17 research outputs found

    Analysis and Evaluation of Ghazali's Critiques in Tahafut Al-Falasafah to Ibn Sina in The Context of Theology

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    The theological and philosophical understanding of issues related to the divine has always been a complex and contentious debate. Ghazali's work, Tahafut Al-Falasafeh, faces significant challenges in these issues, isolating and excommunicating philosophers on three specific points and accusing them of heresy and innovation in seventeen other areas. However, criticisms of Ghazali by Ibn Rushd in Tahafut Al-Tahaft, coupled with fundamental differences between the philosophies of Ibn Sina and Ibn Rushd, necessitate an exploration and analysis of Ibn Sina's perspective to dispel pessimism within the Islamic community regarding his philosophy. This study employs a literature review methodology with a descriptive, analytical, and critical approach. The research focuses on theological issues such as the proof of God's existence, the creation of the universe, the eternity of the world, and the science of God in Ibn Sina's works. Through a detailed analysis of Ibn Sina's viewpoints, it becomes evident that Ghazali's theological anxieties might stem from misinterpretations of the core tenets of Ibn Sina's philosophy.Abstrak: Pemahaman teologis dan filosofis mengenai isu-isu ketuhanan selalu menjadi perdebatan kompleks. Kitab Tahaft Al-Falasafeh karya Ghazali menghadapi tantangan signifikan dalam isu-isu ini, mengucilkan dan mengkafirkan para filosof dalam tiga isu serta menuduh mereka sesat dan bid’ah dalam tujuh belas isu lainnya. Namun, kritik terhadap Ghazali oleh Ibnu Rusyd dalam Tahaft Al-Tahaft dan perbedaan mendasar antara filsafat Ibnu Sina dan filsafat Ibnu Rusyd menimbulkan kebutuhan untuk menjelaskan dan menganalisis pandangan Ibnu Sina, agar masyarakat Islam tidak merasa pesimis terhadap filsafatnya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode studi pustaka dengan pendekatan deskriptif, analitis, dan kritis. Fokus penelitian ini adalah pada isu-isu teologis seperti pembuktian keberadaan Tuhan, penciptaan alam semesta, keabadian alam, dan ilmu Tuhan dalam karya Ibnu Sina. Dalam analisis mendalam pandangan Ibnu Sina, tampak bahwa kegelisahan teologis Ghazali mungkin disebabkan oleh kesalahpahaman terhadap esensi filsafat Ibnu Sina

    Evaluation of Progress Selection of F2 - F6 Population, A Cross between Two Lowland Tomato Genotypes

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    One of the parameters that can be measured from the activities of selection  is  progress  selection.  The population of a plant which has been selected  is expected to  be good against a derivative of a  crop which was selected. The aim of this research   is to study the results of progress selection varieties superior of tomato plants down the generations in the population F2 005001 until F6 005001-4-1-12-3 with a standard tomato cultivar, “Ratna”. The result showed that the selected genotypes have shown improvements over the standard cutivar in terms of weight per fruit, fruit weight  per plant, the number   of fruits per plant, fruit thickness and the age of harvested plants in the population F2-005001 until F6 005001-4-1-12-3. The mean against the character being observed in the population F2 005001 until F6 005001-4-1-12-3 indicated that the result is better    if compared with both parents, P1 (SSH-5 ) and P2 (Intan) and the standard cultivar “Ratna”. The value of heritability a wider sense indicate its value being on each character of being selected, while the value of heritability in a more narrow sense showed a low value on every character. The value of progress against character selection of weights per fruit, the weight of the fruit per plant, the number of fruit per plant, thick flesh fruit and the age of harvest showed increased slow progress in a genotype F2 005001 followed by a period of rapid progress in a genotype F4 005001-4-1 and very slow in a genotype F6 005001-4-1-12-3

    A Neural Network-Based Application to Identify Cubic Structures in Multi Component Crystalline Materials Using X-Ray Diffraction Data.

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    One of the crystalline materials structures is cubic. An experimental study has been done about developing a scheme to identify the cubic structure types in single or multi component materials. This scheme is using fingerprints created from the calculation of quadratic Miller indices ratios and matches it with the ratio of the sin20 values from the diffracted data of material obtained by X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) method. These manual matching processes are complicated and sometimes are tedious because the diffracted data are complex and may have more than one fingerprint inside. This paper proposes an application of multi-layered back-propagation neural network in matching the fingerprints with the diffracted data of crystalline material to quickly and correctly identify its cubic structure component types

    Traditional Ritual Water Conservation and Islamic Thought

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    Improving C4.5 Algorithm Accuracy With Adaptive Boosting Method For Predicting Students in Obtaining Education Funding

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    The level of accuracy in determining the prediction of the provision of educational funding assistance is very important for the education agency. The large number of data on prospective beneficiaries can be processed into information that can be used as decision support in determining eligibility for education funding assistance. The data processing is included in the field of data mining. One method that can be applied in predicting the feasibility of receiving aid funds is classification. There are several classification algorithms, one of which is a decision tree. The famous decision tree algorithm is C4.5. The C4.5 algorithm can be applied in classifying prospective recipients of educational aid funds. This study uses datasets from student data of SMK Al Fattah Kertosono. The purpose of this study is to increase the accuracy of the C4.5 algorithm by applying adaboost in classifying students who deserve education funding and not, by comparing the results before and after applying adaboost. Validation in this study uses cross validation. While the measurement of accuracy is measured by the confusion matrix. The experimental results show that there is an increase in accuracy of 7.2%. The accuracy of the application of the C4.5 algorithm reaches 91.32%. While the accuracy of the application of the C4.5 algorithm with adaboost reached 98.55%

    Classification of Toxic Plants on Leaf Patterns Using Gray Level Co-Occurrence Matrix (GLCM) with Neural Network Method

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    Poisonous plants are plants that must be avoided and not consumed by humans, because the presence of poisonous plants is also often found in the surrounding environment without realizing it. Because of the lack of knowledge to classify poisonous plant species, it will be more difficult to find out. With the help of a computer system, it will be easier to identify the types of poisonous plants. There are 3 types of poisonous plants that will be used in this study, namely cassava, jatropha, and amethyst. There are also 3 types of non-toxic plants with almost the same morphology as a comparison, namely cassava, figs, and eggplant. In this study, researchers tried to classify poisonous plant species using leaf pattern features that would be extracted using shape features and Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM). The value taken from the shape feature is the values ​​of area, width, diameter, perimeter, slender, and round. While the value of contrast, entropy, correlation, energy, and homogeneity for Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM) attributes. To classify data using Neural Network with RapidMiner application. From this study, it is known that from 300 total datasets used, the highest accuracy is 96.13% using the Neural Network method. With an AUC value of 0.986 and is included in the very good category.&nbsp

    Status Trofik Ikan yang Berasosiasi dengan Lamun (Seagrass) di Tanjung Luar Lombok Timur

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    ABSTRAKLamun di lingkungan laut berperan penting dalam proses pembentukan rantai makanandetritus dan herbivora. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan status trofik ikanberdasarkan jenis makanan. Contoh ikan diambil pada lima lokasi padang lamun yaitu: GiliKere, Gili Maringkik, Kampung Baru, Lungkak dan Poton Bakau dengan menggunakan minipure seine. Analisis status trofik ikan dilakukan berdasarkan jenis makanan yang ditemukanpada isi lambung. Status trofik dikelompokkan dalam status trofik herbivora, carnivora,planktivora dan omnivora. Status trofik ikan yang ditemukan pada semua lokasi penelitiandidominasi oleh ikan dengan status trofik carnivora sebesar 58,62 %, status trofik herbivorasebesar 17, 64 %, status trofik planktivora 17,64 % dan status trofik omnivora 5,88 %. Ikanyang berasosiasi dengan lamun pada lokasi penelitian sebagian besar untuk mencari makan.Namun demikian jenis ikan dari famili Apogonidae dengan spesies Archamia goni dan familiMonacanthidae dengan spesies Plectorhinchus falvomaculatus menggunakan lamun tidakhanya sebagai tempat mencari makan tetapi juga sebagai tempat untuk memijah, tinggalmassa juvenil dan massa dewasa. Kesimpulan dari penelitian adalah status trofik ikan danbentuk asosiasi ikan dengan lamun sebagai indikator fungsi ekologi lamun yang sangat vitaluntuk ikan dapat survive.Kata Kunci: Lamun, Status Trofik Ikan dan Asosiasi Ikan dengan Lamun.ABSTRACTSeagrass in the marine environment plays an important role in the process of detritus foodchain and herbivores. This study aims to determine the trophic status of fish based on the typeof food. Fish were taken on the five locations seagrass beds: Gili Kere, Gili Maringkik,Kampung Baru, Lungkak dan Poton Bakau by using pure mini seine. Analysis of trophicstatus of fish is done based on the type of food that is found in the stomach contents. Trophicstatus are grouped into trophic status of herbivores, carnivores, omnivores and planktivora.Trophic status of fish found in all study sites are dominated by carnivorous fish with trophicstatus of 58.62%, herbivore trophic status of 17, 64%, trophic status planktivora 17.64% and5.88% omnivorous trophic status. Fish associated with seagrass research sites mostly forforaging. However, the type of fish of the family Apogonidae with Archamia goni and familyMonacanthidae with Plectorhinchus falvomaculatus use seagrass not only as a feeding sitesbut also as a place to spawning, mass live juvenile and adult the mass. The conclusion of the study is the trophic status of fish and fish form of association with seagrass as an indicator ofthe ecological functions that are vital for the fish to survive.Key Words: Seagrass, Trophic Status of Fish and Fish with Seagrass Association

    Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Dalam Rangka Penguatan Kelembagaan Masyarakat di Desa Menceh Kecamatan Sakra Timur Lombok Timur

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    Salah satu desa yang ada di Kecamatan Sakra Timur adalah desa Menceh. Desa ini termasuk desa yang belum maju sehingga banyak hal yang perlu ditingkatkan pelaksanaan kegiatan masyarakat, lembaga desa maupun pemerintah di tempat ini. Salah satu permasalahan adalah  peran dan fungsi kelembagaan masyarakat belum optimal sehingga kegiatan masyarakat baik bidang sosial dan ekonomi belum optimal. Solusinya adalah perlu pemberdayaan masyarakat untuk penguatan kelembagaan masyarakat di desa Menceh. Metode yang digunakan adalah Focus Group Discussion (FGD), Pendampingan dan pemberian bantuan sembako. Hasil pengabdian sebagai berikut 1) telah dilakukan sosialisasi penguatan kelembagaan masyarakat Desa Menceh 2) peserta kegiatan pengabdian 100% mengikuti, menanggapi, berpartisipasi aktif  dan memahami materi yang disampaikan tim pengabdian. Kesimpulan meningkatnya peran aktif masyarakat dalam rangka penguatan kelembagaan masyarakat desa Menceh Sakra Timur

    Single incision fasciotomy to treat compartment syndrome in diabetic foot: A case report.

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    Compartment syndrome of the foot is a rare but well-documented condition caused by increased myofascial compartment pressure. Outcomes following surgical intervention for this condition can be improved by careful pre-operative planning and gentle handling of the soft tissue involved during the procedure. The authors report an unusual case of compartment syndrome in a person with diabetes who presented with foot pain significantly out of proportion to the associated injury. Following diagnosis of acute compartment syndrome, surgical treatment was undertaken

    Analysis and Evaluation of Ghazali's Critiques in Tahafut Al-Falasafah to Ibn Sina in The Context of Theology

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    The theological and philosophical understanding of issues related to the divine has always been a complex and contentious debate. Ghazali's work, Tahafut Al-Falasafeh, faces significant challenges in these issues, isolating and excommunicating philosophers on three specific points and accusing them of heresy and innovation in seventeen other areas. However, criticisms of Ghazali by Ibn Rushd in Tahafut Al-Tahaft, coupled with fundamental differences between the philosophies of Ibn Sina and Ibn Rushd, necessitate an exploration and analysis of Ibn Sina's perspective to dispel pessimism within the Islamic community regarding his philosophy. This study employs a literature review methodology with a descriptive, analytical, and critical approach. The research focuses on theological issues such as the proof of God's existence, the creation of the universe, the eternity of the world, and the science of God in Ibn Sina's works. Through a detailed analysis of Ibn Sina's viewpoints, it becomes evident that Ghazali's theological anxieties might stem from misinterpretations of the core tenets of Ibn Sina's philosophy. Abstrak: Pemahaman teologis dan filosofis mengenai isu-isu ketuhanan selalu menjadi perdebatan kompleks. Kitab Tahaft Al-Falasafeh karya Ghazali menghadapi tantangan signifikan dalam isu-isu ini, mengucilkan dan mengkafirkan para filosof dalam tiga isu serta menuduh mereka sesat dan bid’ah dalam tujuh belas isu lainnya. Namun, kritik terhadap Ghazali oleh Ibnu Rusyd dalam Tahaft Al-Tahaft dan perbedaan mendasar antara filsafat Ibnu Sina dan filsafat Ibnu Rusyd menimbulkan kebutuhan untuk menjelaskan dan menganalisis pandangan Ibnu Sina, agar masyarakat Islam tidak merasa pesimis terhadap filsafatnya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode studi pustaka dengan pendekatan deskriptif, analitis, dan kritis. Fokus penelitian ini adalah pada isu-isu teologis seperti pembuktian keberadaan Tuhan, penciptaan alam semesta, keabadian alam, dan ilmu Tuhan dalam karya Ibnu Sina. Dalam analisis mendalam pandangan Ibnu Sina, tampak bahwa kegelisahan teologis Ghazali mungkin disebabkan oleh kesalahpahaman terhadap esensi filsafat Ibnu Sina