that the cultural, historical and political particularities of a state impact human rights orientation and by such, never can be universal. Given the differences between China and UN´s understanding of freedom of expression, this thesis analysis how China´s history, politics and culture shape its current freedom of expression orientation. This analysis aims to explore whether or not China´s freedom of expression orientation can be justified on the argument of historical, cultural and political particularities. My thesis concludes that these particularities have a limited effect. By implementing Fairclough´s model of critical discourse analysis, I have analyzed the relationship between text and its social context, being UPR documents and the particularities of Chinese history. My analysis demonstrates that the relationship that exists takes on a hidden agenda as the CCP uses Chinese particularities to promote self-interests

    Brands Transfer of Meaning: An analysis of brands roles within product placement

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    Thesis purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to make a contribution, by connecting the transfer of meaning within the context of TV series. The meaning is transferred from the brand to the character in a TV series and then further to the viewer. To look at different role functions that are used in dramaturgy and narrative techniques, we will be able to see how the brand will have a specific role and thereby make the transfer of meaning more successful and effective. This role will have an important impact on product placement according to the meaning that will be transferred from the brand to the viewer, through the character. Methodology: By looking at the transfer of meaning process that is created from the brand, an unstructured observation is applied where we observed the placement and usage of different within a specific TV series. Qualitative strategy is conducted by using a case study. In order to see how the meaning will be transferred through the brand, we have observed how the brands are placed in the context of a specific TV series, where we have chosen three brands to closer investigate their role functions. Theoretical perspective: The main theories that are used to look at brands transfer of meaning are dramaturgy, narrative techniques and McCracken’s transfer of meaning model. Empirical data: Case study and Observation has been used. Conclusion: This thesis demonstrates the importance of the meaning the role can transfer to a brand through different role functions. The use of the different role functions reveals the brands roles within the context of the TV series and how they transfer meaning

    Application of radio frequency identification tags for marking of fish gillnets and crab pots: Trials in the Norwegian Sea and the Barents Sea, Norway

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    Marking of fishing gear is an important step in reducing abandoned, lost, and discarded gear, thereby reducing the amount of plastic pollution in the sea. With the help of fishers in their daily work on the Norwegian coast, we have performed several trials using radio frequency identification (RFID) tags to mark crab pots and gillnets. The results show that RFID tags are well suited to mark individual crab pots without affecting the daily work of fishers, and there is no evidence that the tags affect the catch. However, the trials uncovered that the tags easily entangle in the fish gillnets, creating much hassle for the fishers. Also, the heavy stress on the tags while hauling the gillnets damaged several tags. Therefore, we can not recommend marking gillnets with RFID tags before more appropriate tags have been identified and tested.publishedVersio

    Factors Affecting the Thermal Equilibrium of a Subject in the Apollo Extra-Vehicular Mobility Unit

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    The development program for the Space Suit System to be used in Project Apollo is approaching the end of its second year. With the first prototype units delivered and tested, reassessment of the basic input assumptions, conceptual approaches, and system objectives can now be undertaken. System performance test data justified many of the untiled concepts utilised in the first prototype equipment. Nevertheless, the evaluation revealed several problem areas which required more refined technical approaches and, in some cases, extension of current state of the art knowledge. The pressure suit, the Portable Life Support System, and the accompanying accessory garments used for meteoroid and thermal protection together comprise what is known as the Extra-vehicular Mobility Unit (SMU)
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