17 research outputs found

    Housing for the elderly: senioral housing types and the current situation in Poland

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    The article discusses new forms of housing for seniors (ie intergenerational housing, assisted living, housing with age restriction, senioral cohousing, continuing care retirement communities) and their availability in Poland.W artykule om贸wiono nowe formy budownictwa dla senior贸w (tj. dom mi臋dzypokoleniowy, mieszkanie wspomagane, osiedle z ograniczeniem wiekowym, cohousing senioralny, wielofunkcyjne zespo艂y mieszkaniowe dla senior贸w) oraz ich dost臋pno艣膰 w Polsce

    Turystyczny wizerunek Warszawy a potencja艂 kulturalny miasta

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    Does gentrification of the Praga P贸艂noc district in Warsaw really exist?

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    Research on gentrification has been conducted for over 50 years by representatives of many disciplines. Modern gentrification is a process somewhat different from that originally described by R. Glass in 1964. Authors do not agree how to measure the process, nor how to explain its meaning (Bourne, 1993). Creating the right indicators is very difficult, especially if it is widely believed that gentrification, as a process identifying changes over time and a way of measuring dynamics, should enable the comparison of data from multiple years (Lees, 2010). The aim of this study was to identify the socio-spatial changes taking place in the Warsaw district of Praga P贸艂noc and to determine if it can be described as gentrification. The study area is a district stereotypically perceived as neglected, dangerous and deteriorated (e.g. Dudek-Ma艅kowska, 2011), at the same time subject to strong functional changes. Praga P贸艂noc is also an area of interest to many artists, creative industries and developers, and is undergoing gradual regeneration through municipal urban revitalization programs. It is also an area that the media portray as undergoing the process of gentrification. The results show that social and residential changes actually take place but the overall gentrification has not been felt by residents

    From concepts to practical tools of support: Development of the creative sector in Warsaw

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    Warsaw is a metropolitan city with great creative potential. All the national media as well as editorial offices of most newspapers and periodicals of national circulation are located here. Mass media, educational institutions, and cultural institutions along with a community of educated and affluent people make Warsaw a leading cultural centre both in terms of potential in creative activities and as a market for products coming from the creative sector. Although the creative sector seems to be treated as an important part of the economic base of Warsaw鈥檚 development, creative potential located in the city seems to be underused. The goal of this paper is to present the support of city authorities for the development of the creative sector in Warsaw. The evaluation of problems and bottlenecks articulated by representatives of the creative sector will be confronted with the opinions of representatives of the City Hall

    Shopping centres in the Warsaw Metropolitan Area

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    The aim of the paper is a characterisation of shopping centres in the Warsaw Metropolitan Area. Types, distribution, and functions of the centres have been analysed. Next, the results of surveys conducted among residents of the capital city and concerning purposes and frequency of visits to the centres are presented. The Warsaw Metropolitan Area (WMA) has been chosen for the study because it is the area with the greatest saturation with shopping centres in Poland. N谩kupn铆 centra v metropolitn铆 oblasti Var拧ava P艡铆sp臎vek se v臎nuje charakteristice n谩kupn铆ch center ve Var拧av臎. Analyzov谩ny jsou typy, distribuce a funkce jednotliv媒ch center. Prezentov谩ny jsou v媒sledky pr暖zkum暖 mezi obyvateli hlavn铆ho m臎sta se zam臎艡en铆m na smysl a frekvenci n谩v拧t臎vnosti center. Metropolitn铆 oblast Var拧ava (WMA) byla vybr谩na z d暖vodu nejv臎t拧铆 saturace n谩kupn铆ch st艡edisek v Polsku

    Shopping centres in the Warsaw Metropolitan Area

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    The aim of the paper is a characterisation of shopping centres in the Warsaw Metropolitan Area. Types, distribution, and functions of the centres have been analysed. Next, the results of surveys conducted among residents of the capital city and concerning purposes and frequency of visits to the centres are presented. The Warsaw Metropolitan Area (WMA) has been chosen for the study because it je the area with the greatest saturation with shopping centres in Poland354

    Revitalization of Warsaw-Powi艣le. Functional and Spatial Transformations and the Perception of Changes

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    Warszawskie Powi艣le to obszar, kt贸ry od zawsze podlega艂 silnym przekszta艂ceniom z uwagi na swoje po艂o偶enie nad Wis艂膮. W artykule om贸wiono dzia艂ania rewitalizacyjne prowadzone na tym obszarze oraz zmiany podej艣膰 r贸偶nych podmiot贸w do wykorzystania rzeki w mie艣cie. Zaprezentowano zmiany funkcji oraz zagospodarowania obszaru Powi艣la, zachodz膮ce od XI do XXI w., ze szczeg贸lnym uwzgl臋dnieniem dzia艂a艅 rewitalizacyjnych. Wykazano, 偶e od 1999 r. zmienia艂y one wyra藕nie wizerunek tej cz臋艣ci miasta, a impulsem dalszych przemian by艂o powstanie Centrum Nauki Kopernik. O atrakcyjno艣ci Powi艣la 艣wiadcz膮 nowe osiedla, powstaj膮ce na terenach poprzemys艂owych, niezagospodarowanych czy nieodbudowanych po II wojnie 艣wiatowej. Badanie wykaza艂o, 偶e osoby odwiedzaj膮ce Powi艣le dostrzegaj膮 zachodz膮ce zmiany oraz oceniaj膮 je pozytywnie, m.in. pod wzgl臋dem mo偶liwo艣ci sp臋dzania wolnego czasu oraz oferty kulturalno-rozrywkowej.Functions of Powi艣le have always been connected with his riverside situation. Once area was flooded by the river, there a trade and a fishery developed. In the more late period in order to riverside localisation, Powi艣le became an industrial district. The 20th century brought another changes: degradation of factories but also new investments on this area. A slow change of the image of Powi艣le and returning the district towards the river took place. The time after Second War stopped the plan of the integration the city and the river. Final years are a period of new investments in Powi艣le. Post-industrial areas and brown fields are revitalized. For the development of this area important investments were the Library of the University of Warsaw and the Copernicus Science Centre. Many post-industrial areas were sold and there housing estates are coming into existence. Powi艣le is perceived as fashionable and prestigious district. The quality of green areas and building development are being assessed positively. Persons visiting Powi艣le are accepting happening changes