1,613 research outputs found

    Représentation enseignante au regard du transfert des connaissances en soins infirmiers au collégial.

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    Nous avons procédé à une étude multicas à laquelle les cinq participantes et participants ont bien voulu contribuer, à l'aide de deux outils de collectes de données, le questionnaire et l'entrevue semi-structurée. Les réponses aux questionnaires nous ont permis de construire le guide d'entrevue ayant pour but de valider et approfondir les données pertinentes à notre questionnement de recherche

    New Teachers’ Career Intentions: Factors Influencing New Teachers’ Decisions to Stay or to Leave the Profession

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    This study examines the relationship between the reported career intentions and perceptions of preparedness of graduating secondary teachers in Quebec, across a two- year period, in an effort to identify factors which contribute to growing attrition rates among beginning teachers. The study reveals that those beginning teachers most concerned with their lack of preparation in the areas of classroom management and assessment of students’ learning are more likely to consider leaving the profession. While evidence suggests that beginning teachers do develop increasing confidence in terms of classroom management in their second year of teaching, their challenges with effectively assessing student learning endure through the first two years of teaching. Findings from this mixed method study suggest that both initial teacher education and employers have a shared responsibility to give greater attention to the ways in which teachers are introduced to and have experience with strategies for the assessment of student learning. Cette étude porte sur le rapport entre les intentions de carrière et les perceptions qu’ont les finissants en enseignement secondaire au Québec quant à leur niveau de préparation. La recherche s’est étalée sur deux ans et visait à identifier les facteurs qui contribuent au taux grandissant d’attrition chez les enseignants débutants. L’étude a révélé que les enseignants débutants qui sont les plus préoccupés par leur manque de préparation en matière de gestion de classe et en évaluation des apprentissages sont également susceptibles de penser à quitter la profession. Bien que les résultats montrent que les enseignants débutants tendent à devenir plus confiants en gestion de classe pendant leur deuxième année d’enseignement, leur défis quant à l’évaluation des apprentissages persistent tout au long de leur deuxième année d’enseignement. Les résultats de cette étude qui reposent sur une méthode mixte indiquent également que, tant la formation initiale des enseignants que les employeurs, doivent porter attention à la présentation des notions relatives à l’évaluation des apprentissages et aux expériences qui sont offertes aux enseignants en début de carrière

    Évaluer les compétences en français en classe multiâge : une question de planification

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    L’enseignement en classe multiâge (CMA) peut parfois paraître complexe du fait que l’enseignant porte la responsabilité d’un groupe d’élèves appartenant à des degrés différents. Or, pour l’enseignement du français, il semblerait qu’il est possible de planifier et d’enseigner les notions collectivement à tout le groupe. Après tout, la règle du « s » à la fin d’un nom au pluriel ou, encore, l’utilisation des stratégies de lecture font partie des apprentissages à acquérir que l’élève soit en 3e ou en 4e année du primaire. Il est préférable de commencer par établir une planification identifiant les apprentissages communs pour tous les degrés de la classe plutôt que de planifier en double (deux degrés) ou en triple (trois degrés). La différenciation entre les degrés ne se réalise qu’après cette planification commune

    L'impact des CAP sur le développement de la compétence des enseignants en évaluation des apprentissages /

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    Publié comme Volume XLI : 2, automne 2013 de la revue Éducation et francophonie.CAP: communauté d'apprentissage professionnelle.Bibliographie : pages 21-23

    The development of the MENTOR_D nursing intervention : supporting family involvement in delirium management

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    Background Although families are increasingly seen as allies to improve delirium management and reduce its consequences, their involvement in the postcardiac surgery setting is challenging considering patients' critical state and short hospital stay. To our knowledge, no theory-based nursing intervention exists that optimally supports the involvement of families in delirium management in the context of postcardiac surgery. Objectives We aimed to develop MENTOR_D, a nursing intervention to support the involvement of families in delirium management. Methods MENTOR_D was developed based on Sidani and Braden's (2011) intervention development framework. Narrative literature reviews paired with the clinical experience of an expert committee were used to inform these three steps: (1) develop an understanding of the problem under study; (2) define the objectives of the intervention and identify a theoretical framework for highlighting strategies to be used in the intervention; and (3) operationalize the intervention and identify its anticipated outcomes. Results As a result of the three steps, the MENTOR_D nursing intervention relies on a caring–mentoring relationship between a nurse and the family. The aim of MENTOR_D is to increase the presence of the family at their relative's bedside and their involvement in delirium management. MENTOR_D's content is delivered over three phases that are organised around the visits of the family at the patient's bedside. During these phases, families used their knowledge of the patient to tailor the delirium management actions. These actions include orientation and reminiscence and were aimed at diminishing anxiety and increasing sense of self-efficacy in families and diminishing delirium severity and improving recovery in patients. Conclusions A deep understanding of the underlying mechanisms of an intervention is key in its success to reach the targeted goals of effectiveness in practice. This understanding can be achieved through the careful development of a theory of the intervention before the operationalisation of its components and its testing. The proposed paper presents the theory of the MENTOR_D intervention, that is, its conceptualization and proposed mechanisms of action. Implications for practice As delirium continues to be a major complication, this intervention is a promising solution to increase families' involvement in delirium management and highlights the support that nurses can offer to facilitate this involvement. With its use in future studies and practice, it can be further refined

    Effectiveness of adaptive e-Learning environments on knowledge, competence, and behavior in health professionals and students : protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Background: Adaptive e-learning environments (AEEs) can provide tailored instruction by adapting content, navigation, presentation, multimedia, and tools to each user’s navigation behavior, individual objectives, knowledge, and preferences. AEEs can have various levels of complexity, ranging from systems using a simple adaptive functionality to systems using artificial intelligence. While AEEs are promising, their effectiveness for the education of health professionals and health professions students remains unclear. Objective: The purpose of this systematic review is to assess the effectiveness of AEEs in improving knowledge, competence, and behavior in health professionals and students. Methods: We will follow the Cochrane Collaboration and the Effective Practice and Organisation of Care (EPOC) Group guidelines on systematic review methodology. A systematic search of the literature will be conducted in 6 bibliographic databases (CINAHL, EMBASE, ERIC, PsycINFO, PubMed, and Web of Science) using the concepts “adaptive e-learning environments,” “health professionals/students,” and “effects on knowledge/skills/behavior.” We will include randomized and nonrandomized controlled trials, in addition to controlled before-after, interrupted time series, and repeated measures studies published between 2005 and 2017. The title and the abstract of each study followed by a full-text assessment of potentially eligible studies will be independently screened by 2 review authors. Using the EPOC extraction form, 1 review author will conduct data extraction and a second author will validate the data extraction. The methodological quality of included studies will be independently assessed by 2 review authors using the EPOC risk of bias criteria. Included studies will be synthesized by a descriptive analysis. Where appropriate, data will be pooled using meta-analysis by applying the RevMan software version 5.1, considering the heterogeneity of studies. Results: The review is in progress. We plan to submit the results in the beginning of 2018. Conclusions: Providing tailored instruction to health professionals and students is a priority in order to optimize learning and clinical outcomes. This systematic review will synthesize the best available evidence regarding the effectiveness of AEEs in improving knowledge, competence, and behavior in health professionals and students. It will provide guidance to policy makers, hospital managers, and researchers in terms of AEE development, implementation, and evaluation in health care

    Personal risk factors and types of sport associated with drive for thinness and drive for muscularity in NextGen athletes

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    IntroductionProfessional and student-athletes are at risk of developing symptoms of eating disorders (ED), including drive for thinness and muscularity due to personal risk factors (e.g., low self-esteem) and sport-specific characteristics (e.g., sport requirements). However, limited studies have focused on ED symptoms among NextGen athletes (identified in Canada as élite or relève) who compete at the provincial, national, and international levels but are not yet part of national teams. As such, they have access to fewer financial resources and support from their sport federations, which can create additional stress for these athletes. The present study aimed to identify personal risk factors and types of sports associated with (a) drive for thinness and (b) drive for muscularity in NextGen athletes.MethodsThese athletes (n = 254) aged between 14 and 25 years old completed an online questionnaire. Perfectionism, self-esteem in sport, drive for thinness, and drive for muscularity were, respectively, assessed by the Multidimensional Inventory of Perfectionism in Sport, the Sport State Self-Esteem Scale, the Eating Attitude Test-26, and the Drive for Muscularity Scale. Other personal risk factor (e.g., athletic status) were measured using in-house questions. Each personal risk factor was included in two multiple linear regressions, respectively, to determine which factors were most associated with drive for thinness and drive for muscularity.ResultsAnalyses revealed that perfectionist aspirations during training were linked to a stronger desire for thinness. In addition, not being in school or not having a job were also linked to a stronger desire for thinness. Several variables were found to be associated with a greater desire for muscularity: being a male athlete, playing team sport, weight category sport or endurance sport (as opposed to esthetic sport), having elite status, being less satisfied with one’s current sporting performance and having higher perfectionist aspirations during training.DiscussionThis study offers initial insights into the factors influencing EDs among NextGen athletes, which provides a foundation for deeper exploration and the creation or modification of targeted interventions. These findings can guide sport organizations in creating guidelines and programs to better support the next generation of national athletes (e.g., create programs to help athletes maintain investments outside)

    Long-term feeding ecology and habitat use in harbour porpoises Phocoena phocoena from Scandinavian waters inferred from trace elements and stable isotopes

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    BACKGROUND: We investigated the feeding ecology and habitat use of 32 harbour porpoises by-caught in 4 localities along the Scandinavian coast from the North Sea to the Barents Sea using time-integrative markers: stable isotopes (δ(13)C, δ(15)N) and trace elements (Zn, Cu, Fe, Se, total Hg and Cd), in relation to habitat characteristics (bathymetry) and geographic position (latitude). RESULTS: Among the trace elements analysed, only Cd, with an oceanic specific food origin, was found to be useful as an ecological tracer. All other trace elements studied were not useful, most likely because of physiological regulation and/or few specific sources in the food web. The δ(13)C, δ(15)N signatures and Cd levels were highly correlated with each other, as well as with local bathymetry and geographic position (latitude). Variation in the isotopic ratios indicated a shift in harbour porpoise's feeding habits from pelagic prey species in deep northern waters to more coastal and/or demersal prey in the relatively shallow North Sea and Skagerrak waters. This result is consistent with stomach content analyses found in the literature. This shift was associated with a northward Cd-enrichment which provides further support to the Cd 'anomaly' previously reported in polar waters and suggests that porpoises in deep northern waters include Cd-contaminated prey in their diet, such as oceanic cephalopods. CONCLUSION: As stable isotopes and Cd provide information in the medium and the long term respectively, the spatial variation found, shows that harbour porpoises experience different ecological regimes during the year along the Scandinavian coasts, adapting their feeding habits to local oceanographic conditions, without performing extensive migration

    Involvement of end users in the development of serious games for health care professions education : systematic descriptive review

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    Background: On the basis of ethical and methodological arguments, numerous calls have been made to increase the involvement of end users in the development of serious games (SGs). Involving end users in the development process is considered a way to give them power and control over educational software that is designed for them. It can also help identify areas for improvement in the design of SGs and improve their efficacy in targeted learning outcomes. However, no recognized guidelines or frameworks exist to guide end users’ involvement in SG development. Objective: The aim of this study is to describe how end users are involved in the development of SGs for health care professions education. Methods: We examined the literature presenting the development of 45 SGs that had reached the stage of efficacy evaluation in randomized trials. One author performed data extraction using an ad hoc form based on a design and development framework for SGs. Data were then coded and synthesized on the basis of similarities. The coding scheme was refined iteratively with the involvement of a second author. Results are presented using frequencies and percentages. Results: End users’ involvement was mentioned in the development of 21 of 45 SGs. The number of end users involved ranged from 12 to 36. End users were often involved in answering specific concerns that arose during the SG design (n=6) or in testing a prototype (n=12). In many cases, researchers solicited input from end users regarding the goals to reach (n=10) or the functional esthetics of the SGs (n=7). Most researchers used self-reported questionnaires (n=7). Conclusions: Researchers mentioned end users’ involvement in the development of less than half of the identified SGs, and this involvement was also poorly described. These findings represent significant limitations to evaluating the impact of the involvement of end users on the efficacy of SGs and in making recommendations regarding their involvement